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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc bug: global register variable is broken

From: Dmitry K.
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc bug: global register variable is broken
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 10:45:20 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.5

At 2 Dec 2004 Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> Any idea for a workaround? I need some register vars for interrupt handler

Small addition: remember about that is impossible to declare register vars as  
volatile. (This is not avr-specific.) You need to write special code for  
interraction with interrupt handler through such vars.

For example:

   register unsigned char reg asm ("r2");

   void foo1 (void);

   void foo (void)
       do {
           if (reg & 1) {
               reg &= ~1;
       } while (1);

   void foo2 (void)
       do {
           if ( ({
                   unsigned char __c;
                   asm volatile ("" ::: "r2");
                   __c= reg;
               }) & 1 )
               reg &= ~1;
       } while (1);

foo:   incorrect code with `-O3'
foo2:  always OK


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