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RE: [avr-gcc-list] Shorter code?

From: Schwichtenberg, Knut
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] Shorter code?
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:59:12 +0200

it looks that you use a structure to define your high and low byte. Why
don't you define a union covering high and low byte structure and a 16
bit value? Gcc knows how to handle that and there is no need for
shifting. I use this very often and if your CPU support 16 bit loads gcc
uses them.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> address@hidden
> g 
> [mailto:address@hidden
ongnu.org] On Behalf Of Ruud Vlaming
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:28 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Shorter code?
> Hi
> Normally gcc generates well optimized code, but
> sometimes i wunder how gcc can do simple things
> so complicated.
> Here is an example, 
> uint16_t genGetTickCount(void)
> { return (((uint16_t) uxTickCount.HighByte) << 8) | 
> (uint16_t) (uxTickCount.LowByte) ; }
> generates
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r24, 0x011D
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r18, 0x011C
>  770: 99 27        eor  r25, r25
>  772: 98 2f        mov  r25, r24
>  774: 88 27        eor  r24, r24
>  776: 33 27        eor  r19, r19
>  778: 82 2b        or   r24, r18
>  77a: 93 2b        or   r25, r19
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> whereas it could have been 12 bytes (!) shorter:
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r25, 0x011D
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r24, 0x011C
>  770: 08 95        ret
> Is there a way  to write the methode defined above in C to make the 
> generate this assembly? Some special combine function maybe?
> Further, i dont know how much intelligence you may expect from the
> compiler, but for example, first cleaning r25, and directly 
> afterwards 
> filling it with r24 seems really a waste of effort. By direct 
> inspection, 
> thus _without_ any knowledge what is going on, this code could be 
> reduced in the following simple steps (ignore line numbers):
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r24, 0x011D
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r18, 0x011C
>  770: 99 27        eor  r25, r25  //remove this, since it 
> directly overwritten afterwards
>  772: 98 2f        mov  r25, r24
>  774: 88 27        eor  r24, r24
>  776: 33 27        eor  r19, r19
>  778: 82 2b        or   r24, r18
>  77a: 93 2b        or   r25, r19  //remove this since "or" 
> with zero does not change the value of r25
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r24, 0x011D
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r18, 0x011C
>  772: 98 2f        mov  r25, r24
>  774: 88 27        eor  r24, r24
>  776: 33 27        eor  r19, r19  //remove this, the register 
> is unused.
>  778: 82 2b        or   r24, r18  // change ito "mov" since 
> r24 is zero
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r24, 0x011D //directly fill this with 
> r25, since the value r24 is destroyed after the move
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r18, 0x011C 
>  772: 98 2f        mov  r25, r24    //remove this since r25 
> will be filled directly
>  774: 88 27        eor  r24, r24    //remove this, since it 
> directly overwritten afterwards
>  778: 82 2b        mov   r24, r18  
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r25, 0x011D 
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r18, 0x011C  //direcly fill this with 
> r24 since r18 is unsed after the move
>  778: 82 2b        mov   r24, r18    //remove this since it 
> r24 will be filled directly
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> 00000768 <genGetTickCount>:
>  768: 80 91 1d 01  lds  r25, 0x011D 
>  76c: 20 91 1c 01  lds  r24, 0x011C 
>  77c: 08 95        ret
> Could such post compiler optimization steps be integrated in 
> the compiler?
> Like to hear your comments.
> Ruud.
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