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[Axiom-developer] gazonk-name

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: [Axiom-developer] gazonk-name
Date: 10 Dec 2006 13:34:27 -0600

Tim --

  What is the role of the following function? (from src/interp/util.lisp)

   #+(and :AKCL (not :dos))
   (in-package "COMPILER")
   #+(and :AKCL (not :dos))
   (defun gazonk-name ( &aux tem)
    "return the name of the intermediate compiler file"
    (dotimes (i 1000)
     (setq tem (merge-pathnames (format nil "/tmp/gazonk~d.lsp" i)))
     (unless (probe-file tem)
       (return-from gazonk-name (pathname tem))))
    (error "1000 gazonk names used already!"))

What is it trying to achieve and why?

-- Gaby

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