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[AUCTeX] preview crashes

From: nusret
Subject: [AUCTeX] preview crashes
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 20:36:55 -0700 (PDT)

I compiled the very latest auctex and emacs CVS
versions (as of yesterday). I previously wrote up some
excerpts from a book by Prof. Folland using a preamble
generated by a different program, by using an ordiary
text editor (just to hone my latex skills). When I
load the file in Emacs, as long as I don't generate
previews everything is fine. However, if I generate
previews and fool around the document for a while, or
try to customize preferences, etc. within a couple of
minutes emacs just crashes.

Unfortunately I cannot pinpoint what the problem is,
but it certainly destabilizes emacs to generate
preview images with that document.

I use latest cvs versions on windows xp. I can send
the file, but since that may violate copyrights to
post such a file (it is about 12 pages from a book I
borrowed from the university library) on web, I cannot
do it unless a developer contacts me in private via my
email which is nubalci_l AT yahoo DOT com. Or you can
tell me what you suggest to pinpoint such a problem if
you don't want to do that. Is preview-latex supposed
to be a robust program, or is it something
experimental? here it is extremely unstable...

Regards and thanks for your attention,

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