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Re: [avrdude-dev] Butterfly (was: Before a release...)

From: Michael Mayer
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Butterfly (was: Before a release...)
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 23:29:17 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 22:40:42 +0100, Jan-Hinnerk Reichert wrote:
> On Thursday 27 November 2003 18:04, Michael Mayer wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 19:37:08 +0100, Jan-Hinnerk Reichert wrote:
> > [reporting the butterfly patch works for his AVR910]
> > I agree with you, even home-patched AVR910 versions have to work
> > with the patched driver. But I wonder what is the best way to do
> > this.
> From the user perspective it doesn't matter how you do it. As long as 
> it works, of course.
> > You suggest the definition of a subtype field, Eric prefers to
> > define a new type. Today I checked out the impact of both
> > alternatives to the overall structure of the sources. The
> > subtype-way needs only very small modifications in pgm.h,
> > config_gram.y and avr910.c leaving all the structure intact, with
> > sounds good to me.
> Actually, I have changed my mind and agree with Eric now (I just 
> realized that I had accidently replied to Eric only ;-(
> > Introducing a new type is more difficult, because it would need
> > something like butterfly.c which duplicates most of the
> > functionality of avr910.c making it difficult to keep the common
> > parts in sync. One possible solution may be to split avr910.c in
> > two parts, one specific part and a part, which is shareable with
> > the new, small butterfly.c. But this will break the current
> > modularisation scheme, some of the static functions in avr910 will
> > have to be public. In detail all these functions should be shared
> > between avr910.c and butterfly.c and should be moved to a new file
> > like avr_common.c oder serial_common.c:
> I think that duplicating the code is the easier way. All these 
> conditional statements make it hard to understand and maintain the 
> code.

Yes, I don't like all these conditions, too. But I'm still concerned about
synchronisation between avr910.c and butterfly.c. I'm pretty shure that
there are still a few hidden bugs inside the code of avr910.c (like in
virtually every code ;-) and if we double some code, we double the errors.

> The butterfly would probably become even shorter and clearer than the 
> avr910 (e.g. you can just put an error if a write byte for flash 
> occurs)

This is clearly true. Actualy, in the beginning I wanted to do it exactly
this way. Later I changed my mind, but maybe it's time to change again.

> Most of the duplicated functions are empty anyway. Perhaps we should 
> change the default-functions in "pgm.c". So, that non-critical 
> functions - like setting a LED - don't return an error, if they are 
> undefined

This would be a nice thing to do. It would simplify both, avr910.c and

> I still feel uneasy autodetection.
> > The id string returned from the 'S'-command can be used as well.
> > The S-command is well defined and a valid answer is required
> > anyway. The butterfly returns "AVRBOOT", is this string unique or
> > is there a avr910 which does return this, too?
> The avr910-appnote says that everything that begins with "AVR" is an 
> avr910 prommer. IIRC, the bootloader-appnote from Atmel also uses 

Upps, that's a no-go. 8-(

> > Or the 'v'-command: A real avr910 is expected to return a two byte
> > string showing the hardware version. The butterfly doesn't
> > implement this command and just returns a single '?'.
> This could change in a future version of the Butterfly-firmware. So 
> the "b" still seems the best way, if one wants autodetection.

Yes, you are really paranoid ;-) 

> Also, testing changes is easier, if they only 
> affect one programmer (especially, if you have no access to the other 
> one ;)

True. A big plus for the new type. I will start working on a new version.


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