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[Bug-apl] A really simple component-file implementation

From: David B. Lamkins
Subject: [Bug-apl] A really simple component-file implementation
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:05:22 -0700

Here's a really simple component-file implementation I cobbled together
last night and this morning. This has been tested only lightly; I
wouldn't advise pushing this code into production.  ;)

The implementation consists of nine functions and one variable.

Call cf∆init to load the apl-sqlite library from the location specified
by cf∆∆libpath. You can skip this step if you've already fixed the
library to SQL.

Component files are opened and closed using cf∆tie and cf∆untie,
respectively. cf∆tie returns a tie number that's used as a handle by all
subsequent calls.

Append a component to the file using cf∆append, which returns the
component number.

Inquire the largest component number using cf∆max_cn. Note that this is
not necessarily the number of components.

An existing component can be replaced using cf∆replace. The left
argument is a list of the tie number and the component number.

An existing component can be dropped using cf∆drop.

A component's presence may be inquired using cf∆exists. This is handy if
you need to preflight an operation that assumes an existing component.
(I intentionally didn't include this in operations that assume presence
of a component. If you need the check, do it yourself; if you know that
the check is unnecessary, don't bother.)

An existing component is read using cf∆read.

I'm currently using 2⎕tf and ⍎ to encode and decode stored component
data. SQLite seems to accept Unicode data just fine.

There are presently no facilities to support concurrency or sharing.
Error checking is almost entirely nonexistent.

You'll probably need to adjust cf∆∆libpath for your installation.


∇z←tn cf∆append data
 ⍝ Add a new component and return its component number.
 'insert into component ( data ) values ( ? )' SQL[4,tn] ⊂5↓2⎕tf 'data'
 z←cf∆max tn

∇tn cf∆drop cn
 ⍝ Drop an existing component.
 'delete from component where oid = ?' SQL[4,tn] cn

∇z←tn cf∆exists cn
 ⍝ Inquire whether a component exists.
 z←↑,'select 1 from component where oid = ?' SQL[3,tn] cn

 ⍝ Ensure that the apl-sqlite library is loaded.
 →(0≠⎕nc 'SQL')/0
 cf∆∆libpath ⎕fx 'SQL'

∇z←cf∆max_cn tn
 ⍝ Return the component file's largest component number.
 z←'select max(oid) from component' SQL[4,tn] ⍬

∇z←tn cf∆read cn
 ⍝ Read an existing component.
 z←⍎,⊃'select data from component where oid = ?' SQL[3,tn] cn

∇where cf∆replace data;tn;cn
 ⍝ Replace an existing component.
 'replace into component ( oid, data ) values ( ?, ? )' SQL[4,tn] (cn)
(5↓2⎕tf 'data')

∇z←cf∆tie path
 ⍝ Get a reference to a named component file. Create the file if needed.
 z←'sqlite' SQL[1] path
 'create table if not exists component ( data text )' SQL[4,z] ⍬

∇cf∆untie tn
 ⍝ Close the referenced component file.
 SQL[2] tn

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