Keyboard setup for the Unicomp APL keyboard by Blake McBride (address@hidden) for use with xkbcomp and X11 xkbcomp is the more modern keyboard configuration utility under X11. Unlike xmodmap, it allows significantly better control over key combinations. And, it turns out, that the Unicomp APL keyboard is laid out in such a way that it is impossible to map it with xmodmap. xkbcomp is powerful enough to support the Unicomp APL keyboard completely. USAGE I would suggest creating a map of your pre-exiting keyboard setup first so that you can easily go back to it. The following command will accomplish that: xkbcomp :0 normal.xkb Switching to the Unicomp APL keyboard configuration is done with: xkbcomp apl.unicomp.xkb :0 Switching back to your original keyboard config is done with: xkbcomp normal.xkb :0 Whenever you change configurations, you may have to restart your xterm or command prompt. You shouldn't logout / login. Logging out re-starts X11 and returns you back to your original configuration. ABOUT THE CONFIGURATION All keys should work as they originally did except when the Right-Alt key or the Right-Control is used. Key combinations utilizing the Left-Alt or Left-Control keys are unaffected. All characters shown in black on the keyboard work like any normal keyboard. The characters shown in orange are accessed with the use of the Right-Alt, Shift-Right-Alt, and Right-Control keys. All keys, with one exception that is done on purpose, are mapped exactly as shown on the keyboard. The only exception is for the diamond character. The Unicomp keyboard does not have that character but instead has another that is not used. The diamond is mapped to the key in the upper left of the keyboard with the black tilde and tick characters. The diamond is mapped to the side of that key. Orange characters on the _top_ of each key are accessed with the Right-Alt and Shift-Right-Alt keys. If there is only one orange character on the top of the key, it is accessed with the Right-Alt key. If there are two orange characters on the top of the key, the bottom one is accessed with the Right-Alt key, and the top one is accessed with the Shift-Right-Alt keys. Orange characters shown on the _side_ of the key are all accessed with the Right-Control key. TECHNICAL If you wish to remap any keys, you will see in the apl.unicomp.xkb file the use of the EIGHT_LEVEL type. This allows for 8 different characters to be associated to each key. The combinations, in order, are as follows: Normal Shift Right-Alt Shift-Right-Alt Right-Control Shift-Right-Control Right-Alt-Right-Control Shift-Right-Alt-Right-Control Before character mapping, the original xkb file was created with: setxkbmap -print us -option -option lv3:ralt_switch -option lv5:rwin_switch_lock | sed -e s/rwin_switch_lock/rctrl_switch/ | xkbcomp -xkb - startfrom.xkb