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[Axiom-developer] 20090307.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 add trace root)

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090307.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 add trace root)
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 20:27:14 -0600

The )trace function was contained in a single file, trace.boot.
This file was removed and all of the code merged into bookvol5
A first patch cleanup of the lisp code was done.

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 2b28252..8b2dfe0 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Starts the interpreter but does not read in profiles, etc.
      (spadlet mode '|restart|) 
      (do () 
-         ((null (boot-equal mode '|restart|)) NIL)
+         ((null (boot-equal mode '|restart|)) nil)
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ minus any leading spaces.
+\subsection{defun make-absolute-filename}
 Prefix a filename with the {\bf AXIOM} shell variable.
 <<defun make-absolute-filename>>=
 (defun make-absolute-filename (name)
@@ -2973,7 +2973,7 @@ displayFrameNames() ==
      (spadlet fs
       (prog (tmp0)
-       (spadlet tmp0 NIL)
+       (spadlet tmp0 nil)
         (do ((tmp1 |$interpreterFrameRing| (cdr tmp1)) (f nil))
             ((or (atom tmp1)
@@ -2983,7 +2983,7 @@ displayFrameNames() ==
            (setq tmp0
             (append tmp0 (cons '|%l| 
-              (cons (makestring "     ") (|bright| (frameName f))))))))))))
+              (cons "     " (|bright| (frameName f))))))))))))
       (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0024 (cons fs nil))))))) ; frame names are ...
@@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ frameSpad2Cmd args ==
       (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0016 ; frame command does not take options
-       (cons (makestring ")frame") nil)))
+       (cons ")frame" nil)))
      ((null args) 
        (|helpSpad2Cmd| (cons '|frame| nil)))
@@ -3603,7 +3603,7 @@ initHistList() ==
         (spadlet li (cons nil li)))))
      (rplacd |$HistList| li) 
      (spadlet |$HistListAct| 0) 
-     (spadlet |$HistRecord| NIL))))))
+     (spadlet |$HistRecord| nil))))))
 \subsection{defun history}
@@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ historySpad2Cmd() ==
       (prog (tmp1) 
         (spadlet tmp1 nil) 
-         (do ((tmp2 |$options| (cdr tmp2)) (tmp3 NIL))
+         (do ((tmp2 |$options| (cdr tmp2)) (tmp3 nil))
              ((or (atom tmp2) 
                     (setq tmp3 (car tmp2)) 
@@ -3810,20 +3810,20 @@ setHistoryCore inCore ==
    ((boot-equal inCore |$useInternalHistoryTable|) 
      (if inCore 
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0030 NIL) ; memory history already in use
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0029 NIL))) ; file history already in use
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0030 nil) ; memory history already in use
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0029 nil))) ; file history already in use
    ((null |$HiFiAccess|) 
      (spadlet |$useInternalHistoryTable| inCore) 
      (if inCore 
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0032 NIL) ; use memory history
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0031 NIL))) ; use file history
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0032 nil) ; use memory history
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0031 nil))) ; use file history
      (spadlet |$internalHistoryTable| nil) 
       ((nequal |$IOindex| 0) 
         (spadlet l (length (rkeyids (|histFileName|)))) 
         (do ((|i| 1 (qsadd1 |i|)))
-            ((qsgreaterp |i| l) NIL)
+            ((qsgreaterp |i| l) nil)
@@ -3844,7 +3844,7 @@ setHistoryCore inCore ==
             (cons 'file (|histFileName|))
      (do ((tmp0 (reverse |$internalHistoryTable|) (cdr tmp0))
-          (tmp1 NIL))
+          (tmp1 nil))
          ((or (atom tmp0) 
                 (setq tmp1 (car tmp0))
@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ setHistoryCore inCore ==
      (spadlet |$HiFiAccess| t)
      (spadlet |$internalHistoryTable| nil)
      (spadlet |$useInternalHistoryTable| nil)
-     (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0031 NIL))))) ; use file history
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0031 nil))))) ; use file history
 \subsection{defun writeInputLines}
@@ -4273,7 +4273,7 @@ undoChanges(li) ==
      (when (null (boot-equal (cdr li) |$HistList|))
        (|undoChanges| (cdr li)))
-     (do ((tmp0 (car li) (cdr tmp0)) (p1 NIL))
+     (do ((tmp0 (car li) (cdr tmp0)) (p1 nil))
          ((or (atom tmp0) (progn (setq p1 (car tmp0)) nil)) nil)
@@ -4517,7 +4517,7 @@ restoreHistory(fn) ==
          (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0024  ; file does not exist
             (cons (|namestring| restfile) nil)))
-         (spadlet |$options| NIL)
+         (spadlet |$options| nil)
          (|clearSpad2Cmd| '(|all|))
          (spadlet curfile (|histFileName|))
          (|histFileErase| curfile)
@@ -4660,9 +4660,9 @@ showHistory(arg) ==
-                   (makestring "  ")
+                   "  "
                    (|bright| arg1)
-                   (makestring "is an invalid argument.")))))))))
+                   "is an invalid argument."))))))))
          (when (>= n |$IOindex|)
            (spadlet n (spaddifference |$IOindex| 1)))
          (spadlet mini (spaddifference |$IOindex| n))
@@ -4706,7 +4706,7 @@ showInput(mini,maxi) ==
     (do ((|ind| mini (+ |ind| 1)))
-        ((> |ind| maxi) NIL)
+        ((> |ind| maxi) nil)
@@ -4720,21 +4720,21 @@ showInput(mini,maxi) ==
           ((stringp l)
-              (makestring "   [")
+              "   ["
               (cons |ind| 
-               (cons (makestring "] ")
+               (cons "] "
                 (cons (car vec) nil))))))
-             (cons (makestring "   [")
+             (cons "   ["
               (cons |ind|
-               (cons (makestring "] ") nil))))
+               (cons "] " nil))))
            (do ((tmp0 l (cdr tmp0)) (|ln| nil))
                ((or (atom tmp0) (progn (setq |ln| (car tmp0)) nil)) nil)
-               (cons (makestring "      ") (cons |ln| nil)))))))))))))))) 
+               (cons "      " (cons |ln| nil)))))))))))))))) 
 \subsection{defun showInOut}
@@ -5035,7 +5035,7 @@ writifyComplain s ==
 <<defun writifyComplain>>=
 (defun |writifyComplain| (s)
-   ((boot-equal |$writifyComplained| t) NIL)
+   ((boot-equal |$writifyComplained| t) nil)
     (spadlet |$writifyComplained| t)
     (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IH0027 (cons s nil))))) ; cannot save value
@@ -5205,7 +5205,7 @@ writify ob ==
        (hput |$seen| ob nob)
        (hput |$seen| nob nob)
        (do ((|i| 0 (qsadd1 |i|)))
-           ((qsgreaterp |i| n) NIL)
+           ((qsgreaterp |i| n) nil)
           (qsetvelt nob |i| (|writify,writifyInner| (QVELT ob |i|))))))
@@ -5435,9 +5435,9 @@ dewritify ob ==
             (when (intp oname) (exit (eval (gensymmer oname))))
             (exit (symbol-function oname))))
           (when (null (compiled-function-p f))
-           (exit (|error| (makestring "A required BPI does not exist."))))
+           (exit (|error| "A required BPI does not exist.")))
           (when (and (> (|#| ob) 3) (nequal (hasheq f) (elt ob 3)))
-           (exit (|error| (makestring "A required BPI has been redefined."))))
+           (exit (|error| "A required BPI has been redefined.")))
           (hput |$seen| ob f)
           (exit f))))
        (when (boot-equal type 'hashtable)
@@ -5479,8 +5479,7 @@ dewritify ob ==
           (when (null (fboundp name))
-             (strconc (makestring "undefined function: ")
-              (symbol-name name)))))
+             (strconc "undefined function: " (symbol-name name)))))
           (spadlet nob (cons (symbol-function name) vec))
           (hput |$seen| ob nob)
           (hput |$seen| nob nob)
@@ -5493,7 +5492,7 @@ dewritify ob ==
           (hput |$seen| nob nob)
           (exit nob))))
        (when (boot-equal type 'readtable)
-        (exit (|error| (makestring "Cannot de-writify a read table."))))
+        (exit (|error| "Cannot de-writify a read table.")))
        (when (boot-equal type 'nullstream)
         (exit |$NullStream|))
        (when (boot-equal type 'nonnullstream) 
@@ -5512,7 +5511,7 @@ dewritify ob ==
           (when (minusp sign)
            (exit (spaddifference fval)))
           (exit fval))))
-       (exit (|error| (makestring "Unknown type to de-writify."))))))
+       (exit (|error| "Unknown type to de-writify.")))))
     (when (pairp ob)
@@ -5626,7 +5625,7 @@ gensymInt g ==
      ((null (gensymp g)) 
-       (|error| (makestring "Need a GENSYM")))
+       (|error| "Need a GENSYM"))
        (spadlet p (pname g))
        (spadlet n 0)
@@ -5654,7 +5653,7 @@ charDigitVal c ==
-     (spadlet digits (makestring "0123456789"))
+     (spadlet digits "0123456789")
      (spadlet n (spaddifference 1)) 
      (do ((tmp0 (spaddifference (|#| digits) 1)) (|i| 0 (qsadd1 |i|)))
          ((or (qsgreaterp |i| tmp0) (null (minusp n))) nil)
@@ -5664,7 +5663,7 @@ charDigitVal c ==
          ((boot-equal c (elt digits |i|)) (spadlet n |i|))
          (t nil)))))
-      ((minusp n) (|error| (makestring "Character is not a digit")))
+      ((minusp n) (|error| "Character is not a digit"))
       (t n)))))))
@@ -6621,6 +6620,3081 @@ to escape them with an underscore.
 \fnref{lisp}, and
+\subsection{The trace global variables}
+This decides when to give trace and untrace messages.
+(defvar |$traceNoisely| nil) 
+This reports the traced functions
+(defvar |$reportSpadTrace| nil) 
+(defvar |$optionAlist| nil) 
+(defvar |$tracedMapSignatures| nil) 
+(defvar |$traceOptionList|
+ '(|after| |before| |break| |cond| |count| |depth| |local| |mathprint| 
+   |nonquietly| |nt| |of| |only| |ops| |restore| |timer| |varbreak| 
+   |vars| |within|))
+\subsection{defun trace}
+<<defun trace>>=
+(defun |trace| (l)
+ (|traceSpad2Cmd| l)) 
+\subsection{defun traceSpad2Cmd}
+;traceSpad2Cmd l ==
+;  if l is ['Tuple, l1] then l := l1
+;  $mapSubNameAlist:= getMapSubNames(l)
+;  trace1 augmentTraceNames(l,$mapSubNameAlist)
+;  traceReply()
+<<defun traceSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |traceSpad2Cmd| (l)
+ (let (tmp1 l1)
+  (cond
+   ((and (pairp l)
+         (eq (qcar l) '|Tuple|)
+         (progn
+          (setq tmp1 (qcdr l))
+          (and (pairp tmp1)
+               (eq (qcdr tmp1) nil)
+               (progn 
+                (setq l1 (qcar tmp1))
+                t))))
+      (setq l l1)))
+    (setq |$mapSubNameAlist| (|getMapSubNames| l))
+    (|trace1| (|augmentTraceNames| l |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+    (|traceReply|)))
+\subsection{defun trace1}
+;trace1 l ==
+;  $traceNoisely: local := NIL
+;  if hasOption($options,'nonquietly) then $traceNoisely := true
+;  hasOption($options,'off) =>
+;    (ops := hasOption($options,'ops)) or
+;      (lops := hasOption($options,'local)) =>
+;        null l => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0019",NIL)
+;        constructor := unabbrev
+;          atom l => l
+;          null rest l =>
+;            atom first l => first l
+;            first first l
+;          NIL
+;        not(isFunctor constructor) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0020",NIL)
+;        if ops then
+;          ops := getTraceOption ops
+;          NIL
+;        if lops then
+;          lops := rest getTraceOption lops
+;          untraceDomainLocalOps(constructor,lops)
+;    (1 < # $options) and not hasOption($options,'nonquietly) =>
+;      throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0021",NIL)
+;    untrace l
+;  hasOption($options,'stats) =>
+;    (1 < # $options) =>
+;      throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0001",['")trace ... )stats"])
+;    [.,:opt] := CAR $options
+;    -- look for )trace )stats       to list the statistics
+;    --          )trace )stats reset to reset them
+;    null opt =>      -- list the statistics
+;      centerAndHighlight('"Traced function execution times",78,"-")
+;      ptimers ()
+;      SAY '" "
+;      centerAndHighlight('"Traced function execution counts",78,"-")
+;      pcounters ()
+;    selectOptionLC(first opt,'(reset),'optionError)
+;    resetSpacers()
+;    resetTimers()
+;    resetCounters()
+;    throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0002",NIL)
+;  a:= hasOption($options,'restore) =>
+;    null(oldL:= $lastUntraced) => nil
+;    newOptions:= DELETE(a,$options)
+;    null l => trace1 oldL
+;    for x in l repeat
+;      x is [domain,:opList] and VECP domain =>
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IT0003",[devaluate domain])
+;      $options:= [:newOptions,:LASSOC(x,$optionAlist)]
+;      trace1 LIST x
+;  null l => nil
+;  l is ["?"] => _?t()
+;  traceList:= [transTraceItem x for x in l] or return nil
+;  for x in traceList repeat $optionAlist:=
+;    ADDASSOC(x,$options,$optionAlist)
+;  optionList:= getTraceOptions $options
+;  argument:=
+;    domainList:= LASSOC("of",optionList) =>
+;      LASSOC("ops",optionList) =>
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0004",NIL)
+;      opList:=
+;        traceList => LIST ["ops",:traceList]
+;        nil
+;      varList:=
+;        y:= LASSOC("vars",optionList) => LIST ["vars",:y]
+;        nil
+;      [:domainList,:opList,:varList]
+;    optionList => [:traceList,:optionList]
+;    traceList
+;  _/TRACE_,0 [funName for funName in argument]
+;  saveMapSig [funName for funName in argument]
+<<defun trace1>>=
+(defun |trace1| (|l|)
+ (prog (|$traceNoisely| |constructor| |ops| |lops| temp1 |opt| |a| 
+        |oldL| |newOptions| |domain| |traceList| |optionList| |domainList| 
+        |opList| |y| |varList| |argument|)
+  (declare (special |$traceNoisely|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn 
+     (spadlet |$traceNoisely| nil)
+     (cond
+      ((|hasOption| |$options| '|nonquietly|)
+        (spadlet |$traceNoisely| t)))
+     (cond
+      ((|hasOption| |$options| '|off|)
+       (cond
+        ((or (spadlet |ops| (|hasOption| |$options| '|ops|))
+             (spadlet |lops| (|hasOption| |$options| '|local|)))
+          (cond
+           ((null |l|) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0019 nil))
+           (t
+             (spadlet |constructor|
+              (|unabbrev|
+               (cond
+                ((atom |l|) |l|)
+                ((null (cdr |l|))
+                  (cond
+                   ((atom (car |l|)) (car |l|))
+                   (t (car (car |l|)))))
+                (t nil))))
+             (cond
+              ((null (|isFunctor| |constructor|))
+                (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0020 nil))
+              (t
+                (cond (|ops| (spadlet |ops| (|getTraceOption| |ops|)) nil))
+                (cond 
+                 (|lops|
+                  (spadlet |lops| (cdr (|getTraceOption| |lops|)))
+                  (|untraceDomainLocalOps| |constructor| |lops|))
+                 (t nil)))))))
+        ((and (qslessp 1 (|#| |$options|))
+              (null (|hasOption| |$options| '|nonquietly|)))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0021 nil))
+        (t (|untrace| |l|))))
+      ((|hasOption| |$options| '|stats|)
+        (cond
+         ((qslessp 1 (|#| |$options|))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0001 (cons ")trace ... )stats" nil)))
+         (t
+           (spadlet temp1 (car |$options|))
+           (spadlet |opt| (cdr temp1))
+           (cond
+            ((null |opt|)
+              (|centerAndHighlight| "Traced function execution times" 78 '-)
+              (|ptimers|)
+              (say " ")
+              (|centerAndHighlight| "Traced function execution counts" 78 '-)
+              (|pcounters|))
+            (t
+              (|selectOptionLC| (car |opt|) '(|reset|) '|optionError|)
+              (|resetSpacers|)
+              (|resetTimers|)
+              (|resetCounters|)
+              (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0002 nil))))))
+      ((spadlet |a| (|hasOption| |$options| '|restore|))
+        (cond
+         ((null (spadlet |oldL| |$lastUntraced|)) nil)
+         (t
+           (spadlet |newOptions| (|delete| |a| |$options|))
+           (cond
+            ((null |l|) (|trace1| |oldL|))
+            (t
+             (do ((t0 |l| (cdr t0)) (|x|l nil))
+                 ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+              (seq
+               (exit
+                (cond
+                 ((and (pairp |x|)
+                       (progn
+                        (spadlet |domain| (qcar |x|))
+                        (spadlet |opList| (qcdr |x|))
+                        t)
+                       (vecp |domain|))
+                   (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2it0003 (cons (|devaluate| |domain|) nil)))
+                 (t
+                   (spadlet |$options|
+                    (append |newOptions| (lassoc |x| |$optionAlist|)))
+                   (|trace1| (list |x|))))))))))))
+      ((null |l|) nil)
+      ((and (pairp |l|) (eq (qcdr |l|) nil) (eq (qcar |l|) '?)) (|?t|))
+      (t
+       (spadlet |traceList|
+        (or
+         (prog (t1)
+          (spadlet t1 nil)
+          (return
+           (do ((t2 |l| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+               ((or (atom t2) 
+                    (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil))
+                (nreverse0 t1))
+            (seq
+             (exit
+              (setq t1 (cons (|transTraceItem| |x|) t1)))))))
+         (return nil)))
+       (do ((t3 |traceList| (cdr t3)) (|x| nil))
+           ((or (atom t3) (progn (setq |x| (car t3)) nil)) nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit 
+           (spadlet |$optionAlist| (addassoc |x| |$options| |$optionAlist|)))))
+       (spadlet |optionList| (|getTraceOptions| |$options|))
+       (spadlet |argument|
+        (cond
+         ((spadlet |domainList| (lassoc '|of| |optionList|))
+           (cond
+            ((lassoc '|ops| |optionList|)
+              (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0004 nil))
+            (t
+              (spadlet |opList|
+               (cond
+                (|traceList| (list (cons '|ops| |traceList|)))
+                (t nil)))
+              (spadlet |varList|
+               (cond
+                ((spadlet |y| (lassoc '|vars| |optionList|))
+                  (list (cons '|vars| |y|)))
+                (t nil)))
+              (append |domainList| (append |opList| |varList|)))))
+         (|optionList| (append |traceList| |optionList|))
+         (t |traceList|)))
+       (|/TRACE,0|
+        (prog (t4)
+         (spadlet t4 nil)
+         (return
+          (do ((t5 |argument| (cdr t5)) (|funName| nil))
+              ((or (atom t5) 
+                   (progn (setq |funName| (car t5)) nil))
+                (nreverse0 t4))
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (setq t4 (cons |funName| t4))))))))
+       (|saveMapSig|
+        (prog (t6)
+         (spadlet t6 nil)
+         (return
+          (do ((t7 |argument| (cdr t7)) (|funName| nil))
+              ((or (atom t7)
+                   (progn (setq |funName| (car t7)) nil))
+                (nreverse0 t6))
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (setq t6 (cons |funName| t6))))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun getTraceOptions}
+;getTraceOptions options ==
+;  $traceErrorStack: local := nil
+;  optionList:= [getTraceOption x for x in options]
+;  $traceErrorStack =>
+;    null rest $traceErrorStack =>
+;      [key,parms] := first $traceErrorStack
+;      throwKeyedMsg(key,['"",:parms])
+;    throwListOfKeyedMsgs("S2IT0017",[# $traceErrorStack],
+;      NREVERSE $traceErrorStack)
+;  optionList
+<<defun getTraceOptions>>=
+(defun |getTraceOptions| (|options|)
+ (prog (|$traceErrorStack| |optionList| temp1 |key| |parms|)
+  (declare (special |$traceErrorStack|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |$traceErrorStack| nil)
+     (spadlet |optionList|
+      (prog (t0) 
+       (spadlet t0 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t1 |options| (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t0 (cons (|getTraceOption| |x|) t0))))))))
+     (cond
+      (|$traceErrorStack|
+       (cond
+        ((null (cdr |$traceErrorStack|))
+          (spadlet temp1 (car |$traceErrorStack|))
+          (spadlet |key| (car temp1))
+          (spadlet |parms| (cadr temp1))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| |key| (cons "" |parms|)))
+        (t
+          (|throwListOfKeyedMsgs| 's2it0017
+           (cons (|#| |$traceErrorStack|) nil)
+           (nreverse |$traceErrorStack|)))))
+      (t |optionList|))))))) 
+\subsection{defun saveMapSig}
+;saveMapSig(funNames) ==
+;  for name in funNames repeat
+;    map:= RASSOC(name,$mapSubNameAlist) =>
+;      $tracedMapSignatures:= ADDASSOC(name,getMapSig(map,name),
+;        $tracedMapSignatures)
+<<defun saveMapSig>>=
+(defun |saveMapSig| (|funNames|)
+ (prog (|map|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (do ((t0 |funNames| (cdr t0)) (|name| nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |name| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+     (seq
+      (exit
+       (cond
+        ((spadlet |map| (|rassoc| |name| |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+         (exit
+          (spadlet |$tracedMapSignatures|
+           (addassoc |name| (|getMapSig| |map| |name|)
+                     |$tracedMapSignatures|)))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun getMapSig}
+;getMapSig(mapName,subName) ==
+;  lmms:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;    for mm in lmms until sig repeat
+;      CADR mm = subName => sig:= CDAR mm
+;    sig
+<<defun getMapSig>>=
+(defun |getMapSig| (|mapName| |subName|)
+ (PROG (|lmms| |sig|)
+   (SEQ
+    (COND
+     ((SPADLET |lmms| (|get| |mapName| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+      (EXIT
+       (SEQ
+        (DO ((t0 |lmms| (CDR t0)) (|mm| nil) (t1 nil |sig|))
+            ((OR (ATOM t0) (PROGN (SETQ |mm| (CAR t0)) nil) t1) nil)
+         (SEQ
+          (EXIT
+           (COND 
+            ((BOOT-EQUAL (CADR |mm|) |subName|)
+              (EXIT 
+               (SPADLET |sig| (CDAR |mm|))))))))
+        (EXIT |sig|))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun getTraceOption}
+;getTraceOption (x is [key,:l]) ==
+;  key:= selectOptionLC(key,$traceOptionList,'traceOptionError)
+;  x := [key,:l]
+;  MEMQ(key,'(nonquietly timer nt)) => x
+;  key='break =>
+;    null l => ['break,'before]
+;    opts := [selectOptionLC(y,'(before after),NIL) for y in l]
+;    and/[IDENTP y for y in opts] => ['break,:opts]
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0008",NIL]
+;  key='restore =>
+;    null l => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0009",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
+;  key='only => ['only,:transOnlyOption l]
+;  key='within =>
+;    l is [a] and IDENTP a => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0010",['")within"]]
+;  MEMQ(key,'(cond before after)) =>
+;    key:=
+;      key="cond" => "when"
+;      key
+;    l is [a] => [key,:l]
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0011",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
+;  key='depth =>
+;    l is [n] and FIXP n => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0012",['")depth"]]
+;  key='count =>
+;    (null l) or (l is [n] and FIXP n) => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0012",['")count"]]
+;  key="of" =>
+;    ["of",:[hn y for y in l]] where
+;      hn x ==
+;        atom x and not UPPER_-CASE_-P (STRINGIMAGE x).(0) =>
+;          isDomainOrPackage EVAL x => x
+;          stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0013",[x]]
+;        g:= domainToGenvar x => g
+;        stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0013",[x]]
+;  MEMQ(key,'(local ops vars)) =>
+;    null l or l is ["all"] => [key,:"all"]
+;    isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings l => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0015",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
+;  key='varbreak =>
+;    null l or l is ["all"] => ["varbreak",:"all"]
+;    isListOfIdentifiers l => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0016",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
+;  key='mathprint =>
+;    null l => x
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0009",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
+;  key => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0005",[key])
+<<defun getTraceOption,hn>>=
+(defun |getTraceOption,hn| (|x|)
+ (prog (|g|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (if (and (atom |x|) (null (upper-case-p (elt (stringimage |x|) 0))))
+     (exit
+      (seq
+       (if (|isDomainOrPackage| (eval |x|)) (exit |x|))
+       (exit 
+        (|stackTraceOptionError|
+         (cons 's2it0013 (cons (cons |x| nil) nil)))))))
+    (if (spadlet |g| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) (exit |g|))
+    (exit
+     (|stackTraceOptionError| (cons 's2it0013 (cons (cons |x| nil) nil)))))))) 
+<<defun getTraceOption>>=
+(defun |getTraceOption| (|x|)
+ (prog (|l| |opts| |key| |a| |n|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |key| (car |x|))
+     (spadlet |l| (cdr |x|))
+     (spadlet |key|
+       (|selectOptionLC| |key| |$traceOptionList| '|traceOptionError|))
+     (spadlet |x| (cons |key| |l|))
+     (cond
+      ((memq |key| '(|nonquietly| |timer| |nt|)) |x|)
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|break|)
+       (cond
+        ((null |l|) (cons '|break| (cons '|before| nil)))
+        (t
+          (spadlet |opts|
+           (prog (t0)
+            (spadlet t0 nil)
+            (return
+             (do ((t1 |l| (cdr t1)) (|y| nil))
+                 ((or (atom t1)
+                      (progn (setq |y| (car t1)) nil))
+                    (nreverse0 t0))
+              (seq 
+               (exit 
+                (setq t0 
+                 (cons 
+                  (|selectOptionLC| |y| '(|before| |after|) nil) t0))))))))
+          (cond
+           ((prog (t2)
+             (spadlet t2 t)
+             (return 
+              (do ((t3 nil (null t2)) (t4 |opts| (cdr t4)) (|y| nil))
+                  ((or t3 (atom t4) (progn (setq |y| (car t4)) nil)) t2)
+                 (seq
+                  (exit
+                   (setq t2 (and t2 (identp |y|))))))))
+              (cons '|break| |opts|))
+           (t
+            (|stackTraceOptionError| (cons 's2it0008 (cons nil nil))))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|restore|)
+       (cond
+        ((null |l|) |x|)
+        (t 
+         (|stackTraceOptionError| 
+          (cons 's2it0009 
+           (cons (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| |key|)) nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|only|) (cons '|only| (|transOnlyOption| |l|)))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|within|)
+        (cond
+         ((and (pairp |l|) 
+               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
+               (progn (spadlet |a| (qcar |l|)) t)
+               (identp |a|))
+           |x|)
+         (t 
+           (|stackTraceOptionError| 
+            (cons 's2it0010 (cons (cons ")within" nil) nil))))))
+      ((memq |key| '(|cond| |before| |after|))
+        (spadlet |key| 
+         (cond 
+          ((boot-equal |key| '|cond|) '|when|)
+          (t |key|)))
+        (cond
+         ((and (pairp |l|) 
+               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
+               (progn (spadlet |a| (qcar |l|)) t))
+            (cons |key| |l|))
+         (t 
+          (|stackTraceOptionError|
+           (cons 's2it0011
+            (cons
+             (cons (strconc ")"
+              (|object2String| |key|)) nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|depth|)
+        (cond 
+         ((and (pairp |l|) 
+               (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
+               (progn (spadlet |n| (qcar |l|)) t)
+               (fixp |n|))
+           |x|)
+         (t 
+          (|stackTraceOptionError| 
+           (cons 's2it0012 (cons (cons ")depth" nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|count|)
+        (cond 
+         ((or (null |l|) 
+              (and (pairp |l|) 
+                   (eq (qcdr |l|) nil)
+                   (progn (spadlet |n| (qcar |l|)) t)
+                   (fixp |n|)))
+            |x|)
+         (t 
+          (|stackTraceOptionError|
+            (cons 's2it0012 (cons (cons ")count" nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|of|)
+        (cons '|of|
+         (prog (t5)
+          (spadlet t5 nil)
+          (return
+           (do ((t6 |l| (cdr t6)) (|y| nil))
+               ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq |y| (car t6)) nil)) (nreverse0 t5))
+            (seq
+             (exit
+              (setq t5 (cons (|getTraceOption,hn| |y|) t5)))))))))
+      ((memq |key| '(|local| |ops| |vars|))
+        (cond
+         ((or (null |l|)
+              (and (pairp |l|) (eq (qcdr |l|) nil) (eq (qcar |l|) '|all|)))
+           (cons |key| '|all|))
+         ((|isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings| |l|) |x|)
+         (t
+           (|stackTraceOptionError|
+            (cons 's2it0015
+             (cons
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| |key|)) nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|varbreak|)
+        (cond
+         ((or (null |l|) 
+              (and (pairp |l|) (eq (qcdr |l|) nil) (eq (qcar |l|) '|all|)))
+           (cons '|varbreak| '|all|))
+         ((|isListOfIdentifiers| |l|) |x|)
+         (t
+           (|stackTraceOptionError|
+            (cons 's2it0016
+             (cons
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| |key|)) nil) nil))))))
+      ((boot-equal |key| '|mathprint|)
+        (cond
+         ((null |l|) |x|)
+         (t
+           (|stackTraceOptionError|
+            (cons 's2it0009
+             (cons
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| |key|)) nil) nil))))))
+      (|key| (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0005 (CONS |key| nil))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun traceOptionError}
+;traceOptionError(opt,keys) ==
+;  null keys => stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0007",[opt]]
+;  commandAmbiguityError("trace option",opt,keys)
+<<defun traceOptionError>>=
+(defun |traceOptionError| (|opt| |keys|)
+ (cond
+  ((null |keys|)
+    (|stackTraceOptionError| (cons 's2it0007 (cons (cons |opt| nil) nil))))
+  (t
+   (|commandAmbiguityError| '|trace option| |opt| |keys|)))) 
+\subsection{defun resetTimers}
+;resetTimers () ==
+;  for timer in _/TIMERLIST repeat
+;    SET(INTERN STRCONC(timer,'"_,TIMER"),0)
+<<defun resetTimers>>=
+(defun |resetTimers| ()
+ (seq
+  (do ((t0 /timerlist (cdr t0)) (|timer| nil))
+      ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |timer| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+   (seq
+    (exit
+     (set (intern (strconc |timer| ",TIMER")) 0)))))) 
+\subsection{defun resetSpacers}
+;resetSpacers () ==
+;  for spacer in _/SPACELIST repeat
+;    SET(INTERN STRCONC(spacer,'"_,SPACE"),0)
+<<defun resetSpacers>>=
+(defun |resetSpacers| ()
+ (seq
+  (do ((t0 /spacelist (cdr t0)) (|spacer| nil))
+      ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |spacer| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+   (seq
+    (exit
+     (set (intern (strconc |spacer| ",SPACE")) 0)))))) 
+\subsection{defun resetCounters}
+;resetCounters () ==
+;  for k in _/COUNTLIST repeat
+<<defun resetCounters>>=
+(defun |resetCounters| ()
+ (seq
+  (do ((t0 /countlist (cdr t0)) (|k| nil))
+      ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |k| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+    (seq
+     (exit
+      (set (intern (strconc |k| ",COUNT")) 0)))))) 
+\subsection{defun ptimers}
+;ptimers() ==
+;  null _/TIMERLIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions are timed"
+;  for timer in _/TIMERLIST repeat
+;    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright timer,'_:,'" ",
+;      EVAL(INTERN STRCONC(timer,'"_,TIMER")) / float $timerTicksPerSecond,'" 
+<<defun ptimers>>=
+(defun |ptimers| ()
+ (seq
+  (cond
+   ((null /timerlist) (|sayBrightly| "   no functions are timed"))
+   (t
+    (do ((t0 /timerlist (cdr t0)) (|timer| nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |timer| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+     (seq
+      (exit
+       (|sayBrightly|
+        (cons "  "
+         (append
+          (|bright| |timer|)
+          (cons '|:|
+           (cons " "
+            (cons 
+             (quotient
+              (eval (intern (strconc |timer| ",TIMER")))
+              (|float| |$timerTicksPerSecond|))
+             (cons " sec." nil)))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun pspacers}
+;pspacers() ==
+;  null _/SPACELIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions have space monitored"
+;  for spacer in _/SPACELIST repeat
+;    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright spacer,'_:,'" ",
+;      EVAL INTERN STRCONC(spacer,'"_,SPACE"),'" bytes"]
+<<defun pspacers>>=
+(defun |pspacers| ()
+ (seq
+  (cond
+   ((null /spacelist) (|sayBrightly| "   no functions have space monitored"))
+   (t
+    (do ((t0 /spacelist (cdr t0)) (|spacer| nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |spacer| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+     (seq
+      (exit
+       (|sayBrightly|
+        (cons "  "
+         (append
+          (|bright| |spacer|)
+          (cons '|:|
+           (cons " "
+            (cons 
+             (eval (intern (strconc |spacer| ",SPACE")))
+             (cons " bytes" nil)))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun pcounters}
+;pcounters() ==
+;  null _/COUNTLIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions are being counted"
+;  for k in _/COUNTLIST repeat
+;    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright k,'_:,'" ",
+;      EVAL INTERN STRCONC(k,'"_,COUNT"),'" times"]
+<<defun pcounters>>=
+(defun |pcounters| ()
+ (seq
+  (cond
+   ((null /countlist) (|sayBrightly| "   no functions are being counted"))
+   (t
+    (do ((t0 /countlist (cdr t0)) (|k| nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |k| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+     (seq
+      (exit
+       (|sayBrightly|
+        (cons "  "
+         (append
+          (|bright| |k|)
+          (cons '|:|
+           (cons " "
+            (cons
+             (eval (intern (strconc |k| ",COUNT")))
+             (cons " times" nil)))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun transOnlyOption}
+;transOnlyOption l ==
+;  l is [n,:y] =>
+;    FIXP n => [n,:transOnlyOption y]
+;    MEMQ(n:= UPCASE n,'(V A C)) => [n,:transOnlyOption y]
+;    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0006",[n]]
+;    transOnlyOption y
+;  nil
+<<defun transOnlyOption>>=
+(defun |transOnlyOption| (|l|)
+ (prog (|y| |n|)
+  (return
+   (cond
+    ((and (pairp |l|) 
+          (progn (spadlet |n| (qcar |l|)) (spadlet |y| (qcdr |l|)) t))
+      (cond
+       ((fixp |n|)
+         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| |y|)))
+       ((memq (spadlet |n| (upcase |n|)) '(V A C))
+         (cons |n| (|transOnlyOption| |y|)))
+       (t 
+         (|stackTraceOptionError|
+           (cons 's2it0006 (cons (cons |n| nil) nil)))
+         (|transOnlyOption| |y|))))
+    (t nil))))) 
+\subsection{defun stackTraceOptionError}
+<<defun stackTraceOptionError>>=
+(defun |stackTraceOptionError| (x)
+ (push x |$traceErrorStack|)
+ nil)
+\subsection{defun removeOption}
+;removeOption(op,options) ==
+;  [optEntry for (optEntry:=[opt,:.]) in options | opt ^= op]
+<<defun removeOption>>=
+(defun |removeOption| (|op| |options|)
+ (prog (|opt|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (prog (t0)
+     (spadlet t0 nil)
+     (return
+      (do ((t1 |options| (cdr t1)) (|optEntry| nil))
+          ((or (atom t1)
+               (progn (setq |optEntry| (car t1)) nil)
+               (progn (progn (spadlet |opt| (CAR |optEntry|)) |optEntry|) nil))
+        (nreverse0 t0))
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((nequal |opt| |op|) (setq t0 (cons |optEntry| t0))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun domainToGenvar}
+;domainToGenvar x ==
+;  $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:= true
+;  (y:= unabbrevAndLoad x) and GETDATABASE(opOf y,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'domain 
+;    g:= genDomainTraceName y
+;    SET(g,evalDomain y)
+;    g
+<<defun domainToGenvar>>=
+(defun |domainToGenvar| (|x|)
+ (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |y| |g|)
+  (declare (special |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| t)
+    (cond
+     ((and (spadlet |y| (|unabbrevAndLoad| |x|))
+           (boot-equal (getdatabase (|opOf| |y|) 'constructorkind) '|domain|))
+       (progn
+        (spadlet |g| (|genDomainTraceName| |y|))
+        (set |g| (|evalDomain| |y|)) |g|))))))) 
+\subsection{defun genDomainTraceName}
+;genDomainTraceName y ==
+;  u:= LASSOC(y,$domainTraceNameAssoc) => u
+;  g:= GENVAR()
+;  $domainTraceNameAssoc:= [ [y,:g],:$domainTraceNameAssoc]
+;  g
+<<defun genDomainTraceName>>=
+(defun |genDomainTraceName| (y)
+ (prog (u g)
+  (return
+   (cond
+    ((spadlet u (lassoc y |$domainTraceNameAssoc|)) u)
+    (t
+     (spadlet g (genvar))
+     (spadlet |$domainTraceNameAssoc|
+      (cons (cons y g) |$domainTraceNameAssoc|))
+     g))))) 
+\subsection{defun untrace}
+;--this is now called from trace with the )off option
+;untrace l ==
+;  $lastUntraced:=
+;    null l => COPY _/TRACENAMES
+;    l
+;  untraceList:= [transTraceItem x for x in l]
+;  _/UNTRACE_,0 [lassocSub(funName,$mapSubNameAlist) for
+;      funName in untraceList]
+;  removeTracedMapSigs untraceList
+<<defun untrace>>=
+(defun |untrace| (|l|)
+ (prog (|untraceList|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |$lastUntraced| (cond ((null |l|) (copy /tracenames)) (t |l|)))
+     (spadlet |untraceList|
+      (prog (t0)
+       (spadlet t0 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t1 |l| (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t0 (cons (|transTraceItem| |x|) t0))))))))
+     (|/UNTRACE,0|
+      (prog (t2)
+       (spadlet t2 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t3 |untraceList|l (cdr t3)) (|funName| nil))
+            ((or (atom t3) 
+                 (progn (setq |funName| (car t3)) nil))
+           (nreverse0 t2))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t2 (cons (|lassocSub| |funName| |$mapSubNameAlist|) t2))))))))
+     (|removeTracedMapSigs| |untraceList|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun transTraceItem}
+;transTraceItem x ==
+;  $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:=true
+;  atom x =>
+;    (value:=get(x,"value",$InteractiveFrame)) and
+;      (objMode value in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain)))) =>
+;        x := objVal value
+;        (y:= domainToGenvar x) => y
+;        x
+;    UPPER_-CASE_-P (STRINGIMAGE x).(0) =>
+;      y := unabbrev x
+;      constructor?(y) => y
+;      PAIRP(y) and constructor?(CAR y) => CAR y
+;      (y:= domainToGenvar x) => y
+;      x
+;    x
+;  VECP first x => transTraceItem devaluate first x
+;  y:= domainToGenvar x => y
+;  throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0018",[x])
+<<defun transTraceItem>>=
+(defun |transTraceItem| (|x|)
+ (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |value| |y|)
+  (declare (special |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| t)
+    (cond
+     ((atom |x|)
+       (cond
+        ((and (spadlet |value| (|get| |x| '|value| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+              (|member| (|objMode| |value|)
+                '((|Mode|) (|Domain|) (|SubDomain| (|Domain|)))))
+          (spadlet |x| (|objVal| |value|))
+          (cond 
+           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
+           (t |x|)))
+        ((upper-case-p (elt (stringimage |x|) 0))
+          (spadlet |y| (|unabbrev| |x|))
+          (cond
+           ((|constructor?| |y|) |y|)
+           ((and (pairp |y|) (|constructor?| (car |y|))) (car |y|))
+           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
+           (t |x|)))
+        (t |x|)))
+     ((vecp (car |x|)) (|transTraceItem| (|devaluate| (car |x|))))
+     ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
+     (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0018 (cons |x| nil)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun removeTracedMapSigs}
+;removeTracedMapSigs untraceList ==
+;  for name in untraceList repeat
+;    REMPROP(name,$tracedMapSignatures)
+<<defun removeTracedMapSigs>>=
+(defun |removeTracedMapSigs| (|untraceList|)
+ (seq
+  (do ((t0 |untraceList| (cdr t0)) (|name| nil))
+      ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |name| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+   (seq
+    (exit
+     (remprop |name| |$tracedMapSignatures|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun coerceTraceArgs2E}
+;coerceTraceArgs2E(traceName,subName,args) ==
+;  MEMQ(name:= subName,$mathTraceList) =>
+;    SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME name => coerceSpadArgs2E(reverse CDR reverse args)
+;    [ ["=",name,objValUnwrap 
+;      for name in '(arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 
arg12 arg13 arg14 arg15 arg16 arg17 arg18 arg19 )
+;       for arg in args for type in CDR LASSOC(subName,
+;        $tracedMapSignatures)]
+;  SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME name => reverse CDR reverse args
+;  args
+<<defun coerceTraceArgs2E>>=
+(defun |coerceTraceArgs2E| (|traceName| |subName| |args|)
+ (prog (|name|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((memq (spadlet |name| |subName|) |$mathTraceList|)
+       (cond
+        ((spadsysnamep (pname |name|))
+          (|coerceSpadArgs2E| (reverse (cdr (reverse |args|)))))
+        (t
+         (prog (t0)
+          (spadlet t0 nil)
+          (return
+           (do ((t1 '(|arg1| |arg2| |arg3| |arg4| |arg5| |arg6| |arg7| |arg8| 
+                      |arg9| |arg10| |arg11| |arg12| |arg13| |arg14| |arg15| 
+                      |arg16| |arg17| |arg18| |arg19|) (cdr t1))
+                (|name| nil)
+                (t2 |args| (cdr t2))
+                (|arg| nil)
+                (t3 (cdr (lassoc |subName| |$tracedMapSignatures|)) (cdr t3))
+                (|type| nil))
+               ((or (atom t1)
+                    (progn (setq |name| (car t1)) nil)
+                    (atom t2)
+                    (progn (setq |arg| (car t2)) nil)
+                    (atom t3)
+                    (progn (setq |type| (car t3)) nil)) 
+                  (nreverse0 t0))
+             (seq
+              (exit 
+               (setq t0
+                (cons
+                 (cons '= 
+                  (cons |name| 
+                   (cons (|objValUnwrap|
+                     (|coerceInteractive|
+                      (|objNewWrap| |arg| |type|) |$OutputForm|))
+                        nil)))
+                     t0))))))))))
+     ((spadsysnamep (pname |name|)) (reverse (cdr (reverse |args|))))
+     (t |args|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun coerceSpadArgs2E}
+;coerceSpadArgs2E(args) ==
+;  -- following binding is to prevent forcing calculation of stream elements
+;  $streamCount:local := 0
+;  [ ["=",name,objValUnwrap 
+;      for name in '(arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 
arg12 arg13 arg14 arg15 arg16 arg17 arg18 arg19 )
+;        for arg in args for type in CDR $tracedSpadModemap]
+<<defun coerceSpadArgs2E>>=
+(defun |coerceSpadArgs2E| (|args|)
+ (prog (|$streamCount|)
+  (declare (special |$streamCount|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn 
+     (spadlet |$streamCount| 0)
+     (prog (t0)
+      (spadlet t0 nil)
+      (return
+       (do ((t1 '(|arg1| |arg2| |arg3| |arg4| |arg5| |arg6| |arg7| |arg8| 
+                  |arg9| |arg10| |arg11| |arg12| |arg13| |arg14| |arg15| 
+                  |arg16| |arg17| |arg18| |arg19|) (cdr t1))
+            (|name| nil)
+            (t2 |args| (cdr t2))
+            (|arg| nil)
+            (t3 (cdr |$tracedSpadModemap|) (cdr t3))
+            (|type| nil))
+           ((or (atom t1)
+                (progn (setq |name| (car t1)) nil)
+                (atom t2)
+                (progn (setq |arg| (car t2)) nil)
+                (atom t3)
+                (progn (setq |type| (car t3)) nil))
+             (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t0
+            (cons
+             (cons '=
+              (cons |name|
+               (cons (|objValUnwrap|
+                 (|coerceInteractive| 
+                  (|objNewWrap| |arg| |type|)
+                  |$OutputForm|)) nil)))
+              t0)))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun subTypes}
+;subTypes(mm,sublist) ==
+;  ATOM mm =>
+;    (s:= LASSOC(mm,sublist)) => s
+;    mm
+;  [subTypes(m,sublist) for m in mm]
+<<defun subTypes>>=
+(defun |subTypes| (|mm| |sublist|)
+ (prog (|s|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((atom |mm|) 
+       (cond ((spadlet |s| (lassoc |mm| |sublist|)) |s|) (t |mm|)))
+     (t
+      (prog (t0)
+       (spadlet t0 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t1 |mm| (cdr t1)) (|m| nil))
+            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |m| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t0 (cons (|subTypes| |m| |sublist|) t0))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun coerceTraceFunValue2E}
+;coerceTraceFunValue2E(traceName,subName,value) ==
+;  MEMQ(name:= subName,$mathTraceList) =>
+;    SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME traceName => coerceSpadFunValue2E(value)
+;    (u:=LASSOC(subName,$tracedMapSignatures)) =>
+;      objValUnwrap coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(value,CAR u),$OutputForm)
+;    value
+;  value
+<<defun coerceTraceFunValue2E>>=
+(defun |coerceTraceFunValue2E| (|traceName| |subName| |value|)
+ (prog (|name| |u|)
+  (return
+   (cond
+    ((memq (spadlet |name| |subName|) |$mathTraceList|)
+      (cond
+       ((spadsysnamep (pname |traceName|)) (|coerceSpadFunValue2E| |value|))
+       ((spadlet |u| (lassoc |subName| |$tracedMapSignatures|))
+         (|objValUnwrap|
+          (|coerceInteractive|
+           (|objNewWrap| |value| (CAR |u|))
+             |$OutputForm|)))
+       (t |value|)))
+    (t |value|))))) 
+\subsection{defun coerceSpadFunValue2E}
+;coerceSpadFunValue2E(value) ==
+;  -- following binding is to prevent forcing calculation of stream elements
+;  $streamCount:local := 0
+;  objValUnwrap coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(value,CAR $tracedSpadModemap),
+;    $OutputForm)
+<<defun coerceSpadFunValue2E>>=
+(defun |coerceSpadFunValue2E| (|value|)
+ (prog (|$streamCount|)
+  (declare (special |$streamCount|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$streamCount| 0)
+    (|objValUnwrap|
+     (|coerceInteractive|
+      (|objNewWrap| |value| (CAR |$tracedSpadModemap|))
+      |$OutputForm|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun isListOfIdentifiers}
+;isListOfIdentifiers l == and/[IDENTP x for x in l]
+<<defun isListOfIdentifiers>>=
+(defun |isListOfIdentifiers| (|l|)
+ (prog () 
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (prog (t0)
+     (spadlet t0 t)
+     (return
+      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 |l| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t0)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (setq t0 (and t0 (identp |x|)))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings}
+;isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings l == and/[IDENTP x or STRINGP x for x in l]
+<<defun isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings>>=
+(defun |isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings| (|l|)
+ (prog () 
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (prog (t0)
+     (spadlet t0 t)
+     (return
+      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 |l| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t0)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (setq t0 (and t0 (or (identp |x|) (stringp |x|))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun getMapSubNames}
+;getMapSubNames(l) ==
+;  subs:= nil
+;  for mapName in l repeat
+;    lmm:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;      subs:= APPEND([ [mapName,:CADR mm] for mm in lmm],subs)
+;  UNION(subs,getPreviousMapSubNames UNIONQ(_/TRACENAMES,
+;    $lastUntraced))
+<<defun getMapSubNames>>=
+(defun |getMapSubNames| (|l|)
+ (prog (|lmm| |subs|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |subs| nil)
+     (seq
+      (do ((t0 |l| (cdr t0)) (|mapName| nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |mapName| (CAR t0)) nil)) nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((spadlet |lmm|
+            (|get| |mapName| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+           (exit
+            (spadlet |subs|
+             (append
+              (prog (t1)
+               (spadlet t1 nil)
+               (return
+                (do ((t2 |lmm| (cdr t2)) (|mm| nil))
+                    ((or (atom t2)
+                         (progn (setq |mm| (CAR t2)) nil)) (nreverse0 t1))
+                 (seq
+                  (exit
+                   (setq t1 (cons (cons |mapName| (cadr |mm|)) t1)))))))
+              |subs|))))))))
+      (|union| |subs|
+        (|getPreviousMapSubNames| (unionq /tracenames |$lastUntraced|))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun getPreviousMapSubNames}
+;getPreviousMapSubNames(traceNames) ==
+;  subs:= nil
+;  for mapName in ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat
+;    lmm:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;      MEMQ(CADAR lmm,traceNames) =>
+;        for mm in lmm repeat
+;          subs:= [ [mapName,:CADR mm],:subs]
+;  subs
+<<defun getPreviousMapSubNames>>=
+(defun |getPreviousMapSubNames| (|traceNames|)
+ (prog (|lmm| |subs|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |subs| nil)
+     (seq
+      (do ((t0 (assocleft (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)) (cdr t0))
+           (|mapName| nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |mapName| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((spadlet |lmm|
+             (|get| |mapName| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+            (exit
+             (cond
+              ((memq (cadar |lmm|) |traceNames|)
+               (exit
+                (do ((t1 |lmm| (cdr t1)) (|mm| nil))
+                    ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |mm| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
+                 (seq
+                  (exit
+                   (spadlet |subs|
+                    (cons (cons |mapName| (cadr |mm|)) |subs|))))))))))))))
+      (exit |subs|))))))) 
+\subsection{defun lassocSub}
+;lassocSub(x,subs)  ==
+;  y:= LASSQ(x,subs) => y
+;  x
+<<defun lassocSub>>=
+(defun |lassocSub| (|x| |subs|)
+ (prog (|y|) 
+  (return 
+   (cond 
+    ((spadlet |y| (lassq |x| |subs|)) |y|)
+    (t |x|))))) 
+\subsection{defun rassocSub}
+;rassocSub(x,subs) ==
+;  y:= RASSOC(x,subs) => y
+;  x
+<<defun rassocSub>>=
+(defun |rassocSub| (|x| |subs|)
+ (prog (|y|)
+  (return
+   (cond
+    ((spadlet |y| (|rassoc| |x| |subs|)) |y|)
+    (t |x|))))) 
+\subsection{defun isUncompiledMap}
+;isUncompiledMap(x) ==
+;  y:= get(x,'value,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;    (CAAR y) = 'MAP and null get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)
+<<defun isUncompiledMap>>=
+(defun |isUncompiledMap| (x)
+ (prog (y)
+  (return
+   (seq 
+    (cond
+     ((spadlet y (|get| x '|value| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+       (exit
+        (and
+         (boot-equal (caar y) 'map)
+         (null (|get| x '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|)))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun isInterpOnlyMap}
+;isInterpOnlyMap(map) ==
+;  x:= get(map,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;    (CAAAR x) = 'interpOnly
+<<defun isInterpOnlyMap>>=
+(defun |isInterpOnlyMap| (map)
+ (prog (x)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((spadlet x (|get| map '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+      (exit
+       (boot-equal (caaar x) '|interpOnly|)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun augmentTraceNames}
+;augmentTraceNames(l,mapSubNames) ==
+;  res:= nil
+;  for traceName in l repeat
+;    mml:= get(traceName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;      res:= APPEND([CADR mm for mm in mml],res)
+;    res:= [traceName,:res]
+;  res
+<<defun augmentTraceNames>>=
+(defun |augmentTraceNames| (|l| |mapSubNames|)
+ (prog (|mml| |res|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |res| nil)
+     (do ((t0 |l| (cdr t0)) (|traceName| nil))
+         ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |traceName| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+      (seq
+       (exit
+        (cond
+         ((spadlet |mml|
+            (|get| |traceName| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+           (spadlet |res|
+            (append
+             (prog (t1)
+              (spadlet t1 nil)
+              (return
+               (do ((t2 |mml| (cdr t2)) (|mm| nil))
+                   ((or (atom t2) 
+                        (progn (setq |mm| (CAR t2)) nil))
+                     (nreverse0 t1))
+                (seq
+                 (exit 
+                  (setq t1 (cons (cadr |mm|) t1)))))))
+            |res|)))
+         (t (spadlet |res| (cons |traceName| |res|)))))))
+     |res|))))) 
+\subsection{defun isSubForRedundantMapName}
+;isSubForRedundantMapName(subName) ==
+;  mapName:= rassocSub(subName,$mapSubNameAlist) =>
+;    tail:=MEMBER([mapName,:subName],$mapSubNameAlist) =>
+;      MEMQ(mapName,CDR ASSOCLEFT tail)
+<<defun isSubForRedundantMapName>>=
+(defun |isSubForRedundantMapName| (|subName|)
+ (prog (|mapName| |tail|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((spadlet |mapName| (|rassocSub| |subName| |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+       (exit
+        (cond
+         ((spadlet |tail|
+            (|member| (cons |mapName| |subName|) |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+           (exit
+            (memq |mapName| (cdr (assocleft |tail|))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun untraceMapSubNames}
+;untraceMapSubNames traceNames ==
+;  null($mapSubNameAlist:local:= getPreviousMapSubNames traceNames) => nil
+;  for name in (subs:= ASSOCRIGHT $mapSubNameAlist)
+;    | MEMQ(name,_/TRACENAMES) repeat
+;      _/UNTRACE_,2(name,nil)
+;      $lastUntraced:= SETDIFFERENCE($lastUntraced,subs)
+<<defun untraceMapSubNames>>=
+(defun |untraceMapSubNames| (|traceNames|)
+ (prog (|$mapSubNameAlist| |subs|)
+  (declare (special |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((null
+        (spadlet |$mapSubNameAlist| (|getPreviousMapSubNames| |traceNames|)))
+       nil)
+     (t
+      (do ((t0 (spadlet |subs| (assocright |$mapSubNameAlist|)) (CDR t0))
+           (|name| nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |name| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((memq |name| /tracenames)
+           (progn
+            (|/UNTRACE,2| |name| nil)
+            (spadlet |$lastUntraced|
+             (setdifference |$lastUntraced| |subs|)))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defmacro funfind}
+;funfind("functor","opname") ==
+;  ops:= isFunctor functor
+;  [u for u in ops | u is [[ =opname,:.],:.]]
+<<defun funfind,LAM>>=
+(defun |funfind,LAM| (functor opname)
+ (prog (ops tmp1)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet ops (|isFunctor| functor))
+     (prog (t0)
+      (spadlet t0 nil)
+      (return
+       (do ((t1 ops (cdr t1)) (|u| nil))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |u| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (cond
+           ((and (pairp |u|)
+                 (progn
+                  (spadlet tmp1 (qcar |u|))
+                  (and (pairp tmp1) (equal (qcar tmp1) opname))))
+             (setq t0 (cons |u| t0)))))))))))))) 
+<<defmacro funfind>>=
+(defmacro |funfind| (&whole t0 &rest notused &aux t1)
+ (dsetq t1 t0)
+ (cons '|funfind,LAM| (vmlisp::wrap (cdr t1) '(quote quote)))) 
+\subsection{defun isDomainOrPackage}
+;isDomainOrPackage dom ==
+;  REFVECP dom and #dom>0 and isFunctor opOf dom.(0)
+<<defun isDomainOrPackage>>=
+(defun |isDomainOrPackage| (dom)
+ (and
+  (refvecp dom)
+  (> (|#| dom) 0)
+  (|isFunctor| (|opOf| (elt dom 0))))) 
+\subsection{defun isTraceGensym}
+<<defun isTraceGensym>>=
+(defun |isTraceGensym| (x)
+ (gensymp x)) 
+\subsection{defun spadTrace}
+;spadTrace(domain,options) ==
+;  $fromSpadTrace:= true
+;  $tracedModemap:local:= nil
+;  PAIRP domain and REFVECP CAR domain and (CAR domain).0 = 0 =>
+;      aldorTrace(domain,options)
+;  not isDomainOrPackage domain => userError '"bad argument to trace"
+;  listOfOperations:=
+;    [g x for x in getOption("OPS",options)] where
+;      g x ==
+;        STRINGP x => INTERN x
+;        x
+;  if listOfVariables := getOption("VARS",options) then
+;    options := removeOption("VARS",options)
+;  if listOfBreakVars := getOption("VARBREAK",options) then
+;    options := removeOption("VARBREAK",options)
+;  anyifTrue:= null listOfOperations
+;  domainId:= opOf domain.(0)
+;  currentEntry:= ASSOC(domain,_/TRACENAMES)
+;  currentAlist:= KDR currentEntry
+;  opStructureList:= flattenOperationAlist getOperationAlistFromLisplib 
+;  sigSlotNumberAlist:=
+;    [triple
+;      --new form is (<op> <signature> <slotNumber> <condition> <kind>)
+;      for [op,sig,n,.,kind] in opStructureList | kind = 'ELT
+;        and (anyifTrue or MEMQ(op,listOfOperations)) and
+;         FIXP n and
+;          isTraceable(triple:= [op,sig,n],domain)] where
+;            isTraceable(x is [.,.,n,:.],domain) ==
+;              atom domain.n => nil
+;              functionSlot:= first domain.n
+;              GENSYMP functionSlot =>
+;                (reportSpadTrace("Already Traced",x); nil)
+;              null (BPINAME functionSlot) =>
+;                (reportSpadTrace("No function for",x); nil)
+;              true
+;  if listOfVariables then
+;    for [.,.,n] in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
+;      fn := first domain.n
+;      $letAssoc := AS_-INSERT(BPINAME fn,
+;        listOfVariables,$letAssoc)
+;  if listOfBreakVars then
+;    for [.,.,n] in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
+;      fn := first domain.n
+;      $letAssoc := AS_-INSERT(BPINAME fn,
+;        [["BREAK",:listOfBreakVars]],$letAssoc)
+;  for (pair:= [op,mm,n]) in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
+;    alias:= spadTraceAlias(domainId,op,n)
+;    $tracedModemap:= subTypes(mm,constructSubst(domain.0))
+;    traceName:= BPITRACE(first domain.n,alias, options)
+;    NCONC(pair,[listOfVariables,first domain.n,traceName,alias])
+;    RPLAC(first domain.n,traceName)
+;  sigSlotNumberAlist:= [x for x in sigSlotNumberAlist | CDDDR x]
+;  if $reportSpadTrace then
+;    if $traceNoisely then printDashedLine()
+;    for x in orderBySlotNumber sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
+;      reportSpadTrace("TRACING",x)
+;  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
+;  currentEntry =>
+;    RPLAC(rest currentEntry,[:sigSlotNumberAlist,:currentAlist])
+;  SETQ(_/TRACENAMES,[ [domain,:sigSlotNumberAlist],:_/TRACENAMES])
+;  spadReply()
+<<defun spadTrace,g>>=
+(defun |spadTrace,g| (|x|)
+ (seq
+  (if (stringp |x|) (exit (intern |x|)))
+  (exit |x|))) 
+<<defun spadTrace,isTraceable>>=
+(defun |spadTrace,isTraceable| (|x| |domain|)
+ (prog (|n| |functionSlot|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |n| (caddr |x|))
+     |x|
+     (seq
+      (if (atom (elt |domain| |n|)) (exit nil))
+      (spadlet |functionSlot| (car (elt |domain| |n|)))
+      (if (gensymp |functionSlot|) 
+       (exit (seq (|reportSpadTrace| '|Already Traced| |x|) (exit nil))))
+      (if (null (bpiname |functionSlot|))
+       (exit
+        (seq
+         (|reportSpadTrace| '|No function for| |x|)
+         (exit nil))))
+      (exit t))))))) 
+<<defun spadTrace>>=
+(defun |spadTrace| (|domain| |options|)
+ (prog (|$tracedModemap| |listOfOperations| |listOfVariables| 
+        |listOfBreakVars| |anyifTrue| |domainId| |currentEntry| 
+        |currentAlist| |opStructureList| |sig| |kind| |triple| |fn| |op| 
+        |mm| |n| |alias| |traceName| |sigSlotNumberAlist|)
+ (declare (special |$tracedModemap|))
+ (return
+  (seq
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$fromSpadTrace| t)
+    (spadlet |$tracedModemap| nil)
+    (cond
+     ((and (pairp |domain|)
+           (refvecp (car |domain|))
+           (eql (elt (car |domain|) 0) 0))
+       (|aldorTrace| |domain| |options|))
+     ((null (|isDomainOrPackage| |domain|))
+       (|userError| "bad argument to trace"))
+     (t
+      (spadlet |listOfOperations|
+       (prog (t0)
+        (spadlet t0 nil)
+        (return
+         (do ((t1 (|getOption| 'ops |options|) (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+             ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+          (seq
+           (exit
+            (setq t0 (cons (|spadTrace,g| |x|) t0))))))))
+      (cond
+       ((spadlet |listOfVariables| (|getOption| 'vars |options|))
+         (spadlet |options| (|removeOption| 'vars |options|))))
+      (cond
+       ((spadlet |listOfBreakVars| (|getOption| 'varbreak |options|))
+         (spadlet |options| (|removeOption| 'varbreak |options|))))
+      (spadlet |anyifTrue| (null |listOfOperations|))
+      (spadlet |domainId| (|opOf| (elt |domain| 0)))
+      (spadlet |currentEntry| (|assoc| |domain| /tracenames))
+      (spadlet |currentAlist| (kdr |currentEntry|))
+      (spadlet |opStructureList| 
+       (|flattenOperationAlist| (|getOperationAlistFromLisplib| |domainId|)))
+      (spadlet |sigSlotNumberAlist|
+       (prog (t2)
+        (spadlet t2 nil)
+        (return
+         (do ((t3 |opStructureList| (cdr t3)) (t4 nil))
+             ((or (atom t3)
+                  (progn (setq t4 (CAR t3)) nil)
+                  (progn
+                   (progn
+                    (spadlet |op| (car t4))
+                    (spadlet |sig| (cadr t4))
+                    (spadlet |n| (caddr t4))
+                    (spadlet |kind| (car (cddddr t4))) t4)
+                   nil))
+                (nreverse0 t2))
+          (seq
+           (exit
+            (cond
+             ((and (boot-equal |kind| 'ELT)
+                   (or |anyifTrue| (memq |op| |listOfOperations|))
+                   (fixp |n|)
+                   (|spadTrace,isTraceable|
+                    (spadlet |triple|
+                     (cons |op| (cons |sig| (cons |n| nil)))) |domain|))
+                (setq t2 (cons |triple| t2))))))))))
+      (cond 
+       (|listOfVariables|
+        (do ((t5 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t5)) (t6 nil))
+            ((or (atom t5)
+                 (progn (setq t6 (car t5)) nil)
+                 (progn (progn (spadlet |n| (caddr t6)) t6) nil))
+              nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (progn
+            (spadlet |fn| (car (elt |domain| |n|)))
+            (spadlet |$letAssoc|
+             (as-insert (bpiname |fn|) |listOfVariables| |$letAssoc|))))))))
+      (cond
+       (|listOfBreakVars|
+        (do ((t7 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t7)) (t8 nil))
+            ((or (atom t7)
+                 (progn (setq t8 (car t7)) nil)
+                 (progn (progn (spadlet |n| (caddr t8)) t8) nil))
+                nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (progn
+            (spadlet |fn| (car (elt |domain| |n|)))
+            (spadlet |$letAssoc|
+             (as-insert (bpiname |fn|)
+              (cons (cons 'break |listOfBreakVars|) nil) |$letAssoc|))))))))
+      (do ((t9 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t9)) (|pair| nil))
+          ((or (atom t9)
+               (progn (setq |pair| (car t9)) nil)
+               (progn
+                (progn
+                 (spadlet |op| (car |pair|))
+                 (spadlet |mm| (cadr |pair|))
+                 (spadlet |n| (caddr |pair|))
+                 |pair|)
+                 nil))
+               nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (progn 
+          (spadlet |alias| (|spadTraceAlias| |domainId| |op| |n|))
+          (spadlet |$tracedModemap|
+            (|subTypes| |mm| (|constructSubst| (elt |domain| 0))))
+          (spadlet |traceName|
+            (bpitrace (car (elt |domain| |n|)) |alias| |options|))
+          (nconc |pair|
+            (cons |listOfVariables|
+             (cons (car (elt |domain| |n|))
+              (cons |traceName| (cons |alias| nil)))))
+          (rplac (car (elt |domain| |n|)) |traceName|)))))
+      (spadlet |sigSlotNumberAlist|
+       (prog (t10)
+        (spadlet t10 nil)
+        (return
+         (do ((t11 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t11)) (|x| nil))
+             ((or (atom t11) (progn (setq |x| (car t11)) nil)) (nreverse0 t10))
+          (seq
+           (exit
+            (cond ((cdddr |x|) (setq t10 (cons |x| t10))))))))))
+      (cond
+       (|$reportSpadTrace|
+        (cond (|$traceNoisely| (|printDashedLine|)))
+        (do ((t12 (|orderBySlotNumber| |sigSlotNumberAlist|) (cdr t12))
+             (|x| nil))
+            ((or (atom t12)
+                 (progn (setq |x| (car t12)) nil))
+                nil)
+             (seq (exit (|reportSpadTrace| 'tracing |x|))))))
+      (cond (|$letAssoc| (setletprintflag t)))
+      (cond 
+       (|currentEntry|
+        (rplac (cdr |currentEntry|)
+          (append |sigSlotNumberAlist| |currentAlist|)))
+       (t 
+        (setq /tracenames
+         (cons (cons |domain| |sigSlotNumberAlist|) /tracenames))
+          (|spadReply|)))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun traceDomainLocalOps}
+;traceDomainLocalOps(dom,lops,options) ==
+; sayMSG ['"  ",'"The )local option has been withdrawn"]
+; sayMSG ['"  ",'"Use )ltr to trace local functions."]
+; NIL
+<<defun traceDomainLocalOps>>=
+(defun |traceDomainLocalOps| (|dom| |lops| |options|)
+ (progn
+  (|sayMSG| (cons "  " (cons "The )local option has been withdrawn" nil)))
+  (|sayMSG| (cons "  " (cons "Use )ltr to trace local functions." nil)))
+  nil)) 
+\subsection{defun untraceDomainLocalOps}
+;--  abb := abbreviate dom
+;--  loadLibIfNotLoaded abb
+;--  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
+;--  null actualLops =>
+;--    sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to trace."]
+;--  lops = 'all => _/TRACE_,1(actualLops,options)
+;--  l := NIL
+;--  for lop in lops repeat
+;--    internalName := INTERN STRCONC(PNAME abb,'";",PNAME lop)
+;--    not MEMQ(internalName,actualLops) =>
+;--      sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"does not have a local",
+;--        '" function called",:bright lop]
+;--    l := cons(internalName,l)
+;--  l => _/TRACE_,1(l,options)
+;--  nil
+;untraceDomainLocalOps(dom,lops) ==
+; sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to untrace."]
+; NIL
+<<defun untraceDomainLocalOps>>=
+(defun |untraceDomainLocalOps| (|dom| |lops|)
+ (progn
+  (|sayMSG|
+   (cons "  "
+    (append (|bright| |abb|) (cons "has no local functions to untrace." nil))))
+  nil)) 
+\subsection{defun untraceAllDomainLocalOps}
+;--  lops = "all" => untraceAllDomainLocalOps(dom)
+;--  abb := abbreviate dom
+;--  loadLibIfNotLoaded abb
+;--  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
+;--  null actualLops =>
+;--    sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to untrace."]
+;--  l := NIL
+;--  for lop in lops repeat
+;--    internalName := INTERN STRCONC(PNAME abb,'";",PNAME lop)
+;--    not MEMQ(internalName,actualLops) =>
+;--      sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"does not have a local",
+;--        '" function called",:bright lop]
+;--    l := cons(internalName,l)
+;--  l => untrace l
+;--  nil
+;untraceAllDomainLocalOps(dom) == NIL
+<<defun untraceAllDomainLocalOps>>=
+(defun |untraceAllDomainLocalOps| (|dom|) nil) 
+\subsection{defun traceDomainConstructor}
+;--  abb := abbreviate dom
+;--  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
+;--  null (l := INTERSECTION(actualLops,_/TRACENAMES)) => NIL
+;--  _/UNTRACE_,1(l,NIL)
+;--  NIL
+;traceDomainConstructor(domainConstructor,options) ==
+;  -- Trace all domains built with the given domain constructor,
+;  -- including all presently instantiated domains, and all future
+;  -- instantiations, while domain constructor is traced.
+;  loadFunctor domainConstructor
+;  listOfLocalOps := getOption("LOCAL",options)
+;  if listOfLocalOps then
+;    traceDomainLocalOps(domainConstructor,listOfLocalOps,
+;      [opt for opt in options | opt isnt ['LOCAL,:.]])
+;  listOfLocalOps and not getOption("OPS",options) => NIL
+;  for [argl,.,:domain] in HGET($ConstructorCache,domainConstructor)
+;    repeat spadTrace(domain,options)
+;  SETQ(_/TRACENAMES,[domainConstructor,:_/TRACENAMES])
+;  innerDomainConstructor := INTERN STRCONC(domainConstructor,'";")
+;  if FBOUNDP innerDomainConstructor then domainConstructor := 
+;  EMBED(domainConstructor,
+;    ['LAMBDA, ['_&REST, 'args],
+;      ['PROG, ['domain],
+;        ['SETQ,'domain,['APPLY,domainConstructor,'args]],
+;        ['spadTrace,'domain,MKQ options],
+;        ['RETURN,'domain]]] )
+<<defun traceDomainConstructor>>=
+(defun |traceDomainConstructor| (|domainConstructor| |options|)
+ (prog (|listOfLocalOps| |argl| |domain| |innerDomainConstructor|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (|loadFunctor| |domainConstructor|)
+     (spadlet |listOfLocalOps| (|getOption| 'local |options|))
+     (cond
+      (|listOfLocalOps|
+       (|traceDomainLocalOps| |domainConstructor| |listOfLocalOps|
+        (prog (t0)
+         (spadlet t0 nil)
+         (return
+          (do ((t1 |options| (cdr t1)) (|opt| nil))
+              ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |opt| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (cond 
+              ((null (and (pairp |opt|) (eq (qcar |opt|) 'local)))
+                (setq t0 (cons |opt| t0))))))))))))
+     (cond 
+      ((and |listOfLocalOps| (null (|getOption| 'ops |options|))) nil)
+      (t
+       (do ((t2 (hget |$ConstructorCache| |domainConstructor|) (cdr t2))
+            (t3 nil))
+           ((or (atom t2) 
+                (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
+                (progn 
+                 (progn 
+                  (spadlet |argl| (car t3))
+                  (spadlet |domain| (cddr t3)) t3)
+                 nil))
+                nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (|spadTrace| |domain| |options|))))
+       (setq /tracenames (cons |domainConstructor| /tracenames))
+       (spadlet |innerDomainConstructor|
+         (intern (strconc |domainConstructor| ";")))
+       (cond
+        ((fboundp |innerDomainConstructor|)
+          (spadlet |domainConstructor| |innerDomainConstructor|)))
+       (embed |domainConstructor|
+        (cons 'lambda
+         (cons 
+          (cons '&rest
+           (cons '|args| nil))
+          (cons
+           (cons 'prog
+            (cons
+             (cons '|domain| nil)
+             (cons
+              (cons 'setq
+               (cons '|domain|
+                (cons
+                 (cons 'apply (cons |domainConstructor|
+                  (cons '|args| nil))) nil)))
+              (cons
+               (cons '|spadTrace|
+                (cons '|domain|
+                 (cons (mkq |options|) nil)))
+               (cons (cons 'return (cons '|domain| nil)) nil)))))
+           nil))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun untraceDomainConstructor}
+;untraceDomainConstructor domainConstructor ==
+;  --untrace all the domains in domainConstructor, and unembed it
+;    [df for df in _/TRACENAMES | keepTraced?(df, domainConstructor)]) where
+;      keepTraced?(df, domainConstructor) ==
+;        (df is [dc,:.]) and (isDomainOrPackage dc) and
+;           ((KAR devaluate dc) = domainConstructor) =>
+;               _/UNTRACE_,0 [dc]
+;               false
+;        true
+;  untraceAllDomainLocalOps domainConstructor
+;  innerDomainConstructor := INTERN STRCONC(domainConstructor,'";")
+;  if FBOUNDP innerDomainConstructor then UNEMBED innerDomainConstructor
+;    else UNEMBED domainConstructor
+<<defun untraceDomainConstructor,keepTraced?>>=
+(defun |untraceDomainConstructor,keepTraced?| (|df| |domainConstructor|)
+ (prog (|dc|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (if (and 
+         (and
+          (and (pairp |df|) (progn (spadlet |dc| (qcar |df|)) t))
+           (|isDomainOrPackage| |dc|))
+         (boot-equal (kar (|devaluate| |dc|)) |domainConstructor|))
+     (exit (seq (|/UNTRACE,0| (cons |dc| nil)) (exit nil))))
+    (exit t))))) 
+<<defun untraceDomainConstructor>>=
+(defun |untraceDomainConstructor| (|domainConstructor|)
+ (prog (|innerDomainConstructor|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (setq /tracenames
+      (prog (t0)
+       (spadlet t0 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (|df| nil))
+            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |df| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (cond ((|untraceDomainConstructor,keepTraced?|
+                    |df| |domainConstructor|)
+             (setq t0 (cons |df| t0))))))))))
+     (|untraceAllDomainLocalOps| |domainConstructor|)
+     (spadlet |innerDomainConstructor|
+      (intern (strconc |domainConstructor| ";")))
+     (cond
+      ((fboundp |innerDomainConstructor|) (unembed |innerDomainConstructor|))
+      (t (unembed |domainConstructor|)))
+     (setq /tracenames (|delete| |domainConstructor| /tracenames))))))) 
+\subsection{defun flattenOperationAlist}
+;flattenOperationAlist(opAlist) ==
+;   res:= nil
+;   for [op,:mmList] in opAlist repeat
+;     res:=[:res,:[[op,:mm] for mm in mmList]]
+;   res
+<<defun flattenOperationAlist>>=
+(defun |flattenOperationAlist| (|opAlist|)
+ (prog (|op| |mmList| |res|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |res| nil)
+     (do ((t0 |opAlist| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
+         ((or (atom t0) 
+              (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
+              (progn
+               (progn (spadlet |op| (car t1)) (spadlet |mmList| (cdr t1)) t1)
+               nil)) 
+             nil)
+      (seq
+       (exit
+        (spadlet |res|
+         (append |res|
+          (prog (t2)
+           (spadlet t2 nil)
+           (return
+            (do ((t3 |mmList| (cdr t3)) (|mm| nil))
+                ((or (atom t3)
+                     (progn (setq |mm| (car t3)) nil)) (nreverse0 t2))
+             (seq
+              (exit
+               (setq t2 (cons (cons |op| |mm|) t2))))))))))))
+     |res|))))) 
+\subsection{defun mapLetPrint}
+;mapLetPrint(x,val,currentFunction) ==
+;  x:= getAliasIfTracedMapParameter(x,currentFunction)
+;  currentFunction:= getBpiNameIfTracedMap currentFunction
+;  letPrint(x,val,currentFunction)
+<<defun mapLetPrint>>=
+(defun |mapLetPrint| (x val currentFunction)
+  (spadlet x (|getAliasIfTracedMapParameter| x currentFunction))
+  (spadlet currentFunction (|getBpiNameIfTracedMap| currentFunction))
+  (|letPrint| x val currentFunction))
+\subsection{defun letPrint}
+;-- This is the version for use when we have no idea
+;-- what print representation to use for the data object
+;letPrint(x,val,currentFunction) ==
+;  if $letAssoc and
+;    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= 
LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) then
+;      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
+;        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
+;         sayBrightlyNT [:bright x,": "]
+;         PRIN0 shortenForPrinting val
+;         TERPRI()
+;      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
+;        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
+;          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
+;            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,'":= ",
+;              shortenForPrinting val]
+;  val
+<<defun letPrint>>=
+(defun |letPrint| (|x| |val| |currentFunction|)
+ (prog (|y|)
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (cond ((and |$letAssoc| 
+                (or
+                 (spadlet |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+                 (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+     (cond
+      ((and (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
+                 (memq |x| |y|))
+            (null 
+             (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
+        (|sayBrightlyNT| (append (|bright| |x|) (cons '|: | nil)))
+        (prin0 (|shortenForPrinting| |val|))
+        (terpri)))
+     (cond
+      ((and (spadlet |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
+            (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
+                (and (memq |x| |y|)
+                     (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
+                     (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+       (|break|
+        (append 
+         (|bright| |currentFunction|)
+         (cons "breaks after"
+          (append
+           (|bright| |x|)
+           (cons ":= " (cons (|shortenForPrinting| |val|) nil)))))))
+      (t nil))))
+    |val|)))) 
+\subsection{defun letPrint2}
+;-- This is the version for use when we have already
+;-- converted the data into type "Expression"
+;letPrint2(x,printform,currentFunction) ==
+;  $BreakMode:local := nil
+;  if $letAssoc and
+;    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= 
LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) then
+;      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
+;        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
+;         $BreakMode:='letPrint2
+;         flag:=nil
+;         CATCH('letPrint2,mathprint ["=",x,printform],flag)
+;         if flag='letPrint2 then print printform
+;      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
+;        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
+;          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
+;            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,":= ",
+;              printform]
+;  x
+<<defun letPrint2>>=
+(defun |letPrint2| (|x| |printform| |currentFunction|)
+ (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
+  (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$BreakMode| nil)
+    (cond
+     ((and |$letAssoc| 
+           (or (spadlet |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+               (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+      (cond
+       ((and
+          (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq |x| |y|))
+          (null (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
+         (spadlet |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
+         (spadlet |flag| nil)
+         (catch '|letPrint2| 
+          (|mathprint| (cons '= (cons |x| (cons |printform| nil)))) |flag|)
+         (cond 
+          ((boot-equal |flag| '|letPrint2|) (|print| |printform|))
+          (t nil))))
+      (cond 
+       ((and 
+         (spadlet |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
+         (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
+             (and 
+              (memq |x| |y|)
+              (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
+              (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+        (|break|
+         (append
+          (|bright| |currentFunction|)
+          (cons "breaks after" 
+           (append (|bright| |x|) (cons '|:= | (cons |printform| nil)))))))
+       (t nil))))
+    |x|)))) 
+\subsection{defun letPrint3}
+;-- This is the version for use when we have our hands on a function
+;-- to convert the data into type "Expression"
+;letPrint3(x,xval,printfn,currentFunction) ==
+;  $BreakMode:local := nil
+;  if $letAssoc and
+;    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= 
LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) then
+;      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
+;        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
+;         $BreakMode:='letPrint2
+;         flag:=nil
+;         CATCH('letPrint2,mathprint ["=",x,SPADCALL(xval,printfn)],flag)
+;         if flag='letPrint2 then print xval
+;      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
+;        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
+;          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
+;            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,'":= ",
+;              xval]
+;  x
+<<defun letPrint3>>=
+(defun |letPrint3| (|x| |xval| |printfn| |currentFunction|)
+ (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
+  (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |$BreakMode| nil)
+    (cond
+     ((and |$letAssoc| 
+       (or (spadlet |y| (lassoc |currentFunction| |$letAssoc|))
+           (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
+       (cond
+        ((and
+           (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq |x| |y|))
+           (null (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
+          (spadlet |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
+          (spadlet |flag| nil)
+          (catch '|letPrint2|
+           (|mathprint|
+            (cons '= (cons |x| (cons (spadcall |xval| |printfn|) nil))))
+           |flag|)
+          (cond
+           ((boot-equal |flag| '|letPrint2|) (|print| |xval|))
+           (t nil))))
+       (cond
+        ((and
+          (spadlet |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
+          (or
+           (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
+           (and
+            (memq |x| |y|)
+            (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
+            (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+          (|break|
+           (append
+            (|bright| |currentFunction|)
+            (cons "breaks after"
+             (append (|bright| |x|) (cons ":= " (cons |xval| nil)))))))
+        (t nil))))
+    |x|)))) 
+\subsection{defun getAliasIfTracedMapParameter}
+;getAliasIfTracedMapParameter(x,currentFunction) ==
+;  isSharpVarWithNum x =>
+;    aliasList:= get(currentFunction,'alias,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;      aliasList.(STRING2PINT_-N(SUBSTRING(PNAME x,1,NIL),1)-1)
+;  x
+<<defun getAliasIfTracedMapParameter>>=
+(defun |getAliasIfTracedMapParameter| (|x| |currentFunction|)
+ (prog (|aliasList|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|)
+       (cond
+        ((spadlet |aliasList|
+           (|get| |currentFunction| '|alias| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+         (exit
+          (elt |aliasList|
+           (spaddifference
+            (string2pint-n (substring (pname |x|) 1 nil) 1) 1))))))
+     (t |x|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun getBpiNameIfTracedMap}
+;getBpiNameIfTracedMap(name) ==
+;  lmm:= get(name,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+;    MEMQ(bpiName:= CADAR lmm,_/TRACENAMES) => bpiName
+;  name
+<<defun getBpiNameIfTracedMap>>=
+(defun |getBpiNameIfTracedMap| (|name|)
+ (prog (|lmm| |bpiName|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond 
+     ((spadlet |lmm| (|get| |name| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+       (cond
+        ((memq (spadlet |bpiName| (cadar |lmm|)) /tracenames)
+           (exit |bpiName|))))
+     (t |name|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun hasPair}
+;hasPair(key,l) ==
+;  atom l => nil
+;  l is [ [ =key,:a],:.] => a
+;  hasPair(key,rest l)
+<<defun hasPair>>=
+(defun |hasPair| (|key| |l|)
+ (prog (tmp1 |a|)
+  (return 
+   (cond
+    ((atom |l|) nil)
+    ((and (pairp |l|)
+          (progn
+           (spadlet tmp1 (qcar |l|))
+           (and (pairp tmp1)
+                (equal (qcar tmp1) |key|)
+                (progn (spadlet |a| (qcdr tmp1)) t))))
+       |a|)
+    (t (|hasPair| |key| (cdr |l|))))))) 
+\subsection{defun shortenForPrinting}
+;shortenForPrinting val ==
+;  isDomainOrPackage val => devaluate val
+;  val
+<<defun shortenForPrinting>>=
+(defun |shortenForPrinting| (|val|)
+ (if (|isDomainOrPackage| |val|)
+  (|devaluate| |val|)
+  |val|))
+\subsection{defun spadTraceAlias}
+;spadTraceAlias(domainId,op,n) ==
+;  INTERNL(domainId,".",op,",",STRINGIMAGE n)
+<<defun spadTraceAlias>>=
+(defun |spadTraceAlias| (|domainId| |op| |n|)
+ (internl |domainId| (intern "." "boot") |op| '|,| (stringimage |n|))) 
+\subsection{defun getOption}
+;getOption(opt,l) ==
+;  y:= ASSOC(opt,l) => rest y
+<<defun getOption>>=
+(defun |getOption| (opt l)
+ (prog (y)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond ((spadlet y (|assoc| opt l)) (exit (cdr y)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun reportSpadTrace}
+;reportSpadTrace(header,[op,sig,n,:t]) ==
+;  null $traceNoisely => nil
+;  msg:= [header,'%b,op,":",'%d,rest sig," -> ",first sig," in slot ",n]
+;  namePart:= nil --(t is (.,.,name,:.) => (" named ",name); NIL)
+;  tracePart:=
+;    t is [y,:.] and not null y =>
+;      (y="all" => ['%b,"all",'%d,"vars"]; [" vars: ",y])
+;    NIL
+;  sayBrightly [:msg,:namePart,:tracePart]
+<<defun reportSpadTrace>>=
+(defun |reportSpadTrace| (|header| t0)
+ (prog (|op| |sig| |n| |t| |msg| |namePart| |y| |tracePart|)
+  (return 
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |op| (car t0))
+    (spadlet |sig| (cadr t0))
+    (spadlet |n| (caddr t0))
+    (spadlet |t| (cdddr t0))
+    (cond
+     ((null |$traceNoisely|) nil)
+     (t
+      (spadlet |msg|
+       (cons |header|
+        (cons '|%b|
+         (cons |op|
+          (cons '|:|
+           (cons '|%d|
+            (cons (CDR |sig|)
+             (cons '| -> |
+              (cons (car |sig|)
+               (cons '| in slot |
+                (cons |n| nil)))))))))))
+      (spadlet |namePart| nil)
+      (spadlet |tracePart|
+       (cond
+        ((and (pairp |t|) (progn (spadlet |y| (qcar |t|)) t) (null (null |y|)))
+          (cond
+           ((boot-equal |y| '|all|)
+             (cons '|%b| (cons '|all| (cons '|%d| (cons '|vars| nil)))))
+           (t (cons '| vars: | (cons |y| nil)))))
+        (t nil)))
+      (|sayBrightly| (append |msg| (append |namePart| |tracePart|))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun orderBySlotNumber}
+;orderBySlotNumber l ==
+;  ASSOCRIGHT orderList [ [n,:x] for (x:= [.,.,n,:.]) in l]
+<<defun orderBySlotNumber>>=
+(defun |orderBySlotNumber| (|l|)
+ (prog (|n|)
+  (return 
+   (seq
+    (assocright
+     (|orderList|
+      (prog (t0)
+       (spadlet t0 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t1 |l| (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+            ((or (atom t1)
+                 (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)
+                 (progn (progn (spadlet |n| (caddr |x|)) |x|) nil))
+               (nreverse0 t0))
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (setq t0 (cons (cons |n| |x|) t0))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun /tracereply}
+;  null _/TRACENAMES => MAKESTRING '"   Nothing is traced."
+;  for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat
+;    x is [d,:.] and isDomainOrPackage d =>
+;      domainList:= [devaluate d,:domainList]
+;    functionList:= [x,:functionList]
+;  [:functionList,:domainList,"traced"]
+<<defun /tracereply>>=
+(defun /tracereply () 
+ (prog (|d| |domainList| |functionList|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((null /tracenames) "   Nothing is traced.")
+     (t
+       (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (cond
+           ((and (pairp |x|) 
+                 (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t)
+                 (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+              (spadlet |domainList| (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |domainList|)))
+           (t 
+            (spadlet |functionList| (cons |x| |functionList|)))))))
+       (append |functionList|
+        (append |domainList| (cons '|traced| nil))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun spadReply}
+;spadReply() ==
+;  [printName x for x in _/TRACENAMES] where
+;    printName x ==
+;      x is [d,:.] and isDomainOrPackage d => devaluate d
+;      x
+<<defun spadReply,printName>>=
+(defun |spadReply,printName| (|x|)
+ (prog (|d|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (if (and (and (pairp |x|) (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t))
+             (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+       (exit (|devaluate| |d|)))
+     (exit |x|))))) 
+<<defun spadReply>>=
+(defun |spadReply| ()
+ (prog () 
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (prog (t0)
+     (spadlet t0 nil)
+     (return
+       (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (setq t0 (cons (|spadReply,printName| |x|) t0))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun spadUntrace}
+;spadUntrace(domain,options) ==
+;  not isDomainOrPackage domain => userError '"bad argument to untrace"
+;  anyifTrue:= null options
+;  listOfOperations:= getOption("ops:",options)
+;  domainId := devaluate domain
+;  null (pair:= ASSOC(domain,_/TRACENAMES)) =>
+;    sayMSG ['"   No functions in",
+;      :bright prefix2String domainId,'"are now traced."]
+;  sigSlotNumberAlist:= rest pair
+;  for (pair:= [op,sig,n,lv,bpiPointer,traceName,alias]) in sigSlotNumberAlist 
+;    anyifTrue or MEMQ(op,listOfOperations) repeat
+;      BPIUNTRACE(traceName,alias)
+;      RPLAC(first domain.n,bpiPointer)
+;      RPLAC(CDDDR pair,nil)
+;      if assocPair:=ASSOC(BPINAME bpiPointer,$letAssoc) then
+;        $letAssoc := REMOVER($letAssoc,assocPair)
+;        if null $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG nil
+;  newSigSlotNumberAlist:= [x for x in sigSlotNumberAlist | CDDDR x]
+;  newSigSlotNumberAlist => RPLAC(rest pair,newSigSlotNumberAlist)
+;  spadReply()
+<<defun spadUntrace>>=
+(defun |spadUntrace| (|domain| |options|)
+ (prog (|anyifTrue| |listOfOperations| |domainId| |pair| |sigSlotNumberAlist| 
+        |op| |sig| |n| |lv| |bpiPointer| |traceName| |alias| |assocPair| 
+        |newSigSlotNumberAlist|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((null (|isDomainOrPackage| |domain|))
+       (|userError| "bad argument to untrace"))
+     (t
+      (spadlet |anyifTrue| (null |options|))
+      (spadlet |listOfOperations| (|getOption| '|ops:| |options|))
+      (spadlet |domainId| (|devaluate| |domain|))
+      (cond
+       ((null (spadlet |pair| (|assoc| |domain| /tracenames)))
+         (|sayMSG| 
+          (cons "   No functions in" 
+           (append
+            (|bright| (|prefix2String| |domainId|))
+            (cons "are now traced." nil)))))
+       (t 
+        (spadlet |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr |pair|))
+        (do ((t0 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t0)) (|pair| nil))
+            ((or (atom t0) 
+                 (progn (setq |pair| (car t0)) nil)
+                 (progn
+                  (progn
+                   (spadlet |op| (car |pair|))
+                   (spadlet |sig| (cadr |pair|))
+                   (spadlet |n| (caddr |pair|))
+                   (spadlet |lv| (cadddr |pair|))
+                   (spadlet |bpiPointer| (car (cddddr |pair|)))
+                   (spadlet |traceName| (cadr (cddddr |pair|)))
+                   (spadlet |alias| (caddr (cddddr |pair|)))
+                   |pair|)
+                  nil))
+                 nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (cond
+            ((or |anyifTrue| (memq |op| |listOfOperations|))
+              (progn
+                (bpiuntrace |traceName| |alias|)
+                (rplac (car (elt |domain| |n|)) |bpiPointer|)
+                (rplac (cdddr |pair|) nil)
+                (cond
+                 ((spadlet |assocPair|
+                     (|assoc| (bpiname |bpiPointer|) |$letAssoc|))
+                   (spadlet |$letAssoc| (remover |$letAssoc| |assocPair|))
+                   (cond 
+                    ((null |$letAssoc|) (setletprintflag nil))
+                    (t nil)))
+                 (t nil))))))))
+        (spadlet |newSigSlotNumberAlist|
+         (prog (t1) 
+          (spadlet t1 nil)
+          (return
+           (do ((t2 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+               ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) (nreverse0 t1))
+             (seq
+              (exit
+               (cond ((cdddr |x|) (setq t1 (cons |x| t1))))))))))
+        (cond 
+         (|newSigSlotNumberAlist| 
+          (rplac (cdr |pair|) |newSigSlotNumberAlist|))
+         (t 
+          (setq /tracenames (delasc |domain| /tracenames))
+          (|spadReply|))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun prTraceNames}
+;prTraceNames() ==
+;  (for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat PRINT fn x; nil) where
+;    fn x ==
+;      x is [d,:t] and isDomainOrPackage d => [devaluate d,:t]
+;      x
+<<defun prTraceNames,fn>>=
+(defun |prTraceNames,fn| (|x|)
+ (prog (|d| |t|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (if (and (and (pairp |x|) 
+                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) (spadlet |t| (qcdr |x|)) t))
+              (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+      (exit (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |t|)))
+    (exit |x|))))) 
+<<defun prTraceNames>>=
+(defun |prTraceNames| ()
+ (seq
+  (progn
+   (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
+       ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+    (seq
+     (exit
+      (print (|prTraceNames,fn| |x|))))) nil))) 
+\subsection{defun traceReply}
+;traceReply() ==
+;  $domains: local:= nil
+;  $packages: local:= nil
+;  $constructors: local:= nil
+;  null _/TRACENAMES =>
+;    sayMessage '"   Nothing is traced now."
+;  sayBrightly '" "
+;  for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat
+;    x is [d,:.] and (isDomainOrPackage d) => addTraceItem d
+;    atom x =>
+;      isFunctor x => addTraceItem x
+;      (IS__GENVAR x =>
+;        addTraceItem EVAL x; functionList:= [x,:functionList])
+;    userError '"bad argument to trace"
+;  functionList:= "append"/[ [rassocSub(x,$mapSubNameAlist),'" "]
+;    for x in functionList | ^isSubForRedundantMapName x]
+;  if functionList then
+;    2 = #functionList =>
+;      sayMSG ["   Function traced: ",:functionList]
+;    (22 + sayBrightlyLength functionList) <= $LINELENGTH =>
+;      sayMSG ["   Functions traced: ",:functionList]
+;    sayBrightly "   Functions traced:"
+;    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(functionList,$LINELENGTH,6)
+;  if $domains then
+;    displayList:= concat(prefix2String first $domains,
+;          [:concat('",",'" ",prefix2String x) for x in rest $domains])
+;    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
+;    sayBrightly '"   Domains traced: "
+;    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
+;  if $packages then
+;    displayList:= concat(prefix2String first $packages,
+;          [:concat(", ",prefix2String x) for x in rest $packages])
+;    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
+;    sayBrightly '"   Packages traced: "
+;    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
+;  if $constructors then
+;    displayList:= concat(abbreviate first $constructors,
+;          [:concat(", ",abbreviate x) for x in rest $constructors])
+;    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
+;    sayBrightly '"   Parameterized constructors traced:"
+;    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
+<<defun traceReply>>=
+(defun |traceReply| ()
+ (prog (|$domains| |$packages| |$constructors| |d| |functionList| 
+        |displayList|)
+  (declare (special |$domains| |$packages| |$constructors|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |$domains| nil)
+     (spadlet |$packages| nil)
+     (spadlet |$constructors| nil)
+     (cond
+      ((null /tracenames) (|sayMessage| "   Nothing is traced now."))
+      (t
+        (|sayBrightly| " ")
+        (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
+             ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+         (seq
+          (exit
+           (cond
+            ((and (pairp |x|) 
+                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t) (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+               (|addTraceItem| |d|))
+            ((atom |x|)
+               (cond
+                ((|isFunctor| |x|) (|addTraceItem| |x|))
+                ((is_genvar |x|) (|addTraceItem| (EVAL |x|)))
+                (t (spadlet |functionList| (CONS |x| |functionList|)))))
+            (t (|userError| "bad argument to trace"))))))
+        (spadlet |functionList|
+          (prog (t1)
+           (spadlet t1 nil)
+           (return
+            (do ((t2 |functionList| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t1)
+              (seq
+               (exit
+                (cond 
+                 ((null (|isSubForRedundantMapName| |x|))
+                   (setq t1 
+                    (append t1 
+                     (cons (|rassocSub| |x| |$mapSubNameAlist|)
+                           (cons " " nil))))))))))))
+       (cond 
+        (|functionList| 
+         (cond 
+          ((eql 2 (|#| |functionList|))
+             (|sayMSG| (cons '|   Function traced: | |functionList|)))
+          ((<= (PLUS 22 (|sayBrightlyLength| |functionList|)) $linelength)
+             (|sayMSG| (cons '|   Functions traced: | |functionList|)))
+          (t 
+             (|sayBrightly| "   Functions traced:")
+             (|sayBrightly|
+              (|flowSegmentedMsg| |functionList| $linelength 6))))))
+       (cond 
+        (|$domains|
+         (spadlet |displayList|
+          (|concat|
+           (|prefix2String| (CAR |$domains|))
+           (prog (t3)
+            (spadlet t3 nil)
+            (return
+             (do ((t4 (cdr |$domains|) (cdr t4)) (|x| nil))
+                 ((or (atom t4) (progn (setq |x| (car t4)) nil)) t3)
+              (seq
+               (exit
+                (setq t3
+                 (append t3 (|concat| "," " " (|prefix2String| |x|)))))))))))
+         (cond 
+          ((atom |displayList|)
+           (spadlet |displayList| (cons |displayList| nil))))
+         (|sayBrightly| "   Domains traced: ")
+         (|sayBrightly| (|flowSegmentedMsg| |displayList| $LINELENGTH 6))))
+       (cond 
+        (|$packages|
+          (spadlet |displayList|
+           (|concat|
+            (|prefix2String| (CAR |$packages|))
+            (prog (t5)
+             (spadlet t5 nil)
+             (return
+              (do ((t6 (cdr |$packages|) (cdr t6)) (|x| nil))
+                  ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq |x| (car t6)) nil)) t5)
+               (seq
+                (exit
+                 (setq t5
+                  (append t5 (|concat| '|, | (|prefix2String| |x|)))))))))))
+          (cond ((atom |displayList|)
+              (spadlet |displayList| (cons |displayList| nil))))
+          (|sayBrightly| "   Packages traced: ")
+          (|sayBrightly| (|flowSegmentedMsg| |displayList| $linelength 6))))
+       (cond 
+        (|$constructors|
+         (spadlet |displayList|
+          (|concat|
+           (|abbreviate| (CAR |$constructors|))
+           (prog (t7)
+            (spadlet t7 nil)
+             (return 
+              (do ((t8 (cdr |$constructors|) (cdr t8)) (|x| nil))
+                  ((or (atom t8) (progn (setq |x| (car t8)) nil)) t7)
+               (seq
+                (exit
+                 (setq t7
+                 (append t7 (|concat| '|, | (|abbreviate| |x|)))))))))))
+         (cond ((atom |displayList|)
+            (spadlet |displayList| (CONS |displayList| nil))))
+         (|sayBrightly| "   Parameterized constructors traced:")
+         (|sayBrightly| (|flowSegmentedMsg| |displayList| $linelength 6)))
+        (t nil))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun addTraceItem}
+;addTraceItem d ==
+;  constructor? d => $constructors:=[d,:$constructors]
+;  isDomain d => $domains:= [devaluate d,:$domains]
+;  isDomainOrPackage d => $packages:= [devaluate d,:$packages]
+<<defun addTraceItem>>=
+(defun |addTraceItem| (|d|)
+ (cond
+  ((|constructor?| |d|)
+    (spadlet |$constructors| (cons |d| |$constructors|)))
+  ((|isDomain| |d|)
+    (spadlet |$domains| (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |$domains|)))
+  ((|isDomainOrPackage| |d|)
+    (spadlet |$packages| (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |$packages|))))) 
+\subsection{defun ?t}
+;_?t() ==
+;  null _/TRACENAMES => sayMSG bright '"nothing is traced"
+;  for x in _/TRACENAMES | atom x and not IS__GENVAR x repeat
+;    if llm:= get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) then
+;      x:= (LIST (CADAR llm))
+;    sayMSG ['"Function",:bright rassocSub(x,$mapSubNameAlist),'"traced"]
+;  for x in _/TRACENAMES | x is [d,:l] and isDomainOrPackage d repeat
+;    suffix:=
+;      isDomain d => '"domain"
+;      '"package"
+;    sayBrightly ['"   Functions traced in ",suffix,'%b,devaluate d,'%d,":"]
+;    for x in orderBySlotNumber l repeat reportSpadTrace("   ",take(4,x))
+;    TERPRI()
+<<defun ?t>>=
+(defun |?t| ()
+ (prog (|llm| |x| |d| |l| |suffix|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     ((null /tracenames) (|sayMSG| (|bright| "nothing is traced")))
+     (t
+      (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((and (atom |x|) (null (is_genvar |x|)))
+           (progn
+            (cond
+             ((spadlet |llm| (|get| |x| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+               (spadlet |x| (list (cadar |llm|)))))
+            (|sayMSG|
+             (cons "Function"
+              (append
+               (|bright| (|rassocSub| |x| |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+               (cons "traced" nil))))))))))
+      (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+          ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
+       (seq
+        (exit
+         (cond
+          ((and (pairp |x|) 
+                (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) (spadlet |l| (qcdr |x|)) t)
+                (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+           (progn
+            (spadlet |suffix| (cond ((|isDomain| |d|) "domain") (t "package")))
+            (|sayBrightly|
+             (cons "   Functions traced in "
+              (cons |suffix|
+               (cons '|%b| 
+                (cons (|devaluate| |d|) 
+                 (cons '|%d| 
+                  (cons ":" nil)))))))
+            (do ((t2 (|orderBySlotNumber| |l|) (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
+                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) nil)
+              (seq
+               (exit
+                (|reportSpadTrace| '|   | (TAKE 4 |x|)))))
+            (terpri))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun tracelet}
+;tracelet(fn,vars) ==
+;  if GENSYMP fn and stupidIsSpadFunction EVAL fn then
+;    fn := EVAL fn
+;    if COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P fn then fn:=BPINAME fn
+;  fn = 'Undef => nil
+;  vars:=
+;    vars="all" => "all"
+;    l:= LASSOC(fn,$letAssoc) => UNION(vars,l)
+;    vars
+;  $letAssoc:= [ [fn,:vars],:$letAssoc]
+;  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
+;  $TRACELETFLAG : local := true
+;  $QuickLet : local := false
+;  ^MEMQ(fn,$traceletFunctions) and ^IS__GENVAR fn and COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P 
+;    and not stupidIsSpadFunction fn and not GENSYMP fn =>
+;      ($traceletFunctions:= [fn,:$traceletFunctions]; compileBoot fn ;
+;       $traceletFunctions:= DELETE(fn,$traceletFunctions) )
+<<defun tracelet>>=
+(defun |tracelet| (|fn| |vars|)
+ (prog ($traceletflag |$QuickLet| |l|)
+  (declare (special $traceletflag |$QuickLet|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (cond
+     ((and (gensymp |fn|) (|stupidIsSpadFunction| (eval |fn|)))
+       (spadlet |fn| (eval |fn|))
+       (cond
+        ((compiled-function-p |fn|) (spadlet |fn| (bpiname |fn|)))
+        (t nil))))
+    (cond
+     ((boot-equal |fn| '|Undef|) nil)
+     (t
+       (spadlet |vars|
+         (cond
+          ((boot-equal |vars| '|all|) '|all|)
+          ((spadlet |l| (lassoc |fn| |$letAssoc|)) (|union| |vars| |l|))
+          (t |vars|)))
+       (spadlet |$letAssoc| (cons (cons |fn| |vars|) |$letAssoc|))
+       (cond (|$letAssoc| (setletprintflag t)))
+       (spadlet $traceletflag t)
+       (spadlet |$QuickLet| nil)
+       (cond
+        ((and (null (memq |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))
+              (null (is_genvar |fn|))
+              (compiled-function-p (symbol-function |fn|))
+              (null (|stupidIsSpadFunction| |fn|))
+              (null (gensymp |fn|)))
+          (progn
+           (spadlet |$traceletFunctions| (cons |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))
+           (|compileBoot| |fn|)
+           (spadlet |$traceletFunctions|
+             (|delete| |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun breaklet}
+;breaklet(fn,vars) ==
+;                       --vars is "all" or a list of variables
+;  --$letAssoc ==> (.. (=fn .. (BREAK . all))) OR (.. (=fn .. (BREAK . vl)))
+;  if GENSYMP fn and stupidIsSpadFunction EVAL fn then
+;    fn := EVAL fn
+;    if COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P fn then fn:= BPINAME fn
+;  fn = "Undef" => nil
+;  fnEntry:= LASSOC(fn,$letAssoc)
+;  vars:=
+;    pair:= ASSOC("BREAK",fnEntry) => UNION(vars,rest pair)
+;    vars
+;  $letAssoc:=
+;    null fnEntry => [[fn,:LIST ["BREAK",:vars]],:$letAssoc]
+;    pair => (RPLACD(pair,vars); $letAssoc)
+;  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
+;  $QuickLet:local := false
+;  ^MEMQ(fn,$traceletFunctions) and not stupidIsSpadFunction fn
+;    and not GENSYMP fn =>
+;      $traceletFunctions:= [fn,:$traceletFunctions]
+;      compileBoot fn
+;      $traceletFunctions:= DELETE(fn,$traceletFunctions)
+;;;     ***       |breaklet| REDEFINED
+<<defun breaklet>>=
+(defun |breaklet| (|fn| |vars|)
+ (prog (|$QuickLet| |fnEntry| |pair|)
+  (declare (special |$QuickLet|))
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (cond
+     ((and (gensymp |fn|) (|stupidIsSpadFunction| (eval |fn|)))
+       (spadlet |fn| (eval |fn|))
+       (cond
+        ((compiled-function-p |fn|) (spadlet |fn| (bpiname |fn|)))
+        (t nil))))
+    (cond
+     ((boot-equal |fn| '|Undef|) nil)
+     (t
+      (spadlet |fnEntry| (lassoc |fn| |$letAssoc|))
+      (spadlet |vars|
+       (cond
+        ((spadlet |pair| (|assoc| 'break |fnEntry|))
+          (|union| |vars| (cdr |pair|)))
+        (t |vars|)))
+      (spadlet |$letAssoc|
+       (cond
+        ((null |fnEntry|)
+          (cons (cons |fn| (list (cons 'break |vars|))) |$letAssoc|))
+        (|pair| (rplacd |pair| |vars|) |$letAssoc|)))
+      (cond (|$letAssoc| (setletprintflag t)))
+      (spadlet |$QuickLet| nil)
+      (cond
+       ((and (null (memq |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))
+             (null (|stupidIsSpadFunction| |fn|))
+             (null (gensymp |fn|)))
+        (progn
+         (spadlet |$traceletFunctions| (cons |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))
+         (|compileBoot| |fn|)
+         (spadlet |$traceletFunctions|
+          (|delete| |fn| |$traceletFunctions|))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun stupidIsSpadFunction}
+;stupidIsSpadFunction fn ==
+;  -- returns true if the function pname has a semi-colon in it
+;  -- eventually, this will use isSpadFunction from luke boot
+;  STRPOS('"_;",PNAME fn,0,NIL)
+<<defun stupidIsSpadFunction>>=
+(defun |stupidIsSpadFunction| (|fn|)
+ (strpos ";" (pname |fn|) 0 nil)) 
+\subsection{defun break}
+;break msg ==
+;  -- The next line is to try to deal with some reported cases of unwanted
+;  -- backtraces appearing, MCD.
+;  EVAL condition =>
+;    sayBrightly msg
+;;;     ***       |break| REDEFINED
+<<defun break>>=
+(defun |break| (|msg|)
+ (prog (|condition|)
+  (return
+   (progn
+    (spadlet |condition| (|MONITOR,EVALTRAN| /breakcondition nil))
+    (enable-backtrace nil)
+    (cond ((eval |condition|) (progn (|sayBrightly| |msg|) (interrupt)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun compileBoot}
+;compileBoot fn == _/D_,1(LIST fn,'(_/COMP),nil,nil)
+<<defun compileBoot>>=
+(defun |compileBoot| (|fn|)
+ (|/D,1| (list |fn|) '(/comp) nil nil)) 
@@ -7265,7 +10339,7 @@ undoLocalModemapHack changeList ==
     (prog (tmp0)
-     (spadlet tmp0 NIL)
+     (spadlet tmp0 nil)
       (do ((tmp1 changeList (cdr tmp1)) (pair nil))
           ((or (atom tmp1) 
@@ -7535,6 +10609,7 @@ The command synonym  {\tt )apropos} is equivalent to
 \fnref{set}, and
+\subsection{defun what}
 what l == whatSpad2Cmd l
@@ -7544,6 +10619,7 @@ what l == whatSpad2Cmd l
+\subsection{defun whatSpad2Cmd}
 whatSpad2Cmd l ==
   $e:local := $EmptyEnvironment
@@ -7572,6 +10648,7 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
+\subsection{defun whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat}
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat>>=
 (defun |whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat| (|x|)
  (prog (|x'|)
@@ -7582,6 +10659,8 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
     (exit (downcase |x|)))))) 
+\subsection{defun whatSpad2Cmd}
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd>>=
 (defun |whatSpad2Cmd| (|l|)
  (prog (|$e| |key0| |key| |args|)
@@ -7634,6 +10713,8 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
                       (|printSynonyms| |args|))))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun filterAndFormatConstructors}
 filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) ==
   centerAndHighlight(label,$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
@@ -7683,6 +10764,7 @@ filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) ==
+\subsection{defun whatConstructors}
 whatConstructors constrType ==
   -- here constrType should be one of 'category, 'domain, 'package
@@ -7715,6 +10797,8 @@ whatConstructors constrType ==
+\subsection{defun apropos}
 apropos l ==
   -- l is a list of operation name fragments
@@ -7767,6 +10851,7 @@ apropos l ==
 ; )library top level command  -- soon to be obsolete
+\subsection{defun with}
 <<defun with>>=
 (defun |with| (args)
  (|library| args))
@@ -7776,6 +10861,7 @@ apropos l ==
+\subsection{defun workfiles}
 workfiles l == workfilesSpad2Cmd l
@@ -7784,6 +10870,8 @@ workfiles l == workfilesSpad2Cmd l
  (|workfilesSpad2Cmd| l)) 
+\subsection{defun workfilesSpad2Cmd}
 workfilesSpad2Cmd args ==
   args => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0047",NIL)
@@ -7831,7 +10919,7 @@ workfilesSpad2Cmd args ==
               (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0048 (cons |type| nil)))
             ((boot-equal |type1| '|delete|)
               (spadlet |deleteFlag| t)))))))
-       (do ((t2 |$options| (cdr t2)) (t3 NIL))
+       (do ((t2 |$options| (cdr t2)) (t3 nil))
            ((or (atom t2)
             (progn (setq t3 (CAR t2)) nil)
@@ -7886,6 +10974,7 @@ workfilesSpad2Cmd args ==
+\subsection{defun zsystemdevelopment}
 zsystemdevelopment l == zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l
@@ -7894,6 +10983,8 @@ zsystemdevelopment l == zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l
  (|zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd| |l|)) 
+\subsection{defun zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd}
 zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l == zsystemdevelopment1 (l,$InteractiveMode)
@@ -7902,6 +10993,8 @@ zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l == zsystemdevelopment1 
  (|zsystemdevelopment1| |l| |$InteractiveMode|)) 
+\subsection{defun zsystemdevelopment1}
 zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
   $InteractiveMode : local := im
@@ -7950,8 +11043,8 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
      (spadlet |$InteractiveMode| |im|)
-     (spadlet |fromopt| NIL)
-     (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 NIL))
+     (spadlet |fromopt| nil)
+     (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
          ((or (atom t0)
               (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
@@ -7968,7 +11061,7 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
           ((boot-equal |opt1| '|from|)
             (spadlet |fromopt| (cons (cons 'from |optargs|) nil))))))))
-     (do ((t2 |$options| (cdr t2)) (t3 NIL))
+     (do ((t2 |$options| (cdr t2)) (t3 nil))
          ((or (atom t2)
               (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
@@ -8164,8 +11257,12 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun addNewInterpreterFrame>>
+<<defun addTraceItem>>
 <<defun apropos>>
+<<defun augmentTraceNames>>
+<<defun break>>
+<<defun breaklet>>
 <<defun browse>>
 <<defun changeHistListLen>>
@@ -8174,6 +11271,11 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun cleanupLine>>
 <<defun clearFrame>>
 <<defun closeInterpreterFrame>>
+<<defun compileBoot>>
+<<defun coerceSpadArgs2E>>
+<<defun coerceSpadFunValue2E>>
+<<defun coerceTraceArgs2E>>
+<<defun coerceTraceFunValue2E>>
 <<defun createCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun dewritify>>
@@ -8186,12 +11288,14 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun displayMacros>>
 <<defun displayOperations>>
 <<defun displaySpad2Cmd>>
+<<defun domainToGenvar>>
 <<defun emptyInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun fetchOutput>>
 <<defun filterAndFormatConstructors>>
 <<defun findFrameInRing>>
+<<defun flattenOperationAlist>>
 <<defun frame>>
 <<defun frameEnvironment>>
 <<defun frameExposureData>>
@@ -8207,9 +11311,18 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun frameNames>>
 <<defun frameSpad2Cmd>>
+<<defun getAliasIfTracedMapParameter>>
+<<defun getBpiNameIfTracedMap>>
+<<defun genDomainTraceName>>
 <<defun getenviron>>
+<<defun getMapSig>>
+<<defun getOption>>
+<<defun getTraceOption>>
+<<defun getTraceOptions>>
+<<defun getTraceOption,hn>>
 <<defun gensymInt>>
+<<defun hasPair>>
 <<defun histFileErase>>
 <<defun history>>
 <<defun histFileName>>
@@ -8227,12 +11340,31 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun intloop>>
 <<defun intloopPrefix?>>
 <<defun intloopReadConsole>>
+<<defun isDomainOrPackage>>
+<<defun isInterpOnlyMap>>
+<<defun isSubForRedundantMapName>>
+<<defun isTraceGensym>>
+<<defun isUncompiledMap>>
+<<defun lassocSub>>
+<<defun letPrint>>
+<<defun letPrint2>>
+<<defun letPrint3>>
 <<defun loadExposureGroupData>>
+<<defmacro funfind>>
+<<defun funfind,LAM>>
+<<defun getMapSubNames>>
+<<defun getPreviousMapSubNames>>
+<<defun isListOfIdentifiers>>
+<<defun isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings>>
 <<defun make-absolute-filename>>
 <<defun makeHistFileName>>
 <<defun makeInitialModemapFrame>>
+<<defun mapLetPrint>>
 <<defun ncIntLoop>>
 <<defun ncloopCommand>>
@@ -8246,10 +11378,17 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun oldHistFileName>>
 <<defun openserver>>
+<<defun orderBySlotNumber>>
+<<defun pcounters>>
 <<defun previousInterpreterFrame>>
+<<defun prTraceNames>>
+<<defun prTraceNames,fn>>
+<<defun pspacers>>
+<<defun ptimers>>
 <<defun putHist>>
+<<defun rassocSub>>
 <<defun readHiFi>>
 <<defun reclaim>>
 <<defun recordNewValue>>
@@ -8257,21 +11396,29 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun recordOldValue>>
 <<defun recordOldValue0>>
 <<defun recordFrame>>
+<<defun removeOption>>
+<<defun removeTracedMapSigs>>
 <<defun removeUndoLines>>
+<<defun reportSpadTrace>>
 <<defun reportUndo>>
 <<defun reroot>>
+<<defun resetCounters>>
 <<defun resetInCoreHist>>
+<<defun resetSpacers>>
+<<defun resetTimers>>
 <<defun restart>>
 <<defun restoreHistory>>
 <<defun runspad>>
 <<defun safeWritify>>
 <<defun saveHistory>>
+<<defun saveMapSig>>
 <<defun sayExample>>
 <<defun ScanOrPairVec>>
 <<defun setCurrentLine>>
 <<defun setHistoryCore>>
 <<defun set-restart-hook>>
+<<defun shortenForPrinting>>
 <<defun showInOut>>
 <<defun showInput>>
 <<defun setIOindex>>
@@ -8280,10 +11427,33 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun spad-save>>
 <<defun spadClosure?>>
 <<defun SpadInterpretStream>>
+<<defun spadReply>>
+<<defun spadReply,printName>>
 <<defun SPADRREAD>>
 <<defun SPADRWRITE>>
 <<defun SPADRWRITE0>>
+<<defun spadTrace>>
+<<defun spadTrace,isTraceable>>
+<<defun spadTrace,g>>
+<<defun spadTraceAlias>>
+<<defun spadUntrace>>
+<<defun stackTraceOptionError>>
 <<defun statisticsInitialization>>
+<<defun stupidIsSpadFunction>>
+<<defun subTypes>>
+<<defun ?t>>
+<<defun trace>>
+<<defun trace1>>
+<<defun traceDomainConstructor>>
+<<defun traceDomainLocalOps>>
+<<defun tracelet>>
+<<defun /tracereply>>
+<<defun transOnlyOption>>
+<<defun traceOptionError>>
+<<defun traceReply>>
+<<defun traceSpad2Cmd>>
+<<defun transTraceItem>>
 <<defun undo>>
 <<defun undoChanges>>
@@ -8293,6 +11463,12 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun undoLocalModemapHack>>
 <<defun undoSingleStep>>
 <<defun undoSteps>>
+<<defun untrace>>
+<<defun untraceAllDomainLocalOps>>
+<<defun untraceDomainConstructor>>
+<<defun untraceDomainConstructor,keepTraced?>>
+<<defun untraceDomainLocalOps>>
+<<defun untraceMapSubNames>>
 <<defun unwritable?>>
 <<defun updateCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
@@ -8318,6 +11494,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun zsystemdevelopment>>
 <<defun zsystemdevelopment1>>
 <<defun zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd>>
 \chapter{The Global Variables}
 \section{Star Global Variables}
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 9d2a7f5..a9ffdb8 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+20090307 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090307.01.tpd.patch
+20090307 tpd src/interp/debugsys.lisp stop loading trace.clisp
+20090307 tpd src/interp/Makefile remove trace.boot
+20090307 tpd src/interp/trace.boot removed. moved to bookvol5
+20090307 tpd src/input/unittest1.input clean up breakage
+20090307 tpd books/bookvol5 add trace root code
 20090305 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090305.01.tpd.patch
 20090305 jxb books/bookvol10.3 fix Float outputFixed handling
 20090305 jxb Johannes Grabmeier <address@hidden>
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index b2dbc9c..3f6e161 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -989,5 +989,7 @@ bookvol10.4 add Nag documentation<br/>
 bookvol5 add user level command roots<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090305.01.tpd.patch">20090305.01.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol10.3 add Grabmeier/Waldek fixes to Float<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090307.01.tpd.patch">20090307.01.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 add trace root<br/>
diff --git a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet 
index 8a94acc..c5c9bd3 100644
--- a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 2
 )apropos matrix
 --ROperations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):
@@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --RwronskianMatrix                    zeroMatrix                         
---R      To get more information about an operation such as identityMatrix
---R      , issue the command )display op identityMatrix 
+--R      To get more information about an operation such as 
+--R      rectangularMatrix , issue the command )display op 
+--R      rectangularMatrix 
 --R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
 --RCategories with names matching patterns:
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 3
 )what categories set
 --R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
 --RCategories with names matching patterns:
@@ -121,6 +124,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 4
 )what commands set
 --R--------------- System Commands for User Level: development ---------------
 --RSystem commands at this level matching patterns:
@@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 5
 )what domains set
 --R--------------------------------- Domains ---------------------------------
 --RDomains with names matching patterns:
@@ -154,6 +159,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 6
 )what operations set
 --ROperations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):
@@ -251,12 +257,14 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
---R      To get more information about an operation such as setMaxPoints ,
---R      issue the command )display op setMaxPoints 
+--R      To get more information about an operation such as 
+--R      setAttributeButtonStep , issue the command )display op 
+--R      setAttributeButtonStep 
 --E 6
 --S 7
 )what packages set
 --R-------------------------------- Packages ---------------------------------
 --RPackages with names matching patterns:
@@ -273,6 +281,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 8
 )what synonym set
 --R------------------------- System Command Synonyms -------------------------
 --R   No user-defined synonyms satisfying patterns:
@@ -282,6 +291,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --S 9
 )what things set
 --ROperations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):
@@ -379,8 +389,9 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
---R      To get more information about an operation such as setMaxPoints ,
---R      issue the command )display op setMaxPoints 
+--R      To get more information about an operation such as 
+--R      setAttributeButtonStep , issue the command )display op 
+--R      setAttributeButtonStep 
 --R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
 --RCategories with names matching patterns:
diff --git a/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet b/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
index 3586ffb..2ad3ebe 100644
--- a/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ OBJS= ${OUT}/vmlisp.${O}      ${OUT}/hash.${O} \
       ${OUT}/sockio.${O}      ${OUT}/spad.${O} \
       ${OUT}/spaderror.${O}    \
       ${OUT}/template.${O}    ${OUT}/termrw.${O} \
-      ${OUT}/trace.${O} \
       ${OUT}/union.${O}       ${OUT}/daase.${O}   \
@@ -502,7 +501,6 @@ DOCFILES=${DOC}/alql.boot.dvi \
         ${DOC}/spaderror.lisp.dvi ${DOC}/spad.lisp.dvi \
         ${DOC}/sys-pkg.lisp.dvi ${DOC}/template.boot.dvi \
         ${DOC}/termrw.boot.dvi ${DOC}/topics.boot.dvi \
-        ${DOC}/trace.boot.dvi \
         ${DOC}/union.lisp.dvi ${DOC}/unlisp.lisp.dvi \
         ${DOC}/util.lisp.dvi ${DOC}/varini.boot.dvi \
         ${DOC}/vmlisp.lisp.dvi ${DOC}/wi1.boot.dvi \
@@ -6025,48 +6023,6 @@ ${DOC}/termrw.boot.dvi: ${IN}/termrw.boot.pamphlet
-<<trace.o (OUT from MID)>>=
-${OUT}/trace.${O}: ${MID}/trace.clisp 
-       @ echo 413 making ${OUT}/trace.${O} from ${MID}/trace.clisp
-       @ (cd ${MID} ; \
-         if [ -z "${NOISE}" ] ; then \
-          echo '(progn  (compile-file "${MID}/trace.clisp"' \
-             ':output-file "${OUT}/trace.${O}") (${BYE}))' |  ${DEPSYS} ; \
-         else \
-          echo '(progn  (compile-file "${MID}/trace.clisp"' \
-             ':output-file "${OUT}/trace.${O}") (${BYE}))' |  ${DEPSYS} \
-             >${TMP}/trace ; \
-         fi )
-<<trace.clisp (MID from IN)>>=
-${MID}/trace.clisp: ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet
-       @ echo 414 making ${MID}/trace.clisp from ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet
-       @ (cd ${MID} ; \
-         ${TANGLE} ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet >trace.boot ; \
-         if [ -z "${NOISE}" ] ; then \
-          echo '(progn (boottran::boottocl "trace.boot") (${BYE}))' \
-                | ${DEPSYS} ; \
-         else \
-          echo '(progn (boottran::boottocl "trace.boot") (${BYE}))' \
-                | ${DEPSYS} >${TMP}/trace ; \
-         fi ; \
-         rm trace.boot )
-<<trace.boot.dvi (DOC from IN)>>=
-${DOC}/trace.boot.dvi: ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet 
-       @echo 415 making ${DOC}/trace.boot.dvi from ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet
-       @(cd ${DOC} ; \
-       cp ${IN}/trace.boot.pamphlet ${DOC} ; \
-       ${DOCUMENT} ${NOISE} trace.boot ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/trace.boot.pamphlet ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/trace.boot.tex ; \
-       rm -f ${DOC}/trace.boot )
 <<as.o (OUT from MID)>>=
 ${OUT}/as.${O}: ${MID}/as.clisp 
@@ -9315,10 +9271,6 @@ clean:
 <<topics.clisp (MID from IN)>>
 <<topics.boot.dvi (DOC from IN)>>
-<<trace.o (OUT from MID)>>
-<<trace.clisp (MID from IN)>>
-<<trace.boot.dvi (DOC from IN)>>
 <<union.o (OUT from MID)>>
 <<union.lisp (MID from IN)>>
 <<union.lisp.dvi (DOC from IN)>>
diff --git a/src/interp/debugsys.lisp.pamphlet 
index 1674e8f..e1e1855 100644
--- a/src/interp/debugsys.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/debugsys.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ loaded by hand we need to establish a value.
       (thesymb "/int/interp/spaderror.lisp")
       (thesymb "/int/interp/template.clisp")
       (thesymb "/int/interp/termrw.clisp")
-      (thesymb "/int/interp/trace.clisp")
       (thesymb "/int/interp/union.lisp")
       (thesymb "/int/interp/daase.lisp")
       (thesymb "/int/interp/fortcall.clisp"))
diff --git a/src/interp/trace.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/trace.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 184763b..0000000
--- a/src/interp/trace.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,849 +0,0 @@
-\title{\$SPAD/src/interp trace.boot}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
---     - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
---       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
---     - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
---       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
---       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
---       distribution.
---     - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
---       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
---       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
---% Code for tracing functions
--- This code supports the )trace system command and allows the
--- tracing of LISP, BOOT and SPAD functions and interpreter maps.
-SETANDFILEQ($traceNoisely,NIL)  -- give trace and untrace messages
-SETANDFILEQ($reportSpadTrace,NIL)  -- reports traced funs
-SETANDFILEQ($tracedMapSignatures, NIL)
-    after _
-    before _
-    break_
-    cond_
-    count_
-    depth_
-    local_
-    mathprint _
-    nonquietly_
-    nt_
-    of_
-    only_
-    ops_
-    restore_
-    timer_
-    varbreak _
-    vars_
-    within _
-    ))
-trace l == traceSpad2Cmd l
-traceSpad2Cmd l ==
-  if l is ['Tuple, l1] then l := l1
-  $mapSubNameAlist:= getMapSubNames(l)
-  trace1 augmentTraceNames(l,$mapSubNameAlist)
-  traceReply()
-trace1 l ==
-  $traceNoisely: local := NIL
-  if hasOption($options,'nonquietly) then $traceNoisely := true
-  hasOption($options,'off) =>
-    (ops := hasOption($options,'ops)) or
-      (lops := hasOption($options,'local)) =>
-        null l => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0019",NIL)
-        constructor := unabbrev
-          atom l => l
-          null rest l =>
-            atom first l => first l
-            first first l
-          NIL
-        not(isFunctor constructor) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0020",NIL)
-        if ops then
-          ops := getTraceOption ops
-          NIL
-        if lops then
-          lops := rest getTraceOption lops
-          untraceDomainLocalOps(constructor,lops)
-    (1 < # $options) and not hasOption($options,'nonquietly) =>
-      throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0021",NIL)
-    untrace l
-  hasOption($options,'stats) =>
-    (1 < # $options) =>
-      throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0001",['")trace ... )stats"])
-    [.,:opt] := CAR $options
-    -- look for )trace )stats       to list the statistics
-    --          )trace )stats reset to reset them
-    null opt =>      -- list the statistics
-      centerAndHighlight('"Traced function execution times",78,"-")
-      ptimers ()
-      SAY '" "
-      centerAndHighlight('"Traced function execution counts",78,"-")
-      pcounters ()
-    selectOptionLC(first opt,'(reset),'optionError)
-    resetSpacers()
-    resetTimers()
-    resetCounters()
-    throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0002",NIL)
-  a:= hasOption($options,'restore) =>
-    null(oldL:= $lastUntraced) => nil
-    newOptions:= DELETE(a,$options)
-    null l => trace1 oldL
-    for x in l repeat
-      x is [domain,:opList] and VECP domain =>
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IT0003",[devaluate domain])
-      $options:= [:newOptions,:LASSOC(x,$optionAlist)]
-      trace1 LIST x
-  null l => nil
-  l is ["?"] => _?t()
-  traceList:= [transTraceItem x for x in l] or return nil
-  for x in traceList repeat $optionAlist:=
-    ADDASSOC(x,$options,$optionAlist)
-  optionList:= getTraceOptions $options
-  argument:=
-    domainList:= LASSOC("of",optionList) =>
-      LASSOC("ops",optionList) =>
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0004",NIL)
-      opList:=
-        traceList => LIST ["ops",:traceList]
-        nil
-      varList:=
-        y:= LASSOC("vars",optionList) => LIST ["vars",:y]
-        nil
-      [:domainList,:opList,:varList]
-    optionList => [:traceList,:optionList]
-    traceList
-  _/TRACE_,0 [funName for funName in argument]
-  saveMapSig [funName for funName in argument]
-getTraceOptions options ==
-  $traceErrorStack: local := nil
-  optionList:= [getTraceOption x for x in options]
-  $traceErrorStack =>
-    null rest $traceErrorStack =>
-      [key,parms] := first $traceErrorStack
-      throwKeyedMsg(key,['"",:parms])
-    throwListOfKeyedMsgs("S2IT0017",[# $traceErrorStack],
-      NREVERSE $traceErrorStack)
-  optionList
-saveMapSig(funNames) ==
-  for name in funNames repeat
-    map:= RASSOC(name,$mapSubNameAlist) =>
-      $tracedMapSignatures:= ADDASSOC(name,getMapSig(map,name),
-        $tracedMapSignatures)
-getMapSig(mapName,subName) ==
-  lmms:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-    for mm in lmms until sig repeat
-      CADR mm = subName => sig:= CDAR mm
-    sig
-getTraceOption (x is [key,:l]) ==
-  key:= selectOptionLC(key,$traceOptionList,'traceOptionError)
-  x := [key,:l]
-  MEMQ(key,'(nonquietly timer nt)) => x
-  key='break =>
-    null l => ['break,'before]
-    opts := [selectOptionLC(y,'(before after),NIL) for y in l]
-    and/[IDENTP y for y in opts] => ['break,:opts]
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0008",NIL]
-  key='restore =>
-    null l => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0009",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
-  key='only => ['only,:transOnlyOption l]
-  key='within =>
-    l is [a] and IDENTP a => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0010",['")within"]]
-  MEMQ(key,'(cond before after)) =>
-    key:=
-      key="cond" => "when"
-      key
-    l is [a] => [key,:l]
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0011",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
-  key='depth =>
-    l is [n] and FIXP n => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0012",['")depth"]]
-  key='count =>
-    (null l) or (l is [n] and FIXP n) => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0012",['")count"]]
-  key="of" =>
-    ["of",:[hn y for y in l]] where
-      hn x ==
-        atom x and not UPPER_-CASE_-P (STRINGIMAGE x).(0) =>
-          isDomainOrPackage EVAL x => x
-          stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0013",[x]]
-        g:= domainToGenvar x => g
-        stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0013",[x]]
-  MEMQ(key,'(local ops vars)) =>
-    null l or l is ["all"] => [key,:"all"]
-    isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings l => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0015",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
-  key='varbreak =>
-    null l or l is ["all"] => ["varbreak",:"all"]
-    isListOfIdentifiers l => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0016",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
-  key='mathprint =>
-    null l => x
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0009",[STRCONC('")",object2String key)]]
-  key => throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0005",[key])
-traceOptionError(opt,keys) ==
-  null keys => stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0007",[opt]]
-  commandAmbiguityError("trace option",opt,keys)
-resetTimers () ==
-  for timer in _/TIMERLIST repeat
-    SET(INTERN STRCONC(timer,'"_,TIMER"),0)
-resetSpacers () ==
-  for spacer in _/SPACELIST repeat
-    SET(INTERN STRCONC(spacer,'"_,SPACE"),0)
-resetCounters () ==
-  for k in _/COUNTLIST repeat
-ptimers() ==
-  null _/TIMERLIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions are timed"
-  for timer in _/TIMERLIST repeat
-    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright timer,'_:,'" ",
-      EVAL(INTERN STRCONC(timer,'"_,TIMER")) / float $timerTicksPerSecond,'" 
-pspacers() ==
-  null _/SPACELIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions have space monitored"
-  for spacer in _/SPACELIST repeat
-    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright spacer,'_:,'" ",
-      EVAL INTERN STRCONC(spacer,'"_,SPACE"),'" bytes"]
-pcounters() ==
-  null _/COUNTLIST => sayBrightly '"   no functions are being counted"
-  for k in _/COUNTLIST repeat
-    sayBrightly ["  ",:bright k,'_:,'" ",
-      EVAL INTERN STRCONC(k,'"_,COUNT"),'" times"]
-transOnlyOption l ==
-  l is [n,:y] =>
-    FIXP n => [n,:transOnlyOption y]
-    MEMQ(n:= UPCASE n,'(V A C)) => [n,:transOnlyOption y]
-    stackTraceOptionError ["S2IT0006",[n]]
-    transOnlyOption y
-  nil
-stackTraceOptionError x ==
-  $traceErrorStack:= [x,:$traceErrorStack]
-  nil
-removeOption(op,options) ==
-  [optEntry for (optEntry:=[opt,:.]) in options | opt ^= op]
-domainToGenvar x ==
-  $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:= true
-  (y:= unabbrevAndLoad x) and GETDATABASE(opOf y,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'domain =>
-    g:= genDomainTraceName y
-    SET(g,evalDomain y)
-    g
-genDomainTraceName y ==
-  u:= LASSOC(y,$domainTraceNameAssoc) => u
-  g:= GENVAR()
-  $domainTraceNameAssoc:= [[y,:g],:$domainTraceNameAssoc]
-  g
---this is now called from trace with the )off option
-untrace l ==
-  $lastUntraced:=
-    null l => COPY _/TRACENAMES
-    l
-  untraceList:= [transTraceItem x for x in l]
-  _/UNTRACE_,0 [lassocSub(funName,$mapSubNameAlist) for
-      funName in untraceList]
-  removeTracedMapSigs untraceList
-transTraceItem x ==
-  $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:=true
-  atom x =>
-    (value:=get(x,"value",$InteractiveFrame)) and
-      (objMode value in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain)))) =>
-        x := objVal value
-        (y:= domainToGenvar x) => y
-        x
-    UPPER_-CASE_-P (STRINGIMAGE x).(0) =>
-      y := unabbrev x
-      constructor?(y) => y
-      PAIRP(y) and constructor?(CAR y) => CAR y
-      (y:= domainToGenvar x) => y
-      x
-    x
-  VECP first x => transTraceItem devaluate first x
-  y:= domainToGenvar x => y
-  throwKeyedMsg("S2IT0018",[x])
-removeTracedMapSigs untraceList ==
-  for name in untraceList repeat
-    REMPROP(name,$tracedMapSignatures)
-coerceTraceArgs2E(traceName,subName,args) ==
-  MEMQ(name:= subName,$mathTraceList) =>
-    SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME name => coerceSpadArgs2E(reverse CDR reverse args)
-    [["=",name,objValUnwrap 
-      for name in '(arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 
arg12 arg13 arg14 arg15 arg16 arg17 arg18 arg19 )
-       for arg in args for type in CDR LASSOC(subName,
-        $tracedMapSignatures)]
-  SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME name => reverse CDR reverse args
-  args
-coerceSpadArgs2E(args) ==
-  -- following binding is to prevent forcing calculation of stream elements
-  $streamCount:local := 0
-  [["=",name,objValUnwrap coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(arg,type),$OutputForm)]
-      for name in '(arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 
arg12 arg13 arg14 arg15 arg16 arg17 arg18 arg19 )
-        for arg in args for type in CDR $tracedSpadModemap]
-subTypes(mm,sublist) ==
-  ATOM mm =>
-    (s:= LASSOC(mm,sublist)) => s
-    mm
-  [subTypes(m,sublist) for m in mm]
-coerceTraceFunValue2E(traceName,subName,value) ==
-  MEMQ(name:= subName,$mathTraceList) =>
-    SPADSYSNAMEP PNAME traceName => coerceSpadFunValue2E(value)
-    (u:=LASSOC(subName,$tracedMapSignatures)) =>
-      objValUnwrap coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(value,CAR u),$OutputForm)
-    value
-  value
-coerceSpadFunValue2E(value) ==
-  -- following binding is to prevent forcing calculation of stream elements
-  $streamCount:local := 0
-  objValUnwrap coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(value,CAR $tracedSpadModemap),
-    $OutputForm)
-isListOfIdentifiers l == and/[IDENTP x for x in l]
-isListOfIdentifiersOrStrings l == and/[IDENTP x or STRINGP x for x in l]
-getMapSubNames(l) ==
-  subs:= nil
-  for mapName in l repeat
-    lmm:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-      subs:= APPEND([[mapName,:CADR mm] for mm in lmm],subs)
-  UNION(subs,getPreviousMapSubNames UNIONQ(_/TRACENAMES,
-    $lastUntraced))
-getPreviousMapSubNames(traceNames) ==
-  subs:= nil
-  for mapName in ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat
-    lmm:= get(mapName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-      MEMQ(CADAR lmm,traceNames) =>
-        for mm in lmm repeat
-          subs:= [[mapName,:CADR mm],:subs]
-  subs
-lassocSub(x,subs)  ==
-  y:= LASSQ(x,subs) => y
-  x
-rassocSub(x,subs) ==
-  y:= RASSOC(x,subs) => y
-  x
-isUncompiledMap(x) ==
-  y:= get(x,'value,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-    (CAAR y) = 'MAP and null get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)
-isInterpOnlyMap(map) ==
-  x:= get(map,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-    (CAAAR x) = 'interpOnly
-augmentTraceNames(l,mapSubNames) ==
-  res:= nil
-  for traceName in l repeat
-    mml:= get(traceName,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-      res:= APPEND([CADR mm for mm in mml],res)
-    res:= [traceName,:res]
-  res
-isSubForRedundantMapName(subName) ==
-  mapName:= rassocSub(subName,$mapSubNameAlist) =>
-    tail:=MEMBER([mapName,:subName],$mapSubNameAlist) =>
-      MEMQ(mapName,CDR ASSOCLEFT tail)
-untraceMapSubNames traceNames ==
-  null($mapSubNameAlist:local:= getPreviousMapSubNames traceNames) => nil
-  for name in (subs:= ASSOCRIGHT $mapSubNameAlist)
-    | MEMQ(name,_/TRACENAMES) repeat
-      _/UNTRACE_,2(name,nil)
-      $lastUntraced:= SETDIFFERENCE($lastUntraced,subs)
-funfind("functor","opname") ==
-  ops:= isFunctor functor
-  [u for u in ops | u is [[ =opname,:.],:.]]
-isDomainOrPackage dom ==
-  REFVECP dom and #dom>0 and isFunctor opOf dom.(0)
-isTraceGensym x == GENSYMP x
-spadTrace(domain,options) ==
-  $fromSpadTrace:= true
-  $tracedModemap:local:= nil
-  PAIRP domain and REFVECP CAR domain and (CAR domain).0 = 0 =>
-      aldorTrace(domain,options)
-  not isDomainOrPackage domain => userError '"bad argument to trace"
-  listOfOperations:=
-    [g x for x in getOption("OPS",options)] where
-      g x ==
-        STRINGP x => INTERN x
-        x
-  if listOfVariables := getOption("VARS",options) then
-    options := removeOption("VARS",options)
-  if listOfBreakVars := getOption("VARBREAK",options) then
-    options := removeOption("VARBREAK",options)
-  anyifTrue:= null listOfOperations
-  domainId:= opOf domain.(0)
-  currentEntry:= ASSOC(domain,_/TRACENAMES)
-  currentAlist:= KDR currentEntry
-  opStructureList:= flattenOperationAlist getOperationAlistFromLisplib domainId
-  sigSlotNumberAlist:=
-    [triple
-      --new form is (<op> <signature> <slotNumber> <condition> <kind>)
-      for [op,sig,n,.,kind] in opStructureList | kind = 'ELT
-        and (anyifTrue or MEMQ(op,listOfOperations)) and
-         FIXP n and
-          isTraceable(triple:= [op,sig,n],domain)] where
-            isTraceable(x is [.,.,n,:.],domain) ==
-              atom domain.n => nil
-              functionSlot:= first domain.n
-              GENSYMP functionSlot =>
-                (reportSpadTrace("Already Traced",x); nil)
-              null (BPINAME functionSlot) =>
-                (reportSpadTrace("No function for",x); nil)
-              true
-  if listOfVariables then
-    for [.,.,n] in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
-      fn := first domain.n
-      $letAssoc := AS_-INSERT(BPINAME fn,
-        listOfVariables,$letAssoc)
-  if listOfBreakVars then
-    for [.,.,n] in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
-      fn := first domain.n
-      $letAssoc := AS_-INSERT(BPINAME fn,
-        [["BREAK",:listOfBreakVars]],$letAssoc)
-  for (pair:= [op,mm,n]) in sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
-    alias:= spadTraceAlias(domainId,op,n)
-    $tracedModemap:= subTypes(mm,constructSubst(domain.0))
-    traceName:= BPITRACE(first domain.n,alias, options)
-    NCONC(pair,[listOfVariables,first domain.n,traceName,alias])
-    RPLAC(first domain.n,traceName)
-  sigSlotNumberAlist:= [x for x in sigSlotNumberAlist | CDDDR x]
-  if $reportSpadTrace then
-    if $traceNoisely then printDashedLine()
-    for x in orderBySlotNumber sigSlotNumberAlist repeat
-      reportSpadTrace("TRACING",x)
-  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
-  currentEntry =>
-    RPLAC(rest currentEntry,[:sigSlotNumberAlist,:currentAlist])
-  SETQ(_/TRACENAMES,[[domain,:sigSlotNumberAlist],:_/TRACENAMES])
-  spadReply()
-traceDomainLocalOps(dom,lops,options) ==
- sayMSG ['"  ",'"The )local option has been withdrawn"]
- sayMSG ['"  ",'"Use )ltr to trace local functions."]
---  abb := abbreviate dom
---  loadLibIfNotLoaded abb
---  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
---  null actualLops =>
---    sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to trace."]
---  lops = 'all => _/TRACE_,1(actualLops,options)
---  l := NIL
---  for lop in lops repeat
---    internalName := INTERN STRCONC(PNAME abb,'";",PNAME lop)
---    not MEMQ(internalName,actualLops) =>
---      sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"does not have a local",
---        '" function called",:bright lop]
---    l := cons(internalName,l)
---  l => _/TRACE_,1(l,options)
---  nil
-untraceDomainLocalOps(dom,lops) ==
- sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to untrace."]
---  lops = "all" => untraceAllDomainLocalOps(dom)
---  abb := abbreviate dom
---  loadLibIfNotLoaded abb
---  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
---  null actualLops =>
---    sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"has no local functions to untrace."]
---  l := NIL
---  for lop in lops repeat
---    internalName := INTERN STRCONC(PNAME abb,'";",PNAME lop)
---    not MEMQ(internalName,actualLops) =>
---      sayMSG ['"  ",:bright abb,'"does not have a local",
---        '" function called",:bright lop]
---    l := cons(internalName,l)
---  l => untrace l
---  nil
-untraceAllDomainLocalOps(dom) == NIL
---  abb := abbreviate dom
---  actualLops := getLocalOpsFromLisplib abb
---  null (l := INTERSECTION(actualLops,_/TRACENAMES)) => NIL
---  _/UNTRACE_,1(l,NIL)
---  NIL
-traceDomainConstructor(domainConstructor,options) ==
-  -- Trace all domains built with the given domain constructor,
-  -- including all presently instantiated domains, and all future
-  -- instantiations, while domain constructor is traced.
-  loadFunctor domainConstructor
-  listOfLocalOps := getOption("LOCAL",options)
-  if listOfLocalOps then
-    traceDomainLocalOps(domainConstructor,listOfLocalOps,
-      [opt for opt in options | opt isnt ['LOCAL,:.]])
-  listOfLocalOps and not getOption("OPS",options) => NIL
-  for [argl,.,:domain] in HGET($ConstructorCache,domainConstructor)
-    repeat spadTrace(domain,options)
-  SETQ(_/TRACENAMES,[domainConstructor,:_/TRACENAMES])
-  innerDomainConstructor := INTERN STRCONC(domainConstructor,'";")
-  if FBOUNDP innerDomainConstructor then domainConstructor := 
-  EMBED(domainConstructor,
-    ['LAMBDA, ['_&REST, 'args],
-      ['PROG, ['domain],
-        ['SETQ,'domain,['APPLY,domainConstructor,'args]],
-        ['spadTrace,'domain,MKQ options],
-        ['RETURN,'domain]]] )
-untraceDomainConstructor domainConstructor ==
-  --untrace all the domains in domainConstructor, and unembed it
-    [df for df in _/TRACENAMES | keepTraced?(df, domainConstructor)]) where 
-      keepTraced?(df, domainConstructor) ==
-        (df is [dc,:.]) and (isDomainOrPackage dc) and 
-           ((KAR devaluate dc) = domainConstructor) =>
-               _/UNTRACE_,0 [dc]
-               false
-        true
-  untraceAllDomainLocalOps domainConstructor
-  innerDomainConstructor := INTERN STRCONC(domainConstructor,'";")
-  if FBOUNDP innerDomainConstructor then UNEMBED innerDomainConstructor
-    else UNEMBED domainConstructor
-flattenOperationAlist(opAlist) ==
-   res:= nil
-   for [op,:mmList] in opAlist repeat
-     res:=[:res,:[[op,:mm] for mm in mmList]]
-   res
-mapLetPrint(x,val,currentFunction) ==
-  x:= getAliasIfTracedMapParameter(x,currentFunction)
-  currentFunction:= getBpiNameIfTracedMap currentFunction
-  letPrint(x,val,currentFunction)
--- This is the version for use when we have no idea
--- what print representation to use for the data object
-letPrint(x,val,currentFunction) ==
-  if $letAssoc and
-    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) 
-      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
-        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
-         sayBrightlyNT [:bright x,": "]
-         PRIN0 shortenForPrinting val
-         TERPRI()
-      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
-        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
-          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
-            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,'":= ",
-              shortenForPrinting val]
-  val
--- This is the version for use when we have already
--- converted the data into type "Expression"
-letPrint2(x,printform,currentFunction) ==
-  $BreakMode:local := nil
-  if $letAssoc and
-    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) 
-      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
-        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
-         $BreakMode:='letPrint2
-         flag:=nil
-         CATCH('letPrint2,mathprint ["=",x,printform],flag)
-         if flag='letPrint2 then print printform
-      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
-        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
-          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
-            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,":= ",
-              printform]
-  x
--- This is the version for use when we have our hands on a function
--- to convert the data into type "Expression"
-letPrint3(x,xval,printfn,currentFunction) ==
-  $BreakMode:local := nil
-  if $letAssoc and
-    ((y:= LASSOC(currentFunction,$letAssoc)) or (y:= LASSOC("all",$letAssoc))) 
-      if (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y)) and
-        not (IS__GENVAR(x) or isSharpVarWithNum(x) or GENSYMP x) then
-         $BreakMode:='letPrint2
-         flag:=nil
-         CATCH('letPrint2,mathprint ["=",x,SPADCALL(xval,printfn)],flag)
-         if flag='letPrint2 then print xval
-      if (y:= hasPair("BREAK",y)) and
-        (y="all" or MEMQ(x,y) and
-          (not MEMQ((PNAME x).(0),'($ _#)) and not GENSYMP x)) then
-            break [:bright currentFunction,'"breaks after",:bright x,'":= ",
-              xval]
-  x
-getAliasIfTracedMapParameter(x,currentFunction) ==
-  isSharpVarWithNum x =>
-    aliasList:= get(currentFunction,'alias,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-      aliasList.(STRING2PINT_-N(SUBSTRING(PNAME x,1,NIL),1)-1)
-  x
-getBpiNameIfTracedMap(name) ==
-  lmm:= get(name,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
-    MEMQ(bpiName:= CADAR lmm,_/TRACENAMES) => bpiName
-  name
-hasPair(key,l) ==
-  atom l => nil
-  l is [[ =key,:a],:.] => a
-  hasPair(key,rest l)
-shortenForPrinting val ==
-  isDomainOrPackage val => devaluate val
-  val
-spadTraceAlias(domainId,op,n) ==
-  INTERNL(domainId,".",op,",",STRINGIMAGE n)
-getOption(opt,l) ==
-  y:= ASSOC(opt,l) => rest y
-reportSpadTrace(header,[op,sig,n,:t]) ==
-  null $traceNoisely => nil
-  msg:= [header,'%b,op,":",'%d,rest sig," -> ",first sig," in slot ",n]
-  namePart:= nil --(t is (.,.,name,:.) => (" named ",name); NIL)
-  tracePart:=
-    t is [y,:.] and not null y =>
-      (y="all" => ['%b,"all",'%d,"vars"]; [" vars: ",y])
-    NIL
-  sayBrightly [:msg,:namePart,:tracePart]
-orderBySlotNumber l ==
-  ASSOCRIGHT orderList [[n,:x] for (x:= [.,.,n,:.]) in l]
-  null _/TRACENAMES => MAKESTRING '"   Nothing is traced."
-  for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat
-    x is [d,:.] and isDomainOrPackage d =>
-      domainList:= [devaluate d,:domainList]
-    functionList:= [x,:functionList]
-  [:functionList,:domainList,"traced"]
-spadReply() ==
-  [printName x for x in _/TRACENAMES] where
-    printName x ==
-      x is [d,:.] and isDomainOrPackage d => devaluate d
-      x
-spadUntrace(domain,options) ==
-  not isDomainOrPackage domain => userError '"bad argument to untrace"
-  anyifTrue:= null options
-  listOfOperations:= getOption("ops:",options)
-  domainId := devaluate domain
-  null (pair:= ASSOC(domain,_/TRACENAMES)) =>
-    sayMSG ['"   No functions in",
-      :bright prefix2String domainId,'"are now traced."]
-  sigSlotNumberAlist:= rest pair
-  for (pair:= [op,sig,n,lv,bpiPointer,traceName,alias]) in sigSlotNumberAlist |
-    anyifTrue or MEMQ(op,listOfOperations) repeat
-      BPIUNTRACE(traceName,alias)
-      RPLAC(first domain.n,bpiPointer)
-      RPLAC(CDDDR pair,nil)
-      if assocPair:=ASSOC(BPINAME bpiPointer,$letAssoc) then
-        $letAssoc := REMOVER($letAssoc,assocPair)
-        if null $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG nil
-  newSigSlotNumberAlist:= [x for x in sigSlotNumberAlist | CDDDR x]
-  newSigSlotNumberAlist => RPLAC(rest pair,newSigSlotNumberAlist)
-  spadReply()
-prTraceNames() ==
-  (for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat PRINT fn x; nil) where
-    fn x ==
-      x is [d,:t] and isDomainOrPackage d => [devaluate d,:t]
-      x
-traceReply() ==
-  $domains: local:= nil
-  $packages: local:= nil
-  $constructors: local:= nil
-  null _/TRACENAMES =>
-    sayMessage '"   Nothing is traced now."
-  sayBrightly '" "
-  for x in _/TRACENAMES repeat
-    x is [d,:.] and (isDomainOrPackage d) => addTraceItem d
-    atom x =>
-      isFunctor x => addTraceItem x
-      (IS__GENVAR x =>
-        addTraceItem EVAL x; functionList:= [x,:functionList])
-    userError '"bad argument to trace"
-  functionList:= "append"/[[rassocSub(x,$mapSubNameAlist),'" "]
-    for x in functionList | ^isSubForRedundantMapName x]
-  if functionList then
-    2 = #functionList =>
-      sayMSG ["   Function traced: ",:functionList]
-    (22 + sayBrightlyLength functionList) <= $LINELENGTH =>
-      sayMSG ["   Functions traced: ",:functionList]
-    sayBrightly "   Functions traced:"
-    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(functionList,$LINELENGTH,6)
-  if $domains then
-    displayList:= concat(prefix2String first $domains,
-          [:concat('",",'" ",prefix2String x) for x in rest $domains])
-    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
-    sayBrightly '"   Domains traced: "
-    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
-  if $packages then
-    displayList:= concat(prefix2String first $packages,
-          [:concat(", ",prefix2String x) for x in rest $packages])
-    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
-    sayBrightly '"   Packages traced: "
-    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
-  if $constructors then
-    displayList:= concat(abbreviate first $constructors,
-          [:concat(", ",abbreviate x) for x in rest $constructors])
-    if atom displayList then displayList:= [displayList]
-    sayBrightly '"   Parameterized constructors traced:"
-    sayBrightly flowSegmentedMsg(displayList,$LINELENGTH,6)
-addTraceItem d ==
-  constructor? d => $constructors:=[d,:$constructors]
-  isDomain d => $domains:= [devaluate d,:$domains]
-  isDomainOrPackage d => $packages:= [devaluate d,:$packages]
-_?t() ==
-  null _/TRACENAMES => sayMSG bright '"nothing is traced"
-  for x in _/TRACENAMES | atom x and not IS__GENVAR x repeat
-    if llm:= get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) then
-      x:= (LIST (CADAR llm))
-    sayMSG ['"Function",:bright rassocSub(x,$mapSubNameAlist),'"traced"]
-  for x in _/TRACENAMES | x is [d,:l] and isDomainOrPackage d repeat
-    suffix:=
-      isDomain d => '"domain"
-      '"package"
-    sayBrightly ['"   Functions traced in ",suffix,'%b,devaluate d,'%d,":"]
-    for x in orderBySlotNumber l repeat reportSpadTrace("   ",take(4,x))
-    TERPRI()
-tracelet(fn,vars) ==
-  if GENSYMP fn and stupidIsSpadFunction EVAL fn then
-    fn := EVAL fn
-    if COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P fn then fn:=BPINAME fn
-  fn = 'Undef => nil
-  vars:=
-    vars="all" => "all"
-    l:= LASSOC(fn,$letAssoc) => UNION(vars,l)
-    vars
-  $letAssoc:= [[fn,:vars],:$letAssoc]
-  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
-  $TRACELETFLAG : local := true
-  $QuickLet : local := false
-  ^MEMQ(fn,$traceletFunctions) and ^IS__GENVAR fn and COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P 
-    and not stupidIsSpadFunction fn and not GENSYMP fn =>
-      ($traceletFunctions:= [fn,:$traceletFunctions]; compileBoot fn ;
-       $traceletFunctions:= DELETE(fn,$traceletFunctions) )
-breaklet(fn,vars) ==
-                       --vars is "all" or a list of variables
-  --$letAssoc ==> (.. (=fn .. (BREAK . all))) OR (.. (=fn .. (BREAK . vl)))
-  if GENSYMP fn and stupidIsSpadFunction EVAL fn then
-    fn := EVAL fn
-    if COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P fn then fn:= BPINAME fn
-  fn = "Undef" => nil
-  fnEntry:= LASSOC(fn,$letAssoc)
-  vars:=
-    pair:= ASSOC("BREAK",fnEntry) => UNION(vars,rest pair)
-    vars
-  $letAssoc:=
-    null fnEntry => [[fn,:LIST ["BREAK",:vars]],:$letAssoc]
-    pair => (RPLACD(pair,vars); $letAssoc)
-  if $letAssoc then SETLETPRINTFLAG true
-  $QuickLet:local := false
-  ^MEMQ(fn,$traceletFunctions) and not stupidIsSpadFunction fn
-    and not GENSYMP fn =>
-      $traceletFunctions:= [fn,:$traceletFunctions]
-      compileBoot fn
-      $traceletFunctions:= DELETE(fn,$traceletFunctions)
-stupidIsSpadFunction fn ==
-  -- returns true if the function pname has a semi-colon in it
-  -- eventually, this will use isSpadFunction from luke boot
-  STRPOS('"_;",PNAME fn,0,NIL)
-break msg ==
-  -- The next line is to try to deal with some reported cases of unwanted
-  -- backtraces appearing, MCD.
-  EVAL condition =>
-    sayBrightly msg
-compileBoot fn == _/D_,1(LIST fn,'(_/COMP),nil,nil)
-\bibitem{1} nothing

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