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[avr-gcc-list] JTAGICE & WinAVR not emulating

From: kas
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] JTAGICE & WinAVR not emulating
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:02:02 +0800

I have just bought the ATJTAGICE and a AtMega64 chip. I have built a
platform for the chip to attach the JTAG. After I have complied my code with
WinAVR 20030913 and AVR COFF Beta May 19, 2003 packages and try to do
emulation, I find that the emulation is not working well. I cannot do any
development at all. The syndromes are as follow... How can I get the JTAGICE
and WinAVR to work? I am generating the EXTCOFF file and using Studio 4.07.

The emulation always jumps into some unknown opcode like below when I stop

000068AC: FFFF ??? Data or unknown opcode

Also, I find that the emulation keep repeating itself at the main().

There are also the warnings below. Dont know it is causing the problem...

JTAG ICE Warning: Execution stopped on reset vector. Could not get location
for program entry function, or no entry function was specified. See the
'Debug' section in JTAG ICE options.
JTAG ICE Warning: If this is not an error, this check can be disabled in the
'Debug' section in the JTAG ICE options. Studio will then perform low level
singlesteps until a source statement is reached.
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