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[Axiom-developer] [Fraction] (new)

From: Bill Page
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [Fraction] (new)
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:33:35 -0600

Description -- Fraction takes an IntegralDomain S and produces
the domain of Fractions with numerators and denominators from S.
If S is also a GcdDomain, then gcd's between numerator and
denominator will be cancelled during all operations.

)abbrev domain FRAC Fraction
++ Author:
++ Date Created:
++ Date Last Updated: 12 February 1992
++ Basic Functions: Field, numer, denom
++ Related Constructors:
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords: fraction, localization
++ References:
Fraction(S: IntegralDomain): QuotientFieldCategory S with 
       if S has IntegerNumberSystem and S has OpenMath then OpenMath
       if S has canonical and S has GcdDomain and S has canonicalUnitNormal
           then canonical
            ++ \spad{canonical} means that equal elements are in fact identical.
  == LocalAlgebra(S, S, S) add
    Rep:= Record(num:S, den:S)
    coerce(d:S):% == [d,1]
    zero?(x:%) == zero? x.num

    if S has GcdDomain and S has canonicalUnitNormal then
      retract(x:%):S ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.num
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.num
        error "Denominator not equal to 1"

      retractIfCan(x:%):Union(S, "failed") ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.num
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.num
      retract(x:%):S ==
        (a:= x.num exquo x.den) case "failed" =>
           error "Denominator not equal to 1"
      retractIfCan(x:%):Union(S,"failed") == x.num exquo x.den

    if S has EuclideanDomain then
      wholePart x ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.num
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.num
        x.num quo x.den

    if S has IntegerNumberSystem then

      floor x ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.num
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.num
        x < 0 => -ceiling(-x)
        wholePart x

      ceiling x ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.num
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.num
        x < 0 => -floor(-x)
        1 + wholePart x

      if S has OpenMath then
        -- TODO: somwhere this file does something which redefines the division
        -- operator. Doh!

        writeOMFrac(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %): Void ==
          OMputSymbol(dev, "nums1", "rational")
          OMwrite(dev, x.num, false)
          OMwrite(dev, x.den, false)

        OMwrite(x: %): String ==
          s: String := ""
          sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp
          dev: OpenMathDevice := _
                        OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML)
          writeOMFrac(dev, x)
          s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String

        OMwrite(x: %, wholeObj: Boolean): String ==
          s: String := ""
          sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp
          dev: OpenMathDevice := _
                        OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML)
          if wholeObj then
          writeOMFrac(dev, x)
          if wholeObj then
          s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String

        OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %): Void ==
          writeOMFrac(dev, x)

        OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %, wholeObj: Boolean): Void ==
          if wholeObj then
          writeOMFrac(dev, x)
          if wholeObj then

    if S has GcdDomain then
      cancelGcd: % -> S
      normalize: % -> %

      normalize x ==
        zero?(x.num) => 0
--        one?(x.den) => x
        ((x.den) = 1) => x
        uca := unitNormal(x.den)
        zero?(x.den := uca.canonical) => error "division by zero"
        x.num := x.num * uca.associate

      recip x ==
        zero?(x.num) => "failed"
        normalize [x.den, x.num]

      cancelGcd x ==
--        one?(x.den) => x.den
        ((x.den) = 1) => x.den
        d := gcd(x.num, x.den)
        xn := x.num exquo d
        xn case "failed" =>
          error "gcd not gcd in QF cancelGcd (numerator)"
        xd := x.den exquo d
        xd case "failed" =>
          error "gcd not gcd in QF cancelGcd (denominator)"
        x.num := xn :: S
        x.den := xd :: S

      nn:S / dd:S ==
        zero? dd => error "division by zero"
        cancelGcd(z := [nn, dd])
        normalize z

      x + y  ==
        zero? y => x
        zero? x => y
        z := [x.den,y.den]
        d := cancelGcd z
        g := [z.den * x.num + z.num * y.num, d]
        cancelGcd g
        g.den := g.den * z.num * z.den
        normalize g

      -- We can not rely on the defaulting mechanism
      -- to supply a definition for -, even though this
      -- definition would do, for thefollowing reasons:
      --  1) The user could have defined a subtraction
      --     in Localize, which would not work for
      --     QuotientField;
      --  2) even if he doesn't, the system currently
      --     places a default definition in Localize,
      --     which uses Localize's +, which does not
      --     cancel gcds
      x - y  ==
        zero? y => x
        z := [x.den, y.den]
        d := cancelGcd z
        g := [z.den * x.num - z.num * y.num, d]
        cancelGcd g
        g.den := g.den * z.num * z.den
        normalize g

      x:% * y:%  ==
        zero? x or zero? y => 0
--        one? x => y
        (x = 1) => y
--        one? y => x
        (y = 1) => x
        (x, y) := ([x.num, y.den], [y.num, x.den])
        cancelGcd x; cancelGcd y;
        normalize [x.num * y.num, x.den * y.den]

      n:Integer * x:% ==
        y := [n::S, x.den]
        cancelGcd y
        normalize [x.num * y.num, y.den]

      nn:S * x:% ==
        y := [nn, x.den]
        cancelGcd y
        normalize [x.num * y.num, y.den]

      differentiate(x:%, deriv:S -> S) ==
        y := [deriv(x.den), x.den]
        d := cancelGcd(y)
        y.num := deriv(x.num) * y.den - x.num * y.num
        (d, y.den) := (y.den, d)
        cancelGcd y
        y.den := y.den * d * d
        normalize y

      if S has canonicalUnitNormal then
        x = y == (x.num = y.num) and (x.den = y.den)
    --x / dd == (cancelGcd (z:=[x.num,dd*x.den]); normalize z)

--        one? x == one? (x.num) and one? (x.den)
        one? x == ((x.num) = 1) and ((x.den) = 1)
                  -- again assuming canonical nature of representation

      nn:S/dd:S == if zero? dd then error "division by zero" else [nn,dd]

      recip x ==
        zero?(x.num) => "failed"
        [x.den, x.num]

    if (S has RetractableTo Fraction Integer) then
      retract(x:%):Fraction(Integer) == retract(retract(x)@S)

      retractIfCan(x:%):Union(Fraction Integer, "failed") ==
        (u := retractIfCan(x)@Union(S, "failed")) case "failed" => "failed"

    else if (S has RetractableTo Integer) then
      retract(x:%):Fraction(Integer) ==
        retract(numer x) / retract(denom x)

      retractIfCan(x:%):Union(Fraction Integer, "failed") ==
        (n := retractIfCan numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
        (d := retractIfCan denom x) case "failed" => "failed"
        (n::Integer) / (d::Integer)

    QFP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
    DP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial S
    import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(%,QFP,S,DP)
    import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(S,DP,%,QFP)

    if S has GcdDomain then
       gcdPolynomial(pp,qq) ==
          zero? pp => qq
          zero? qq => pp
          zero? degree pp or zero? degree qq => 1
          denpp:="lcm"/[denom u for u in coefficients pp]
          denqq:="lcm"/[denom u for u in coefficients qq]
          zero? degree g => 1
--          one? (lc:=leadingCoefficient g) => map(#1::%,g)
          ((lc:=leadingCoefficient g) = 1) => map(#1::%,g)
          map(#1 / lc,g)

    if (S has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit) then
       -- we'll let the solveLinearPolynomialEquations operator
       -- default from Field
       pp,qq: QFP
       lpp: List QFP
       import Factored SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
       if S has CharacteristicNonZero then
          if S has canonicalUnitNormal and S has GcdDomain then
             charthRoot x ==
               n:= charthRoot x.num
               n case "failed" => "failed"
               d:=charthRoot x.den
               d case "failed" => "failed"
             charthRoot x ==
               -- to find x = p-th root of n/d
               -- observe that xd is p-th root of n*d**(p-1)
               ans:=charthRoot(x.num *
               ans case "failed" => "failed"
               ans / x.den
          clear: List % -> List S
          clear l ==
             d:="lcm"/[x.den for x in l]
             [ x.num * (d exquo x.den)::S for x in l]
          mat: Matrix %
          conditionP mat ==
            matD: Matrix S
            matD:= matrix [ clear l for l in listOfLists mat ]
            ansD := conditionP matD
            ansD case "failed" => "failed"
            ansDD:=ansD :: Vector(S)
            [ ansDD(i)::% for i in 1..#ansDD]$Vector(%)

       factorPolynomial(pp) ==
          zero? pp => 0
          denpp:="lcm"/[denom u for u in coefficients pp]
          ff:=factorPolynomial ppD
          lfact:List Record(flg:Union("nil", "sqfr", "irred", "prime"),
                             fctr:QFP, xpnt:Integer)
          lfact:= [[w.flg,
                    if leadingCoefficient w.fctr =1 then map(#1::%,w.fctr)
                    else (lc:=(leadingCoefficient w.fctr)::%;
                   w.xpnt] for w in factorList ff]
       factorSquareFreePolynomial(pp) ==
          zero? pp => 0
          degree pp = 0 => makeFR(pp,empty())
          lcpp:=leadingCoefficient pp
          denpp:="lcm"/[denom u for u in coefficients pp]
          ff:=factorSquareFreePolynomial ppD
          lfact:List Record(flg:Union("nil", "sqfr", "irred", "prime"),
                             fctr:QFP, xpnt:Integer)
          lfact:= [[w.flg,
                    if leadingCoefficient w.fctr =1 then map(#1::%,w.fctr)
                    else (lc:=(leadingCoefficient w.fctr)::%;
                   w.xpnt] for w in factorList ff]

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