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freeze in perl filter

From: David L. Nicol
Subject: freeze in perl filter
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 20:52:07 -0500

The attached file causes a freeze with -Eperl

-Eplain works okay though.

(sorry I haven't found the offending section closer
than 400 lines, I can if you can't -- I imagine you
have a tool, a very verbose a2ps perhaps, which will 
tell you where it is exactly when it gets into its
infinite loop.)

                                           David Nicol 816.235.1187
                            "Your plastic pal who's fun to be with"
        print qq!
\n</select><font size="2"><b>\&nbsp;\&nbsp;hours, \&nbsp;</b></font>
<select name="dur_mins">!;
        if ($type_of_form eq "modify") {
                print "<option value=\"\">Don't Change";
        foreach $i (@fcs::mins_values) {
                print "<option value=\"$i\">$i";
        print "\n</select><font 

# We now provide an input item for entering the location of the event, and a
# textarea box to enter the body information of the event.

        print qq!

<script language="JavaScript">
function makewindow1()
<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>Location</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="location" size="40" maxlength="60">*<br><font 
size=1>[Ex. The Taft Theatre]</font></td></tr>
<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>Street</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="street_add" size="30" maxlength="60">*<font 
size=1> [<a href=javascript:self.makewindow1()>Search for 
Address</a>]</font><br><font size=1>[Ex. 404 Main St. - For Yahoo map 
<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>City</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="city_add" size="20" maxlength="60">*<br><font 
size=1>[Ex. Newport, Cincinnati - For Yahoo map link]</font></td></tr>
<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>State</b></font></td>
<select name="state_add">
    <option value="">??</option>
    <option value="OH">OH</option>
    <option value="KY">KY</option>
    <option value="IN">IN</option>

        <script language="JavaScript">
        function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
        if (field.value.length > maxlimit)
        field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
        countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;
<tr valign="top"><td align="right" valign="top"><font 
<td align="left"><textarea wrap="virtual" name="body" rows="6" cols="40"


        print qq!
<font size="1"><font color=red>STOP.</font></b> You have <input readonly 
type=text name=remLen size=4 maxlength=4 value="$fcs::body_char_limit"> 
characters left. Please include a CONTACT PHONE NUMBER and PRICE if possible. 
The box will automatically wrap your text for continuous sentences. Press the 
return key only if you want a line break in the final calendar 

# If we are allowing notifications, we provide a checkbox to select that we
# do want to notify people, and then a multiple selector that is created by
# opening the authorized users file and reading all the lines in there.  For
# each entry, we use the name of the user as the item to show up in the
# selector, and their email address for the value to be returned if they are
# selected.  We then close the file, and print out information on how to
# select multiple people to notify.

        if ($fcs::allow_notify) {
                print qq!
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1"><font size="2"><b>Notifications 
<td valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="notify" value="on"><font 
box to notify, via email, selected people below.</font><br>
<select name="mail_choices" size="2" multiple>!;
                open (AUTHFILE, "$auths::auth_user_file") || 
                while (<AUTHFILE>) {
                        chomp $_;
                        ($name, $email) = (split (/\|/,$_))[3,4];
                        print "<option value=\"$email\">$name\n";
                close (AUTHFILE);
                print qq!
</select><br><font size="1">Hold down Ctrl key to select 

# If we are not in modify mode, we now need to present the user with a list of
# options to make the event recurring, as an option.  The following code sets
# up the form to allow all kinds of different selections for this.

        unless ($type_of_form eq "modify") {
                print qq!
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1"><font size="2"><b>Recurring Events 
<tr><td align="right"><input type="radio" name="rep_opt" value="0" checked> 
<font size="2">Do Not Repeat This Event.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right"><input type="radio" name="rep_opt" value="1"> </td><td>
<font size="2">Repeat&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name="rec_a"><option value="1" 
<option value="2">Every Other<option value="3">Every Third
<option value="4">Every Fourth</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="rec_b"><option value="0:0:0:rec">Day
<option value="0:0:rec:0" selected>Week<option value="0:rec:0:0">Month
<option value="rec:0:0:0">Year</select></font></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right"><input type="radio" name="rep_opt" value="2"> </td><td>
<font size="2">Repeat&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name="rec_c"><option value="1" 
<option value="2">Every Other<option value="3">Every Third
<option value="4">Every Fourth</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;!;
        &select_a_dow( "rec_d");
        print qq!
<tr><td align="right"><input type="radio" name="rep_opt" value="3"> </td><td>
<font size="2">Repeat on the&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name="rec_e">
<option value="0">First<option value="1">Second<option value="2">Third
<option value="3">Fourth<option value="-1">Last</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;!;
        &select_a_dow( "rec_f" );
        print qq!
&nbsp;&nbsp;of the month every&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="rec_g"><option value="0:1" selected>Month<option value="0:2">2 
<option value="0:3">3 Months<option value="0:4">4 Months
<option value="0:6">6 Months<option value="1:0">Year</select></font></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><hr align="left" size="1" width="75"></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><font size="2">Through&nbsp;&nbsp;!;
        &select_a_month( "rec_mon" );
        print "\&nbsp;\&nbsp;";
        &select_a_day( "rec_day" );
        print "\&nbsp;,\&nbsp;\&nbsp;";
        &select_a_year( "rec_year" );
        print qq!
<p></font><font size="1"><b>Please Note&#58;</b> A maximum of $fcs::max_posts 
events can be repeated at one time.</font></td></tr>!;

# If we are allowing web links in the calendar, we provide input items to
# enter the link title and link url to be used.

        if ($fcs::allow_links) {
                print qq!
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1"><font size="2"><b>Link Information 
<tr><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>Title</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="linktitle" size="30" maxlength="30">*
</td></tr><tr><td align="right"><font size="2"><b>URL</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="linkurl" size="30" maxlength="80">*</td></tr>!;

# We now provide some notes to the user regarding the properties of the Body 
# since many people want to hit the return key at the right margin of the
# textarea rather than letting it wrap automatically.

        print qq!


# This subroutine takes a title as an argument.  It then generates the
# content type information so the browser knows what it is receiving, and
# then opens up the HTML page.  It provides a javascript function that will
# be used by the help files and the search routine to display information.
# It also starts the standard form that will be used on most every page.

sub header {
        my ($title) = $_[0];
        if ($title eq '') {
                $title = "$fcs::cal_name Calendar";
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print qq!
        print qq!
<style type="text/css">
input, select { font: Tahoma; font-size: 8pt; border-width:1; 
border-color:000000; border-style:solid; }
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function openNew(url) {
        var win = window.open(url, "fc_info", 
<form method="post" action="$fcs::this_script_url" target="$fcs::day_frame" 
<input type="hidden" name="session_file" value="$session_file">
<input type="hidden" name="calendar" value="$form_data{'calendar'}">!;

# SUB spellcheckerjs #

# To include spellchecker routine

sub spellcheckerjs {
        print qq!
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" 

# SUB spellcheckerbutton #

# To include spellchecker routine

sub spellcheckerbutton {
        print qq!
<a href="javascript: var f= document.forms[0];doSpell('en', f.body, 
document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.host + 
'/cgi-bin/spellchecker/sproxy.cgi', true); "><img 


# This subroutine is used to generate a standard footer for each HTML
# page, and properly close the HTML.

sub footer {
        print qq!
<p><font size="1"><center>For comments or questions, contact


# This subroutine prints out the information for an event in the specified
# format.  It is called from three other subroutines.

sub print_event {
        my ($event) = $_[0];
        my ($time,$time_zone,$dur_hrs,$dur_mins,$name,$email,$notified);
        my ($linkurl,$linktitle,$location,$subject,$body,$end_time,$eventid);
        my ($mmn,$mh,$md,$mm,$myr,$mtime,$mtstr,$ampm,$recur_tag);

# We first gather all of the information on the event that was passed to us,
# and then format the time_zone variable and the end_time variable for display.

         $linkurl,$linktitle,$location,$subject,$body,$eventid) = 

        $time_zone = (($fcs::use_time_zones && $time_zone) ? " \( $time_zone 
\)" : '');
        if ($dur_hrs || $dur_mins) {
                $end_time = &get_end_time($time,$dur_hrs,$dur_mins);

# This section of code gets the time that the event file was last modified, so
# we can display this with the event for informational purposes.  After we get
# the time, which is provided in epoch seconds by stat, we format it for 

        $mtime = (stat("$fcs::path_to_events/$event"))[9];
        ($mmn,$mh,$md,$mm,$myr) = (localtime($mtime + ($fcs::time_offset * 
        $myr += 1900;
        $mm = $fcs::month_hash{$mm + 1};
        $ampm = "am";
        if ($mh >= 12 ) {
                $mh -= 12;
                $ampm = "pm";
        if ($mh == 0) { $mh = 12; }
        $mtstr = "$mm $md, $myr, at $mh\:".sprintf("%.2d", $mmn)." $ampm";

# Finally, we need to set up our recurrence tag.  If the event is a recurring
# event, and we have defined a value in calendar.setup for $recur_image, we
# will format it here.

        if( ($event =~ /_/o) && $fcs::recur_image ) {
                $recur_tag = " <img src=\"$fcs::recur_image\" border=\"0\" 
alt=\"[ recurring event ]\">";

# Now that we have all the information on the event, we need to print it out.
# The following lines of code do just that, printing out the HTML that formats
# the event information.
# Insert reminder script here 
# Insert reminder script here 
# Insert reminder script here 

        print qq!

<font color=$fcs::subjcol size="+1"><b>$subject</b></font>$recur_tag<br>
<font color=$fcs::timecol size="1">!;
        if ($end_time) {
                print qq!$fcs::TIME{$time} - 
        } else {
                print qq!( Call for Time )<br>!;
        print qq!
<font size="1"><i>For further information contact </i>
<a href="mailto:$email?subject=$subject";>$name</a>!;

# At the end of the print, we need to do special formatting depending on whether
# we are allowing off site links to be posted to the event, and if one is 
# If we answer yes to all of these, we add on the link information, formatting 
# so that we open a new browser to view the link.  Otherwise, we just finish up
# the closing line for the event.

        if ($fcs::allow_links && $linktitle && $linkurl) {
                print "<i> or go to </i>",
                          "<a href=\"$linkurl\" 
        print ".<br><i>Last Updated\: $mtstr ( Server Time )</i></font>";

# Generate random number
$session2 = int(rand(90000));

        print qq!
\<SCRIPT LANGUAGE\=javascript\>
\<\!-- Hide Code

function makeStory$session2\(\) \{
        var writeIt \= new Boolean\(true\)
        for \(var i\=0\; i\<4\; i++\)
        if \(writeIt\) \{
        var subject \= document\.getInfo$session2\.subject\.value
        var location \= document\.getInfo$session2\.location\.value
        var desc \= document\.getInfo$session2\.desc\.value
        storyWin \= window\.open\(\"\"\, 
var story \= \"<html><head><title>$fcs::site_dom_name ListServ<\/title><style 
type\=text\/css><\!--input, select { font: Tahoma\; font-size: 8pt\; 
border-width:1\; border-color:000000\; border-style:solid\; 
\}--><\/style><\/head><body bgcolor\=FFFFFF><BR><table cellpadding\=0 border\=0 
cellspacing\=0 width\=500><tr><td><img 
src\=http:\/\/$fcs::site_dom_name.com\/dot.gif height\=1 width\=41 
border\=0><BR><\/td><td bgcolor\=ff0000 width\=1><img 
src\=http:\/\/$fcs::site_dom_name.com\/dot.gif height\=75 width\=1 
border\=0><BR><\/td><td bgcolor\=ffffff width\=10><img 
src\=http:\/\/$fcs::site_dom_name.com\/dot.gif height\=75 width\=10 
border\=0><BR><\/td><td><center><form method\=POST 
 border\=0><tr><th align\=left colspan\=2><\/th><\/tr><tr><th align\=left>Your 
email address:<\/th><td><input type\=text name\=Email 
size\=15><\/td><\/tr><tr><th align\=left>Your Password:<\/th><td><input 
type\=text name\=Password size\=15><\/td><\/tr><tr><th align\=left>Your 
Password again:<\/th><td><input type\=text name\=Password2 
size\=15><\/td><\/tr><tr><td colspan\=2><font size\=1>Note: You must confirm 
yourself <u>once<\/u> via return email before you setup a 
reminder.<br><hr><\/td><\/tr><input type\=hidden name\=Sendme 
value\=Once><tr><th align\=left>How Far in Advance:<\/th><td><select 
name\=Remindme><option value\=1>1 day <option value\=3>3 days <option 
value\=7>1 week <option value\=21>3 weeks <option value\=30>1 month <option 
value\=180>6 months <\/select><\/td><\/tr><tr><td 
colspan\=2><hr><\/td><\/tr><tr><th align\=center colspan\=2>The 
Message:<\/th><\/tr><tr><td align\=center colspan\=2><textarea name\=Message 
cols\=40 rows\=5>\\n\"\;
var story \= story + subject + \"\\n\"\;
var story \= story + \"<br>\\n\"\;
var story \= story + location + \"\\n\"\;
var story \= story + \"<br>\\n\"\;
var story \= story + desc + \"<\/textarea><\/td><\/tr><tr><input type\=hidden 
name\=Formaction value\=Add><input type\=hidden name\=Sendme value\=Once><input 
type\=hidden name\=Day value\=$day2><input type\=hidden name\=Month 
value\=$current_month_name><input type\=hidden name\=Year 
value\=$currentyear><td colspan\=2 align\=center><input type\=submit 
name\=list_reminders>List Reminders:<\/a><\/strong><form method\=POST 
 type\=hidden name\=Formaction value\=List><table border\=1><tr><th><table 
border\=0><tr><th align\=right>Email address:<\/th><td><input type\=text 
name\=Email size\=15><\/td><\/tr><tr><th align\=right>Password:<\/th><td><input 
type\=password name\=Password size\=15><\/td><\/tr><tr><th colspan\=2><input 
type\=submit value\=List 
 size\=1>Concept by Arie Vandenberg, custom programming by Kristina 
Pfaff-Harris<br> RemindMe v3.1 copyright \&copy\; 2000 Kristina Pfaff-Harris 
can be found at <A 
\/\/ End hide --\>

        print ".<FORM NAME=\"getInfo$session2\"><INPUT NAME=subject TYPE=hidden 
SIZE=25 VALUE=\"$subject\"><INPUT NAME=desc TYPE=hidden SIZE=25 
VALUE=\"$body\"><INPUT NAME=location TYPE=hidden SIZE=25 
VALUE=\"$location\"><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Setup_Reminder 
onClick=makeStory$session2();return true></FORM>";



# This subroutine returns the information from an event file associated with an
# id number.  Note that we apply special formatting to the file when we create 
# and place it in the same order, so that when we call this subroutine it is
# returned in the same order every time.  Thus, if you make modifications to 
# data is stored in this file, be sure to get the insertion/extraction order
# correct!

sub get_event_info {
        my ($filename) = $_[0];
        my (@event_array);

# We open up the file, then read through it one line at a time.  If the line 
# with one of the tags that we have defined, we push what it "points to" onto 
# array that we will return.

        open (EVENTFILE, "$fcs::path_to_events/$filename") || 
&open_error("event file $filename");
        while (<EVENTFILE>) {
                   if (/^time->(.*)/io)                 { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^timezone->(.*)/io)             { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^durationhrs->(.*)/io)  { push (@event_array, $1); }
                elsif (/^durationmins->(.*)/io) { push (@event_array, $1); }
                elsif (/^name->(.*)/io)                 { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^email->(.*)/io)                { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^notified->(.*)/io)             { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^linkurl->(.*)/io)              { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^linktitle->(.*)/io)    { push (@event_array, $1); }
                elsif (/^location->(.*)/io)             { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^subject->(.*)/io)              { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
                elsif (/^body->(.*)/io)                 { push (@event_array, 
$1); }
        close (EVENTFILE);

# At the end of the file, we close it, then chomp the entire array, since
# each item has a trailing new line character.  We are then done, so we
# return the array.

        chomp (@event_array);
        return (@event_array);


# This subroutine takes a beginning time and duration and returns a
# properly formatted end time.

sub get_end_time {
        my ($time,$dur_hrs,$dur_mins) = @_;
        my ($end_hrs,$end_mins,$end_time);

# Initialize the end_hrs and end_mins by splitting the start time
# at the :.  We then increase the minutes by the duration minutes.
# If they are greater than 60, we add one to end_hrs, and subtract
# 60 off of end_mins.  Then we add the duration hours to end_hrs,
# and correct for being greater than 24 if necessary.  We then
# format the time correctly, and return it.

        ($end_hrs,$end_mins) = split(/:/, $time);
        $end_mins += $dur_mins;
        if ($end_mins >= 60) { $end_hrs++; $end_mins -= 60; }
        $end_hrs += $dur_hrs;
        if ($end_hrs >= 24) { $end_hrs -= 24; }
        $end_time = sprintf("%.2d", $end_hrs).":".sprintf("%.2d", $end_mins);
        return ($end_time);


# This subroutine calculates the day of the week a particular date falls on,
# and returns that name.  Note that it uses English names for the days of the
# week, so you will need to change these if you are converting to another 

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