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[Axiom-developer] Re: gazonk-name

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: gazonk-name
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 04:08:59 -0500

I didn't bother to document "the why" :-) . The AKCL compiler
wrote out the lisp code into a file called
/tmp/gazonk which was supposed to be a temporary file and
was erased when the compiler completed.

Due to the speed of the machines it was often the case that I
would have an Axiom build running (nearly continuously since
it took so long) and I'd want to also continue to work. If I
did a compile-file there would be a gazonk name collision
since these were two independent lisp images. Thus compiling
a file usually caused the Axiom build to fail. This fixes the
problem by searching for an unused name.

This might still be an issue for parallel builds. I'm not sure
what GCL does. Although I suspect this bit Bill Schelter and
he likely fixed it in AKCL/GCL.

   #+(and :AKCL (not :dos))
   (in-package "COMPILER")
   #+(and :AKCL (not :dos))
   (defun gazonk-name ( &aux tem)
    "return the name of the intermediate compiler file"
    (dotimes (i 1000)
     (setq tem (merge-pathnames (format nil "/tmp/gazonk~d.lsp" i)))
     (unless (probe-file tem)
       (return-from gazonk-name (pathname tem))))
    (error "1000 gazonk names used already!"))

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