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[AUCTeX] How to apply different 'style-hook' for a document depending on

From: Vladimir Lomov
Subject: [AUCTeX] How to apply different 'style-hook' for a document depending on option passed to a package?
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:47:33 +0900
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.22 (2013-10-16)

I'm wonder is it possible such thing that subject says?

Details: let's consider the following example document:
----------------------------- 8< -----------------------------



----------------------------- 8< -----------------------------

The purpose of 'some-package' is to include some generally[*] used
packages and to include file named 'set1.dcf' (it's extension plays no
role here). In that file user can include some other packages and put
there user's macro definitions and etc (something similar class
'revtex4' do).

[*] generally in sense, "used by me in most cases".

There is a 'some-package.el' file and there is 'set1.el' both include
necessary style hooks.

Imagine there is other document:
----------------------------- 8< -----------------------------



----------------------------- 8< -----------------------------
which uses different packages and macros (except included by
some-package), is it possible to apply different style hook for both
documents providing that there is 'set2.el' file?

In other words: is it possible to apply different 'hook' files on a
document depending on option passed to a package?

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
                -- Arthur C. Clarke

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