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Re: [avr-gcc-list] programming header, pinout?

From: Graham Davies
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] programming header, pinout?
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 21:31:07 -0500

"Torsten Mohr" wrote:

> i design a PCB with an ATMega128 at the moment.  I want
> to in-system-program it, what is the preferred pinout for it?

Yes, there are two pinouts, 6- and 10-pin.  They are documented in the
STK500 User's Guide, which you can probably download from the Atmel Web site
(see also below).  Only 6 pins are needed, so a smaller 6-pin header saves
space on your board.  But, as Joerg says, 6-way ribbon cable and IDC sockets
are not so easy to find as 10-way.  I make and sell an adapter that would
let you use a 6-pin header on your board and a 10-way cable to the
programmer.  See http://www.ecrostech.com and click on the AVR ICE-Cube.
Are you sure you want just ISP and not on-chip debugging as well?


6 Pin
1 - MISO
2 - VTG
3 - SCK
4 - MOSI
5 - RST
6 - GND

10 Pin
1 - MOSI
2 - VTG
3 - no connection
4 - GND
5 - RST
6 - GND
7 - SCK
8 - GND
9 - MISO
10 - GND

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