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a2ps 4.13: sheets.map entries should not match path components, just the

From: Barizien, Stephane
Subject: a2ps 4.13: sheets.map entries should not match path components, just the basename
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 14:40:39 +0200

Hi folks,

What I see is that if I define the following sheets.map entry:

# [gtn]roff source
roff_source:    /*.[123456789]*/

then when a2ps processes:

a2ps -E ./bar.1/foo.c

then the file is processed with the 'roff_source' sheet instead of the 'C' sheet.

IMVHO, a2ps should match the pattern with the  file's basename, not with the  entire

Feel free to ask for more information.



Stephane Barizien <stephane dot barizien at oce dot com>
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