- When saving a buffer under a different name, existing buffers with that name adopt the new content. - Implement Revert for edit window. - Implement search in transcript and edit windows. (APL characters not yet supported. Requires GTK+ 3.10 or later.) - Implement substring search in Open Object dialog. (APL characters not yet supported.) - Add help menu to edit window. - Don't lose unsaved edit windows when closing transcript. - Fix crash that may occur while closing an edit window. - Add tabbed notebook to display APLwrap manuals. - Add keyboard accelerators for commonly used menu items. - Remember recently used folders as sidebar shortcuts in Open File dialog. - Keep function editor window open upon syntax error. - Implemented file Open, Save and Save As. - Fit Open Object selector to width of longest name. - Add mnemonics to menus and menu items. - Editor line and column numbers are now displayed in origin 0. - Editor line and column numbers update in sync with cursor movement, whether via keyboard or mouse. - Edit window opens with cursor at <0,0>. - Bind Alt-PageUp and Alt-PageDown to move backward and forward by APL prompt through the transcript. - Add a pstat window. - Implement mouse-2 paste in transcript. - APL prompts are now highlighted with a light-blue background. - Save and restore settings. - Add a toggle for the pstat line.