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Re: [avr-gcc-list] I am getting lost in indirections - help please

From: Juergen Harms
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] I am getting lost in indirections - help please
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:56:10 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070305)

I want to fill the array "buffer" with the name of a weekday that (I hope) is stored in an array in flash memory (in fact, I intend to store in flash both an array of pointers and the character strings they pointers point to).

Here is what I have tried, and what does not work. I am a newby to this kind of indirection acrobacy, what have I figured out wrong ? (I use strncpy_P rather than stcpy_P to avoid the garbage I get to do damage)

static const prog_char *day_names[] =
        {       (const PROGMEM char *) "",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Mon",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Tue",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Wed",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Thu",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Fri",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Sat",
                (const PROGMEM char *) "Sun"  } ;

// Copy indexed string (name of Tue) to buffer, print it

void dummyprog () {

    uint16_t    ptr ;
    char        buffer[4] ;

    ptr = pgm_read_word_near ( (PGM_P) day_names[2] ) ;
    strcpy_P ( buffer, (PGM_P) ptr ) ;
    printf ( "@@@@ %s\n", buffer ) ;

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