Keyboard setup for a WASD custom APL keyboard by Blake McBride (address@hidden) for use with xkbcomp and X11 xkbcomp is the more modern keyboard configuration utility under X11. Unlike xmodmap, it allows significantly better control over key combinations. WASD WASD is a company that produces custom keyboards of extremely high quality. They are located at: I created a custom keyboard. This is a vector graphics file specifying exactly what characters appear on each key. The layout file I gave them is in the file named: That file is supplied as a zip file. You will need to unzip it to use or submit it to WASD. That file can be provided to WASD as-is, or you may modify it with the inkscape program. If you modify the layout, you will have to modify the corresponding mapping file (apl.wasd.kbd) too. The keyboard I used was: WASD V2 104-key Custom Mechanical Keyboard Switch type: cherry MX Brown 0.2mm sound dampeners white keys (easier to see) light gray modifiers Centered function keys OS key - Blank (I called it "Meta" in the layout (OS neutral) USAGE I would suggest creating a map of your pre-exiting keyboard setup first so that you can easily go back to it. The following command will accomplish that: xkbcomp :0 normal.xkb Switching to the custom APL keyboard configuration is done with: xkbcomp apl.wasd.xkb :0 Switching back to your original keyboard config is done with: xkbcomp normal.xkb :0 ABOUT THE CONFIGURATION All keys should work as they originally did except when the Right-Alt key or the Right-Alt-Shift key combination is used. Key combinations utilizing the Left-Alt or Left-Control keys are unaffected. All characters shown in black on the keyboard work like any normal keyboard. The characters shown in orange are accessed with the use of the Right-Alt, and Shift-Right-Alt keys. All keys are mapped exactly as shown on the keyboard. Orange characters on each key are accessed with the Right-Alt and Shift-Right-Alt keys. If there is only one orange character on the top of the key, it is accessed with the Right-Alt key. If there are two orange characters on the top of the key, the bottom one is accessed with the Right-Alt key, and the top one is accessed with the Shift-Right-Alt keys.