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[avr-gcc-list] Can't capture INT0 external interrupt...

From: Vincent Trouilliez
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Can't capture INT0 external interrupt...
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 22:53:44 +0200


I am trying to demonstrate the INT0 interrupt using a tiny sample
program, but doesn't seem to work.
I wired an LED to pin PD5, configured it as output, and INTO (PD2) as
input. The LED is turned off at power-up, then when a rising edge is
detected on INT0, the ISR is supposed to light the LED, to prove me that
the interrupt event got captured and the ISR executed properly.
Problem is that the LED never lights :-/

I read in avr-libc that if you get the spelling of signal handler in the
ISR wrong, the compiler won't give you any warning. So I triple checked
I typed it correctly : SIG_INTERRUPT0, then double checked after
compilation, in the 'lst' file to make sure that the vector table
pointed correctly at my ISR, and it does. I configured the INT0 for
rising edge event, then enabled its interrupt, then the global interrupt
bit....so should work ?!
I am using avr-libc which I think is a bit old ? Still, the
'lst' file look sfine to me... well from what I can see.

Any pointers very much welcome... :-)



PS : yes, I made sure that I do get a proper rising edge signal on the
INT0 port pin...

/*  Test program to demonstrate INT0 capture.
 *  LED connected to PD5 gets lit when INT0 occurs

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>


        PORTB |= 0x20;  //light LED


void ioinit (void)
        DDRD = 0x20;    //PD2 INT0 input, PD5 LED output
        PORTD = 0x00;   //turn LED off at boot.
        MCUCR |= 0x03;  //set INT0 int. req. on rising edge
        GICR |= 0x40;   //enable INT0 interrupt request
        sei();                  //enable interrupts

int main (void)
        ioinit ();

        for(;;){ //wait for INTO interrupt to light LED


****           LST file           ******

timer0.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .text         000000c8  00000000  00000000  00000094  2**0
  1 .data         00000000  00800060  000000c8  0000015c  2**0
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  2 .bss          00000000  00800060  000000c8  0000015c  2**0
  3 .noinit       00000000  00800060  00800060  0000015c  2**0
  4 .eeprom       00000000  00810000  00810000  0000015c  2**0
  5 .stab         00000570  00000000  00000000  0000015c  2**2
  6 .stabstr      0000061b  00000000  00000000  000006cc  2**0
Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:   0c 94 2a 00     jmp     0x54
   4:   0c 94 47 00     jmp     0x8e
   8:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
   c:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  10:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  14:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  18:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  1c:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  20:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  24:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  28:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  2c:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  30:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  34:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  38:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  3c:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  40:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  44:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  48:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  4c:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a
  50:   0c 94 45 00     jmp     0x8a

00000054 <__ctors_end>:
  54:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
  56:   1f be           out     0x3f, r1        ; 63
  58:   cf e5           ldi     r28, 0x5F       ; 95
  5a:   d8 e0           ldi     r29, 0x08       ; 8
  5c:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  5e:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61

00000060 <__do_copy_data>:
  60:   10 e0           ldi     r17, 0x00       ; 0
  62:   a0 e6           ldi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  64:   b0 e0           ldi     r27, 0x00       ; 0
  66:   e8 ec           ldi     r30, 0xC8       ; 200
  68:   f0 e0           ldi     r31, 0x00       ; 0
  6a:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x70

0000006c <.do_copy_data_loop>:
  6c:   05 90           lpm     r0, Z+
  6e:   0d 92           st      X+, r0

00000070 <.do_copy_data_start>:
  70:   a0 36           cpi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  72:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  74:   d9 f7           brne    .-10            ; 0x6c

00000076 <__do_clear_bss>:
  76:   10 e0           ldi     r17, 0x00       ; 0
  78:   a0 e6           ldi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  7a:   b0 e0           ldi     r27, 0x00       ; 0
  7c:   01 c0           rjmp    .+2             ; 0x80

0000007e <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  7e:   1d 92           st      X+, r1

00000080 <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  80:   a0 36           cpi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  82:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  84:   e1 f7           brne    .-8             ; 0x7e
  86:   0c 94 5d 00     jmp     0xba

0000008a <__bad_interrupt>:
  8a:   0c 94 00 00     jmp     0x0

0000008e <__vector_1>:
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>

  8e:   1f 92           push    r1
  90:   0f 92           push    r0
  92:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
  94:   0f 92           push    r0
  96:   11 24           eor     r1, r1

        PORTB |= 0x20;  //light LED
  98:   c5 9a           sbi     0x18, 5 ; 24
  9a:   0f 90           pop     r0
  9c:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
  9e:   0f 90           pop     r0
  a0:   1f 90           pop     r1
  a2:   18 95           reti

000000a4 <ioinit>:


void ioinit (void)
        DDRD = 0x20;    //PD2 INT0 input, PD5 LED output
  a4:   80 e2           ldi     r24, 0x20       ; 32
  a6:   81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17
        PORTD = 0x00;   //turn LED off at boot.
  a8:   12 ba           out     0x12, r1        ; 18
        MCUCR |= 0x03;  //set INT0 int. req. on rising edge
  aa:   85 b7           in      r24, 0x35       ; 53
  ac:   83 60           ori     r24, 0x03       ; 3
  ae:   85 bf           out     0x35, r24       ; 53
        GICR |= 0x40;   //enable INT0 interrupt request
  b0:   8b b7           in      r24, 0x3b       ; 59
  b2:   80 64           ori     r24, 0x40       ; 64
  b4:   8b bf           out     0x3b, r24       ; 59
        sei();                  //enable interrupts
  b6:   78 94           sei
  b8:   08 95           ret

000000ba <main>:

int main (void)
  ba:   cf e5           ldi     r28, 0x5F       ; 95
  bc:   d8 e0           ldi     r29, 0x08       ; 8
  be:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  c0:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
        ioinit ();
  c2:   0e 94 52 00     call    0xa4

        for(;;){ //wait for INTO interrupt to light LED
  c6:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0xc6

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