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[Bug-AUCTeX] Re: 11.81; *output* buffer is set to UTF-8

From: stefan pofahl
Subject: [Bug-AUCTeX] Re: 11.81; *output* buffer is set to UTF-8
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 21:14:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Stefan Pofahl <stefan <at> pofahl.de> writes:  
> David Kastrup <dak <at> gnu.org> writes:  
> >   
> > So a lot of guess work is involved here, and XEmacs 21.4 is, of all  
> > Emacsen available that happen to be able to deal with utf-8 at all,  
> > pretty much the worst option.  It will basically not guess at all but  
> > follow the locale, and even then you need to kick it extra if that is  
> > utf-8.  
> >   
> > Doing the right thing is far from trivial, in particular if "the right  
> > thing" is such a fuzzy concept.  
> >   
> Hi David,  
> thanks for all your comments! I'm neither an XEmacs-edict nor am I an  
> experienced elisp-coder, but perhaps I'm a bit a sportsmen and I use   
> XEmacs in my office (MS-Windows computer) and so I will try, if I  
> can solve the problem in a better way than shown above   
> So that I can work at home and in the office with the same editor.  
> If I found another (hopefully better) trick, - as published above -,  
> I will foreward my solution here.  
> Kindest Regards,  
> Stefan  
I still don't know for sure what the most elegant way is, 
to set "iso-latin-1" coding system for editing LaTeX-Files  
on mule-enabled (x)emacs in the auctex inviroment.   
I'm sure there is a way, beside the emacs-dev-version, 
David suggested ...  
But have three workarounds:  
Change from "iso-latin-1" to utf8. To do that, you need the packet  
"latex-ucs" (it's part of the debian-distribution),  
than you can write:  
origin: http://stephan.walter.name/LaTeX#latex-ucs  
Don't install XEmacs with "mule"-support (that is what I did ;-) )  
Or perhaps, put this in your "init.el":  
(set-language-enviroment "Latin-1")  
Or if you need Euro-Symbol:  
(set-language-enviroment "Latin-9")  
(I have not checked the result.)  
And I'm sure you can set this value depend on the   
mode or dependend of the file extension, perhaps the  
following is good (I haven't checked it by myself):  
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook  
           (set-language-enviroment "Latin-9")  
Kindest regards,  
When I finished my work on my init.el for "XEmacs-tetex" 
I will publish it under: 

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