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[Axiom-developer] Bug in noweb-2.11

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Bug in noweb-2.11
Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 17:43:57 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060420)

Dear Norman,

I think, I've found another bug in noweb.

According to the documentation of NOWEB, it is OK if << appears unescaped on a line if there is no corresponding >> on the same line.

With the following code

%%%%% test.nw %%%%%
stdout << "blah";

-- Here comes some code
<<: A -> B
<<: (A, B) -> X
and we go on with the text.
%%%%%% end test.nw %%%%

I get the strange behaviour.

notangle test.nw
test.nw:2: unescaped << in documentation chunk
echo $?

Hmm, notangle does not spit out any code chunk. :-(
I am also not sure about the error code.

'man notangle' says

       If notangle or noweave encounters a chunk name within
       documentation, it assumes that this indicates an error,
       usually misspelling ``<<name>>=''. Other error messages
       should be self-explanatory.

       It is incorrect to refer to a chunk that is never defined,
       but it is OK for chunks to be defined and not used.

It does not say anything about the meaning of errcode=1 or errcode=2.

'noweave test.nw' seems to be OK, but also returns errcode=1.


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