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[Bug-apl] Xcode debug console vs GNU APL

From: Peter Teeson
Subject: [Bug-apl] Xcode debug console vs GNU APL
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 16:50:17 -0400

It's time for me to follow Polya's problem solving advice and try a different approach.
So please contribute to my education….;}
Warning there are a number of screen shots to illustrate things. So it's not a brief note.

What am I trying to do? 
Use Apple's development tool Xcode to develop/debug GNU APL.
        NOTE: Apple uses llvm/clang as the compiler and lldb as the debugger.
So what's the problem?
Apparently the Xcode debug console is not an xterm-256color device.
NOTE in Xcode I have set the colour prefs for the console.
Both TERM=xterm-256color and --silent are constant in the following.

Before launching I added a Q(…) to CinOut::overflow as Jürgen suggested.
CinOut::overflow(int c)
   if (!uprefs.echo_current_file())   return 0;
. . . 

        Launching APL with no other options displays this output:
NOTE the terminal control codes and the echoing of stdin to stdout.
NOTE the extra \r  after the iota 5
Launching with --noCIN does not alter this. 
Launching with --noColor displays this:
NOTE the 1st 3 terminal control codes are no longer emitted. 
Launching with both --noColor --noCIN is the same as above.

Next we will try with just --rawCIN. The display is:
NOTE: the extra terminal control codes. But stdin is not echoed.
Now we will try --rawCIN --noColor
NOTE:The terminal control codes are gone. Indentation seems strange.

Finally we will try --rawCIN -- noColor -- noCIN
NOTE the indentation is not correct.

COMMENT: It seems --rawCIN makes the output use 
static char *
no_readline(const UCS_string * prompt)

even though it's ./configure'd by default.

I'm trying to get my head around where to go from here?



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