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Re: [Bayonne-devel] Audio problem

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [Bayonne-devel] Audio problem
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 11:13:57 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/

Some ac'97 codecs only do fixed rate sampling at 44khz and cannot be
adjusted in the oss soundcard drivers through the normal ioctl's.  We
don't waste processing in Bayonne to do rate conversion.  In fact, many
odd bugs typically exist in oss soundcard drivers.  If you can use a
very recent alsa driver, you may get much better results.

Bianchi Roberto wrote:

> Hi!
> We have installed bayonne 1.2 on a RedHat 9.0 and we are using it with the
> dummy device as input and our soundcard as output.
> We launch:
>       bayonne -x --driver dummy 
> on one side and
>       bayonne --control start 0 ourScript
> on the other side
> The script outScript simple play one of the files .au of the bayonne
> distribution (we tried for example) and exit.
> The result on out soundcard (Intel 82801ba/bam ac'97 audio) is bad: it seems
> as it was spoken too fast.
> If we shutdown bayonne and we launch play from the root shell the audio is
> good, however the system returns the following error:
> sox:Sound card appears to only support 2 channels. Overriding format
> sox: Unable to set audio speed to 8000 (set to 8178)
> Anybody can help?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards.
> roberto
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