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[Axiom-developer] You and your Research

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] You and your Research
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 02:08:55 -0500

 "If what you are working on is not important and it is not likely
  to lead to important things, why are you working on it?"
    -- Richard Hamming "You and your Research"

This talk is worthwhile, by Richard Hamming

Axiom is important, at least in my view, as a vital platform formed in
the collision of mathematics and compuers. There are important goals
worth working on, for example, figuring out how to prove Axiom's
mathematics correct. Reaching milestones in that goal will be an
important advance in the field of computational mathematics.

Building a system that can be understood, maintained, and modifiable by
others will make Axiom a foundation for future computational mathematics.
The task of communicating with the future is important.



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