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[aspell-devel] Upper and lowercase: Frisian

From: Kevin Scannell
Subject: [aspell-devel] Upper and lowercase: Frisian
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:42:21 -0600

Hello all,

I'm currently working on a new aspell dictionary for Frisian.   We're
having a bit of a problem getting capitalization rules to work
correctly - the issue is that when you have words like "ôfgrûn" in the
word list that have a diacritical mark on the first letter, the proper
uppercase form drops the mark: "Ofgrûn".    So "Ofgrûn" should be
accepted and "Öfgrûn" rejected.

My attempted solution was to create a file l-fy.txt with these lines:

include iso-8859-1.txt
== iso-8859-1
case A â
case E ê
case O ô
case U û

Then use mkchardata from the aspell-lang package, copy the .cmap and
.cset files into the tarball, etc.

The problem with this of course is that words that begin with plain
old "u" aren't then recognized  when they are written in uppercase,
since aspell is looking in the word list for a lowercased version that
begins with "û".

My only workaround so far is ugly; it uses this l-fy.txt file:

include iso-8859-1.txt
== iso-8859-1
case  x
case Ê x
case Ô x
case Û x

since no words in our Frisian word list start with "x".    So no words
with capitalized diacriticals will be accepted, as desired  Then I add
the correct uppercase forms to the raw word list with a li'l Perl

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.


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