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[Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] exports and constants

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] exports and constants
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 00:38:24 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)

Omitted for brevity. Please refer to:

> See section 5.3 of the Users Guide:

  "The general syntax for a constant definition is:

      x : T == E

  x is an identifier giving the name of the constant.

  T is an expression giving the type of the constant. The type
  declaration is optional. If the type is declared, then the type
  of E must satisfy it. Otherwise the type is inferred from the
  type of the expression E."

OK. That explains the "E must at least be of type T" which I said in a previous post in this thread. But it still does not explain why

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"

define CatA: Category == with;
define CatX: Category == with;

A: Join(CatX, CatA) == add;
X: CatX == A;

MyPkg(X: CatX): with {isA?: () -> Boolean} == add {
        isA?(): Boolean == X has CatA;
main(): () == { stdout << isA?()$MyPkg(X) << newline; }

outputs "T". Or does it?

On the other hand if we write

  A: CatA == Dom add

section 5.3 still applies. (So in that sense you are right.)

The difference is that now Dom is the parent domain of a new
domain: "which specifies a domain from which any or all of the
exports of the add can be inherited". (Ref: Section 7.8).

So 'Dom add' is a new domain which inherits from Dom, but now
we need to take into account the rule about the "Visibility of
inherited operations":

  "whenever an expression 'A add B' appears in a context requiring
  a domain whose type is the category C, then any operations
  required by C which are not defined in B are taken from the
  domain A.

So here the expression 'Dom add' appears in a context requiring a
domain whose type is CatA, so all operations (and by implication,
*only* those operations) required by CatA are taken from Dom.

To my understanding, that paragraph from the AUG tells nothing about what happens with operations that are not exported through C. In particular it says nothing about the type of A that will be seen via an "has" expression.

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"
macro I == MachineInteger;
define CatX: Category == with {foo: () -> I}
A: CatX == add {foo(): I == 0;}
B: CatX == add {foo(): I == 1;}

import from MachineInteger;
X: CatX == if odd? random(10) then A else B;

main(): () == {
        import from X;
        stdout << foo() << newline;

woodpecker:~>aldor -fx -laldor

It's only the type of X that must be clear at compile time.

I agree that it is the type of X must be clear. But something
very strange is going on here. I do not get this result in my
example running Aldor inside Axiom. See again:

If you write:

  main(): () == {
        import from X;
        stdout << foo() << newline;
        stdout << foo() << newline;
        stdout << foo() << newline;
        stdout << foo() << newline;
        stdout << foo() << newline;
        stdout << foo() << newline;

You will see that each time you run the program you will only
get one *constant* result (all 0's or all 1's). But if you run
the same program repeatedly (as you did above), then sometimes
you get one result and sometimes the other! Within a given
runtime of the program, the result is constant and not variable
as you might be expecting.

I was not expecting any variable behaviour. I declared X to be a constant and it was a constant. And, by the way, constant always mean "constant in a certain scope". Of course you can define a function

foo(i: Integer): () == {
  k: Integer == i;

So k is constant, but not necessarily constant during the runtime of a whole program that uses "foo". It's just constant during execution of "foo". So that

  for i in 1..10 repeat foo(i);

is perfectly fine.


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