Here is a disclaimer your employer can sign to cover your future work on GNU software. If you now have an employer who can claim copyright on your work, you need to get this disclaimer before you can sign an assignment-in-advance. Much of the disclaimer consists of a description of which kinds of work it applies to. This description is just a suggestion--your employer can replace it with any description that says clearly which kinds of work they want to disclaim and which kinds they don't. Snail the signed disclaimer to Richard Stallman 545 Tech Sq rm 425 Cambridge MA 02139 USA EMPLOYER DISCLAIMER OF RIGHTS We agree that software and other authored works of the 'Released Category' (defined below), made by our employee/consultant, _______________________, prior to the date of this document, and for _____ years thereafter, are freely assignable by said employee/consultant to Free Software Foundation (FSF) for distribution and sharing under its free software policies. We disclaim any status as the author or owner of such works. The Released Category comprises (a) changes and enhancements to software already (as of the time such change or enhancement is made) freely circulating under stated terms permitting public redistribution, whether in the public domain, or under the FSF's GNU General Public License, or under the FSF's GNU Library General Public License, or under other such terms; and [(b) is optional.] (b) operating system components for operating systems providing substantially the same functionality as portions of UNIX, BSD Microsoft Windows, or other popular operating systems. The Released Category excludes ______________________ [if 'none', please so state; thank you--FSF]. We affirm that we will do nothing in the future to undermine this release. If we have or acquire hereafter any patent or interface copyright or other intellectual property interest dominating the works, or the programs to which these works constitute changes and enhancements, or use of those programs, then the Free Software Foundation and the general public will be permanently and irrevocably licensed to use, in these works and in the programs they enhance, without royalty or limitation, the subject matter of the dominating interest. We make no warranty as to the quality of the material or as to the presence or absence of rights therein of any other party, and we do not purport to disclaim, release or grant any rights other than our own. Given as a sealed instrument this ___ day of ______, 20__. signed:___________________________, ___________________________ (title) of ___________________________ (company name),