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Re: [Aspell-user] Text::Aspell install problem, OS X

From: apv
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Text::Aspell install problem, OS X
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:02:38 -0800

D'oh, sorry for chopping out the meat of the errors. They're all appened now.
That config info is right (one of the things I was trying).

Thank you for looking at it. I really appreciate your time whether you can help or not.


jinx[8]~/Desktop/Text-Aspell-0.04>make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/test....Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/test.t line 54.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/test.t line 59.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/test.t line 63.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t/test.t line 63.
ok 1 destroyed by out of scope
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
     actual-dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
         actual-lang:  en
                conf:  aspell.conf
            conf-dir:  /usr/local/etc
           conf-path:  /usr/local/etc/aspell.conf
            data-dir:  /usr/local/share/aspell
            dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell
            encoding:  iso8859-1
              filter:  url
                mode:  url
            home-dir:  /Users/jinx
              ignore:  1
      ignore-accents:  false
         ignore-case:  false
         ignore-repl:  false
            keyboard:  standard
                lang:  en_US
        language-tag:  en_US
      local-data-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
         master-path:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
              module:  default
            per-conf:  .aspell.conf
       per-conf-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.conf
            personal:  .aspell.en.pws
       personal-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.en.pws
              prefix:  /usr/local
                repl:  .aspell.en.prepl
           repl-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.en.prepl
        run-together:  false
  run-together-limit:  8
    run-together-min:  3
run-together-specified:  false
           save-repl:  true
          set-prefix:  true
                size:  +60
       strip-accents:  false
            sug-mode:  fast
      word-list-path:  /usr/local/share/aspell
              backup:  true
             reverse:  false
                time:  false
          keymapping:  aspell
            fm-email:  url,email
             fm-sgml:  url,sgml
              fm-tex:  url,tex
              fm-url:  url
         email-quote:  >,|
        email-margin:  10
tex-command: addtocounter pp,addtolength pp,alpha p,arabic p,fnsymbol p,roman p,stepcounter p,setcounter pp,usecounter p,value p,newcounter po,refstepcounter p,label p,pageref p,ref p,newcommand poOP,renewcommand poOP,newenvironment poOPP,renewenvironment poOPP,newtheorem poPo,newfont pp,documentclass op,usepackage op,begin po,end p,setlength pp,addtolength pp,settowidth pp,settodepth pp,settoheight pp,enlargethispage p,hyphenation p,pagenumbering p,pagestyle p,addvspace p,framebox ooP,hspace p,vspace p,makebox ooP,parbox ooopP,raisebox pooP,rule opp,sbox pO,savebox pooP,usebox p,include p,includeonly p,input p,addcontentsline ppP,addtocontents pP,fontencoding p,fontfamily p,fontseries p,fontshape p,fontsize pp,usefont pppp,documentstyle op,cite p,nocite p,psfig p,selectlanguage p,includegraphics op,bibitem op,geometry p,
  tex-check-comments:  false
       tex-extension:  tex
          sgml-check:  alt
      sgml-extension:  html,htm,php,sgml
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7 en_US
not ok 8 No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".
not ok 9
not ok 10
     actual-dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
         actual-lang:  en
                conf:  aspell.conf
            conf-dir:  /usr/local/etc
           conf-path:  /usr/local/etc/aspell.conf
            data-dir:  /usr/local/share/aspell
            dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell
            encoding:  iso8859-1
              filter:  url
                mode:  url
            home-dir:  /Users/jinx
              ignore:  1
      ignore-accents:  false
         ignore-case:  false
         ignore-repl:  false
            keyboard:  standard
                lang:  en_US
        language-tag:  en_US
      local-data-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
         master-path:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
              module:  default
            per-conf:  .aspell.conf
       per-conf-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.conf
            personal:  .aspell.en.pws
       personal-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.en.pws
              prefix:  /usr/local
                repl:  .aspell.en.prepl
           repl-path:  /Users/jinx/.aspell.en.prepl
        run-together:  false
  run-together-limit:  8
    run-together-min:  3
run-together-specified:  false
           save-repl:  true
          set-prefix:  true
                size:  +60
       strip-accents:  false
            sug-mode:  fast
      word-list-path:  /usr/local/share/aspell
              backup:  true
             reverse:  false
                time:  false
          keymapping:  aspell
            fm-email:  url,email
             fm-sgml:  url,sgml
              fm-tex:  url,tex
              fm-url:  url
         email-quote:  >,|
        email-margin:  10
tex-command: addtocounter pp,addtolength pp,alpha p,arabic p,fnsymbol p,roman p,stepcounter p,setcounter pp,usecounter p,value p,newcounter po,refstepcounter p,label p,pageref p,ref p,newcommand poOP,renewcommand poOP,newenvironment poOPP,renewenvironment poOPP,newtheorem poPo,newfont pp,documentclass op,usepackage op,begin po,end p,setlength pp,addtolength pp,settowidth pp,settodepth pp,settoheight pp,enlargethispage p,hyphenation p,pagenumbering p,pagestyle p,addvspace p,framebox ooP,hspace p,vspace p,makebox ooP,parbox ooopP,raisebox pooP,rule opp,sbox pO,savebox pooP,usebox p,include p,includeonly p,input p,addcontentsline ppP,addtocontents pP,fontencoding p,fontfamily p,fontseries p,fontshape p,fontsize pp,usefont pppp,documentstyle op,cite p,nocite p,psfig p,selectlanguage p,includegraphics op,bibitem op,geometry p,
  tex-check-comments:  false
       tex-extension:  tex
          sgml-check:  alt
      sgml-extension:  html,htm,php,sgml
ok 11
not ok 12 No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".
not ok 13
not ok 14 No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".
not ok 15
not ok 16 No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".
ok 17
not ok 18
not ok 19
ok 20 [html htm php sgml]
$VAR1 = {
          'jargon' => {
                        'desc' => 'extra information for the word list',
                        'type' => 0
          'sgml-extension' => {
                                'desc' => 'sgml file extensions',
                                'default' => 'html,htm,php,sgml',
                                'type' => 3
          'mode' => {
                      'desc' => 'filter mode = none,url,email,sgml,tex',
                      'default' => 'url',
                      'type' => 0
          'ignore' => {
                        'desc' => 'ignore words <= n chars',
                        'default' => '1',
                        'type' => 1
          'repl-path' => {
                           'default' => '<home-dir/repl>',
                           'type' => 0
          'repl' => {
                      'desc' => 'replacements list file name',
                      'default' => '.aspell.<actual-lang>.prepl',
                      'type' => 0
          'ignore-accents' => {
'desc' => 'ignore accents when checking words',
                                'default' => 'false',
                                'type' => 2
          'tex-check-comments' => {
                                    'desc' => 'check TeX comments',
                                    'default' => 'false',
                                    'type' => 2
          'personal-path' => {
                               'default' => '<home-dir/personal>',
                               'type' => 0
          'per-conf' => {
                          'desc' => 'personal configuration file',
                          'default' => '.aspell.conf',
                          'type' => 0
          'fm-url' => {
                        'default' => 'url',
                        'type' => 3
          'fm-email' => {
                          'default' => 'url,email',
                          'type' => 3
          'encoding' => {
                          'desc' => 'encoding to expect data to be in',
                          'default' => 'iso8859-1',
                          'type' => 0
          'run-together-min' => {
'desc' => 'minimal length of interior words',
                                  'default' => '3',
                                  'type' => 1
          'master-flags' => {
                              'type' => 0
          'tex-extension' => {
                               'desc' => 'TeX file extensions',
                               'default' => 'tex',
                               'type' => 3
          'local-data-dir' => {
'desc' => 'location of local language data files',
                                'default' => '<actual-dict-dir>',
                                'type' => 0
          'language-tag' => {
                              'desc' => 'deprecated, use lang instead',
                              'default' => '!lang',
                              'type' => 0
          'lang' => {
                      'desc' => 'language code',
                      'default' => '<language-tag>',
                      'type' => 0
          'home-dir' => {
                          'desc' => 'location for personal files',
                          'default' => '<$HOME|./>',
                          'type' => 0
          'fm-tex' => {
                        'default' => 'url,tex',
                        'type' => 3
          'run-together' => {
'desc' => 'consider run-together words legal',
                              'default' => 'false',
                              'type' => 2
          'ignore-case' => {
'desc' => 'ignore case when checking words',
                             'default' => 'false',
                             'type' => 2
          'reverse' => {
'desc' => 'reverse the order of the suggest list',
                         'default' => 'false',
                         'type' => 2
          'sug-mode' => {
                          'desc' => 'suggestion mode',
                          'default' => 'normal',
                          'type' => 0
          'spelling' => {
                          'desc' => 'no longer used',
                          'type' => 0
          'tex-command' => {
                             'desc' => 'TeX commands',
'default' => 'addtocounter pp,addtolength pp,alpha p,arabic p,fnsymbol p,roman p,stepcounter p,setcounter pp,usecounter p,value p,newcounter po,refstepcounter p,label p,pageref p,ref p,newcommand poOP,renewcommand poOP,newenvironment poOPP,renewenvironment poOPP,newtheorem poPo,newfont pp,documentclass op,usepackage op,begin po,end p,setlength pp,addtolength pp,settowidth pp,settodepth pp,settoheight pp,enlargethispage p,hyphenation p,pagenumbering p,pagestyle p,addvspace p,framebox ooP,hspace p,vspace p,makebox ooP,parbox ooopP,raisebox pooP,rule opp,sbox pO,savebox pooP,usebox p,include p,includeonly p,input p,addcontentsline ppP,addtocontents pP,fontencoding p,fontfamily p,fontseries p,fontshape p,fontsize pp,usefont pppp,documentstyle op,cite p,nocite p,psfig p,selectlanguage p,includegraphics op,bibitem op,geometry p,',
                             'type' => 3
          'email-quote' => {
                             'desc' => 'email quote characters',
                             'default' => '>,|',
                             'type' => 3
          'save-repl' => {
'desc' => 'save replacement pairs on save all',
                           'default' => 'true',
                           'type' => 2
          'ignore-repl' => {
'desc' => 'ignore commands to store replacement pairs',
                             'default' => 'false',
                             'type' => 2
          'module-search-order' => {
                                     'type' => 3
          'run-together-specified' => {
                                        'default' => 'false',
                                        'type' => 2
          'word-list-path' => {
'desc' => 'Search path for word list information files',
                                'default' => '<prefix:share/aspell>',
                                'type' => 3
          'time' => {
'desc' => 'time load time and suggest time in pipe mode',
                      'default' => 'false',
                      'type' => 2
          'strip-accents' => {
'desc' => 'strip accents from word lists',
                               'default' => 'false',
                               'type' => 2
          'fm-none' => {
                         'type' => 3
          'master-path' => {
                             'default' => '<dict-dir/master>',
                             'type' => 0
          'email-margin' => {
'desc' => 'num chars that can appear before the quote char',
                              'default' => '10',
                              'type' => 1
          'size' => {
                      'desc' => 'size of the word list',
                      'default' => '+60',
                      'type' => 0
          'personal' => {
                          'desc' => 'personal word list file name',
                          'default' => '.aspell.<actual-lang>.pws',
                          'type' => 0
          'backup' => {
'desc' => 'create a backup file by appending ".bak"',
                        'default' => 'true',
                        'type' => 2
          'sgml-check' => {
'desc' => 'sgml attributes to always check.',
                            'default' => 'alt',
                            'type' => 3
          'extra-dicts' => {
                             'desc' => 'extra dictionaries to use',
                             'type' => 3
          'keyboard' => {
'desc' => 'keyboard definition to use for typo analysis',
                          'default' => 'standard',
                          'type' => 0
          'module' => {
                        'default' => 'default',
                        'type' => 0
          'dict-dir' => {
                          'desc' => 'location of the main word list',
                          'default' => '<prefix:lib/aspell>',
                          'type' => 0
          'master' => {
'desc' => 'base name of the main dictionary to use',
                        'type' => 0
          'set-prefix' => {
'desc' => 'set the prefix based on executable location',
                            'default' => 'true',
                            'type' => 2
          'filter' => {
                        'desc' => 'add or removes a filter',
                        'default' => 'url',
                        'type' => 3
          'per-conf-path' => {
                               'default' => '<home-dir/per-conf>',
                               'type' => 0
          'conf' => {
                      'desc' => 'main configuration file',
                      'default' => 'aspell.conf',
                      'type' => 0
          'fm-sgml' => {
                         'default' => 'url,sgml',
                         'type' => 3
          'keymapping' => {
'desc' => 'keymapping for check mode, one of aspell ispell',
                            'default' => 'aspell',
                            'type' => 0
          'run-together-limit' => {
'desc' => 'maxium numbers that can be strung together',
                                    'default' => '8',
                                    'type' => 1
          'actual-lang' => {
                             'default' => '!actual-lang',
                             'type' => 0
          'data-dir' => {
                          'desc' => 'location of language data files',
                          'default' => '<prefix:share/aspell>',
                          'type' => 0
          'conf-path' => {
                           'default' => '<conf-dir/conf>',
                           'type' => 0
          'conf-dir' => {
'desc' => 'location of main configuration file',
                          'default' => '<prefix:etc>',
                          'type' => 0
          'actual-dict-dir' => {
                                 'default' => '<dict-dir^master>',
                                 'type' => 0
          'prefix' => {
                        'desc' => 'prefix directory',
                        'default' => '/usr/local',
                        'type' => 0
ok 21 [60 options]
FAILED tests 8-10, 12-16, 18-19
        Failed 10/21 tests, 52.38% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
t/test.t                  21   10  47.62%  8-10 12-16 18-19
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 10/21 subtests failed, 52.38% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2

On Monday, December 15, 2003, at 12:30 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 07:15:47AM -0800, apv wrote:
I tried again (many, many times) to install Text::Aspell but no dice.
I followed the README advice to add config flags. I'm not sure this is
right. I tried many permutations.

perl Makefile.PL CCFLAGS=-I/sw/include LIBS="-L/sw/lib -laspell"

I tried this advice on the Makefile.PL and also tried to add an INC to
 the /sw/include:

'LIBS'          => ['-laspell'],
'LIBS'          => ['-L/sw/lib -laspell -laspell-common -lstdc++'],

but this didn't work either.

I have a message in my send-mail folder from April 29:

This works on my mac:

'NAME' => 'Text::Aspell',
'LIBS' => ['-L/sw/lib -laspell -laspell-common -lstdc++'],
'XSPROTOARG' => '-noprototypes',

Of course that of little use to the rest of the world. I'd love to
know how to do this in a portable kind of way.

Which looks like what you are already trying.

I'd like to add that info to the README but every time I do that the
program fails some CPAN tester attempt to use the module (last time they
were using the .33 version of Aspell).

A verbose test shows, I think, that make is still looking in the wrong
places. aspell is in Fink's /sw paths.

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at t/test.t line 63.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t/test.t line 63.
ok 1 destroyed by out of scope
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
     actual-dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell/
         actual-lang:  en
                conf:  aspell.conf
            conf-dir:  /usr/local/etc
           conf-path:  /usr/local/etc/aspell.conf
            data-dir:  /usr/local/share/aspell
            dict-dir:  /usr/local/lib/aspell
  [CHOPPED for space....]
ok 21 [60 options]
FAILED tests 8-10, 12-16, 18-19

You chopped off the tests that failed so I can't be sure.  What are the
failure messages?  Seems like I have also seen problems on some locale

Bill Moseley

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