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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Structs in program memory.

From: Christian Ludlam
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Structs in program memory.
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 22:16:25 +0100
User-agent: Messenger-Pro/1.00c (MsgServe/1.00a) (RISC-OS/5.05) POPstar/2.05

On 26 Apr Douglas Dotson wrote:

> Might work. I have a table-drive user interface
> that requires lots of initialize structs. The only
> thing I worry about is that the size of the tables
> may eventually exceed the available EEPROM space.
> I'd rather just put them in program memory and
> that way I don't have to worry about hitting the
> wall someday. They are never modified on the fly
> so program memory seems more appropriate.

There's no problem with putting them in program memory, just declare them
with the progmem attribute, ie

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

struct foo bar PROGMEM = 
    1; 2; 3;  

Reading them is slightly trickier since you can't do this:

    value = bar.one;
instead, you need to do
    value = pgm_read_byte(&bar.one);

Another thing to remember is that you can't initialise with literal strings
intended for program memory, you have to define them separately, ie

static const char string[] PROGMEM = "Hello, World!";

struct baz bar PROGMEM =
    1; 2; string; 

and not

struct baz bar PROGMEM = 
    1; 2; "Hello, World!";

I wrote a menu system using this a while ago, so it's perfectly doable.
There's probably more information on doing this in the FAQ, and certainly in
the avr-libc manual.


Christian Ludlam

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