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[avrdude-dev] Re: First release of stk500v2 patch

From: Martin Thomas
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Re: First release of stk500v2 patch
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 18:21:36 +0100

List-Members interested in the STK500/AVRISP_2-module,

The code-snipped I've sent to the list yesterday has a small bug.
Well, it does not make to much sense to post snippets without
context when the context is unknown. So I've spend some time to clean up my "old" fw2-code. Doing this I've found my main mistakes.
The coding has been done with MS Visual-Studio/VC 6
so I might have broken gcc-compatibility. Values from XMLs are not used, only data already available in avrdude.conf and some hardcoded values. Using the "XML-values" like it's done in Erik's patch is a better/cleaner solution.

I've tested eeprom and flash read/write with an ATmega32 and 16
("paged flash prg.") and AT90S8515 ("word flash prg.").
Fuse, Lock read/write seems to work too. Initial tests (with mega16 only) have been done with Evertool (AVRISP_2-compatible) later the STK500 has been used for testing.

SCK (ISP programming frequency)-handling is different from the STK500v1 code. The ISP frequency in Hz is given as parameter to "term.c/sck" in my experimental VC6 code.
The subroutine given in the Atmel AppNote has been used
to calculated sck_duration from the frequency. This
method is more like in AVR-Stuido's STK500 plugin
where the user selects/enters the ISP-frequency.
If this method will be used in the "official" source the name
of the terminal-command should be changed to avoid misunderstandings.

Erik, hopefully my code is of any use for you. Take whatever
you need. It would be nice if you could mention the "source" if you take larger parts.

MS-Windows users will find a binary and conf-File in the
archive as interim **test**-solution until Eriks code is part of the
avrdude source-tree and the next release.


Hope this helps,
Martin Thomas

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