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Re: [Bug-apl] APL and text editors- some initial thoughts

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] APL and text editors- some initial thoughts
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:26:09 +0200
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Hi Peter,

good question, I'm really happy to explain it.

GNU APL is almost completely Doxygen documented. Almost conmpletely means that new functions
take a while before I update the Doxygen documentation (it makes little sense to do that while functions
come and go).

Doxygen is a terrific tool for creating software documentation. If you run 'make DOXY' in the top-level
GNU APL directory then it will create a lot of .html files in the directory html. You can browse these
files, starting at index.html. The files show the structure of the code, who calls whom etc.

Now back to your question: You may have noticed that the comments in the header file start with /// instead
of //. That is a marker for Doxygen telling it that the line is documentation for the item following it.
And the \b is a Doxygen formating character for bold so that the next work will be bold in the Doxygen
generated files.

/// Jürgen

On 04/28/2014 10:00 PM, Peter Teeson wrote:
OK thanks I'll take a look. Been a long while since I did C++ so this will be a refresher.

BTW why do I see so many \b just in .hh files where there are comments describing method declarations?
e.g.    /// true iff this line number is smaller than \b other
   bool operator <(const LineLabel & other) const;
   /// edit the function specified in \b cmd (e.g. cmd = "∇FUN")
   static void edit_function(const UCS_string & cmd);

and many other places in the header files.  I understand it as an ASCII backspace control code.
But why is it in the comments?



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