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[Axiom-developer] capturing output strings

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] capturing output strings
Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 00:04:34 -0500

this seems to fail:


-> )lisp (setq result (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 
:adjustable t))

Value = #<vector 0894bde4>

-> )lisp (with-output-to-string (|$algebraOutputStream| result) 
(|parseAndInterpret| "(x+1)^9"))

  >> System error:
  #<vector 0894bde4> is not a string with a fill-pointer

This appears to be a bug as result certainly has a fill pointer.

This is an attempt to capture the output sent to the 
stream |$algebraOutputStream| in some more elegant form 
(instead of this kludge):

)lisp (progn
          ; we need a new output stream backed by a string
        (setq tmpout (make-string-output-stream))
          ; we hold on to the regular algebra output stream
        (setq save |$algebraOutputStream|)
          ; we capture the regular output into our string stream
        (setq |$algebraOutputStream| tmpout)
          ; we generate output
        (|parseAndInterpret| "(x+1)^9")
          ; we get the results from the algebra output stream
        (setq result (get-output-stream-string |$algebraOutputStream|))
          ; we restore the regular algebra output stream
        (setq |$algebraOutputStream| save)
          ; and return the result


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