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[Axiom-developer] 20090308.03.tpd.patch (bookvol5 move summary, copyrigh

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090308.03.tpd.patch (bookvol5 move summary, copyright, help roots)
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 21:24:19 -0600

Move more roots into book volume 5 with rewrites from boot to lisp.

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 8f4470a..f1a64a2 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -1990,9 +1990,9 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 \par\noindent{\bf Command Description:}
-This command is used to close down interpreter client processes.
-Such processes are started by HyperDoc to run Axiom examples
-when you click on their text. When you have finished examining or modifying the
+This command is used to close down interpreter client processes.  Such
+processes are started by HyperDoc to run Axiom examples when you click
+on their text. When you have finished examining or modifying the
 example and you do not want the extra window around anymore, issue
@@ -2000,9 +2000,8 @@ example and you do not want the extra window around 
anymore, issue
 to the Axiom prompt in the window.
 If you try to close down the last remaining interpreter client
-process, Axiom will offer to close down the entire Axiom
-session and return you to the operating system by displaying something
+process, Axiom will offer to close down the entire Axiom session and
+return you to the operating system by displaying something like
    This is the last AXIOM session. Do you want to kill AXIOM?
@@ -2017,6 +2016,92 @@ the entire Axiom session.
 \fnref{quit} and 
+\subsection{defun queryClients}
+Returns the number of active scratchpad clients
+<<defun queryClients>>=
+(defun |queryClients| ()
+ (progn
+  (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$QueryClients|)
+  (|sockGetInt| |$SessionManager|))) 
+\section{defun close}
+;close args ==
+;  $saturn =>
+;    sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
+;      ['" The )close  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
+;       '" Please use Close from the File menu instead."])
+;  quiet:local:= false
+;  null $SpadServer =>
+;    throwKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0071", [])
+;  numClients := queryClients()
+;  numClients > 1 =>
+;    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
+;    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
+;    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
+;  for [opt,:.] in $options repeat
+;    fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt, '(quiet), 'optionError)
+;    fullopt = 'quiet   =>
+;           quiet:=true
+;  quiet =>
+;    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
+;    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
+;    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
+;  x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0072", nil)
+;  MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1), '(YES Y)) =>
+;    BYE()
+;  nil
+<<defun close>>=
+(defun |close| (args)
+ (prog (numClients opt fullopt quiet x)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (cond
+     (|$saturn|
+      (|sayErrorly| "Obsolete system command" (cons 
+       " The )close  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM."
+       (cons " Please use Close from the File menu instead." nil))))
+     (t
+      (spadlet quiet nil)
+      (cond
+       ((null |$SpadServer|) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0071 nil))
+       (t
+        (spadlet numClients (|queryClients|))
+        (cond
+         ((> numClients 1)
+           (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
+           (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
+           (|closeInterpreterFrame| NIL))
+         (t
+          (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
+              ((or (atom t0) 
+                   (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
+                   (progn (progn (spadlet opt (car t1)) t1) nil))
+                 nil)
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (progn
+              (spadlet fullopt
+                (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|quiet|) '|optionError|))
+              (cond ((boot-equal fullopt '|quiet|)
+               (spadlet quiet t)))))))
+          (cond
+           (quiet
+            (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
+            (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
+            (|closeInterpreterFrame| NIL))
+           (t
+            (spadlet x (upcase (|queryUserKeyedMsg| 's2iz0072 nil)))
+            (cond
+             ((memq (string2id-n x 1) '(yes y)) (bye))
+             (t nil)))))))))))))) 
@@ -2331,14 +2416,722 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 {\tt )edit}, and 
 {\tt )library}
+\subsection{defun compiler}
+;compiler args ==
+;    $newConlist: local := nil    --reset by compDefineLisplib and astran
+;    null args and null $options and null _/EDITFILE => helpSpad2Cmd 
+;    if null args then args := [_/EDITFILE]
+;    -- first see if the user has explicitly specified the compiler
+;    -- to use.
+;    optlist := '(new old translate constructor)
+;    haveNew := nil
+;    haveOld := nil
+;    for opt in $options while ^(haveNew and haveOld) repeat
+;        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+;        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optlist,nil)
+;        fullopt = 'new => haveNew := true
+;        fullopt = 'translate => haveOld := true
+;        fullopt = 'constructor => haveOld := true
+;        fullopt = 'old => haveOld := true
+;    haveNew and haveOld => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0081", nil)
+;    af  := pathname args
+;    aft := pathnameType af
+;-- Whats this for? MCD/PAB 21-9-95
+;--    if haveNew and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
+;--        af := pathname [af, '"as"]
+;--        aft = '"as"
+;--    if haveOld and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
+;--        af := pathname [af, '"spad"]
+;--        aft = '"spad"
+;    haveNew or (aft = '"as")   =>
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    haveOld or (aft = '"spad") =>
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+;    aft = '"lsp"   =>
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(lsp))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileAsharpLispCmd [af1]
+;    aft = '"nrlib"  =>
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(nrlib))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileSpadLispCmd [af1]
+;    aft = '"ao"   =>
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(ao))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    aft = '"al"   =>    -- archive library of .ao files
+;        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(al))) =>
+;            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+;        compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+;    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
+;    -- lying around
+;    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+;    -- maybe /EDITFILE has some stuff that can help us
+;    ef := pathname _/EDITFILE
+;    ef := mergePathnames(af,ef)
+;    ef = af => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
+;    af := ef
+;    pathnameType(af) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd args
+;    pathnameType(af) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd args
+;    pathnameType(af) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  args
+;    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
+;    -- lying around
+;    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+;    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+;    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
+<<defun compiler>>=
+(defun |compiler| (args)
+ (prog (|$newConlist| optlist optname optargs fullopt havenew haveold 
+        aft ef af af1)
+  (declare (special |$newConlist|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |$newConlist| nil)
+     (cond
+      ((and (null args) (null |$options|) (null /editfile))
+        (|helpSpad2Cmd| '(|compiler|)))
+      (t
+       (cond ((null args) (spadlet args (cons /editfile nil))))
+       (spadlet optlist '(|new| |old| |translate| |constructor|))
+       (spadlet havenew nil)
+       (spadlet haveold nil)
+       (do ((t0 |$options| (CDR t0)) (|opt| NIL))
+           ((or (atom t0) 
+                (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)
+                (null (null (and havenew haveold))))
+             nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (progn
+           (spadlet optname (car |opt|))
+           (spadlet optargs (cdr |opt|))
+           (spadlet fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
+           (cond
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|new|) (spadlet havenew t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|translate|) (spadlet haveold t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|constructor|) (spadlet haveold t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|old|) (spadlet haveold t)))))))
+       (cond
+        ((and havenew haveold) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0081 nil))
+        (t
+         (spadlet af (|pathname| args))
+         (spadlet aft (|pathnameType| af))
+         (cond
+          ((or havenew (boot-equal aft "as"))
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|as|))))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t
+             (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
+          ((or haveold (boot-equal aft "spad"))
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|spad|))))
+              (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t
+              (|compileSpad2Cmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
+          ((boot-equal aft "lsp")
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|lsp|))))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t
+             (|compileAsharpLispCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))))
+          ((boot-equal aft "nrlib")
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|nrlib|))))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IL0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t
+             (|compileSpadLispCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
+          ((boot-equal aft "ao")
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|ao|))))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
+          ((boot-equal aft "al")
+           (cond
+            ((null (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|al|))))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
+            (t (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
+          (t
+           (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
+           (cond
+            ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
+             (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+            ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
+             (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+            ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
+             (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+            ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
+             (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+            (t
+             (spadlet ef (|pathname| /editfile))
+             (spadlet ef (|mergePathnames| af ef))
+             (cond
+              ((boot-equal ef af) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil))
+              (t
+               (spadlet af ef)
+               (cond
+                ((boot-equal (|pathnameType| af) "as")
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
+                ((boot-equal (|pathnameType| af) "ao")
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
+                ((boot-equal (|pathnameType| af) "spad")
+                 (|compileSpad2Cmd| args))
+                (t
+                 (spadlet af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
+                 (cond
+                  ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
+                    (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                  ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
+                    (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                  ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
+                    (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                  ((and af1 (boot-equal (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
+                   (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+                  (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil)))))))))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun compileAsharpCmd} 
+<<defun compileAsharpCmd>>=
+(defun |compileAsharpCmd| (args)
+  (|compileAsharpCmd1| args)
+  (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+  (|spadPrompt|))
+\subsection{defun compileAsharpCmd1}
+;compileAsharpCmd1 args ==
+;    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+;    -- and is a file with file extension .as or .ao
+;    path := pathname args
+;    pathType := pathnameType path
+;    (pathType ^= '"as") and (pathType ^= '"ao") => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0083", 
+;    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+;    SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path)
+;    updateSourceFiles path
+;    optList :=  '( _
+;      new _
+;      old _
+;      translate _
+;      onlyargs _
+;      moreargs _
+;      quiet _
+;      nolispcompile _
+;      noquiet _
+;      library _
+;      nolibrary _
+;        )
+;    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+;    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+;    doCompileLisp := true    -- do compile generated lisp code
+;    moreArgs := NIL
+;    onlyArgs := NIL
+;    for opt in $options repeat
+;        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+;        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+;        fullopt = 'new       => nil
+;        fullopt = 'old       => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got 
+;        fullopt = 'translate => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got 
+;        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+;        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+;        fullopt = 'nolispcompile   => doCompileLisp := false
+;        fullopt = 'moreargs  => moreArgs := optargs
+;        fullopt = 'onlyargs  => onlyArgs := optargs
+;        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+;        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+;    tempArgs :=
+;        pathType = '"ao" =>
+;            -- want to strip out -Fao
+;            (p := STRPOS('"-Fao", $asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, NIL)) =>
+;                p = 0 => SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 5, NIL)
+;                STRCONC(SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, p), '" ",
+;                    SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, p+5, NIL))
+;            $asharpCmdlineFlags
+;        $asharpCmdlineFlags
+;    asharpArgs :=
+;        onlyArgs =>
+;            s := ""
+;            for a in onlyArgs repeat
+;                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
+;            s
+;        moreArgs =>
+;            s := tempArgs
+;            for a in moreArgs repeat
+;                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
+;            s
+;        tempArgs
+;    if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038A",[namestring args, asharpArgs])
+;    command :=
+;               "aldor ", asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
+;    rc := OBEY command
+;    if (rc = 0) and doCompileLisp then
+;        lsp := fnameMake('".", pathnameName args, '"lsp")
+;        if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+;            if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+;            compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+;        else
+;            sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+;    if rc = 0 and doLibrary then
+;        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+;        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+;        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
+;    else if ^beQuiet then
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+;    extendLocalLibdb $newConlist
+<<defun compileAsharpCmd1>>=
+(defun |compileAsharpCmd1| (args)
+ (prog (path pathtype optlist optname optargs fullopt bequiet docompilelisp 
+        moreargs onlyargs dolibrary p tempargs s asharpargs command rc lsp)
+   (return
+    (seq
+     (progn
+      (spadlet path (|pathname| args))
+      (spadlet pathtype (|pathnameType| path))
+      (cond
+      ((and (nequal pathtype "as") (nequal pathtype "ao"))
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0083 nil))
+      ((null (probe-file path))
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+      (t
+       (setq /editfile path)
+       (|updateSourceFiles| path)
+       (spadlet optlist
+        '(|new| |old| |translate| |onlyargs| |moreargs| |quiet| 
+          |nolispcompile| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+       (spadlet bequiet nil)
+       (spadlet dolibrary t)
+       (spadlet docompilelisp t)
+       (spadlet moreargs nil)
+       (spadlet onlyargs nil)
+       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (progn
+           (spadlet optname (car |opt|))
+           (spadlet optargs (cdr |opt|))
+           (spadlet fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
+           (cond
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|new|) nil)
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|old|)
+             (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )old|))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|translate|)
+             (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )translate|))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|quiet|) (spadlet bequiet t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|noquiet|) (spadlet bequiet nil))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|nolispcompile|) 
+              (spadlet docompilelisp nil))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|moreargs|) (spadlet moreargs optargs))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|onlyargs|) (spadlet onlyargs optargs))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|library|) (spadlet dolibrary t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|nolibrary|) (spadlet dolibrary nil))
+            (t 
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
+       (spadlet tempargs
+        (cond
+         ((boot-equal pathtype "ao")
+          (cond
+           ((spadlet p (strpos "-Fao" |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 nil))
+            (cond
+             ((eql p 0) (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 5 nil))
+             (t
+              (strconc (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 p) 
+                " " (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (plus p 5) nil)))))
+           (t |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)))
+         (t |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)))
+       (spadlet asharpargs
+        (cond
+         (onlyargs
+          (spadlet s '||)
+          (do ((t1 onlyargs (cdr t1)) (|a| nil))
+              ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |a| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (spadlet s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
+          s)
+         (moreargs
+          (spadlet s tempargs)
+          (do ((t2 moreargs (cdr t2)) (|a| nil))
+              ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |a| (car t2)) nil)) nil)
+           (seq
+            (exit
+             (spadlet s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
+          s)
+         (t tempargs)))
+       (cond ((null bequiet)
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0038a 
+         (cons (|namestring| args) (cons asharpargs nil)))))
+       (spadlet command
+        (strconc
+         (strconc (getenv "ALDORROOT") "/bin/")
+         '|aldor | asharpargs " " (|namestring| args)))
+       (spadlet rc (obey command))
+       (cond
+        ((and (eql rc 0) docompilelisp)
+          (spadlet lsp (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| args) "lsp"))
+          (cond
+           ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+            (cond
+             ((null bequiet)
+              (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
+            (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
+           (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))))
+       (cond
+        ((and (eql rc 0) dolibrary)
+         (cond
+          ((null bequiet)
+            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
+         (|withAsharpCmd| (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
+        ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+        (t nil))
+       (|extendLocalLibdb| |$newConlist|)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun compileAsharpArchiveCmd}
+;compileAsharpArchiveCmd args ==
+;    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+;    -- and is a file with file extension .al. We also assume that
+;    -- the name is fully qualified.
+;    path := pathname args
+;    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+;    -- here is the plan:
+;    --   1. extract the file name and try to make a directory based
+;    --      on that name.
+;    --   2. cd to that directory and ar x the .al file
+;    --   3. for each .ao file that shows up, compile it
+;    --   4. delete the generated .ao files
+;    -- First try to make the directory in the current directory
+;    dir  := fnameMake('".", pathnameName path, '"axldir")
+;    exists := PROBE_-FILE dir
+;    isDir := directoryp namestring dir
+;    exists and isDir ^= 1=>
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+;    if isDir ^= 1 then
+;        cmd  := STRCONC('"mkdir ", namestring dir)
+;        rc   := OBEY cmd
+;        rc ^= 0 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+;    curDir := $CURRENT_-DIRECTORY
+;    -- cd to that directory and try to unarchive the .al file
+;    cd [ object2Identifier namestring dir ]
+;    cmd := STRCONC( '"ar x ", namestring path )
+;    rc := OBEY cmd
+;    rc ^= 0 =>
+;        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0028",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+;    -- Look for .ao files
+;    asos := DIRECTORY '"*.ao"
+;    null asos =>
+;        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0029",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+;    -- Compile the .ao files
+;    for aso in asos repeat
+;        compileAsharpCmd1 [ namestring aso ]
+;    -- Reset the current directory
+;    cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+;    terminateSystemCommand()
+;    spadPrompt()
+<<defun compileAsharpArchiveCmd>>=
+(defun |compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (args)
+ (prog (path dir exists isdir curdir cmd rc asos)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn 
+     (spadlet path (|pathname| args))
+     (cond
+      ((null (probe-file path))
+       (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+      (t
+       (spadlet dir (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| path) "axldir"))
+       (spadlet exists (probe-file dir))
+       (spadlet isdir (|directoryp| (|namestring| dir)))
+       (cond
+        ((and exists (nequal isdir 1))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027
+           (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
+        (t
+         (cond
+          ((nequal isdir 1)
+           (spadlet cmd (strconc "mkdir " (|namestring| dir)))
+           (spadlet rc (obey cmd))
+           (cond
+            ((nequal rc 0)
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027 
+              (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))))))
+         (spadlet curdir $current-directory)
+         (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| dir)) nil))
+         (spadlet cmd (strconc "ar x " (|namestring| path)))
+         (spadlet rc (obey cmd))
+         (cond
+          ((nequal rc 0)
+           (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
+           (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0028
+            (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
+          (t
+           (spadlet asos (directory (makestring "*.ao")))
+           (cond
+            ((null asos)
+             (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0029
+              (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
+            (t
+             (do ((t0 asos (cdr t0)) (|aso| nil))
+                 ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |aso| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+              (seq
+               (exit
+                (|compileAsharpCmd1| (cons (|namestring| |aso|) nil)))))
+             (|cd| (CONS (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) NIL))
+             (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+             (|spadPrompt|)))))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun compileAsharpLispCmd}
+;compileAsharpLispCmd args ==
+;    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+;    -- and is a file with file extension .lsp
+;    path := pathname args
+;    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+;    optList :=  '( _
+;      quiet _
+;      noquiet _
+;      library _
+;      nolibrary _
+;        )
+;    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+;    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+;    for opt in $options repeat
+;        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+;        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+;        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+;        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+;        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+;        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+;    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType 
+;    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+;        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+;        compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+;    else
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+;    if doLibrary then
+;        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+;        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+;        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
+;    else if ^beQuiet then
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+;    terminateSystemCommand()
+;    spadPrompt()
+<<defun compileAsharpLispCmd>>=
+(defun |compileAsharpLispCmd| (args)
+ (prog (path optlist optname optargs fullopt bequiet 
+        dolibrary lsp)
+  (return 
+   (seq 
+    (progn 
+     (spadlet path (|pathname| args))
+     (cond
+      ((null (probe-file path)) 
+         (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (CONS (|namestring| args) NIL)))
+      (t
+       (spadlet optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+       (spadlet bequiet nil)
+       (spadlet dolibrary t)
+       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (progn
+           (spadlet optname (car |opt|))
+           (spadlet optargs (cdr |opt|))
+           (spadlet fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
+           (cond
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|quiet|) (spadlet bequiet t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|noquiet|) (spadlet bequiet nil))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|library|) (spadlet dolibrary t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|nolibrary|) (spadlet dolibrary nil))
+            (t
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036 
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
+       (spadlet lsp
+        (|fnameMake|
+         (|pathnameDirectory| path)
+         (|pathnameName| path)
+         (|pathnameType| path)))
+       (cond
+        ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+         (cond
+          ((null bequiet)
+            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) NIL))))
+         (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
+        (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
+       (cond
+        (dolibrary
+         (cond
+          ((null bequiet) 
+           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
+         (|withAsharpCmd| (CONS (|pathnameName| path) NIL)))
+        ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+        (t nil))
+       (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+       (|spadPrompt|)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun compileSpadLispCmd}
+;compileSpadLispCmd args ==
+;    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+;    -- and is a file with file extension .nrlib
+;    path := pathname fnameMake(first args, '"code", '"lsp")
+;    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+;    optList :=  '( _
+;      quiet _
+;      noquiet _
+;      library _
+;      nolibrary _
+;        )
+;    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+;    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+;    for opt in $options repeat
+;        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+;        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+;        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+;        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+;        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+;        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+;        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+;    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType 
+;    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+;        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+;        --compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+;    else
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+;    if doLibrary then
+;        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+;        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+;        LOCALDATABASE([ pathnameName first args ],[])
+;    else if ^beQuiet then
+;        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+;    terminateSystemCommand()
+;    spadPrompt()
+<<defun compileSpadLispCmd>>=
+(defun |compileSpadLispCmd| (args)
+ (prog (path optlist optname optargs fullopt beQuiet dolibrary lsp)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet path (|pathname| (|fnameMake| (car args) "code" "lsp")))
+     (cond
+      ((null (probe-file path))
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+      (t
+       (spadlet optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+       (spadlet beQuiet nil)
+       (spadlet dolibrary t)
+       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (progn
+           (spadlet optname (car |opt|))
+           (spadlet optargs (cdr |opt|))
+           (spadlet fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
+           (cond
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|quiet|) (spadlet beQuiet t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|noquiet|) (spadlet beQuiet nil))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|library|) (spadlet dolibrary t))
+            ((boot-equal fullopt '|nolibrary|) (spadlet dolibrary nil))
+            (t
+             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
+              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
+       (spadlet lsp
+        (|fnameMake|
+         (|pathnameDirectory| path)
+         (|pathnameName| path)
+         (|pathnameType| path)))
+       (cond
+        ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+         (cond
+          ((null beQuiet)
+           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
+          (recompile-lib-file-if-necessary lsp))
+        (t
+         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
+       (cond
+        (dolibrary
+         (cond
+          ((null beQuiet)
+            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
+          (localdatabase (cons (|pathnameName| (car args)) nil) nil))
+        ((null beQuiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+        (t nil))
+       (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+       (|spadPrompt|)))))))) 
+\subsection{defun withAsharpCmd}
+<<defun withAsharpCmd>>=
+(defun |withAsharpCmd| (args)
+ (let (|$options|)
+  (declare (special |$options|))
+  (localdatabase args |$options|)))
+\subsection{defun copyright}
+<<defun copyright>>=
+(defun |copyright| ()
+ (obey (strconc "cat " (|getEnv| "AXIOM") "/lib/copyright")))
+\subsection{defun credits}
+<<defun credits>>=
+(defun |credits| ()
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (princ x) (terpri)) credits))
@@ -3718,6 +4511,94 @@ and in HyperDoc.
 In HyperDoc, choose the {\bf Commands} item from the
 {\bf Reference} menu.
+\subsection{defun help}
+<<defun help>>=
+(defun |help| (l)
+ (|helpSpad2Cmd| l)) 
+\subsection{defun helpSpad2Cmd}
+<<defun helpSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |helpSpad2Cmd| (|args|)
+ (unless (|newHelpSpad2Cmd| |args|)
+  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0025 (cons |args| nil))))
+\subsection{defun newHelpSpad2Cmd}
+;newHelpSpad2Cmd args ==
+;  if null args then args := ["?"]
+;  # args > 1 =>
+;    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0026",NIL)
+;    true
+;  sarg := PNAME first args
+;  if sarg = '"?" then args := ['help]
+;  else if sarg = '"%" then args := ['history]
+;       else if sarg = '"%%" then args := ['history]
+;  arg := selectOptionLC(first args,$SYSCOMMANDS,nil)
+;  if null arg then arg := first args
+;  if arg = 'compiler then arg := 'compile
+;  -- see if new help file exists
+;  narg := PNAME arg
+;  null (helpFile := MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME [narg,'HELPSPAD,'_*]) => NIL
+;  $useFullScreenHelp =>
+;    OBEY STRCONC('"$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT ",namestring helpFile)
+;    true
+;  filestream := MAKE_-INSTREAM(helpFile)
+;  repeat
+;    line := read_-line(filestream,false)
+;    NULL line =>
+;      SHUT filestream
+;      return true
+;    SAY line
+;  true
+<<defun newHelpSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |newHelpSpad2Cmd| (|args|)
+ (prog (|sarg| |arg| |narg| |helpFile| |filestream| |line|)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (cond ((null |args|) (spadlet |args| (cons '? nil))))
+     (cond
+      ((> (|#| |args|) 1) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0026 nil) t)
+      (t
+       (spadlet |sarg| (pname (car |args|)))
+       (cond
+        ((boot-equal |sarg| "?") (spadlet |args| (cons '|help| nil)))
+        ((boot-equal |sarg| "%") (spadlet |args| (cons '|history| nil)))
+        ((boot-equal |sarg| "%%") (spadlet |args| (cons '|history| nil)))
+        (t nil))
+       (spadlet |arg| (|selectOptionLC| (car |args|) $syscommands nil))
+       (cond ((null |arg|) (spadlet |arg| (car |args|))))
+       (cond ((boot-equal |arg| '|compiler|) (spadlet |arg| '|compile|)))
+       (spadlet |narg| (pname |arg|))
+       (cond
+        ((null 
+          (spadlet |helpFile| 
+           (make-input-filename 
+            (cons |narg| (cons 'helpspad (cons '* nil))))))
+          nil)
+        (|$useFullScreenHelp|
+         (obey (strconc "$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT " (|namestring| |helpFile|))) t)
+        (t
+         (spadlet |filestream| (make-instream |helpFile|))
+         (do ()
+             (nil nil)
+          (seq
+           (exit
+            (progn
+             (spadlet |line| (|read-line| |filestream| nil))
+             (cond
+              ((null |line|) (shut |filestream|) (return t))
+              (t (say |line|)))))))
+         t))))))))) 
@@ -6748,6 +7629,13 @@ Axiom or is the directory you specified using the
+\subsection{defun summary}
+<<defun summary>>=
+(defun |summary| (l)
+ (obey (strconc "cat " (|getEnv| "AXIOM") "/lib/summary")))
@@ -8043,11 +8931,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
       (prog (t0)
        (spadlet t0 nil)
-        (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
-            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+        (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (x nil))
+            ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
-           (setq t0 (cons (|transTraceItem| |x|) t0))))))))
+           (setq t0 (cons (|transTraceItem| x) t0))))))))
       (prog (t2)
        (spadlet t2 nil)
@@ -8086,33 +8974,33 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun transTraceItem>>=
-(defun |transTraceItem| (|x|)
+(defun |transTraceItem| (x)
  (prog (|$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| |value| |y|)
   (declare (special |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue|))
     (spadlet |$doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue| t)
-     ((atom |x|)
+     ((atom x)
-        ((and (spadlet |value| (|get| |x| '|value| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+        ((and (spadlet |value| (|get| x '|value| |$InteractiveFrame|))
               (|member| (|objMode| |value|)
                 '((|Mode|) (|Domain|) (|SubDomain| (|Domain|)))))
-          (spadlet |x| (|objVal| |value|))
+          (spadlet x (|objVal| |value|))
-           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
-           (t |x|)))
-        ((upper-case-p (elt (stringimage |x|) 0))
-          (spadlet |y| (|unabbrev| |x|))
+           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+           (t x)))
+        ((upper-case-p (elt (stringimage x) 0))
+          (spadlet |y| (|unabbrev| x))
            ((|constructor?| |y|) |y|)
            ((and (pairp |y|) (|constructor?| (car |y|))) (car |y|))
-           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
-           (t |x|)))
-        (t |x|)))
-     ((vecp (car |x|)) (|transTraceItem| (|devaluate| (car |x|))))
-     ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| |x|)) |y|)
-     (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0018 (cons |x| nil)))))))) 
+           ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+           (t x)))
+        (t x)))
+     ((vecp (car x)) (|transTraceItem| (|devaluate| (car x))))
+     ((spadlet |y| (|domainToGenvar| x)) |y|)
+     (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2it0018 (cons x nil)))))))) 
@@ -8148,7 +9036,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun coerceTraceArgs2E>>=
-(defun |coerceTraceArgs2E| (|traceName| |subName| |args|)
+(defun |coerceTraceArgs2E| (|traceName| |subName| args)
  (prog (|name|)
@@ -8156,7 +9044,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
      ((memq (spadlet |name| |subName|) |$mathTraceList|)
         ((spadsysnamep (pname |name|))
-          (|coerceSpadArgs2E| (reverse (cdr (reverse |args|)))))
+          (|coerceSpadArgs2E| (reverse (cdr (reverse args)))))
          (prog (t0)
           (spadlet t0 nil)
@@ -8165,7 +9053,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
                       |arg9| |arg10| |arg11| |arg12| |arg13| |arg14| |arg15| 
                       |arg16| |arg17| |arg18| |arg19|) (cdr t1))
                 (|name| nil)
-                (t2 |args| (cdr t2))
+                (t2 args (cdr t2))
                 (|arg| nil)
                 (t3 (cdr (lassoc |subName| |$tracedMapSignatures|)) (cdr t3))
                 (type nil))
@@ -8187,8 +9075,8 @@ This reports the traced functions
                       (|objNewWrap| |arg| type) |$OutputForm|))
-     ((spadsysnamep (pname |name|)) (reverse (cdr (reverse |args|))))
-     (t |args|)))))) 
+     ((spadsysnamep (pname |name|)) (reverse (cdr (reverse args))))
+     (t args)))))) 
@@ -8203,7 +9091,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun coerceSpadArgs2E>>=
-(defun |coerceSpadArgs2E| (|args|)
+(defun |coerceSpadArgs2E| (args)
  (prog (|$streamCount|)
   (declare (special |$streamCount|))
@@ -8217,7 +9105,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
                   |arg9| |arg10| |arg11| |arg12| |arg13| |arg14| |arg15| 
                   |arg16| |arg17| |arg18| |arg19|) (cdr t1))
             (|name| nil)
-            (t2 |args| (cdr t2))
+            (t2 args (cdr t2))
             (|arg| nil)
             (t3 (cdr |$tracedSpadModemap|) (cdr t3))
             (type nil))
@@ -8253,12 +9141,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun subTypes>>=
 (defun |subTypes| (|mm| |sublist|)
- (prog (|s|)
+ (prog (s)
      ((atom |mm|) 
-       (cond ((spadlet |s| (lassoc |mm| |sublist|)) |s|) (t |mm|)))
+       (cond ((spadlet s (lassoc |mm| |sublist|)) s) (t |mm|)))
       (prog (t0)
        (spadlet t0 nil)
@@ -8336,11 +9224,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
     (prog (t0)
      (spadlet t0 t)
-      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 arg (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
-          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t0)
+      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 arg (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) t0)
-         (setq t0 (and t0 (identp |x|)))))))))))) 
+         (setq t0 (and t0 (identp x)))))))))))) 
@@ -8357,11 +9245,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
     (prog (t0)
      (spadlet t0 t)
-      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 arg (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
-          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t0)
+      (do ((t1 nil (null t0)) (t2 arg (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+          ((or t1 (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) t0)
-         (setq t0 (and t0 (or (identp |x|) (stringp |x|))))))))))))) 
+         (setq t0 (and t0 (or (identp x) (stringp x))))))))))))) 
@@ -8459,12 +9347,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun lassocSub>>=
-(defun |lassocSub| (|x| |subs|)
+(defun |lassocSub| (x |subs|)
  (prog (|y|) 
-    ((spadlet |y| (lassq |x| |subs|)) |y|)
-    (t |x|))))) 
+    ((spadlet |y| (lassq x |subs|)) |y|)
+    (t x))))) 
@@ -8476,12 +9364,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun rassocSub>>=
-(defun |rassocSub| (|x| |subs|)
+(defun |rassocSub| (x |subs|)
  (prog (|y|)
-    ((spadlet |y| (|rassoc| |x| |subs|)) |y|)
-    (t |x|))))) 
+    ((spadlet |y| (|rassoc| x |subs|)) |y|)
+    (t x))))) 
@@ -8751,30 +9639,30 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun spadTrace,g>>=
-(defun |spadTrace,g| (|x|)
+(defun |spadTrace,g| (x)
-  (if (stringp |x|) (exit (intern |x|)))
-  (exit |x|))) 
+  (if (stringp x) (exit (intern x)))
+  (exit x))) 
 <<defun spadTrace,isTraceable>>=
-(defun |spadTrace,isTraceable| (|x| |domain|)
+(defun |spadTrace,isTraceable| (x |domain|)
  (prog (|n| |functionSlot|)
-     (spadlet |n| (caddr |x|))
-     |x|
+     (spadlet |n| (caddr x))
+     x
       (if (atom (elt |domain| |n|)) (exit nil))
       (spadlet |functionSlot| (car (elt |domain| |n|)))
       (if (gensymp |functionSlot|) 
-       (exit (seq (|reportSpadTrace| '|Already Traced| |x|) (exit nil))))
+       (exit (seq (|reportSpadTrace| '|Already Traced| x) (exit nil))))
       (if (null (bpiname |functionSlot|))
-         (|reportSpadTrace| '|No function for| |x|)
+         (|reportSpadTrace| '|No function for| x)
          (exit nil))))
       (exit t))))))) 
@@ -8804,11 +9692,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
        (prog (t0)
         (spadlet t0 nil)
-         (do ((t1 (|getOption| 'ops |options|) (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
-             ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+         (do ((t1 (|getOption| 'ops |options|) (cdr t1)) (x nil))
+             ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
-            (setq t0 (cons (|spadTrace,g| |x|) t0))))))))
+            (setq t0 (cons (|spadTrace,g| x) t0))))))))
        ((spadlet |listOfVariables| (|getOption| 'vars |options|))
          (spadlet |options| (|removeOption| 'vars |options|))))
@@ -8901,20 +9789,20 @@ This reports the traced functions
        (prog (t10)
         (spadlet t10 nil)
-         (do ((t11 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t11)) (|x| nil))
-             ((or (atom t11) (progn (setq |x| (car t11)) nil)) (nreverse0 t10))
+         (do ((t11 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t11)) (x nil))
+             ((or (atom t11) (progn (setq x (car t11)) nil)) (nreverse0 t10))
-            (cond ((cdddr |x|) (setq t10 (cons |x| t10))))))))))
+            (cond ((cdddr x) (setq t10 (cons x t10))))))))))
         (cond (|$traceNoisely| (|printDashedLine|)))
         (do ((t12 (|orderBySlotNumber| |sigSlotNumberAlist|) (cdr t12))
-             (|x| nil))
+             (x nil))
             ((or (atom t12)
-                 (progn (setq |x| (car t12)) nil))
+                 (progn (setq x (car t12)) nil))
-             (seq (exit (|reportSpadTrace| 'tracing |x|))))))
+             (seq (exit (|reportSpadTrace| 'tracing x))))))
       (cond (|$letAssoc| (setletprintflag t)))
@@ -9078,7 +9966,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
         (cons 'lambda
           (cons '&rest
-           (cons '|args| nil))
+           (cons 'args nil))
            (cons 'prog
@@ -9088,7 +9976,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
                (cons '|domain|
                  (cons 'apply (cons |domainConstructor|
-                  (cons '|args| nil))) nil)))
+                  (cons 'args nil))) nil)))
                (cons '|spadTrace|
                 (cons '|domain|
@@ -9236,7 +10124,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint>>=
-(defun |letPrint| (|x| |val| |currentFunction|)
+(defun |letPrint| (x |val| |currentFunction|)
  (prog (|y|)
@@ -9246,24 +10134,24 @@ This reports the traced functions
                  (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
       ((and (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
-                 (memq |x| |y|))
+                 (memq x |y|))
-             (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
-        (|sayBrightlyNT| (append (|bright| |x|) (cons '|: | nil)))
+             (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
+        (|sayBrightlyNT| (append (|bright| x) (cons '|: | nil)))
         (prin0 (|shortenForPrinting| |val|))
       ((and (spadlet |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
             (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
-                (and (memq |x| |y|)
-                     (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
-                     (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+                (and (memq x |y|)
+                     (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
+                     (null (gensymp x)))))
          (|bright| |currentFunction|)
          (cons "breaks after"
-           (|bright| |x|)
+           (|bright| x)
            (cons ":= " (cons (|shortenForPrinting| |val|) nil)))))))
       (t nil))))
@@ -9293,7 +10181,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint2>>=
-(defun |letPrint2| (|x| |printform| |currentFunction|)
+(defun |letPrint2| (x |printform| |currentFunction|)
  (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
   (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
@@ -9305,12 +10193,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
                (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
-          (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq |x| |y|))
-          (null (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
+          (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq x |y|))
+          (null (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
          (spadlet |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
          (spadlet |flag| nil)
          (catch '|letPrint2| 
-          (|mathprint| (cons '= (cons |x| (cons |printform| nil)))) |flag|)
+          (|mathprint| (cons '= (cons x (cons |printform| nil)))) |flag|)
           ((boot-equal |flag| '|letPrint2|) (|print| |printform|))
           (t nil))))
@@ -9319,16 +10207,16 @@ This reports the traced functions
          (spadlet |y| (|hasPair| 'break |y|))
          (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
-              (memq |x| |y|)
-              (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
-              (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+              (memq x |y|)
+              (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
+              (null (gensymp x)))))
           (|bright| |currentFunction|)
           (cons "breaks after" 
-           (append (|bright| |x|) (cons '|:= | (cons |printform| nil)))))))
+           (append (|bright| x) (cons '|:= | (cons |printform| nil)))))))
        (t nil))))
-    |x|)))) 
+    x)))) 
@@ -9355,7 +10243,7 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun letPrint3>>=
-(defun |letPrint3| (|x| |xval| |printfn| |currentFunction|)
+(defun |letPrint3| (x |xval| |printfn| |currentFunction|)
  (prog (|$BreakMode| |flag| |y|)
   (declare (special |$BreakMode|))
@@ -9367,13 +10255,13 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (spadlet |y| (lassoc '|all| |$letAssoc|))))
-           (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq |x| |y|))
-           (null (or (is_genvar |x|) (|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|) (gensymp |x|))))
+           (or (boot-equal |y| '|all|) (memq x |y|))
+           (null (or (is_genvar x) (|isSharpVarWithNum| x) (gensymp x))))
           (spadlet |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|)
           (spadlet |flag| nil)
           (catch '|letPrint2|
-            (cons '= (cons |x| (cons (spadcall |xval| |printfn|) nil))))
+            (cons '= (cons x (cons (spadcall |xval| |printfn|) nil))))
            ((boot-equal |flag| '|letPrint2|) (|print| |xval|))
@@ -9384,16 +10272,16 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (boot-equal |y| '|all|)
-            (memq |x| |y|)
-            (null (memq (elt (pname |x|) 0) '($ |#|)))
-            (null (gensymp |x|)))))
+            (memq x |y|)
+            (null (memq (elt (pname x) 0) '($ |#|)))
+            (null (gensymp x)))))
             (|bright| |currentFunction|)
             (cons "breaks after"
-             (append (|bright| |x|) (cons ":= " (cons |xval| nil)))))))
+             (append (|bright| x) (cons ":= " (cons |xval| nil)))))))
         (t nil))))
-    |x|)))) 
+    x)))) 
 \subsection{defun getAliasIfTracedMapParameter}
@@ -9406,20 +10294,20 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun getAliasIfTracedMapParameter>>=
-(defun |getAliasIfTracedMapParameter| (|x| |currentFunction|)
+(defun |getAliasIfTracedMapParameter| (x |currentFunction|)
  (prog (|aliasList|)
-     ((|isSharpVarWithNum| |x|)
+     ((|isSharpVarWithNum| x)
         ((spadlet |aliasList|
            (|get| |currentFunction| '|alias| |$InteractiveFrame|))
           (elt |aliasList|
-            (string2pint-n (substring (pname |x|) 1 nil) 1) 1))))))
-     (t |x|)))))) 
+            (string2pint-n (substring (pname x) 1 nil) 1) 1))))))
+     (t x)))))) 
@@ -9577,14 +10465,14 @@ This reports the traced functions
       (prog (t0)
        (spadlet t0 nil)
-        (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
+        (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (x nil))
             ((or (atom t1)
-                 (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)
-                 (progn (progn (spadlet |n| (caddr |x|)) |x|) nil))
+                 (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)
+                 (progn (progn (spadlet |n| (caddr x)) x) nil))
                (nreverse0 t0))
-           (setq t0 (cons (cons |n| |x|) t0))))))))))))) 
+           (setq t0 (cons (cons |n| x) t0))))))))))))) 
@@ -9607,17 +10495,17 @@ This reports the traced functions
      ((null /tracenames) "   Nothing is traced.")
-       (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+       (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (x nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq x (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-           ((and (pairp |x|) 
-                 (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t)
+           ((and (pairp x) 
+                 (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar x)) t)
                  (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
               (spadlet |domainList| (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |domainList|)))
-            (spadlet |functionList| (cons |x| |functionList|)))))))
+            (spadlet |functionList| (cons x |functionList|)))))))
        (append |functionList|
         (append |domainList| (cons '|traced| nil))))))))) 
@@ -9633,14 +10521,14 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun spadReply,printName>>=
-(defun |spadReply,printName| (|x|)
+(defun |spadReply,printName| (x)
  (prog (|d|)
-    (if (and (and (pairp |x|) (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t))
+    (if (and (and (pairp x) (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar x)) t))
              (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
        (exit (|devaluate| |d|)))
-     (exit |x|))))) 
+     (exit x))))) 
@@ -9652,11 +10540,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
     (prog (t0)
      (spadlet t0 nil)
-       (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
-           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
+       (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (x nil))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)) (nreverse0 t0))
-          (setq t0 (cons (|spadReply,printName| |x|) t0))))))))))) 
+          (setq t0 (cons (|spadReply,printName| x) t0))))))))))) 
@@ -9743,11 +10631,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
          (prog (t1) 
           (spadlet t1 nil)
-           (do ((t2 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
-               ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) (nreverse0 t1))
+           (do ((t2 |sigSlotNumberAlist| (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+               ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) (nreverse0 t1))
-               (cond ((cdddr |x|) (setq t1 (cons |x| t1))))))))))
+               (cond ((cdddr x) (setq t1 (cons x t1))))))))))
           (rplac (cdr |pair|) |newSigSlotNumberAlist|))
@@ -9766,15 +10654,15 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun prTraceNames,fn>>=
-(defun |prTraceNames,fn| (|x|)
+(defun |prTraceNames,fn| (x)
  (prog (|d| |t|)
-    (if (and (and (pairp |x|) 
-                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) (spadlet |t| (qcdr |x|)) t))
+    (if (and (and (pairp x) 
+                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar x)) (spadlet |t| (qcdr x)) t))
               (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
       (exit (cons (|devaluate| |d|) |t|)))
-    (exit |x|))))) 
+    (exit x))))) 
@@ -9782,11 +10670,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
 (defun |prTraceNames| ()
-   (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
-       ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+   (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (x nil))
+       ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq x (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-      (print (|prTraceNames,fn| |x|))))) nil))) 
+      (print (|prTraceNames,fn| x))))) nil))) 
@@ -9850,33 +10738,33 @@ This reports the traced functions
       ((null /tracenames) (|sayMessage| "   Nothing is traced now."))
         (|sayBrightly| " ")
-        (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
-             ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (x nil))
+             ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq x (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-            ((and (pairp |x|) 
-                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) t) (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
+            ((and (pairp x) 
+                  (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar x)) t) (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
                (|addTraceItem| |d|))
-            ((atom |x|)
+            ((atom x)
-                ((|isFunctor| |x|) (|addTraceItem| |x|))
-                ((is_genvar |x|) (|addTraceItem| (EVAL |x|)))
-                (t (spadlet |functionList| (CONS |x| |functionList|)))))
+                ((|isFunctor| x) (|addTraceItem| x))
+                ((is_genvar x) (|addTraceItem| (EVAL x)))
+                (t (spadlet |functionList| (CONS x |functionList|)))))
             (t (|userError| "bad argument to trace"))))))
         (spadlet |functionList|
           (prog (t1)
            (spadlet t1 nil)
-            (do ((t2 |functionList| (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
-                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) t1)
+            (do ((t2 |functionList| (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) t1)
-                 ((null (|isSubForRedundantMapName| |x|))
+                 ((null (|isSubForRedundantMapName| x))
                    (setq t1 
                     (append t1 
-                     (cons (|rassocSub| |x| |$mapSubNameAlist|)
+                     (cons (|rassocSub| x |$mapSubNameAlist|)
                            (cons " " nil))))))))))))
@@ -9897,12 +10785,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (prog (t3)
             (spadlet t3 nil)
-             (do ((t4 (cdr |$domains|) (cdr t4)) (|x| nil))
-                 ((or (atom t4) (progn (setq |x| (car t4)) nil)) t3)
+             (do ((t4 (cdr |$domains|) (cdr t4)) (x nil))
+                 ((or (atom t4) (progn (setq x (car t4)) nil)) t3)
                 (setq t3
-                 (append t3 (|concat| "," " " (|prefix2String| |x|)))))))))))
+                 (append t3 (|concat| "," " " (|prefix2String| x)))))))))))
           ((atom |displayList|)
            (spadlet |displayList| (cons |displayList| nil))))
@@ -9916,12 +10804,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
             (prog (t5)
              (spadlet t5 nil)
-              (do ((t6 (cdr |$packages|) (cdr t6)) (|x| nil))
-                  ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq |x| (car t6)) nil)) t5)
+              (do ((t6 (cdr |$packages|) (cdr t6)) (x nil))
+                  ((or (atom t6) (progn (setq x (car t6)) nil)) t5)
                  (setq t5
-                  (append t5 (|concat| '|, | (|prefix2String| |x|)))))))))))
+                  (append t5 (|concat| '|, | (|prefix2String| x)))))))))))
           (cond ((atom |displayList|)
               (spadlet |displayList| (cons |displayList| nil))))
           (|sayBrightly| "   Packages traced: ")
@@ -9934,12 +10822,12 @@ This reports the traced functions
            (prog (t7)
             (spadlet t7 nil)
-              (do ((t8 (cdr |$constructors|) (cdr t8)) (|x| nil))
-                  ((or (atom t8) (progn (setq |x| (car t8)) nil)) t7)
+              (do ((t8 (cdr |$constructors|) (cdr t8)) (x nil))
+                  ((or (atom t8) (progn (setq x (car t8)) nil)) t7)
                  (setq t7
-                 (append t7 (|concat| '|, | (|abbreviate| |x|)))))))))))
+                 (append t7 (|concat| '|, | (|abbreviate| x)))))))))))
          (cond ((atom |displayList|)
             (spadlet |displayList| (CONS |displayList| nil))))
          (|sayBrightly| "   Parameterized constructors traced:")
@@ -9987,34 +10875,34 @@ This reports the traced functions
 <<defun ?t>>=
 (defun |?t| ()
- (prog (|llm| |x| |d| |l| |suffix|)
+ (prog (|llm| x |d| |l| |suffix|)
      ((null /tracenames) (|sayMSG| (|bright| "nothing is traced")))
-      (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
-          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+      (do ((t0 /tracenames (cdr t0)) (x nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq x (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-          ((and (atom |x|) (null (is_genvar |x|)))
+          ((and (atom x) (null (is_genvar x)))
-             ((spadlet |llm| (|get| |x| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
-               (spadlet |x| (list (cadar |llm|)))))
+             ((spadlet |llm| (|get| x '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+               (spadlet x (list (cadar |llm|)))))
              (cons "Function"
-               (|bright| (|rassocSub| |x| |$mapSubNameAlist|))
+               (|bright| (|rassocSub| x |$mapSubNameAlist|))
                (cons "traced" nil))))))))))
-      (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (|x| nil))
-          ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |x| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
+      (do ((t1 /tracenames (cdr t1)) (x nil))
+          ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq x (car t1)) nil)) nil)
-          ((and (pairp |x|) 
-                (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar |x|)) (spadlet |l| (qcdr |x|)) t)
+          ((and (pairp x) 
+                (progn (spadlet |d| (qcar x)) (spadlet |l| (qcdr x)) t)
                 (|isDomainOrPackage| |d|))
             (spadlet |suffix| (cond ((|isDomain| |d|) "domain") (t "package")))
@@ -10025,11 +10913,11 @@ This reports the traced functions
                 (cons (|devaluate| |d|) 
                  (cons '|%d| 
                   (cons ":" nil)))))))
-            (do ((t2 (|orderBySlotNumber| |l|) (cdr t2)) (|x| nil))
-                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |x| (car t2)) nil)) nil)
+            (do ((t2 (|orderBySlotNumber| |l|) (cdr t2)) (x nil))
+                ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq x (car t2)) nil)) nil)
-                (|reportSpadTrace| '|   | (TAKE 4 |x|)))))
+                (|reportSpadTrace| '|   | (TAKE 4 x)))))
@@ -11160,20 +12048,20 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
 \subsection{defun whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat}
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat>>=
-(defun |whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat| (|x|)
+(defun |whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat| (x)
  (prog (|x'|)
-    (if (and (pairp |x|) (progn (spadlet |x'| (qcar |x|)) t))
+    (if (and (pairp x) (progn (spadlet |x'| (qcar x)) t))
       (exit (downcase |x'|)))
-    (exit (downcase |x|)))))) 
+    (exit (downcase x)))))) 
 \subsection{defun whatSpad2Cmd}
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd>>=
 (defun |whatSpad2Cmd| (arg)
- (prog (|$e| |key0| key |args|)
+ (prog (|$e| |key0| key args)
   (declare (special |$e|))
@@ -11183,22 +12071,22 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
       ((null arg) (|reportWhatOptions|))
         (spadlet |key0| (car arg))
-        (spadlet |args| (cdr arg))
+        (spadlet args (cdr arg))
         (spadlet key (|selectOptionLC| |key0| |$whatOptions| nil))
          ((null key) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0043 nil))
-          (spadlet |args|
+          (spadlet args
            (prog (t0)
             (spadlet t0 nil)
-              (do ((t1 |args| (cdr t1)) (|p| nil))
+              (do ((t1 args (cdr t1)) (p nil))
                   ((or (atom t1)
-                       (progn (setq |p| (car t1)) nil))
+                       (progn (setq p (car t1)) nil))
                  (nreverse0 t0))
-                 (setq t0 (cons (|whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat| |p|) t0))))))))
+                 (setq t0 (cons (|whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat| p) t0))))))))
             ((boot-equal key '|things|)
@@ -11208,19 +12096,19 @@ whatSpad2Cmd l ==
                   ((null (memq opt '(|things|)))
-                    (exit (|whatSpad2Cmd| (cons opt |args|)))))))))
+                    (exit (|whatSpad2Cmd| (cons opt args)))))))))
             ((boot-equal key '|categories|)
-              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|category| "Categories" |args|))
-            ((boot-equal key '|commands|) (|whatCommands| |args|))
+              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|category| "Categories" args))
+            ((boot-equal key '|commands|) (|whatCommands| args))
             ((boot-equal key '|domains|)
-              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|domain| "Domains" |args|))
+              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|domain| "Domains" args))
             ((boot-equal key '|operations|)
-               (|apropos| |args|))
+               (|apropos| args))
             ((boot-equal key '|packages|)
-              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|package| "Packages" |args|))
+              (|filterAndFormatConstructors| '|package| "Packages" args))
              (cond ((boot-equal key '|synonyms|)
-                      (|printSynonyms| |args|))))))))))))))) 
+                      (|printSynonyms| args))))))))))))))) 
@@ -11338,10 +12226,10 @@ apropos l ==
           (prog (t0)
            (spadlet t0 nil)
-            (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (|p| nil))
-                ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |p| (car t1)) nil))
+            (do ((t1 arg (cdr t1)) (p nil))
+                ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq p (car t1)) nil))
                   (nreverse0 t0))
-            (seq (exit (setq t0 (cons (downcase (stringimage |p|)) t0)))))))
+            (seq (exit (setq t0 (cons (downcase (stringimage p)) t0)))))))
@@ -11406,12 +12294,12 @@ workfilesSpad2Cmd args ==
   for fl in $sourceFiles repeat sayBrightly ["   " ,namestring fl]
 <<defun workfilesSpad2Cmd>>=
-(defun |workfilesSpad2Cmd| (|args|)
+(defun |workfilesSpad2Cmd| (args)
  (prog (|deleteFlag| type |flist| |type1| |fl|)
-     (|args| (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0047 nil))
+     (args (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0047 nil))
        (spadlet |deleteFlag| nil)
        (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
@@ -11546,7 +12434,7 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
 <<defun zsystemdevelopment1>>=
 (defun |zsystemdevelopment1| (arg |im|)
- (prog (|$InteractiveMode| |fromopt| opt |optargs| |newopt| |opt1|
+ (prog (|$InteractiveMode| |fromopt| opt optargs |newopt| |opt1|
         |conStream| |upf| |fun|)
   (declare (special |$InteractiveMode|))
@@ -11560,7 +12448,7 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
                 (spadlet opt (CAR t1))
-                (spadlet |optargs| (CDR t1))
+                (spadlet optargs (CDR t1))
@@ -11570,22 +12458,22 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
          (spadlet |opt1| (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|from|) nil))
           ((boot-equal |opt1| '|from|)
-            (spadlet |fromopt| (cons (cons 'from |optargs|) nil))))))))
+            (spadlet |fromopt| (cons (cons 'from optargs) nil))))))))
      (do ((t2 |$options| (cdr t2)) (t3 nil))
          ((or (atom t2)
               (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
                 (spadlet opt (car t3))
-                (spadlet |optargs| (cdr t3))
+                (spadlet optargs (cdr t3))
-         (cond ((null |optargs|) (spadlet |optargs| arg)))
-         (spadlet |newopt| (append |optargs| |fromopt|))
+         (cond ((null optargs) (spadlet optargs arg)))
+         (spadlet |newopt| (append optargs |fromopt|))
          (spadlet |opt1| (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|from|) nil))
           ((boot-equal |opt1| '|from|)
@@ -11619,17 +12507,17 @@ zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
             (spadlet |$InteractiveMode| nil)
             (spadlet |upf|
-              (or (kar |optargs|) /version)
+              (or (kar optargs) /version)
-               (or (kadr |optargs|) /wsname)
-               (cons (or (kaddr |optargs|) '*) nil))))
+               (or (kadr optargs) /wsname)
+               (cons (or (kaddr optargs) '*) nil))))
             (spadlet |fun|
               ((boot-equal opt '|patch|) '/update-lib-1)
               (t '/update-1)))
             (catch 'filenam (funcall |fun| |upf|))
             (|sayMessage| "   Update/patch is completed."))
-          ((null |optargs|)
+          ((null optargs)
              "   An argument is required for"
@@ -11789,13 +12677,20 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun clearCmdSortedCaches>>
 <<defun clearSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun clearFrame>>
+<<defun close>>
 <<defun closeInterpreterFrame>>
+<<defun compileAsharpCmd>>
+<<defun compileAsharpCmd1>>
+<<defun compileAsharpArchiveCmd>>
 <<defun compileBoot>>
+<<defun compiler>>
+<<defun compileSpadLispCmd>>
 <<defun coerceSpadArgs2E>>
 <<defun coerceSpadFunValue2E>>
 <<defun coerceTraceArgs2E>>
 <<defun coerceTraceFunValue2E>>
 <<defun createCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
+<<defun credits>>
 <<defun dewritify>>
 <<defun dewritify,dewritifyInner>>
@@ -11908,6 +12803,8 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun ptimers>>
 <<defun putHist>>
+<<defun queryClients>>
 <<defun rassocSub>>
 <<defun readHiFi>>
 <<defun reclaim>>
@@ -11961,6 +12858,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun statisticsInitialization>>
 <<defun stupidIsSpadFunction>>
 <<defun subTypes>>
+<<defun summary>>
 <<defun ?t>>
 <<defun trace>>
@@ -12000,6 +12898,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun whatSpad2Cmd,fixpat>>
 <<defun with>>
+<<defun withAsharpCmd>>
 <<defun workfiles>>
 <<defun workfilesSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun writify>>
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 13496a6..244900f 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-20090408 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.02.tpd.patch
+20090308 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.03.tpd.patch
+20090308 tpd src/input/unittest1.input unit test commands
+20090308 tpd src/interp/i-syscmd.boot move commands to bookvol5
+20090308 tpd books/bookvol5 move summary, copyright, help roots
+20090308 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.02.tpd.patch
 20090308 tpd src/interp/i-syscmd.boot move clear to bookvol5
 20090308 tpd books/bookvol5 add )clear root
 20090308 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.01.tpd.patch
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 1d7f8eb..80e328c 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -995,5 +995,7 @@ bookvol5 add trace root<br/>
 bookvol5 add include, abbreviation roots<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090308.02.tpd.patch">20090308.02.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol5 add clear root<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090308.03.tpd.patch">20090308.03.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 add summary, copyright, help roots<br/>
diff --git a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet 
index c5c9bd3..ac70ef0 100644
--- a/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/unittest1.input.pamphlet
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Unit test the user level commands
 The )with command is the same as the )library command and really
 should be a synonym.
---S 1
+--S 1 0f 28
 )with API
 --R   )library cannot find the file API.
 --E 1
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ should be a synonym.
 The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
---S 2
+--S 2 0f 28
 )apropos matrix
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 2
---S 3
+--S 3 0f 28
 )what categories set
 --R------------------------------- Categories --------------------------------
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --R TSETCAT  TriangularSetCategory
 --E 3
---S 4
+--S 4 0f 28
 )what commands set
 --R--------------- System Commands for User Level: development ---------------
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 4
---S 5
+--S 5 0f 28
 )what domains set
 --R--------------------------------- Domains ---------------------------------
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --R WUTSET   WuWenTsunTriangularSet
 --E 5
---S 6
+--S 6 0f 28
 )what operations set
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --R      setAttributeButtonStep 
 --E 6
---S 7
+--S 7 0f 28
 )what packages set
 --R-------------------------------- Packages ---------------------------------
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --R SRDCMPK  SquareFreeRegularSetDecompositionPackage
 --E 7
---S 8
+--S 8 0f 28
 )what synonym set
 --R------------------------- System Command Synonyms -------------------------
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 8
---S 9
+--S 9 0f 28
 )what things set
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 9
---S 10
+--S 10 0f 28
 )apropos set
 --ROperations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 10
---S 11
+--S 11 0f 28
 --R---------------------------- The prompt Option ----------------------------
@@ -627,13 +627,13 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 11
---S 12
+--S 12 0f 28
 --IValue = "Saturday February 21, 2009 at 17:59:27 "
 --E 12
---S 13
+--S 13 0f 28
 )zsys )from )c
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 13
---S 14
+--S 14 0f 28
 )zsys )from )d
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 14
---S 15
+--S 15 0f 28
 )zsys )from )dt
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 15
---S 16
+--S 16 0f 28
 )zsys )from )ct
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 16
---S 17
+--S 17 0f 28
 )zsys )from )ctl
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 17
---S 18
+--S 18 0f 28
 )zsys )from )ec
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 18
---S 19
+--S 19 0f 28
 )zsys )from )ect
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 19
---S 20
+--S 20 0f 28
 )zsys )from )e
@@ -721,12 +721,12 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 20
---S 21
+--S 21 0f 28
 )zsys )from )version
 --E 21
---S 22
+--S 22 0f 28
 )zsys )from )update
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 22
---S 23
+--S 23 0f 28
 )zsys )from )patch
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 23
---S 24
+--S 24 0f 28
 )zsys )from )there 1
@@ -757,18 +757,134 @@ The )apropos command is the same as a )what command
 --E 24
---S 25
+--S 25 0f 28
 )zsys )from )compare
 --R   An argument is required for compare 
 --E 25
---S 26
+--S 26 0f 28
 )zsys )from )record
 --R   An argument is required for record 
 --E 26
+--S 27 0f 28
+ )credits      : list the people who have contributed to Axiom
+ )help <command> gives more information
+ )quit         : exit AXIOM 
+ )abbreviation : query, set and remove abbreviations for constructors
+ )cd           : set working directory
+ )clear        : remove declarations, definitions or values
+ )close        : throw away an interpreter client and workspace
+ )compile      : invoke constructor compiler
+ )display      : display Library operations and objects in your workspace
+ )edit         : edit a file
+ )frame        : manage interpreter workspaces
+ )history      : manage aspects of interactive session
+ )library      : introduce new constructors 
+ )lisp         : evaluate a LISP expression
+ )read         : execute AXIOM commands from a file
+ )savesystem   : save LISP image to a file
+ )set          : view and set system variables
+ )show         : show constructor information
+ )spool        : log input and output to a file
+ )synonym      : define an abbreviation for system commands
+ )system       : issue shell commands
+ )trace        : trace execution of functions
+ )undo         : restore workspace to earlier state
+ )what         : search for various things by name
+--E 27
+--S 28 0f 28
+An alphabetical listing of contributors to AXIOM:
+Cyril Alberga          Roy Adler              Christian Aistleitner
+Richard Anderson       George Andrews         S.J. Atkins
+Henry Baker            Stephen Balzac         Yurij Baransky
+David R. Barton        Gerald Baumgartner     Gilbert Baumslag
+Jay Belanger           David Bindel           Fred Blair
+Vladimir Bondarenko    Mark Botch
+Alexandre Bouyer       Peter A. Broadbery     Martin Brock
+Manuel Bronstein       Stephen Buchwald       Florian Bundschuh
+Luanne Burns           William Burge
+Quentin Carpent        Robert Caviness        Bruce Char
+Ondrej Certik          Cheekai Chin           David V. Chudnovsky
+Gregory V. Chudnovsky  Josh Cohen             Christophe Conil
+Don Coppersmith        George Corliss         Robert Corless
+Gary Cornell           Meino Cramer           Claire Di Crescenzo
+David Cyganski
+Timothy Daly Sr.       Timothy Daly Jr.       James H. Davenport
+Didier Deshommes       Michael Dewar
+Jean Della Dora        Gabriel Dos Reis       Claire DiCrescendo
+Sam Dooley             Lionel Ducos           Martin Dunstan
+Brian Dupee            Dominique Duval
+Robert Edwards         Heow Eide-Goodman      Lars Erickson
+Richard Fateman        Bertfried Fauser       Stuart Feldman
+Brian Ford             Albrecht Fortenbacher  George Frances
+Constantine Frangos    Timothy Freeman        Korrinn Fu
+Marc Gaetano           Rudiger Gebauer        Kathy Gerber
+Patricia Gianni        Samantha Goldrich      Holger Gollan
+Teresa Gomez-Diaz      Laureano Gonzalez-Vega Stephen Gortler
+Johannes Grabmeier     Matt Grayson           Klaus Ebbe Grue
+James Griesmer         Vladimir Grinberg      Oswald Gschnitzer
+Jocelyn Guidry
+Steve Hague            Satoshi Hamaguchi      Mike Hansen
+Richard Harke          Vilya Harvey           Martin Hassner
+Arthur S. Hathaway     Dan Hatton             Waldek Hebisch
+Karl Hegbloom          Ralf Hemmecke          Henderson
+Antoine Hersen         Gernot Hueber
+Pietro Iglio
+Alejandro Jakubi       Richard Jenks
+Kai Kaminski           Grant Keady            Tony Kennedy
+Paul Kosinski          Klaus Kusche           Bernhard Kutzler
+Tim Lahey              Larry Lambe            Franz Lehner
+Frederic Lehobey       Michel Levaud          Howard Levy
+Liu Xiaojun            Rudiger Loos           Michael Lucks
+Richard Luczak
+Camm Maguire           Francois Maltey        Alasdair McAndrew
+Bob McElrath           Michael McGettrick     Ian Meikle
+David Mentre           Victor S. Miller       Gerard Milmeister
+Mohammed Mobarak       H. Michael Moeller     Michael Monagan
+Marc Moreno-Maza       Scott Morrison         Joel Moses
+Mark Murray
+William Naylor         C. Andrew Neff         John Nelder
+Godfrey Nolan          Arthur Norman          Jinzhong Niu
+Michael O'Connor       Summat Oemrawsingh     Kostas Oikonomou
+Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga
+Julian A. Padget       Bill Page              Susan Pelzel
+Michel Petitot         Didier Pinchon         Ayal Pinkus
+Jose Alfredo Portes
+Claude Quitte
+Arthur C. Ralfs        Norman Ramsey          Anatoly Raportirenko
+Michael Richardson     Renaud Rioboo          Jean Rivlin
+Nicolas Robidoux       Simon Robinson         Raymond Rogers
+Michael Rothstein      Martin Rubey
+Philip Santas          Alfred Scheerhorn      William Schelter
+Gerhard Schneider      Martin Schoenert       Marshall Schor
+Frithjof Schulze       Fritz Schwarz          Nick Simicich
+William Sit            Elena Smirnova         Jonathan Steinbach
+Fabio Stumbo           Christine Sundaresan   Robert Sutor
+Moss E. Sweedler       Eugene Surowitz
+Max Tegmark            James Thatcher         Balbir Thomas
+Mike Thomas            Dylan Thurston         Barry Trager
+Themos T. Tsikas
+Gregory Vanuxem
+Bernhard Wall          Stephen Watt           Jaap Weel
+Juergen Weiss          M. Weller              Mark Wegman
+James Wen              Thorsten Werther       Michael Wester
+John M. Wiley          Berhard Will           Clifton J. Williamson
+Stephen Wilson         Shmuel Winograd        Robert Wisbauer
+Sandra Wityak          Waldemar Wiwianka      Knut Wolf
+Clifford Yapp          David Yun
+Vadim Zhytnikov        Richard Zippel         Evelyn Zoernack
+Bruno Zuercher         Dan Zwillinger
+--E 28
 )lisp (bye)
diff --git a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet 
index 771c0ae..4597564 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
@@ -270,408 +270,6 @@ getSystemCommandLine() ==
 ------------ start of commands ------------------------------------------
---% )close
-queryClients () ==
-  -- Returns the number of active scratchpad clients
-  sockSendInt($SessionManager, $QueryClients)
-  sockGetInt $SessionManager
-close args ==
-  $saturn => 
-    sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
-      ['" The )close  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
-       '" Please use Close from the File menu instead."])
-  quiet:local:= false
-  null $SpadServer =>
-    throwKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0071", [])
-  numClients := queryClients()
-  numClients > 1 =>
-    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
-    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
-    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
-  for [opt,:.] in $options repeat
-    fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt, '(quiet), 'optionError)
-    fullopt = 'quiet   =>
-           quiet:=true
-  quiet =>
-    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
-    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
-    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
-  x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0072", nil)
-  MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1), '(YES Y)) =>
-    BYE()
-  nil
---% )constructor
-constructor args ==
-  sayMessage '"   Not implemented yet."
-  NIL
---% )compiler
-compiler args ==
-    $newConlist: local := nil    --reset by compDefineLisplib and astran
-    null args and null $options and null _/EDITFILE => helpSpad2Cmd '(compiler)
-    if null args then args := [_/EDITFILE]
-    -- first see if the user has explicitly specified the compiler
-    -- to use.
-    optlist := '(new old translate constructor)
-    haveNew := nil
-    haveOld := nil
-    for opt in $options while ^(haveNew and haveOld) repeat
-        [optname,:optargs] := opt
-        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optlist,nil)
-        fullopt = 'new => haveNew := true
-        fullopt = 'translate => haveOld := true
-        fullopt = 'constructor => haveOld := true
-        fullopt = 'old => haveOld := true
-    haveNew and haveOld => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0081", nil)
-    af  := pathname args
-    aft := pathnameType af
--- Whats this for? MCD/PAB 21-9-95
---    if haveNew and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
---        af := pathname [af, '"as"]
---        aft = '"as"
---    if haveOld and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
---        af := pathname [af, '"spad"]
---        aft = '"spad"
-    haveNew or (aft = '"as")   =>
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    haveOld or (aft = '"spad") =>
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
-    aft = '"lsp"   =>
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(lsp))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileAsharpLispCmd [af1]
-    aft = '"nrlib"  =>
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(nrlib))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileSpadLispCmd [af1]
-    aft = '"ao"   =>
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(ao))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    aft = '"al"   =>    -- archive library of .ao files
-        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(al))) =>
-            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
-        compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
-    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
-    -- lying around
-    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
-    -- maybe /EDITFILE has some stuff that can help us
-    ef := pathname _/EDITFILE
-    ef := mergePathnames(af,ef)
-    ef = af => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
-    af := ef
-    pathnameType(af) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd args
-    pathnameType(af) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd args
-    pathnameType(af) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  args
-    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
-    -- lying around
-    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
-    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
-    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
-compileAsharpCmd args ==
-    compileAsharpCmd1 args
-    terminateSystemCommand()
-    spadPrompt()
-compileAsharpCmd1 args ==
-    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
-    -- and is a file with file extension .as or .ao
-    path := pathname args
-    pathType := pathnameType path
-    (pathType ^= '"as") and (pathType ^= '"ao") => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0083", 
-    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
-    SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path)
-    updateSourceFiles path
-    optList :=  '( _
-      new _
-      old _
-      translate _
-      onlyargs _
-      moreargs _
-      quiet _
-      nolispcompile _
-      noquiet _
-      library _
-      nolibrary _
-        )
-    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
-    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
-    doCompileLisp := true    -- do compile generated lisp code
-    moreArgs := NIL
-    onlyArgs := NIL
-    for opt in $options repeat
-        [optname,:optargs] := opt
-        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
-        fullopt = 'new       => nil
-        fullopt = 'old       => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got 
-        fullopt = 'translate => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got 
-        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
-        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
-        fullopt = 'nolispcompile   => doCompileLisp := false
-        fullopt = 'moreargs  => moreArgs := optargs
-        fullopt = 'onlyargs  => onlyArgs := optargs
-        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
-        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
-    tempArgs :=
-        pathType = '"ao" =>
-            -- want to strip out -Fao
-            (p := STRPOS('"-Fao", $asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, NIL)) =>
-                p = 0 => SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 5, NIL)
-                STRCONC(SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, p), '" ",
-                    SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, p+5, NIL))
-            $asharpCmdlineFlags
-        $asharpCmdlineFlags
-    asharpArgs :=
-        onlyArgs =>
-            s := ""
-            for a in onlyArgs repeat
-                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
-            s
-        moreArgs =>
-            s := tempArgs
-            for a in moreArgs repeat
-                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
-            s
-        tempArgs
-    if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038A",[namestring args, asharpArgs])
-    command :=
-<<remove TRUENAME>>
-    rc := OBEY command
-    if (rc = 0) and doCompileLisp then
-        lsp := fnameMake('".", pathnameName args, '"lsp")
-        if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
-            if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
-            compileFileQuietly(lsp)
-        else
-            sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
-    if rc = 0 and doLibrary then
-        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
-        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
-        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
-    else if ^beQuiet then
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
-    extendLocalLibdb $newConlist
-compileAsharpArchiveCmd args ==
-    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
-    -- and is a file with file extension .al. We also assume that
-    -- the name is fully qualified.
-    path := pathname args
-    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
-    -- here is the plan:
-    --   1. extract the file name and try to make a directory based
-    --      on that name.
-    --   2. cd to that directory and ar x the .al file
-    --   3. for each .ao file that shows up, compile it
-    --   4. delete the generated .ao files
-    -- First try to make the directory in the current directory
-    dir  := fnameMake('".", pathnameName path, '"axldir")
-    exists := PROBE_-FILE dir
-    isDir := directoryp namestring dir
-    exists and isDir ^= 1=>
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
-    if isDir ^= 1 then
-        cmd  := STRCONC('"mkdir ", namestring dir)
-        rc   := OBEY cmd
-        rc ^= 0 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
-    curDir := $CURRENT_-DIRECTORY
-    -- cd to that directory and try to unarchive the .al file
-    cd [ object2Identifier namestring dir ]
-    cmd := STRCONC( '"ar x ", namestring path )
-    rc := OBEY cmd
-    rc ^= 0 =>
-        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0028",[namestring dir, namestring args])
-    -- Look for .ao files
-    asos := DIRECTORY '"*.ao"
-    null asos =>
-        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0029",[namestring dir, namestring args])
-    -- Compile the .ao files
-    for aso in asos repeat
-        compileAsharpCmd1 [ namestring aso ]
-    -- Reset the current directory
-    cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
-    terminateSystemCommand()
-    spadPrompt()
-compileAsharpLispCmd args ==
-    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
-    -- and is a file with file extension .lsp
-    path := pathname args
-    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
-    optList :=  '( _
-      quiet _
-      noquiet _
-      library _
-      nolibrary _
-        )
-    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
-    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
-    for opt in $options repeat
-        [optname,:optargs] := opt
-        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
-        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
-        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
-        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
-        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
-    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType 
-    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
-        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
-        compileFileQuietly(lsp)
-    else
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
-    if doLibrary then
-        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
-        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
-        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
-    else if ^beQuiet then
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
-    terminateSystemCommand()
-    spadPrompt()
-compileSpadLispCmd args ==
-    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
-    -- and is a file with file extension .nrlib
-    path := pathname fnameMake(first args, '"code", '"lsp")
-    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
-    optList :=  '( _
-      quiet _
-      noquiet _
-      library _
-      nolibrary _
-        )
-    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
-    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
-    for opt in $options repeat
-        [optname,:optargs] := opt
-        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
-        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
-        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
-        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
-        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
-        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
-    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType 
-    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
-        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
-        --compileFileQuietly(lsp)
-    else
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
-    if doLibrary then
-        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
-        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
-        LOCALDATABASE([ pathnameName first args ],[])
-    else if ^beQuiet then
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
-    terminateSystemCommand()
-    spadPrompt()
-withAsharpCmd args ==
-    $options: local := nil
-    LOCALDATABASE(args, $options)
---% )copyright -- display copyright notice
-summary l ==
- OBEY STRCONC ('"cat ",getEnv('"AXIOM"),'"/lib/summary")
-copyright () ==
- OBEY STRCONC ('"cat ",getEnv('"AXIOM"),'"/lib/copyright")
---% )credits -- display credit list
-credits() ==
- for i in CREDITS repeat
-  PRINC(i)
 --% )display
 getParserMacroNames() ==
@@ -886,48 +484,6 @@ editSpad2Cmd l ==
   updateSourceFiles l
---% )help
-help l == helpSpad2Cmd l
-helpSpad2Cmd args ==
-  -- try to use new stuff first
-  if newHelpSpad2Cmd(args) then return nil
-  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0025",[args])
-  nil
-newHelpSpad2Cmd args ==
-  if null args then args := ["?"]
-  # args > 1 =>
-    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0026",NIL)
-    true
-  sarg := PNAME first args
-  if sarg = '"?" then args := ['help]
-  else if sarg = '"%" then args := ['history]
-       else if sarg = '"%%" then args := ['history]
-  arg := selectOptionLC(first args,$SYSCOMMANDS,nil)
-  if null arg then arg := first args
-  if arg = 'compiler then arg := 'compile
-  -- see if new help file exists
-  narg := PNAME arg
-  null (helpFile := MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME [narg,'HELPSPAD,'_*]) => NIL
-  $useFullScreenHelp =>
-    OBEY STRCONC('"$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT ",namestring helpFile)
-    true
-  filestream := MAKE_-INSTREAM(helpFile)
-  repeat
-    line := read_-line(filestream,false)
-    NULL line =>
-      SHUT filestream
-      return true
-    SAY line
-  true
 --% )load
 load args == loadSpad2Cmd args

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