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Re: [avrdude-dev] attiny10 with ftdi and bitbang

From: matthew venn
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] attiny10 with ftdi and bitbang
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 12:23:26 +0100

Dan, thanks for this.

If it's stuck in that loop, it's basically calling program_enable,
> which sends CMD_SKEY and expects the NVMEN bit in the TPISR register
> to be set.

Yes what I'm seeing is the program enable section (detailed in that Atmel
pdf) called 64 times before avrdude gives up.

So am I right in that the tiny10 is responding at some points? It's been
harder than usual to trace because all the comms happens on 1 wire. I'm
wondering if I could use some diodes on mosi and miso so I could scope
before they are merged.

Someone at the hackspace I'm at (Bristol) has an avrisp mk2 which can do
TPI. So I'll try that. I've had exactly the same thing with another
attiny10 so I think it must be my wiring or the software/pc side of things.

One really odd thing I noticed about avrdude and the dasa config was that
when I was testing the outputs of the ftdi cable to check that I was
getting clock etc, was that if I had

reset = 7
sck = 3

that would work (both lines generated pulses), but with

reset = 3
sck = 7

only one of them would then generate signals. I've written those from
memory so I'm not entirely sure which way round they are but it seemed like
a bug to me at the time and now I'm wondering if there is something similar
with mosi and miso. Except that the mosi miso link check tests OK...

Oh well, I'll get there in the end I imagine!
Thanks again,


Matthew Venn

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