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[Axiom-developer] [recurrence relation operator] (nouveau)

From: kratt6
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [recurrence relation operator] (nouveau)
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 04:58:07 -0600

Here is a simple implemention of a recurrence relation operator. It is far 
from finished, but might serve as a starting point. I experienced the following 

 - The operator model in Axiom is quite restrictive: all arguments have to be 
   from the same domain. This leads to problems elsewhere, too. I don't think 
   that the following can be justified mathematically:


  - dummy variables are only supported in a very limited fashion: for the 
    recurrence relation operator it would be good to have also "dummy 

Things to 

  - a proper operation analogous to 'sum', 'rootOf' or the like needs to be 
    The operation 'evalRec' is just for a start

  - evalRec needs to be speeded up

)abbrev package RECOP RecurrenceOperator
RecurrenceOperator(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
  R: Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain, RetractableTo Integer)
  F: FunctionSpace R

  Exports == with

    evalRec: (BasicOperator, Symbol, F, F, F, List F) -> F

  Implementation == add

    ddrec: List F -> OutputForm
    ddrec l ==
      k := kernels(l.4)
      op := operator(k.1)::OutputForm
      values := reverse l

      vals: List OutputForm
           := cons(elt(op, [(l.3)::OutputForm]) = eval(l.1, l.2, 
                   [elt(op, [i::OutputForm]) = (values.i)::OutputForm
                    for i in 1..#values-4])

                       ": ",
                       commaSeparate vals]))

    oprecur := operator("rootOfRec"::Symbol)$BasicOperator

    setProperty(oprecur, "%specialDisp", 
                ddrec@(List F -> OutputForm) pretend None)

    setProperty(oprecur, "%dummyVar", 2 pretend None)

-- this implies that the second and third arguments of oprecur are dummy
-- variables and affects tower$ES:
-- the second argument will not appear in tower$ES, if it does not appear in
-- any argument but the first and second.
-- the third argument will not appear in tower$ES, if it does not appear in any
-- other argument. (%defsum is a good example)

-- The arguments of rootOfRec are as follows:
-- 1. next, i.e., f(dummy+1)
-- 2. dummy
-- 3. variable, i.e., for display              
-- 4. operatorname(argument)
-- 5.- values in reversed order
-- maybe "values" should be preceded by the index of the first given
-- value. Currently, the last value is interpreted as f(1)

    evalRec (op, argsym, argdisp, arg, next, values) ==
      if ((n := retractIfCan(arg)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case "failed")
         or (n < 1)
               append([next, argsym::F, argdisp, op(arg)], values))
        len := #values
        if n <= len
        then values.(len-n+1)
          nextval := eval(next, argsym::F, (len+1)::F)
          newval := eval(nextval, op, 
                         evalRec(op, argsym, argdisp, #1, next, values))
          evalRec(op, argsym, argdisp, arg, next, cons(newval, values))

    irecur: List F -> F
-- This is just a wrapper that allows us to write a recurrence relation as an
-- operator.
    irecur l ==
      k := kernels(l.4)
              retract(l.2)@Symbol, l.3,
              argument(k.1).1, l.1, rest(l, 4))

    evaluate(oprecur, irecur)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)

Here is an example:

argsym := new()$Symbol;
argexp := argsym::Expression Integer;
op := operator new()$Symbol;
ne := elt(op, argexp - 1) + elt(op, argexp - 2::Expression Integer);
r:=evalRec(op, argsym, a::Expression Integer, a::Expression Integer, ne, [1,1])
         $RecurrenceOperator(Integer, Expression Integer)
eval(r, a=7)
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