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[Axiom-developer] 20081001.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.2 add more categories

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20081001.01.tpd.patch (bookvol10.2 add more categories)
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 03:03:24 -0500

add FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField, FiniteFieldCategory
diff --git a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
index 940e136..f0cea1d 100644
--- a/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol10.2.pamphlet
@@ -1339,6 +1339,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -2626,6 +2627,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -3689,6 +3691,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -16328,6 +16331,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
 {\bf Exports:}\\
@@ -19066,16 +19070,16 @@ FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra(R:CommutativeRing):
       b := someBasis()
       n := rank()
       recip(2 * 1$R) case "failed" =>                             
-       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,")$OutputForm
-       messagePrint(" as 2 is not invertible in the ground ring")$OutputForm
+       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,_
+ as 2 is not invertible in the ground ring")$OutputForm
       not flexible?()$% =>
-       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,")$OutputForm
-       messagePrint(" as it is not flexible")$OutputForm
+       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,_
+ as it is not flexible")$OutputForm
       not jordanAdmissible?()$% =>
-       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,")$OutputForm
-       messagePrint(" as it is not Jordan admissible")$OutputForm
+       messagePrint("this is not a noncommutative Jordan algebra,_
+ as it is not Jordan admissible")$OutputForm
       messagePrint("this is a noncommutative Jordan algebra")$OutputForm
@@ -21599,6 +21603,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -21721,6 +21726,7 @@ These exports come from \refto{Field}():
  ?**? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
  ?^? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %
  ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,Integer) -> %
  ?/? : (%,%) -> %                     
  ?quo? : (%,%) -> %                   
  ?rem? : (%,%) -> %                   
@@ -21905,9 +21911,9 @@ These exports come from 
 These exports come from \refto{Field}():
+ coerce : R -> %
  ?*? : (R,%) -> %                     
  ?*? : (%,R) -> %
- coerce : R -> %
 These exports come from \refto{CharacteristicNonZero}():
@@ -22209,6 +22215,7 @@ digraph pic {
 {\bf See:}\\
@@ -22505,6 +22512,482 @@ digraph pic {
+{\bf See:}\\
+{\bf Exports:}\\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{0} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{1} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{associates?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{characteristic} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{charthRoot} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{coerce} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{conditionP} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{createPrimitiveElement} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{D} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{differentiate} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{discreteLog} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{divide} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{euclideanSize} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{expressIdealMember} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{exquo} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{extendedEuclidean} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{factor} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{factorsOfCyclicGroupSize} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{gcd} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{gcdPolynomial} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{hash} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{index} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{init} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{inv} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{latex} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{lcm} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{lookup} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{multiEuclidean} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{nextItem} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{one?} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{order} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{prime?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{primeFrobenius} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{primitive?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{primitiveElement} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{principalIdeal} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{random} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{recip} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{representationType} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{sample} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{size} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{sizeLess?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{squareFree} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{squareFreePart} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{subtractIfCan} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{tableForDiscreteLogarithm} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{unit?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{unitCanonical} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{unitNormal} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{zero?} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?*?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?**?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?+?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?-?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{-?} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?/?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?=?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?\^{}?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?quo?} &
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?rem?} \\
+\cross{FFIELDC}{?\~{}=?} &&&&
+These are directly exported but not implemented:
+ factorsOfCyclicGroupSize : () ->
+    List Record(factor: Integer,exponent: Integer)
+ tableForDiscreteLogarithm : Integer ->
+    Table(PositiveInteger,NonNegativeInteger)
+ primitiveElement : () -> %           
+ representationType : () -> Union("prime",polynomial,normal,cyclic)
+These are implemented by this category:
+ charthRoot : % -> %
+ charthRoot : % -> Union(%,"failed")
+ conditionP : Matrix % -> Union(Vector %,"failed")
+ createPrimitiveElement : () -> %     
+ differentiate : % -> %
+ discreteLog : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ discreteLog : (%,%) -> Union(NonNegativeInteger,"failed")
+ gcdPolynomial : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,
+                  SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) ->
+                      SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ init : () -> %
+ nextItem : % -> Union(%,"failed")
+ order : % -> OnePointCompletion PositiveInteger
+ order : % -> PositiveInteger         
+ primitive? : % -> Boolean
+These exports come from \refto{FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic}():
+ 0 : () -> %
+ 1 : () -> %                          
+ associates? : (%,%) -> Boolean       
+ characteristic : () -> NonNegativeInteger
+ coerce : % -> %
+ coerce : Integer -> %                
+ coerce : % -> OutputForm
+ coerce : Fraction Integer -> %       
+ divide : (%,%) -> Record(quotient: %,remainder: %)
+ euclideanSize : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ expressIdealMember : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ extendedEuclidean : (%,%,%) -> Union(Record(coef1: %,coef2: %),"failed")
+ extendedEuclidean : (%,%) -> Record(coef1: %,coef2: %,generator: %)
+ exquo : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ factor : % -> Factored %             
+ gcd : List % -> %
+ gcd : (%,%) -> %                     
+ hash : % -> SingleInteger
+ inv : % -> %                         
+ latex : % -> String
+ lcm : List % -> %                    
+ lcm : (%,%) -> %
+ multiEuclidean : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ one? : % -> Boolean
+ prime? : % -> Boolean
+ primeFrobenius : % -> %              
+ primeFrobenius : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ principalIdeal : List % -> Record(coef: List %,generator: %)
+ recip : % -> Union(%,"failed")
+ sample : () -> %
+ sizeLess? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ squareFree : % -> Factored %         
+ squareFreePart : % -> %
+ subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ unit? : % -> Boolean                 
+ unitCanonical : % -> %
+ unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %)
+ zero? : % -> Boolean                 
+ ?+? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ ?*? : (Fraction Integer,%) -> %      
+ ?*? : (%,Fraction Integer) -> %
+ ?*? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ ?*? : (Integer,%) -> %
+ ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> %       
+ ?*? : (NonNegativeInteger,%) -> %
+ ?-? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ -? : % -> %
+ ?**? : (%,Integer) -> %
+ ?**? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %      
+ ?**? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,Integer) -> %               
+ ?/? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ ?quo? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?rem? : (%,%) -> %                   
+These exports come from \refto{Finite}():
+ index : PositiveInteger -> %         
+ lookup : % -> PositiveInteger        
+ random : () -> %                     
+ size : () -> NonNegativeInteger      
+These exports come from \refto{StepThrough}():
+These exports come from \refto{DifferentialRing}():
+ D : % -> %                           
+ D : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ differentiate : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+<<category FFIELDC FiniteFieldCategory>>=
+)abbrev category FFIELDC FiniteFieldCategory
+++ Author: J. Grabmeier, A. Scheerhorn
+++ Date Created: 11 March 1991
+++ Date Last Updated: 31 March 1991
+++ Basic Operations: _+, _*, extensionDegree, order, primitiveElement
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: field, extension field, algebraic extension, finite field
+++  Galois field
+++ References:
+++  D.Lipson, Elements of Algebra and Algebraic Computing, The
+++  Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.-Menlo Park, California, 1981.
+++  J. Grabmeier, A. Scheerhorn: Finite Fields in AXIOM.
+++  AXIOM Technical Report Series, ATR/5 NP2522.
+++ Description:
+++  FiniteFieldCategory is the category of finite fields
+FiniteFieldCategory() : Category ==_
+  Join(FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic,Finite,StepThrough,DifferentialRing) with
+--                 ,PolynomialFactorizationExplicit) with
+    charthRoot: $ -> $
+      ++ charthRoot(a) takes the characteristic'th root of {\em a}.
+      ++ Note: such a root is alway defined in finite fields.
+    conditionP: Matrix $ -> Union(Vector $,"failed")
+      ++ conditionP(mat), given a matrix representing a homogeneous system
+      ++ of equations, returns a vector whose characteristic'th powers
+      ++ is a non-trivial solution, or "failed" if no such vector exists.
+    -- the reason for implementing the following function is that we
+    -- can implement the functions order, getGenerator and primitive? on
+    -- category level without computing the, may be time intensive,
+    -- factorization of size()-1 at every function call again.
+    factorsOfCyclicGroupSize:_
+      () -> List Record(factor:Integer,exponent:Integer)
+      ++ factorsOfCyclicGroupSize() returns the factorization of size()-1
+    -- the reason for implementing the function tableForDiscreteLogarithm
+    -- is that we can implement the functions discreteLog and
+    -- shanksDiscLogAlgorithm on category level
+    -- computing the necessary exponentiation tables in the respective
+    -- domains once and for all
+    -- absoluteDegree : $ -> PositiveInteger
+    --  ++ degree of minimal polynomial, if algebraic with respect
+    --  ++ to the prime subfield
+    tableForDiscreteLogarithm: Integer -> _
+             Table(PositiveInteger,NonNegativeInteger)
+      ++ tableForDiscreteLogarithm(a,n) returns a table of the discrete
+      ++ logarithms of \spad{a**0} up to \spad{a**(n-1)} which, called with
+      ++ key \spad{lookup(a**i)} returns i for i in \spad{0..n-1}.
+      ++ Error: if not called for prime divisors of order of
+      ++        multiplicative group.
+    createPrimitiveElement: () -> $
+      ++ createPrimitiveElement() computes a generator of the (cyclic)
+      ++ multiplicative group of the field.
+      -- RDJ: Are these next lines to be included?
+      -- we run through the field and test, algorithms which construct
+      -- elements of larger order were found to be too slow
+    primitiveElement: () -> $
+      ++ primitiveElement() returns a primitive element stored in a global
+      ++ variable in the domain.
+      ++ At first call, the primitive element is computed
+      ++ by calling \spadfun{createPrimitiveElement}.
+    primitive?: $ -> Boolean
+      ++ primitive?(b) tests whether the element b is a generator of the
+      ++ (cyclic) multiplicative group of the field, i.e. is a primitive
+      ++ element.
+      ++ Implementation Note: see ch.IX.1.3, th.2 in D. Lipson.
+    discreteLog: $ -> NonNegativeInteger
+      ++ discreteLog(a) computes the discrete logarithm of \spad{a}
+      ++ with respect to \spad{primitiveElement()} of the field.
+    order: $ -> PositiveInteger
+      ++ order(b) computes the order of an element b in the multiplicative
+      ++ group of the field.
+      ++ Error: if b equals 0.
+    representationType: () -> Union("prime","polynomial","normal","cyclic")
+      ++ representationType() returns the type of the representation, one of:
+      ++ \spad{prime}, \spad{polynomial}, \spad{normal}, or \spad{cyclic}.
+  add
+    I   ==> Integer
+    PI  ==> PositiveInteger
+    NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+    SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
+    DLP ==> DiscreteLogarithmPackage
+    -- exported functions
+    differentiate x          == 0
+    init() == 0
+    nextItem(a) ==
+      zero?(a:=index(lookup(a)+1)) => "failed"
+      a
+    order(e):OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger) ==
+      (order(e)@PI)::OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger)
+    conditionP(mat:Matrix $) ==
+      l:=nullSpace mat
+      empty? l or every?(zero?, first l) => "failed"
+      map(charthRoot,first l)
+    charthRoot(x:$):$ == x**(size() quo characteristic())
+    charthRoot(x:%):Union($,"failed") ==
+        (charthRoot(x)@$)::Union($,"failed")
+    createPrimitiveElement() ==
+      sm1  : PositiveInteger := (size()$$-1) pretend PositiveInteger
+      start : Integer :=
+        -- in the polynomial case, index from 1 to characteristic-1
+        -- gives prime field elements
+        representationType = "polynomial" => characteristic()::Integer
+        1
+      found : Boolean := false
+      for i in start..  while not found repeat
+        e : $ := index(i::PositiveInteger)
+        found := (order(e) = sm1)
+      e
+    primitive? a ==
+      -- add special implementation for prime field case
+      zero?(a) => false
+      explist := factorsOfCyclicGroupSize()
+      q:=(size()-1)@Integer
+      equalone : Boolean := false
+      for exp in explist while not equalone repeat
+--        equalone := one?(a**(q quo exp.factor))
+        equalone := ((a**(q quo exp.factor)) = 1)
+      not equalone
+    order e ==
+      e = 0 => error "order(0) is not defined "
+      ord:Integer:= size()-1 -- order e divides ord
+      a:Integer:= 0
+      lof:=factorsOfCyclicGroupSize()
+      for rec in lof repeat -- run through prime divisors
+        a := ord quo (primeDivisor := rec.factor)
+--        goon := one?(e**a)
+        goon := ((e**a) = 1)
+        -- run through exponents of the prime divisors
+        for j in 0..(rec.exponent)-2 while goon repeat
+          -- as long as we get (e**ord = 1) we
+          -- continue dividing by primeDivisor
+          ord := a
+          a := ord quo primeDivisor
+--          goon := one?(e**a)
+          goon := ((e**a) = 1)
+        if goon then ord := a
+        -- as we do a top down search we have found the
+        -- correct exponent of primeDivisor in order e
+        -- and continue with next prime divisor
+      ord pretend PositiveInteger
+    discreteLog(b) ==
+      zero?(b) => error "discreteLog: logarithm of zero"
+      faclist:=factorsOfCyclicGroupSize()
+      a:=b
+      gen:=primitiveElement()
+      -- in GF(2) its necessary to have discreteLog(1) = 1
+      b = gen => 1
+      disclog:Integer:=0
+      mult:Integer:=1
+      groupord := (size() - 1)@Integer
+      exp:Integer:=groupord
+      for f in faclist repeat
+        fac:=f.factor
+        for t in 0..f.exponent-1 repeat
+          exp:=exp quo fac
+          -- shanks discrete logarithm algorithm
+          exptable:=tableForDiscreteLogarithm(fac)
+          n:=#exptable
+          c:=a**exp
+          end:=(fac - 1) quo n
+          found:=false
+          disc1:Integer:=0
+          for i in 0..end while not found repeat
+            rho:= search(lookup(c),exptable)_
+                  $Table(PositiveInteger,NNI)
+            rho case NNI =>
+              found := true
+              disc1:=((n * i + rho)@Integer) * mult
+            c:=c* gen**((groupord quo fac) * (-n))
+          not found => error "discreteLog: ?? discrete logarithm"
+          -- end of shanks discrete logarithm algorithm
+          mult := mult * fac
+          disclog:=disclog+disc1
+          a:=a * (gen ** (-disc1))
+      disclog pretend NonNegativeInteger
+    discreteLog(logbase,b) ==
+      zero?(b) =>
+        messagePrint("discreteLog: logarithm of zero")$OutputForm
+        "failed"
+      zero?(logbase) =>
+        messagePrint("discreteLog: logarithm to base zero")$OutputForm
+        "failed"
+      b = logbase => 1
+      not zero?((groupord:=order(logbase)@PI) rem order(b)@PI) =>
+         messagePrint("discreteLog: second argument not in cyclic group_
+ generated by first argument")$OutputForm
+         "failed"
+      faclist:=factors factor groupord
+      a:=b
+      disclog:Integer:=0
+      mult:Integer:=1
+      exp:Integer:= groupord
+      for f in faclist repeat
+        fac:=f.factor
+        primroot:= logbase ** (groupord quo fac)
+        for t in 0..f.exponent-1 repeat
+          exp:=exp quo fac
+          rhoHelp:= shanksDiscLogAlgorithm(primroot,_
+                a**exp,fac pretend NonNegativeInteger)$DLP($)
+          rhoHelp case "failed" => return "failed"
+          rho := (rhoHelp :: NNI) * mult
+          disclog := disclog + rho
+          mult := mult * fac
+          a:=a * (logbase ** (-rho))
+      disclog pretend NonNegativeInteger
+    FP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial($)
+    FRP ==> Factored FP
+    f,g:FP
+    squareFreePolynomial(f:FP):FRP ==
+          squareFree(f)$UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree($,FP)
+    factorPolynomial(f:FP):FRP == factor(f)$DistinctDegreeFactorize($,FP)
+    factorSquareFreePolynomial(f:FP):FRP ==
+        f = 0 => 0
+        flist := distdfact(f,true)$DistinctDegreeFactorize($,FP)
+        (flist.cont :: FP) *
+            (*/[primeFactor(u.irr,u.pow) for u in flist.factors])
+    gcdPolynomial(f:FP,g:FP):FP ==
+         gcd(f,g)$EuclideanDomain_&(FP)
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FFIELDC"];
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FFIELDC"];
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "Finite()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "StepThrough()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "DifferentialRing()"
+digraph pic {
+ fontsize=10;
+ bgcolor="#FFFF66";
+ node [shape=box, color=white, style=filled];
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" [color=lightblue];
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "Finite()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "StepThrough()"
+"FiniteFieldCategory()" -> "DifferentialRing()"
+"FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic()" [color=lightblue];
+"FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic()" -> "CHARNZ..."
+"FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic()" -> "FIELD..."
+"Finite()" [color=lightblue];
+"Finite()" -> "SETCAT..."
+"StepThrough()" [color=lightblue];
+"StepThrough()" -> "SETCAT..."
+"DifferentialRing()" [color=lightblue];
+"DifferentialRing()" -> "RING..."
+"RING..." [color=lightblue];
+"FIELD..." [color=lightblue];
+"CHARNZ..." [color=lightblue];
+"SETCAT..." [color=lightblue];
@@ -23720,6 +24203,629 @@ digraph pic {
+\chapter{Category Layer 19}
+{\bf See:}\\
+{\bf Exports:}\\
+\cross{FAXF}{0} &
+\cross{FAXF}{1} &
+\cross{FAXF}{algebraic?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{associates?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{basis} &
+\cross{FAXF}{characteristic} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{charthRoot} &
+\cross{FAXF}{coerce} &
+\cross{FAXF}{conditionP} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{coordinates} &
+\cross{FAXF}{createNormalElement} &
+\cross{FAXF}{createPrimitiveElement} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{D} &
+\cross{FAXF}{definingPolynomial} &
+\cross{FAXF}{degree} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{differentiate} &
+\cross{FAXF}{dimension} &
+\cross{FAXF}{discreteLog} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{divide} &
+\cross{FAXF}{euclideanSize} &
+\cross{FAXF}{expressIdealMember} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{exquo} &
+\cross{FAXF}{extendedEuclidean} &
+\cross{FAXF}{extensionDegree} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{factor} &
+\cross{FAXF}{factorsOfCyclicGroupSize} &
+\cross{FAXF}{Frobenius} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{gcd} &
+\cross{FAXF}{gcdPolynomial} &
+\cross{FAXF}{generator} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{hash} &
+\cross{FAXF}{index} &
+\cross{FAXF}{inGroundField?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{init} &
+\cross{FAXF}{inv} &
+\cross{FAXF}{latex} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{lcm} &
+\cross{FAXF}{linearAssociatedExp} &
+\cross{FAXF}{linearAssociatedLog} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{linearAssociatedOrder} &
+\cross{FAXF}{lookup} &
+\cross{FAXF}{minimalPolynomial} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{multiEuclidean} &
+\cross{FAXF}{nextItem} &
+\cross{FAXF}{norm} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{normal?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{normalElement} &
+\cross{FAXF}{one?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{order} &
+\cross{FAXF}{prime?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{primeFrobenius} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{primitive?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{primitiveElement} &
+\cross{FAXF}{principalIdeal} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{random} &
+\cross{FAXF}{recip} &
+\cross{FAXF}{representationType} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{represents} &
+\cross{FAXF}{retract} &
+\cross{FAXF}{retractIfCan} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{sample} &
+\cross{FAXF}{size} &
+\cross{FAXF}{sizeLess?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{squareFree} &
+\cross{FAXF}{squareFreePart} &
+\cross{FAXF}{subtractIfCan} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{tableForDiscreteLogarithm} &
+\cross{FAXF}{trace} &
+\cross{FAXF}{transcendenceDegree} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{transcendent?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{unit?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{unitCanonical} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{unitNormal} &
+\cross{FAXF}{zero?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?*?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{?**?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?+?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?-?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{-?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?/?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?/?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{?=?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?\^{}?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?quo?} \\
+\cross{FAXF}{?rem?} &
+\cross{FAXF}{?\~{}=?} &
+These are directly exported but not implemented:
+ basis : () -> Vector %               
+ basis : PositiveInteger -> Vector %
+ coordinates : % -> Vector F          
+ definingPolynomial : () -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+ generator : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ minimalPolynomial : (%,PositiveInteger) ->
+    SparseUnivariatePolynomial % 
+      if F has FINITE
+ normalElement : () -> % if F has FINITE
+These are implemented by this category:
+ algebraic? : % -> Boolean            
+ charthRoot : % -> Union(%,"failed") 
+     if F has CHARNZ or F has FINITE
+ coordinates : Vector % -> Matrix F
+ createNormalElement : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ degree : % -> PositiveInteger
+ dimension : () -> CardinalNumber     
+ extensionDegree : () -> PositiveInteger
+ linearAssociatedExp : (%,SparseUnivariatePolynomial F) -> % 
+     if F has FINITE
+ linearAssociatedLog : (%,%) ->
+    Union(SparseUnivariatePolynomial F,"failed") 
+      if F has FINITE
+ linearAssociatedLog : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F 
+     if F has FINITE
+ linearAssociatedOrder : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F 
+     if F has FINITE
+ minimalPolynomial : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+ norm : % -> F                        
+ norm : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % if F has FINITE
+ normal? : % -> Boolean if F has FINITE
+ represents : Vector F -> %           
+ size : () -> NonNegativeInteger if F has FINITE
+ trace : % -> F                       
+ trace : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % if F has FINITE
+ transcendenceDegree : () -> NonNegativeInteger
+ transcendent? : % -> Boolean
+These exports come from \refto{ExtensionField}(F:Field):
+ 0 : () -> %
+ 1 : () -> %                          
+ associates? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ characteristic : () -> NonNegativeInteger
+ coerce : F -> %
+ coerce : % -> %
+ coerce : Integer -> %                
+ coerce : % -> OutputForm
+ coerce : Fraction Integer -> %       
+ discreteLog : (%,%) ->
+    Union(NonNegativeInteger,"failed")
+      if F has CHARNZ or F has FINITE
+ divide : (%,%) -> Record(quotient: %,remainder: %)
+ euclideanSize : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ expressIdealMember : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ exquo : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ extendedEuclidean : (%,%,%) ->
+    Union(Record(coef1: %,coef2: %),"failed")
+ extendedEuclidean : (%,%) ->
+    Record(coef1: %,coef2: %,generator: %)
+ factor : % -> Factored %
+ Frobenius : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % if F has FINITE
+ Frobenius : % -> % if F has FINITE
+ gcd : List % -> %                    
+ gcd : (%,%) -> %
+ gcdPolynomial : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %,
+                  SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) ->
+                     SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ hash : % -> SingleInteger            
+ inGroundField? : % -> Boolean
+ inv : % -> %                         
+ latex : % -> String
+ lcm : List % -> %                    
+ lcm : (%,%) -> %
+ multiEuclidean : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")
+ one? : % -> Boolean
+ order : % -> OnePointCompletion PositiveInteger
+      if F has CHARNZ or F has FINITE
+ prime? : % -> Boolean                
+ primeFrobenius : % -> % 
+     if F has CHARNZ or F has FINITE
+ primeFrobenius : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % 
+     if F has CHARNZ or F has FINITE
+ principalIdeal : List % -> Record(coef: List %,generator: %)
+ recip : % -> Union(%,"failed")       
+ retract : % -> F
+ retractIfCan : % -> Union(F,"failed")
+ sample : () -> %                     
+ squareFree : % -> Factored %         
+ squareFreePart : % -> %
+ sizeLess? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ unit? : % -> Boolean                 
+ unitCanonical : % -> %
+ unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %)
+ zero? : % -> Boolean                 
+ ?/? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?+? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean               
+ ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
+ ?*? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ ?*? : (Integer,%) -> %
+ ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> %       
+ ?*? : (NonNegativeInteger,%) -> %
+ ?*? : (Fraction Integer,%) -> %      
+ ?*? : (%,Fraction Integer) -> %
+ ?*? : (F,%) -> %                     
+ ?*? : (%,F) -> %
+ ?-? : (%,%) -> %                     
+ -? : % -> %
+ ?**? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?**? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %      
+ ?**? : (%,Integer) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,Integer) -> %               
+ ?^? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> %
+ ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ?quo? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?rem? : (%,%) -> %
+ ?/? : (%,F) -> %                     
+These exports come from \refto{RetractableTo}(F:Field):
+These exports come from \refto{FiniteFieldCategory}():
+ charthRoot : % -> % if F has FINITE
+ conditionP : Matrix % -> Union(Vector %,"failed") 
+     if F has FINITE
+ createPrimitiveElement : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ D : % -> % if F has FINITE
+ D : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % if F has FINITE
+ differentiate : % -> % if F has FINITE
+ differentiate : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % 
+     if F has FINITE
+ discreteLog : % -> NonNegativeInteger if F has FINITE
+ factorsOfCyclicGroupSize : () ->
+    List Record(factor: Integer,exponent: Integer) 
+      if F has FINITE
+ index : PositiveInteger -> % if F has FINITE
+ init : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ lookup : % -> PositiveInteger if F has FINITE
+ nextItem : % -> Union(%,"failed") if F has FINITE
+ order : % -> PositiveInteger if F has FINITE
+ primitive? : % -> Boolean if F has FINITE
+ primitiveElement : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ random : () -> % if F has FINITE
+ representationType : () ->
+    Union("prime",polynomial,normal,cyclic) 
+      if F has FINITE
+ tableForDiscreteLogarithm : Integer ->
+    Table(PositiveInteger,NonNegativeInteger) 
+      if F has FINITE
+<<category FAXF FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField>>=
+)abbrev category FAXF FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField
+++ Author: J. Grabmeier, A. Scheerhorn
+++ Date Created: 11 March 1991
+++ Date Last Updated: 31 March 1991
+++ Basic Operations: _+, _*, extensionDegree,
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords: field, extension field, algebraic extension, finite extension
+++ References:
+++  R.Lidl, H.Niederreiter: Finite Field, Encycoldia of Mathematics and
+++  Its Applications, Vol. 20, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983, 
+++  ISBN 0 521 30240 4 J. Grabmeier, A. Scheerhorn: Finite Fields in AXIOM.
+++  AXIOM Technical Report Series, ATR/5 NP2522.
+++ Description:
+++  FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField {\em F} is the category of fields
+++  which are finite algebraic extensions of the field {\em F}.
+++  If {\em F} is finite then any finite algebraic extension of {\em F} 
+++  is finite, too. Let {\em K} be a finite algebraic extension of the 
+++  finite field {\em F}. The exponentiation of elements of {\em K} 
+++  defines a Z-module structure on the multiplicative group of {\em K}. 
+++  The additive group of {\em K} becomes a module over the ring of 
+++  polynomials over {\em F} via the operation 
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a:K,f:SparseUnivariatePolynomial F)
+++  which is linear over {\em F}, i.e. for elements {\em a} from {\em K},
+++  {\em c,d} from {\em F} and {\em f,g} univariate polynomials over {\em F}
+++  we have \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,cf+dg) equals {\em c} times
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,f) plus {\em d} times
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g).
+++  Therefore \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp} is defined completely by
+++  its action on  monomials from {\em F[X]}:
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,monomial(1,k)\$SUP(F)) is defined to be
+++  \spadfun{Frobenius}(a,k) which is {\em a**(q**k)} where {\em q=size()\$F}.
+++  The operations order and discreteLog associated with the multiplicative
+++  exponentiation have additive analogues associated to the operation
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}. These are the functions
+++  \spadfun{linearAssociatedOrder} and \spadfun{linearAssociatedLog},
+++  respectively.
+FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(F : Field) : Category == _
+  Join(ExtensionField F, RetractableTo F) with
+  -- should be unified with algebras
+  -- Join(ExtensionField F, FramedAlgebra F, RetractableTo F) with
+    basis : () -> Vector $
+      ++ basis() returns a fixed basis of \$ as \spad{F}-vectorspace.
+    basis : PositiveInteger -> Vector $
+      ++ basis(n) returns a fixed basis of a subfield of \$ as
+      ++ \spad{F}-vectorspace.
+    coordinates : $ -> Vector F
+      ++ coordinates(a) returns the coordinates of \spad{a} with respect
+      ++ to the fixed \spad{F}-vectorspace basis.
+    coordinates : Vector $ -> Matrix F
+      ++ coordinates([v1,...,vm]) returns the coordinates of the
+      ++ vi's with to the fixed basis.  The coordinates of vi are
+      ++ contained in the ith row of the matrix returned by this
+      ++ function.
+    represents:  Vector F -> $
+      ++ represents([a1,..,an]) returns \spad{a1*v1 + ... + an*vn}, where
+      ++ v1,...,vn are the elements of the fixed basis.
+    minimalPolynomial: $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+      ++ minimalPolynomial(a) returns the minimal polynomial of an
+      ++ element \spad{a} over the ground field F.
+    definingPolynomial: () -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+      ++ definingPolynomial() returns the polynomial used to define
+      ++ the field extension.
+    extensionDegree : () ->  PositiveInteger
+      ++ extensionDegree() returns the degree of field extension.
+    degree : $ -> PositiveInteger
+      ++ degree(a) returns the degree of the minimal polynomial of an
+      ++ element \spad{a} over the ground field F.
+    norm: $  -> F
+      ++ norm(a) computes the norm of \spad{a} with respect to the
+      ++ field considered as an algebra with 1 over the ground field F.
+    trace: $ -> F
+      ++ trace(a) computes the trace of \spad{a} with respect to
+      ++ the field considered as an algebra with 1 over the ground field F.
+    if F has Finite then
+      FiniteFieldCategory
+      minimalPolynomial: ($,PositiveInteger) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial $
+        ++ minimalPolynomial(x,n) computes the minimal polynomial of x over
+        ++ the field of extension degree n over the ground field F.
+      norm: ($,PositiveInteger)  -> $
+        ++ norm(a,d) computes the norm of \spad{a} with respect to the field
+        ++ of extension degree d over the ground field of size.
+        ++ Error: if d does not divide the extension degree of \spad{a}.
+        ++ Note: norm(a,d) = reduce(*,[a**(q**(d*i)) for i in 0..n/d])
+      trace: ($,PositiveInteger)   -> $
+        ++ trace(a,d) computes the trace of \spad{a} with respect to the
+        ++ field of extension degree d over the ground field of size q.
+        ++ Error: if d does not divide the extension degree of \spad{a}.
+        ++ Note: \spad{trace(a,d)=reduce(+,[a**(q**(d*i)) for i in 0..n/d])}.
+      createNormalElement: () -> $
+        ++ createNormalElement() computes a normal element over the ground
+        ++ field F, that is,
+        ++ \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i < extensionDegree()} is an F-basis,
+        ++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
+        ++ Reference: Such an element exists Lidl/Niederreiter: Theorem 2.35.
+      normalElement: () -> $
+        ++ normalElement() returns a element, normal over the ground field F,
+        ++ i.e. \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i < extensionDegree()} is an F-basis,
+        ++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
+        ++ At the first call, the element is computed by
+        ++ \spadfunFrom{createNormalElement}{FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField}
+        ++ then cached in a global variable.
+        ++ On subsequent calls, the element is retrieved by referencing the
+        ++ global variable.
+      normal?: $ -> Boolean
+        ++ normal?(a) tests whether the element \spad{a} is normal over the
+        ++ ground field F, i.e.
+        ++ \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i <= extensionDegree()-1} is an F-basis,
+        ++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
+        ++ Implementation according to Lidl/Niederreiter: Theorem 2.39.
+      generator: () -> $
+        ++ generator() returns a root of the defining polynomial.
+        ++ This element generates the field as an algebra over the ground
+        ++ field.
+      linearAssociatedExp:($,SparseUnivariatePolynomial F) -> $
+        ++ linearAssociatedExp(a,f) is linear over {\em F}, i.e.
+        ++ for elements {\em a} from {\em \$}, {\em c,d} form {\em F} and
+        ++ {\em f,g} univariate polynomials over {\em F} we have
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,cf+dg) equals {\em c} times
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,f) plus {\em d} times
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g). Therefore
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp} is defined completely by its 
+        ++ action on monomials from {\em F[X]}:
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,monomial(1,k)\$SUP(F)) is 
+        ++ defined to be \spadfun{Frobenius}(a,k) which is {\em a**(q**k)},
+        ++ where {\em q=size()\$F}.
+      linearAssociatedOrder: $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+        ++ linearAssociatedOrder(a) retruns the monic polynomial {\em g} of
+        ++ least degree, such that \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g) is 0.
+      linearAssociatedLog: $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
+        ++ linearAssociatedLog(a) returns a polynomial {\em g}, such that
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(normalElement(),g) equals {\em a}.
+      linearAssociatedLog: ($,$) -> _
+        Union(SparseUnivariatePolynomial F,"failed")
+        ++ linearAssociatedLog(b,a) returns a polynomial {\em g}, such 
+        ++ that the \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(b,g) equals {\em a}.
+        ++ If there is no such polynomial {\em g}, then
+        ++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedLog} fails.
+  add
+    I   ==> Integer
+    PI  ==> PositiveInteger
+    NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
+    SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
+    DLP ==> DiscreteLogarithmPackage
+    represents(v) ==
+      a:$:=0
+      b:=basis()
+      for i in 1..extensionDegree()@PI repeat
+        a:=a+(v.i)*(b.i)
+      a
+    transcendenceDegree() == 0$NNI
+    dimension() == (#basis()) ::NonNegativeInteger::CardinalNumber
+    coordinates(v:Vector $) ==
+      m := new(#v, extensionDegree(), 0)$Matrix(F)
+      for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v for j in minRowIndex m .. repeat
+        setRow_!(m, j, coordinates qelt(v, i))
+      m
+    algebraic? a == true
+    transcendent? a == false
+-- This definition is a duplicate and has been removed
+--    extensionDegree():OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger) ==
+--      (#basis()) :: PositiveInteger::OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger)
+    extensionDegree() == (#basis()) :: PositiveInteger
+-- These definitions are duplicates and have been removed
+--    degree(a):OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger) ==
+--      degree(a)@PI::OnePointCompletion(PositiveInteger)
+    -- degree a == degree(minimalPolynomial a)$SUP(F) :: PI
+    trace a ==
+      b := basis()
+      abs : F := 0
+      for i in 1..#b repeat
+        abs := abs + coordinates(a*b.i).i
+      abs
+    norm a ==
+      b := basis()
+      m := new(#b,#b, 0)$Matrix(F)
+      for i in 1..#b repeat
+        setRow_!(m,i, coordinates(a*b.i))
+      determinant(m)
+    if F has Finite then
+      linearAssociatedExp(x,f) ==
+        erg:$:=0
+        y:=x
+        for i in repeat
+          erg:=erg + coefficient(f,i) * y
+          y:=Frobenius(y)
+        erg
+      linearAssociatedLog(b,x) ==
+        x=0 => 0
+        l:List List F:=[entries coordinates b]
+        a:$:=b
+        extdeg:NNI:=extensionDegree()@PI
+        for i in 2..extdeg repeat
+          a:=Frobenius(a)
+          l:=concat(l,entries coordinates a)$(List List F)
+        l:=concat(l,entries coordinates x)$(List List F)
+        m1:=rowEchelon transpose matrix(l)$(Matrix F)
+        v:=zero(extdeg)$(Vector F)
+        rown:I:=1
+        for i in 1..extdeg repeat
+          if qelt(m1,rown,i) = 1$F then
+            v.i:=qelt(m1,rown,extdeg+1)
+            rown:=rown+1
+        p:=+/[monomial(v.(i+1),i::NNI) for i in 0..(#v-1)]
+        p=0 =>
+         messagePrint("linearAssociatedLog: second argument not in_
+                       group generated by first argument")$OutputForm
+         "failed"
+        p
+      linearAssociatedLog(x) == linearAssociatedLog(normalElement(),x) ::
+                              SparseUnivariatePolynomial(F)
+      linearAssociatedOrder(x) ==
+        x=0 => 0
+        l:List List F:=[entries coordinates x]
+        a:$:=x
+        for i in 1..extensionDegree()@PI repeat
+          a:=Frobenius(a)
+          l:=concat(l,entries coordinates a)$(List List F)
+        v:=first nullSpace transpose matrix(l)$(Matrix F)
+        +/[monomial(v.(i+1),i::NNI) for i in 0..(#v-1)]
+      charthRoot(x):Union($,"failed") ==
+        (charthRoot(x)@$)::Union($,"failed")
+      -- norm(e) == norm(e,1) pretend F
+      -- trace(e) == trace(e,1) pretend F
+      minimalPolynomial(a,n) ==
+        extensionDegree()@PI rem n ^= 0 =>
+          error "minimalPolynomial: 2. argument must divide extension degree"
+        f:SUP $:=monomial(1,1)$(SUP $) - monomial(a,0)$(SUP $)
+        u:$:=Frobenius(a,n)
+        while not(u = a) repeat
+          f:=f * (monomial(1,1)$(SUP $) - monomial(u,0)$(SUP $))
+          u:=Frobenius(u,n)
+        f
+      norm(e,s) ==
+        qr := divide(extensionDegree(), s)
+        zero?(qr.remainder) =>
+          pow := (size()-1) quo (size()$F ** s - 1)
+          e ** (pow::NonNegativeInteger)
+        error "norm: second argument must divide degree of extension"
+      trace(e,s) ==
+        qr:=divide(extensionDegree(),s)
+        q:=size()$F
+        zero?(qr.remainder) =>
+          a:$:=0
+          for i in 0..qr.quotient-1 repeat
+            a:=a + e**(q**(s*i))
+          a
+        error "trace: second argument must divide degree of extension"
+      size() == size()$F ** extensionDegree()
+      createNormalElement() ==
+        characteristic() = size() => 1
+        res : $
+        for i in 1.. repeat
+          res := index(i :: PI)
+          not inGroundField? res =>
+            normal? res => return res
+        -- theorem: there exists a normal element, this theorem is
+        -- unknown to the compiler
+        res
+      normal?(x:$) ==
+        p:SUP $:=(monomial(1,extensionDegree()) - monomial(1,0))@(SUP $)
+        f:SUP $:= +/[monomial(Frobenius(x,i),i)$(SUP $) _
+                   for i in 0..extensionDegree()-1]
+        gcd(p,f) = 1 => true
+        false
+      degree a ==
+        y:$:=Frobenius a
+        deg:PI:=1
+        while y^=a repeat
+          y := Frobenius(y)
+          deg:=deg+1
+        deg
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FAXF"];
+"FAXF" -> "XF"
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FAXF"];
+"FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "ExtensionField(a:Field)"
+"FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "RetractableTo(a:Field)"
+digraph pic {
+ fontsize=10;
+ bgcolor="#FFFF66";
+ node [shape=box, color=white, style=filled];
+ [color=lightblue,href="bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FAXF"];
+"FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "ExtensionField(a:Field)"
+"FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "RetractableTo(Field)"
+"ExtensionField(a:Field)" [color=lightblue];
+"ExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "Field()"
+"ExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "RetractableTo(Field)"
+"ExtensionField(a:Field)" -> "VectorSpace(a:Field)"
+"Field()" [color=lightblue];
+"Field()" -> "EuclideanDomain()"
+"Field()" -> "UniqueFactorizationDomain()"
+"Field()" -> "DIVRING..."
+"EuclideanDomain()" [color=lightblue];
+"EuclideanDomain()" -> "PrincipalIdealDomain()"
+"UniqueFactorizationDomain()" [color=lightblue];
+"UniqueFactorizationDomain()" -> "GCDDOM..."
+"PrincipalIdealDomain()" [color=lightblue];
+"PrincipalIdealDomain()" -> "GCDDOM..."
+"RetractableTo(Field)" [color=seagreen];
+"RetractableTo(Field)" -> "RetractableTo(a:Type)"
+"RetractableTo(a:Type)" [color=lightblue];
+"RetractableTo(a:Type)" -> "Category"
+"VectorSpace(a:Field)" [color=lightblue];
+"VectorSpace(a:Field)" -> "MODULE..."
+"MODULE..." [color=lightblue];
+"DIVRING..." [color=lightblue];
+"GCDDOM..." [color=lightblue];
+"Category" [color=lightblue];
 \chapter{The bootstrap code}
 \section{ABELGRP.lsp BOOTSTRAP} 
 {\bf ABELGRP} depends on a chain of
@@ -25558,6 +26664,639 @@ Note that this code is not included in the generated 
catdef.spad file.
+\section{FFIELDC.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf FFIELDC} 
+depends on a chain of files. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf FFIELDC}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile 
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf FFIELDC.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version. 
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |FiniteFieldCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL)) 
+(DEFUN |FiniteFieldCategory| NIL
+ (LET (#:G83129)
+  (COND 
+   (|FiniteFieldCategory;AL|)
+   (T (SETQ |FiniteFieldCategory;AL| (|FiniteFieldCategory;|)))))) 
+(DEFUN |FiniteFieldCategory;| NIL
+ (PROG (#1=#:G83127)
+   (PROG1
+    (LETT #1#
+     (|Join|
+      (|FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic|)
+      (|Finite|)
+      (|StepThrough|)
+      (|DifferentialRing|)
+      (|mkCategory|
+       (QUOTE |domain|)
+       (QUOTE (
+        ((|charthRoot| (|$| |$|)) T)
+        ((|conditionP| ((|Union| (|Vector| |$|) "failed") (|Matrix| |$|))) T)
+        ((|factorsOfCyclicGroupSize|
+         ((|List| (|Record| 
+                   (|:| |factor| (|Integer|))
+                   (|:| |exponent| (|Integer|))))))
+          T)
+        ((|tableForDiscreteLogarithm|
+          ((|Table| (|PositiveInteger|) (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+           (|Integer|))) T)
+        ((|createPrimitiveElement| (|$|)) T)
+        ((|primitiveElement| (|$|)) T)
+        ((|primitive?| ((|Boolean|) |$|)) T)
+        ((|discreteLog| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$|)) T)
+        ((|order| ((|PositiveInteger|) |$|)) T)
+        ((|representationType|
+          ((|Union| "prime" "polynomial" "normal" "cyclic"))) T)))
+       NIL
+       (QUOTE (
+        (|PositiveInteger|)
+        (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+        (|Boolean|)
+        (|Table| (|PositiveInteger|) (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+        (|Integer|)
+        (|List|
+         (|Record| (|:| |factor| (|Integer|)) (|:| |exponent| (|Integer|))))
+        (|Matrix| |$|)))
+       NIL))
+     |FiniteFieldCategory|)
+    (SETELT #1# 0 (QUOTE (|FiniteFieldCategory|))))))) 
+(MAKEPROP (QUOTE |FiniteFieldCategory|) (QUOTE NILADIC) T) 
+\section{FFIELDC-.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf FFIELDC-} depends on {\bf FFIELDC}. We need to break this cycle
+to build the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf
+FFIELDC-} category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We
+compile the lisp code and copy the {\bf FFIELDC-.o} file to the {\bf
+OUT} directory.  This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;differentiate;2S;1| (|x| |$|) (|spadConstant| |$| 7)) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;init;S;2| (|$|) (|spadConstant| |$| 7)) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;nextItem;SU;3| (|a| |$|)
+    (LETT |a|
+     (SPADCALL (|+| (SPADCALL |a| (QREFELT |$| 11)) 1) (QREFELT |$| 12))
+     |FFIELDC-;nextItem;SU;3|)
+    (QREFELT |$| 14))
+     (CONS 1 "failed"))
+  ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |a|)))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;order;SOpc;4| (|e| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT |$| 17)) (QREFELT |$| 20))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;conditionP;MU;5| (|mat| |$|)
+ (PROG (|l|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |mat| (QREFELT |$| 24)) |FFIELDC-;conditionP;MU;5|)
+    (COND
+     ((OR
+       (NULL |l|)
+       (SPADCALL (ELT |$| 14) (|SPADfirst| |l|) (QREFELT |$| 27)))
+         (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+    (EXIT
+     (CONS 0
+      (SPADCALL (ELT |$| 28) (|SPADfirst| |l|) (QREFELT |$| 30)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;charthRoot;2S;6| (|x| |$|)
+  (QREFELT |$| 37))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;charthRoot;SU;7| (|x| |$|)
+ (CONS 0 (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 28)))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8| (|$|)
+ (PROG (|sm1| |start| |i| #1=#:G83175 |e| |found|)
+   (SEQ
+    (LETT |sm1|
+     (|-| (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 35)) 1)
+     |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+    (LETT |start|
+     (COND
+      ((SPADCALL
+        (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 42))
+        (CONS 1 "polynomial")
+        (QREFELT |$| 43))
+       (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 36)))
+      ((QUOTE T) 1))
+     |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+    (LETT |found| (QUOTE NIL) |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+    (SEQ
+     (LETT |i| |start| |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+     G190
+     (COND
+      ((NULL (COND (|found| (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+        (GO G191)))
+     (SEQ
+      (LETT |e|
+       (SPADCALL
+        (PROG1
+         (LETT #1# |i| |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+         (|check-subtype| (|>| #1# 0) (QUOTE (|PositiveInteger|)) #1#))
+        (QREFELT |$| 12))
+       |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+      (EXIT
+       (LETT |found|
+        (EQL (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT |$| 17)) |sm1|)
+        |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)))
+     (LETT |i| (|+| |i| 1) |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8|)
+     (GO G190)
+     G191
+     (EXIT NIL))
+    (EXIT |e|))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9| (|a| |$|)
+ (PROG (|explist| |q| |exp| #1=#:G83187 |equalone|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |a| (QREFELT |$| 14)) (QUOTE NIL))
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |explist|
+        (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 47)) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+       (LETT |q|
+        (|-| (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 35)) 1) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+       (LETT |equalone| (QUOTE NIL) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |exp| NIL |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+        (LETT #1# |explist| |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+        G190
+        (COND
+         ((OR
+           (ATOM #1#)
+           (PROGN (LETT |exp| (CAR #1#) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|) NIL)
+           (NULL (COND (|equalone| (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))))
+          (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ
+         (EXIT
+          (LETT |equalone|
+           (SPADCALL
+            (SPADCALL |a| (QUOTIENT2 |q| (QCAR |exp|)) (QREFELT |$| 48))
+            (QREFELT |$| 49))
+           |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)))
+        (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9|)
+        (GO G190)
+        G191
+        (EXIT NIL))
+       (EXIT (COND (|equalone| (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10| (|e| |$|)
+ (PROG (|lof| |rec| #1=#:G83195 |primeDivisor| 
+        |j| #2=#:G83196 |a| |goon| |ord|)
+   (SEQ 
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |e| (|spadConstant| |$| 7) (QREFELT |$| 51))
+       (|error| "order(0) is not defined "))
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ 
+       (LETT |ord|
+        (|-| (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 35)) 1) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+       (LETT |a| 0 |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+       (LETT |lof| (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 47)) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+       (SEQ
+        (LETT |rec| NIL |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+        (LETT #1# |lof| |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+        G190
+        (COND
+         ((OR
+           (ATOM #1#)
+           (PROGN (LETT |rec| (CAR #1#) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|) NIL))
+          (GO G191)))
+        (SEQ
+         (LETT |a|
+          (QUOTIENT2 |ord|
+           (LETT |primeDivisor| (QCAR |rec|) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|))
+          |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+         (LETT |goon|
+          (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |e| |a| (QREFELT |$| 48)) (QREFELT |$| 49))
+          |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |j| 0 |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+          (LETT #2# (|-| (QCDR |rec|) 2) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+          G190
+          (COND ((OR (QSGREATERP |j| #2#) (NULL |goon|)) (GO G191)))
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |ord| |a| |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+           (LETT |a|
+            (QUOTIENT2 |ord| |primeDivisor|)
+            |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+           (EXIT
+            (LETT |goon|
+             (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |e| |a| (QREFELT |$| 48)) (QREFELT |$| 49))
+             |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)))
+          (LETT |j| (QSADD1 |j|) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+          (GO G190)
+          G191
+          (EXIT NIL))
+         (EXIT (COND (|goon| (LETT |ord| |a| |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)))))
+        (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10|)
+        (GO G190)
+        G191
+        (EXIT NIL))
+       (EXIT |ord|)))))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11| (|b| |$|)
+ (PROG (|faclist| |gen| |groupord| |f| #1=#:G83216 |fac| |t| #2=#:G83217 
+        |exp| |exptable| |n| |end| |i| |rho| |found| |disc1| |c| |mult| 
+        |disclog| |a|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |b| (QREFELT |$| 14))
+       (|error| "discreteLog: logarithm of zero"))
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |faclist|
+        (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 47))
+        |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+       (LETT |a| |b| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+       (LETT |gen|
+        (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 53))
+        |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+       (EXIT
+        (COND
+         ((SPADCALL |b| |gen| (QREFELT |$| 51)) 1)
+         ((QUOTE T)
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |disclog| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+           (LETT |mult| 1 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+           (LETT |groupord|
+            (|-| (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 35)) 1)
+            |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+           (LETT |exp| |groupord| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+           (SEQ
+            (LETT |f| NIL |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+            (LETT #1# |faclist| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+            G190
+            (COND 
+             ((OR 
+               (ATOM #1#)
+               (PROGN
+                (LETT |f| (CAR #1#) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                NIL))
+             (GO G191)))
+            (SEQ
+             (LETT |fac| (QCAR |f|) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+             (EXIT
+              (SEQ
+               (LETT |t| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+               (LETT #2# (|-| (QCDR |f|) 1) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+               G190
+               (COND ((QSGREATERP |t| #2#) (GO G191)))
+               (SEQ
+                (LETT |exp|
+                 (QUOTIENT2 |exp| |fac|)
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |exptable|
+                 (SPADCALL |fac| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |n|
+                 (SPADCALL |exptable| (QREFELT |$| 56))
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |c|
+                 (SPADCALL |a| |exp| (QREFELT |$| 48))
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |end|
+                 (QUOTIENT2 (|-| |fac| 1) |n|)
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |found| (QUOTE NIL) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (LETT |disc1| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                (SEQ
+                 (LETT |i| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                 G190
+                 (COND 
+                  ((OR
+                    (QSGREATERP |i| |end|)
+                    (NULL
+                     (COND (|found| (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))))
+                   (GO G191)))
+                 (SEQ
+                  (LETT |rho|
+                   (SPADCALL
+                    (SPADCALL |c| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+                    |exptable|
+                    (QREFELT |$| 58))
+                   |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                  (EXIT
+                   (COND
+                    ((QEQCAR |rho| 0)
+                     (SEQ
+                      (LETT |found| (QUOTE T) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                      (EXIT
+                       (LETT |disc1|
+                        (|*| (|+| (|*| |n| |i|) (QCDR |rho|)) |mult|)
+                        |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|))))
+                    ((QUOTE T)
+                     (LETT |c|
+                      (SPADCALL |c|
+                       (SPADCALL |gen|
+                        (|*| (QUOTIENT2 |groupord| |fac|) (|-| |n|))
+                        (QREFELT |$| 48))
+                       (QREFELT |$| 59))
+                      |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)))))
+                 (LETT |i| (QSADD1 |i|) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                 (GO G190)
+                 G191
+                 (EXIT NIL))
+                (EXIT
+                 (COND
+                  (|found|
+                   (SEQ
+                    (LETT |mult|
+                     (|*| |mult| |fac|)
+                     |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                    (LETT |disclog|
+                     (|+| |disclog| |disc1|)
+                     |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+                    (EXIT
+                     (LETT |a|
+                      (SPADCALL |a|
+                       (SPADCALL |gen| (|-| |disc1|) (QREFELT |$| 48))
+                       (QREFELT |$| 59))
+                      |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|))))
+                  ((QUOTE T)
+                    (|error| "discreteLog: ?? discrete logarithm")))))
+               (LETT |t|
+                (QSADD1 |t|)
+                |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+               (GO G190)
+               G191
+               (EXIT NIL))))
+            (LETT #1#
+             (CDR #1#)
+             |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11|)
+            (GO G190)
+            G191 
+            (EXIT NIL))
+           (EXIT |disclog|)))))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12| (|logbase| |b| |$|)
+ (PROG (|groupord| |faclist| |f| #1=#:G83235 |fac| |primroot| 
+        |t| #2=#:G83236 |exp| |rhoHelp| #3=#:G83234 |rho| |disclog| 
+        |mult| |a|)
+   (SEQ
+    (EXIT
+     (COND
+      ((SPADCALL |b| (QREFELT |$| 14))
+       (SEQ
+        (SPADCALL "discreteLog: logarithm of zero" (QREFELT |$| 64))
+        (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+      ((SPADCALL |logbase| (QREFELT |$| 14))
+       (SEQ 
+        (SPADCALL "discreteLog: logarithm to base zero" (QREFELT |$| 64))
+        (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+      ((SPADCALL |b| |logbase| (QREFELT |$| 51)) (CONS 0 1))
+      ((QUOTE T)
+       (COND
+        ((NULL
+          (ZEROP
+           (REMAINDER2
+            (LETT |groupord|
+             (SPADCALL |logbase| (QREFELT |$| 17))
+             |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+            (SPADCALL |b| (QREFELT |$| 17)))))
+         (SEQ
+          (SPADCALL 
+"discreteLog: second argument not in cyclic group generated by first argument" 
+           (QREFELT |$| 64))
+          (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+        ((QUOTE T)
+         (SEQ
+          (LETT |faclist|
+           (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |groupord| (QREFELT |$| 66)) (QREFELT |$| 68))
+           |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+          (LETT |a| |b| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+          (LETT |disclog| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+          (LETT |mult| 1 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+          (LETT |exp| |groupord| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |f| NIL |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+           (LETT #1# |faclist| |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+           G190
+           (COND
+            ((OR
+              (ATOM #1#)
+              (PROGN (LETT |f| (CAR #1#) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|) NIL))
+             (GO G191)))
+           (SEQ
+            (LETT |fac| (QCAR |f|) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+            (LETT |primroot|
+             (SPADCALL |logbase|
+              (QUOTIENT2 |groupord| |fac|)
+              (QREFELT |$| 48))
+             |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+            (EXIT
+             (SEQ
+              (LETT |t| 0 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+              (LETT #2# (|-| (QCDR |f|) 1) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+              G190
+              (COND ((QSGREATERP |t| #2#) (GO G191)))
+              (SEQ
+               (LETT |exp|
+                (QUOTIENT2 |exp| |fac|)
+                |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+               (LETT |rhoHelp|
+                (SPADCALL |primroot|
+                 (SPADCALL |a| |exp| (QREFELT |$| 48))
+                 |fac|
+                 (QREFELT |$| 70))
+                 |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+               (EXIT
+                (COND
+                 ((QEQCAR |rhoHelp| 1)
+                  (PROGN
+                   (LETT #3# (CONS 1 "failed") |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+                   (GO #3#)))
+                 ((QUOTE T)
+                  (SEQ
+                   (LETT |rho|
+                    (|*| (QCDR |rhoHelp|) |mult|)
+                    |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+                   (LETT |disclog|
+                    (|+| |disclog| |rho|)
+                    |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+                   (LETT |mult|
+                    (|*| |mult| |fac|)
+                    |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+                   (EXIT
+                    (LETT |a|
+                     (SPADCALL |a|
+                      (SPADCALL |logbase| (|-| |rho|) (QREFELT |$| 48))
+                      (QREFELT |$| 59))
+                     |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)))))))
+              (LETT |t| (QSADD1 |t|) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+              (GO G190)
+              G191
+              (EXIT NIL))))
+           (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|)
+           (GO G190)
+           G191
+           (EXIT NIL))
+          (EXIT (CONS 0 |disclog|))))))))
+    #3#
+    (EXIT #3#))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;squareFreePolynomial| (|f| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 75))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;factorPolynomial| (|f| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 77))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial| (|f| |$|)
+ (PROG (|flist| |u| #1=#:G83248 #2=#:G83245 #3=#:G83243 #4=#:G83244)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADCALL |f| (|spadConstant| |$| 78) (QREFELT |$| 79))
+       (|spadConstant| |$| 80))
+     ((QUOTE T)
+      (SEQ
+       (LETT |flist|
+        (SPADCALL |f| (QUOTE T) (QREFELT |$| 83))
+        |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+       (EXIT
+        (SPADCALL
+         (SPADCALL (QCAR |flist|) (QREFELT |$| 84))
+         (PROGN
+          (LETT #4# NIL |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+          (SEQ
+           (LETT |u| NIL |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+           (LETT #1# (QCDR |flist|) |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+           G190
+           (COND
+            ((OR
+              (ATOM #1#)
+              (PROGN 
+               (LETT |u| (CAR #1#) |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+               NIL))
+             (GO G191)))
+           (SEQ
+            (EXIT
+             (PROGN
+              (LETT #2#
+               (SPADCALL (QCAR |u|) (QCDR |u|) (QREFELT |$| 85))
+               |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+              (COND
+               (#4#
+                (LETT #3# 
+                 (SPADCALL #3# #2# (QREFELT |$| 86))
+                 |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|))
+               ((QUOTE T)
+                (PROGN
+                 (LETT #3# #2# |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+                 (LETT #4#
+                  (QUOTE T)
+                  |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)))))))
+           (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |FFIELDC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+           (GO G190)
+           G191
+          (EXIT NIL))
+          (COND (#4# #3#) ((QUOTE T) (|spadConstant| |$| 87))))
+         (QREFELT |$| 88)))))))))) 
+(DEFUN |FFIELDC-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;16| (|f| |g| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |f| |g| (QREFELT |$| 90))) 
+(DEFUN |FiniteFieldCategory&| (|#1|)
+ (PROG (|DV$1| |dv$| |$| |pv$|)
+   (PROGN
+    (LETT |DV$1| (|devaluate| |#1|) . #1=(|FiniteFieldCategory&|))
+    (LETT |dv$| (LIST (QUOTE |FiniteFieldCategory&|) |DV$1|) . #1#)
+    (LETT |$| (GETREFV 93) . #1#)
+    (QSETREFV |$| 0 |dv$|)
+    (QSETREFV |$| 3 (LETT |pv$| (|buildPredVector| 0 0 NIL) . #1#))
+    (|stuffDomainSlots| |$|)
+    (QSETREFV |$| 6 |#1|) |$|)))) 
+ (QUOTE |FiniteFieldCategory&|)
+ (QUOTE |infovec|)
+ (LIST 
+  #(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) (0 . |Zero|) 
+    |FFIELDC-;differentiate;2S;1| |FFIELDC-;init;S;2| (|PositiveInteger|) 
+    (4 . |lookup|) (9 . |index|) (|Boolean|) (14 . |zero?|)
+    (|Union| |$| (QUOTE "failed")) |FFIELDC-;nextItem;SU;3| (19 . |order|)
+    (|Integer|) (|OnePointCompletion| 10) (24 . |coerce|)
+    |FFIELDC-;order;SOpc;4| (|List| 26) (|Matrix| 6) (29 . |nullSpace|)
+    (|Mapping| 13 6) (|Vector| 6) (34 . |every?|) (40 . |charthRoot|)
+    (|Mapping| 6 6) (45 . |map|) (|Union| (|Vector| |$|) (QUOTE "failed"))
+    (|Matrix| |$|) |FFIELDC-;conditionP;MU;5| (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+    (51 . |size|) (55 . |characteristic|) (59 . |**|)
+    |FFIELDC-;charthRoot;2S;6| |FFIELDC-;charthRoot;SU;7| (65 . |One|)
+    (|Union| (QUOTE "prime") (QUOTE "polynomial") (QUOTE "normal")
+    (QUOTE "cyclic")) (69 . |representationType|) (73 . |=|)
+    |FFIELDC-;createPrimitiveElement;S;8| (|Record| (|:| |factor| 18)
+    (|:| |exponent| 18)) (|List| 45) (79 . |factorsOfCyclicGroupSize|)
+    (83 . |**|) (89 . |one?|) |FFIELDC-;primitive?;SB;9| (94 . |=|)
+    |FFIELDC-;order;SPi;10| (100 . |primitiveElement|) (|Table| 10 34)
+    (104 . |tableForDiscreteLogarithm|) (109 . |#|) 
+    (|Union| 34 (QUOTE "failed")) (114 . |search|) (120 . |*|)
+    |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;SNni;11| (|Void|) (|String|) (|OutputForm|)
+    (126 . |messagePrint|) (|Factored| |$|) (131 . |factor|)
+    (|Factored| 18) (136 . |factors|) (|DiscreteLogarithmPackage| 6)
+    (141 . |shanksDiscLogAlgorithm|) |FFIELDC-;discreteLog;2SU;12|
+    (|Factored| 73) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| 6)
+    (|UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree| 6 73) (148 . |squareFree|)
+    (|DistinctDegreeFactorize| 6 73) (153 . |factor|) (158 . |Zero|)
+    (162 . |=|) (168 . |Zero|) (|Record| (|:| |irr| 73) (|:| |pow| 18))
+    (|Record| (|:| |cont| 6) (|:| |factors| (|List| 81)))
+    (172 . |distdfact|) (178 . |coerce|) (183 . |primeFactor|)
+    (189 . |*|) (195 . |One|) (199 . |*|) (|EuclideanDomain&| 73)
+    (205 . |gcd|) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|) 
+    |FFIELDC-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;16|))
+   (QUOTE
+    #(|primitive?| 211 |order| 216 |nextItem| 226 |init| 231 
+      |gcdPolynomial| 235 |discreteLog| 241 |differentiate| 252 
+      |createPrimitiveElement| 257 |conditionP| 261 |charthRoot| 266))
+  (CONS 
+   (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 (QUOTE NIL))
+   (CONS 
+    (QUOTE #())
+    (CONS
+     (QUOTE #())
+     (|makeByteWordVec2| 92
+      (QUOTE
+       (0 6 0 7 1 6 10 0 11 1 6 0 10 12 1 6 13 0 14 1 6 10 0 17 1 19 
+        0 18 20 1 23 22 0 24 2 26 13 25 0 27 1 6 0 0 28 2 26 0 29 0 30 
+        0 6 34 35 0 6 34 36 2 6 0 0 34 37 0 6 0 40 0 6 41 42 2 41 13 
+        0 0 43 0 6 46 47 2 6 0 0 18 48 1 6 13 0 49 2 6 13 0 0 51 0 6 0
+        53 1 6 54 18 55 1 54 34 0 56 2 54 57 10 0 58 2 6 0 0 0 59 1
+        63 61 62 64 1 18 65 0 66 1 67 46 0 68 3 69 57 6 6 34 70 1 74
+        72 73 75 1 76 72 73 77 0 73 0 78 2 73 13 0 0 79 0 72 0 80 2
+        76 82 73 13 83 1 73 0 6 84 2 72 0 73 18 85 2 72 0 0 0 86 0 72
+        0 87 2 72 0 73 0 88 2 89 0 0 0 90 1 0 13 0 50 1 0 10 0 52 1 0
+        19 0 21 1 0 15 0 16 0 0 0 9 2 0 91 91 91 92 1 0 34 0 60 2 0 57
+        0 0 71 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 44 1 0 31 32 33 1 0 0 0 38 1 0 15 0 39))))))
+  (QUOTE |lookupComplete|))) 
 \section{GCDDOM.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
 {\bf GCDDOM} needs
 {\bf COMRING} which needs
@@ -29684,11 +31423,13 @@ Note that this code is not included in the generated 
catdef.spad file.
 <<category ENTIRER EntireRing>>
 <<category EUCDOM EuclideanDomain>>
 <<category EVALAB Evalable>>
+<<category FAXF FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField>>
 <<category FIELD Field>>
 <<category FINAALG FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra>>
 <<category FINITE Finite>>
 <<category FINRALG FiniteRankAlgebra>>
 <<category FFCAT FunctionFieldCategory>>
+<<category FFIELDC FiniteFieldCategory>>
 <<category FLAGG FiniteLinearAggregate>>
 <<category FLINEXP FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver>>
 <<category FPC FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic>>
@@ -29805,11 +31546,13 @@ digraph dotabb {
@@ -29928,11 +31671,13 @@ digraph dotfull {
diff --git a/books/ps/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb86f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/ps/
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+%%Creator: dot version 2.8 (Thu Sep 14 20:34:11 UTC 2006)
+%%For: (root) root
+%%Title: pic
+%%Pages: (atend)
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+/DotDict 200 dict def
+DotDict begin
+/setupLatin1 {
+/EncodingVector 256 array def
+ EncodingVector 0
+ISOLatin1Encoding 0 255 getinterval putinterval
+EncodingVector 45 /hyphen put
+% Set up ISO Latin 1 character encoding
+/starnetISO {
+        dup dup findfont dup length dict begin
+        { 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse
+        } forall
+        /Encoding EncodingVector def
+        currentdict end definefont
+} def
+/Times-Roman starnetISO def
+/Times-Italic starnetISO def
+/Times-Bold starnetISO def
+/Times-BoldItalic starnetISO def
+/Helvetica starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-Oblique starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-Bold starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-BoldOblique starnetISO def
+/Courier starnetISO def
+/Courier-Oblique starnetISO def
+/Courier-Bold starnetISO def
+/Courier-BoldOblique starnetISO def
+} bind def
+%%BeginResource: procset graphviz 0 0
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+/default-font-family /Times-Roman def
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+/InvScaleFactor 1.0 def
+/set_scale {
+       dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def
+       dup scale
+} bind def
+% styles
+/solid { [] 0 setdash } bind def
+/dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def
+/dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def
+/invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} 
bind def
+/bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def
+/filled { } bind def
+/unfilled { } bind def
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+/diagonals { } bind def
+% hooks for setting color 
+/nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
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+/nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def
+/beginpage {   % i j npages
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+       /str 10 string def
+       npages 1 gt {
+               gsave
+                       coordfont setfont
+                       0 0 moveto
+                       (\() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show (\)) 
+               grestore
+       } if
+} bind def
+/set_font {
+       findfont exch
+       scalefont setfont
+} def
+% draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point
+/alignedtext {                 % width adj text
+       /text exch def
+       /adj exch def
+       /width exch def
+       gsave
+               width 0 gt {
+                       text stringwidth pop adj mul 0 rmoveto
+               } if
+               [] 0 setdash
+               text show
+       grestore
+} def
+/boxprim {                             % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize
+               4 2 roll
+               moveto
+               2 copy
+               exch 0 rlineto
+               0 exch rlineto
+               pop neg 0 rlineto
+               closepath
+} bind def
+/ellipse_path {
+       /ry exch def
+       /rx exch def
+       /y exch def
+       /x exch def
+       matrix currentmatrix
+       newpath
+       x y translate
+       rx ry scale
+       0 0 1 0 360 arc
+       setmatrix
+} bind def
+/endpage { showpage } bind def
+/showpage { } def
+       [       % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest
+               [0 0 0]
+               [.2 .8 .8]
+               [.4 .8 .8]
+               [.6 .8 .8]
+               [.8 .8 .8]
+       ]
+/layerlen layercolorseq length def
+/setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def
+       layercolorseq curlayer 1 sub layerlen mod get
+       aload pop sethsbcolor
+       /nodecolor {nopcolor} def
+       /edgecolor {nopcolor} def
+       /graphcolor {nopcolor} def
+} bind def
+/onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def
+/onlayers {
+       /myupper exch def
+       /mylower exch def
+       curlayer mylower lt
+       curlayer myupper gt
+       or
+       {invis} if
+} def
+/curlayer 0 def
+14 default-font-family set_font
+1 setmiterlimit
+% /arrowlength 10 def
+% /arrowwidth 5 def
+% make sure pdfmark is harmless for PS-interpreters other than Distiller
+/pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse
+% make '<<' and '>>' safe on PS Level 1 devices
+/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel}{1} ifelse
+2 lt {
+    userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put
+    userdict (>>) cvn ([) cvn load put
+} if
+%%Page: 1 1
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+36 36 540 404 boxprim clip newpath
+36 36 translate
+0 0 1 beginpage
+1.0000 set_scale
+4 4 translate 0 rotate
+0.167 0.600 1.000 graphcolor
+0.167 0.600 1.000 graphcolor
+newpath -6 -6 moveto
+-6 402 lineto
+538 402 lineto
+538 -6 lineto
+0.167 0.600 1.000 graphcolor
+newpath -6 -6 moveto
+-6 402 lineto
+538 402 lineto
+538 -6 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor
+14.00 /Times-Roman set_font
+% FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)
+[ /Rect [ 139 360 375 396 ]
+  /Border [ 0 0 0 ]
+  /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI (bookvol10.2.pdf#nameddest=FAXF) >>
+  /Subtype /Link
+/ANN pdfmark
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 375 396 moveto
+139 396 lineto
+139 360 lineto
+375 360 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 375 396 moveto
+139 396 lineto
+139 360 lineto
+375 360 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+147 373 moveto
+[7.44 3.84 6.96 3.84 3.84 6.24 10.08 3.84 6.72 6.24 6.96 4.8 6.24 3.84 6.24 
8.64 6.96 3.84 6.24 6.96 5.52 3.84 6.96 6.96 7.44 3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56 6.24 
3.84 7.44 3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% ExtensionField(a:Field)
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 383 324 moveto
+235 324 lineto
+235 288 lineto
+383 288 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 383 324 moveto
+235 324 lineto
+235 288 lineto
+383 288 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+243 301 moveto
+[8.64 6.96 3.84 6.24 6.96 5.52 3.84 6.96 6.96 7.44 3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56 
6.24 3.84 7.44 3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)->ExtensionField(a:Field)
+newpath 270 360 moveto
+276 352 283 341 290 332 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 293 334 moveto
+296 324 lineto
+287 330 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 293 334 moveto
+296 324 lineto
+287 330 lineto
+end grestore
+% RetractableTo(Field)
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.404 0.667 0.545 nodecolor
+0.404 0.667 0.545 nodecolor
+newpath 267 252 moveto
+135 252 lineto
+135 216 lineto
+267 216 lineto
+0.404 0.667 0.545 nodecolor
+newpath 267 252 moveto
+135 252 lineto
+135 216 lineto
+267 216 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+143 229 moveto
+[9.12 6 3.84 4.8 6.24 6.24 4.08 6.24 6.96 3.84 6.24 7.44 6.96 4.56 7.44 3.84 
6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(a:Field)->RetractableTo(Field)
+newpath 245 360 moveto
+239 350 231 336 226 324 curveto
+218 304 211 280 207 262 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 210 261 moveto
+205 252 lineto
+204 262 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 210 261 moveto
+205 252 lineto
+204 262 lineto
+end grestore
+% ExtensionField(a:Field)->RetractableTo(Field)
+newpath 282 288 moveto
+268 279 251 268 237 258 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 238 255 moveto
+228 252 lineto
+234 260 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 238 255 moveto
+228 252 lineto
+234 260 lineto
+end grestore
+% Field()
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 339 252 moveto
+285 252 lineto
+285 216 lineto
+339 216 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 339 252 moveto
+285 252 lineto
+285 216 lineto
+339 216 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+293 229 moveto
+[7.44 3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% ExtensionField(a:Field)->Field()
+newpath 310 288 moveto
+311 280 311 271 311 262 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 315 262 moveto
+311 252 lineto
+308 262 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 315 262 moveto
+311 252 lineto
+308 262 lineto
+end grestore
+% VectorSpace(a:Field)
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 523 252 moveto
+389 252 lineto
+389 216 lineto
+523 216 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 523 252 moveto
+389 252 lineto
+389 216 lineto
+523 216 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+396 229 moveto
+[8.88 6.24 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.8 7.68 6.96 6.24 6.24 6.24 4.56 6.24 3.84 7.44 
3.84 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% ExtensionField(a:Field)->VectorSpace(a:Field)
+newpath 346 288 moveto
+366 278 390 267 411 256 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 412 259 moveto
+420 252 lineto
+409 253 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 412 259 moveto
+420 252 lineto
+409 253 lineto
+end grestore
+% RetractableTo(a:Type)
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 140 180 moveto
+0 180 lineto
+0 144 lineto
+140 144 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 140 180 moveto
+0 180 lineto
+0 144 lineto
+140 144 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+7 157 moveto
+[9.12 6 3.84 4.8 6.24 6.24 4.08 6.24 6.96 3.84 6.24 7.44 6.96 4.56 6.24 3.84 
7.2 6.96 6.96 6.24 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% RetractableTo(Field)->RetractableTo(a:Type)
+newpath 168 216 moveto
+151 207 130 195 112 185 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 113 182 moveto
+103 180 lineto
+110 188 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 113 182 moveto
+103 180 lineto
+110 188 lineto
+end grestore
+% EuclideanDomain()
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 284 180 moveto
+158 180 lineto
+158 144 lineto
+284 144 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 284 180 moveto
+158 180 lineto
+158 144 lineto
+284 144 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+165 157 moveto
+[8.64 6.96 6.24 3.84 3.84 6.96 6.24 6.24 6.96 10.08 6.96 10.8 6.24 3.84 6.96 
4.56 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% Field()->EuclideanDomain()
+newpath 289 216 moveto
+278 207 264 196 252 186 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 254 183 moveto
+244 180 lineto
+250 189 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 254 183 moveto
+244 180 lineto
+250 189 lineto
+end grestore
+% UniqueFactorizationDomain()
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 486 108 moveto
+302 108 lineto
+302 72 lineto
+486 72 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 486 108 moveto
+302 108 lineto
+302 72 lineto
+486 72 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+309 85 moveto
+[9.6 6.96 3.84 6.72 6.96 6.24 7.2 6.24 6.24 3.84 6.96 5.04 3.84 6.24 6.24 3.84 
3.84 6.96 6.96 10.08 6.96 10.8 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% Field()->UniqueFactorizationDomain()
+newpath 313 216 moveto
+314 197 318 166 331 144 curveto
+338 133 348 123 357 114 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 359 117 moveto
+365 108 lineto
+355 111 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 359 117 moveto
+365 108 lineto
+355 111 lineto
+end grestore
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 426 180 moveto
+340 180 lineto
+340 144 lineto
+426 144 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 426 180 moveto
+340 180 lineto
+340 144 lineto
+426 144 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+347 157 moveto
+[10.08 4.56 10.08 9.36 4.56 9.84 10.08 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% Field()->DIVRING...
+newpath 330 216 moveto
+339 207 349 197 358 188 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 361 190 moveto
+365 180 lineto
+356 185 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 361 190 moveto
+365 180 lineto
+356 185 lineto
+end grestore
+% MODULE...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 532 180 moveto
+444 180 lineto
+444 144 lineto
+532 144 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 532 180 moveto
+444 180 lineto
+444 144 lineto
+532 144 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+452 157 moveto
+[12.48 10.08 10.08 10.08 8.64 8.64 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% VectorSpace(a:Field)->MODULE...
+newpath 464 216 moveto
+468 208 472 198 476 189 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 479 191 moveto
+480 180 lineto
+473 188 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 479 191 moveto
+480 180 lineto
+473 188 lineto
+end grestore
+% PrincipalIdealDomain()
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 284 108 moveto
+134 108 lineto
+134 72 lineto
+284 72 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 284 108 moveto
+134 108 lineto
+134 72 lineto
+284 72 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+142 85 moveto
+[7.68 5.04 3.84 6.96 6.24 3.84 6.96 6.24 3.84 4.56 6.96 6.24 6.24 3.84 10.08 
6.96 10.8 6.24 3.84 6.96 4.56 4.56]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% EuclideanDomain()->PrincipalIdealDomain()
+newpath 218 144 moveto
+217 136 215 127 214 118 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 217 117 moveto
+212 108 lineto
+211 118 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 217 117 moveto
+212 108 lineto
+211 118 lineto
+end grestore
+% GCDDOM...
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 346 36 moveto
+256 36 lineto
+256 0 lineto
+346 0 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 346 36 moveto
+256 36 lineto
+256 0 lineto
+346 0 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+264 13 moveto
+[10.08 9.36 10.08 10.08 10.08 12.48 3.6 3.6 3.6]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% UniqueFactorizationDomain()->GCDDOM...
+newpath 371 72 moveto
+360 63 345 52 332 42 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 334 39 moveto
+324 36 lineto
+330 45 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 334 39 moveto
+324 36 lineto
+330 45 lineto
+end grestore
+% PrincipalIdealDomain()->GCDDOM...
+newpath 232 72 moveto
+243 63 258 52 270 42 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 272 45 moveto
+278 36 lineto
+268 39 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 272 45 moveto
+278 36 lineto
+268 39 lineto
+end grestore
+% Category
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 104 108 moveto
+36 108 lineto
+36 72 lineto
+104 72 lineto
+0.537 0.247 0.902 nodecolor
+newpath 104 108 moveto
+36 108 lineto
+36 72 lineto
+104 72 lineto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+0.000 0.000 0.000 nodecolor
+44 85 moveto
+[9.36 6.24 3.84 6.24 6.96 6.96 5.04 6.96]
+end grestore
+end grestore
+% RetractableTo(a:Type)->Category
+newpath 70 144 moveto
+70 136 70 127 70 118 curveto
+gsave 10 dict begin
+1 setlinewidth
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 74 118 moveto
+70 108 lineto
+67 118 lineto
+0.000 0.000 0.000 edgecolor
+newpath 74 118 moveto
+70 108 lineto
+67 118 lineto
+end grestore
+%%EndPage: 1
+%%Pages: 1
diff --git a/books/ps/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c96d9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/ps/
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+%%Creator: dot version 2.8 (Thu Sep 14 20:34:11 UTC 2006)
+%%For: (root) root
+%%Title: pic
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 36 36 552 224
+/DotDict 200 dict def
+DotDict begin
+/setupLatin1 {
+/EncodingVector 256 array def
+ EncodingVector 0
+ISOLatin1Encoding 0 255 getinterval putinterval
+EncodingVector 45 /hyphen put
+% Set up ISO Latin 1 character encoding
+/starnetISO {
+        dup dup findfont dup length dict begin
+        { 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse
+        } forall
+        /Encoding EncodingVector def
+        currentdict end definefont
+} def
+/Times-Roman starnetISO def
+/Times-Italic starnetISO def
+/Times-Bold starnetISO def
+/Times-BoldItalic starnetISO def
+/Helvetica starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-Oblique starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-Bold starnetISO def
+/Helvetica-BoldOblique starnetISO def
+/Courier starnetISO def
+/Courier-Oblique starnetISO def
+/Courier-Bold starnetISO def
+/Courier-BoldOblique starnetISO def
+} bind def
+%%BeginResource: procset graphviz 0 0
+/coord-font-family /Times-Roman def
+/default-font-family /Times-Roman def
+/coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def
+/InvScaleFactor 1.0 def
+/set_scale {
+       dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def
+       dup scale
+} bind def
+% styles
+/solid { [] 0 setdash } bind def
+/dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def
+/dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def
+/invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} 
bind def
+/bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def
+/filled { } bind def
+/unfilled { } bind def
+/rounded { } bind def
+/diagonals { } bind def
+% hooks for setting color 
+/nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def
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+% FIELD...
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+1 setlinewidth
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