========================================= GNU Automake 1.14: ./test-suite.log ========================================= # TOTAL: 2776 # PASS: 2503 # SKIP: 233 # XFAIL: 39 # FAIL: 1 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 .. contents:: :depth: 2 SKIP: t/get-sysconf =================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/get-sysconf.dir + st=0 + test -d /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/.git + test -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/ChangeLog + awk ' BEGIN { first = 1 } (first == 1) { print; first = 0; next; } /^[^\t]/ { exit(0); } { print } ' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/ChangeLog 2013-06-20 Stefano Lattarini release: stable minor release 1.14 * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump version number to 1.14. * m4/amversion.m4: Likewise (auto-updated by "make bootstrap"). + /usr/bin/perl -V Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 14 subversion 2) configuration: Platform: osname=linux, osvers=2.6.32-5-686-bigmem, archname=i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int uname='linux murphy 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem #1 smp mon feb 25 01:53:47 utc 2013 i686 gnulinux ' config_args='-Dusethreads -Duselargefiles -Dccflags=-DDEBIAN -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Dldflags= -Wl,-z,relro -Dlddlflags=-shared -Wl,-z,relro -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Darchname=i486-linux-gnu -Dprefix=/usr -Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.14 -Darchlib=/usr/lib/perl/5.14 -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5 -Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5 -Dsiteprefix=/usr/local -Dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 -Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1 -Dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -Duse64bitint -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3perl -Dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -Uafs -Ud_csh -Ud_ualarm -Uusesfio -Uusenm -Ui_libutil -DDEBUGGING=-g -Doptimize=-O2 -Duseshrplib -Dlibperl=libperl.so.5.14.2 -des' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef use64bitint=define, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', optimize='-O2 -g', cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include' ccversion='', gccversion='4.7.2', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12 ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=4, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib' libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/i386-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib libs=-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt perllibs=-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt libc=, so=so, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.so.5.14.2 gnulibc_version='2.13' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E' cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector' Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): Compile-time options: MULTIPLICITY PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT PERL_MALLOC_WRAP PERL_PRESERVE_IVUV USE_64_BIT_INT USE_ITHREADS USE_LARGE_FILES USE_PERLIO USE_PERL_ATOF USE_REENTRANT_API Locally applied patches: DEBPKG:debian/arm_thread_stress_timeout - http://bugs.debian.org/501970 Raise the timeout of ext/threads/shared/t/stress.t to accommodate slower build hosts DEBPKG:debian/cpan_definstalldirs - Provide a sensible INSTALLDIRS default for modules installed from CPAN. DEBPKG:debian/db_file_ver - http://bugs.debian.org/340047 Remove overly restrictive DB_File version check. DEBPKG:debian/doc_info - Replace generic man(1) instructions with Debian-specific information. DEBPKG:debian/enc2xs_inc - http://bugs.debian.org/290336 Tweak enc2xs to follow symlinks and ignore missing @INC directories. DEBPKG:debian/errno_ver - http://bugs.debian.org/343351 Remove Errno version check due to upgrade problems with long-running processes. DEBPKG:debian/libperl_embed_doc - http://bugs.debian.org/186778 Note that libperl-dev package is required for embedded linking DEBPKG:fixes/respect_umask - Respect umask during installation DEBPKG:debian/writable_site_dirs - Set umask approproately for site install directories DEBPKG:debian/extutils_set_libperl_path - EU:MM: Set location of libperl.a to /usr/lib DEBPKG:debian/no_packlist_perllocal - Don't install .packlist or perllocal.pod for perl or vendor DEBPKG:debian/prefix_changes - Fiddle with *PREFIX and variables written to the makefile DEBPKG:debian/fakeroot - Postpone LD_LIBRARY_PATH evaluation to the binary targets. DEBPKG:debian/instmodsh_doc - Debian policy doesn't install .packlist files for core or vendor. DEBPKG:debian/ld_run_path - Remove standard libs from LD_RUN_PATH as per Debian policy. DEBPKG:debian/libnet_config_path - Set location of libnet.cfg to /etc/perl/Net as /usr may not be writable. DEBPKG:debian/m68k_thread_stress - http://bugs.debian.org/517938 http://bugs.debian.org/495826 Disable some threads tests on m68k for now due to missing TLS. DEBPKG:debian/mod_paths - Tweak @INC ordering for Debian DEBPKG:debian/module_build_man_extensions - http://bugs.debian.org/479460 Adjust Module::Build manual page extensions for the Debian Perl policy DEBPKG:debian/prune_libs - http://bugs.debian.org/128355 Prune the list of libraries wanted to what we actually need. DEBPKG:fixes/net_smtp_docs - [rt.cpan.org #36038] http://bugs.debian.org/100195 Document the Net::SMTP 'Port' option DEBPKG:debian/perlivp - http://bugs.debian.org/510895 Make perlivp skip include directories in /usr/local DEBPKG:debian/cpanplus_definstalldirs - http://bugs.debian.org/533707 Configure CPANPLUS to use the site directories by default. DEBPKG:debian/cpanplus_config_path - Save local versions of CPANPLUS::Config::System into /etc/perl. DEBPKG:debian/deprecate-with-apt - http://bugs.debian.org/580034 Point users to Debian packages of deprecated core modules DEBPKG:fixes/hurd-ccflags - [a190e64] http://bugs.debian.org/587901 [perl #92244] Make hints/gnu.sh append to $ccflags rather than overriding them DEBPKG:debian/squelch-locale-warnings - http://bugs.debian.org/508764 Squelch locale warnings in Debian package maintainer scripts DEBPKG:debian/skip-upstream-git-tests - Skip tests specific to the upstream Git repository DEBPKG:fixes/extutils-cbuilder-cflags - [011e8fb] http://bugs.debian.org/624460 [perl #89478] Append CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to their Config.pm counterparts in EU::CBuilder DEBPKG:fixes/module-build-home-directory - http://bugs.debian.org/624850 [rt.cpan.org #67893] Fix failing tilde test when run under a UID without a passwd entry DEBPKG:debian/patchlevel - http://bugs.debian.org/567489 List packaged patches for 5.14.2-21 in patchlevel.h DEBPKG:fixes/h2ph-multiarch - [e7ec705] http://bugs.debian.org/625808 [perl #90122] Make h2ph correctly search gcc include directories DEBPKG:fixes/index-tainting - [3b36395] http://bugs.debian.org/291450 [perl #64804] RT 64804: tainting with index() of a constant DEBPKG:fixes/document_makemaker_ccflags - http://bugs.debian.org/628522 [rt.cpan.org #68613] Document that CCFLAGS should include $Config{ccflags} DEBPKG:fixes/sys-syslog-socket-timeout-kfreebsd.patch - http://bugs.debian.org/627821 [rt.cpan.org #69997] Use a socket timeout on GNU/kFreeBSD to catch ICMP port unreachable messages DEBPKG:fixes/hurd-hints - http://bugs.debian.org/636609 Improve general GNU hints, needed for GNU/Hurd. DEBPKG:fixes/pod_fixes - [7698aed] http://bugs.debian.org/637816 Fix typos in several pod/perl*.pod files DEBPKG:debian/find_html2text - http://bugs.debian.org/640479 Configure CPAN::Distribution with correct name of html2text DEBPKG:fixes/digest_eval_hole - http://bugs.debian.org/644108 Close the eval "require $module" security hole in Digest->new($algorithm) DEBPKG:fixes/hurd-ndbm - [f0d0a20] [perl #102680] http://bugs.debian.org/645989 Add GNU/Hurd hints for NDBM_File DEBPKG:fixes/sysconf.t-posix - [8040185] [perl #102888] http://bugs.debian.org/646016 Fix hang in ext/POSIX/t/sysconf.t on GNU/Hurd DEBPKG:fixes/hurd-largefile - [1fda587] [perl #103014] http://bugs.debian.org/645790 enable LFS on GNU/Hurd DEBPKG:debian/hurd_test_todo_syslog - http://bugs.debian.org/650093 Disable failing GNU/Hurd tests in cpan/Sys-Syslog/t/syslog.t DEBPKG:fixes/hurd_skip_itimer_virtual - [rt.cpan.org #72754] http://bugs.debian.org/650094 Skip interval timer tests in Time::HiRes on GNU/Hurd DEBPKG:debian/hurd_test_skip_sigdispatch - http://bugs.debian.org/650188 Disable failing GNU/Hurd tests op/sigdispatch.t DEBPKG:debian/hurd_test_skip_stack - http://bugs.debian.org/650175 Disable failing GNU/Hurd tests dist/threads/t/stack.t DEBPKG:debian/hurd_test_skip_pipe - http://bugs.debian.org/650187 Disable failing GNU/Hurd tests io/pipe.t DEBPKG:debian/hurd_test_skip_io_pipe - http://bugs.debian.org/650096 Disable failing GNU/Hurd tests dist/IO/t/io_pipe.t DEBPKG:fixes/manpage_name_CPAN - http://bugs.debian.org/650448 [rt.cpan.org #73396] cpan/CPAN: add NAME headings in modules with POD DEBPKG:fixes/manpage_name_CPANPLUS - http://bugs.debian.org/650450 [rt.cpan.org #73398] cpan/CPANPLUS: add NAME headings in modules with POD DEBPKG:fixes/manpage_name_Test-Harness - http://bugs.debian.org/650451 [rt.cpan.org #73399] cpan/Test-Harness: add NAME headings in modules with POD DEBPKG:fixes/manpage_name_Term-UI - http://bugs.debian.org/650452 [rt.cpan.org #73400] cpan/Term-UI: add NAME headings in modules with POD DEBPKG:fixes/podlators_ae_ligature_fallback - http://bugs.debian.org/652851 Fix the ASCII fallback string for AE DEBPKG:fixes/fsf_postal_address - [de89470] Update references to the FSF's postal address DEBPKG:fixes/cpan_module_pod_fixes - [perl #106870] [rt.cpan.org #73447] [rt.cpan.org #73446] Fix POD formatting in Term-Cap and Pod-Parser DEBPKG:fixes/cgi_no_shellwords_pl - Use Text::ParseWords instead of shellwords.pl DEBPKG:fixes/path_max_fallback - [perl #109262] http://bugs.debian.org/656869 Don't use _POSIX_PATH_MAX as a fallback PATH_MAX DEBPKG:debian/makemaker-pasthru - http://bugs.debian.org/660195 [rt.cpan.org #28632] Make EU::MM pass LD through to recursive Makefile.PL invocations DEBPKG:fixes/propagate_tainted_errors.patch - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=663158 [perl #111654] properly propagate tainted errors DEBPKG:debian/perl5db-x-terminal-emulator.patch - http://bugs.debian.org/668490 Invoke x-terminal-emulator rather than xterm in perl5db.pl DEBPKG:fixes/socket_cache_propagate - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=659075 [rt.cpan.org #61577] [perl #112736] sockdomain and socktype undef on newly accepted sockets DEBPKG:fixes/ipc_open3 - [perl #114454] http://bugs.debian.org/683894 IPC::Open3::open3(..., '-') broken DEBPKG:fixes/string_repeat_overrun - http://bugs.debian.org/689314 [b675304] avoid calling memset with a negative count DEBPKG:debian/cpan-missing-site-dirs - http://bugs.debian.org/688842 Fix CPAN::FirstTime defaults with nonexisting site dirs if a parent is writable DEBPKG:fixes/kfreebsd-overrides - http://bugs.debian.org/689713 [perl #115324] [7dc6565] Remove unnecessary overrides in gnukfreebsd and gnuknetbsd hints. DEBPKG:fixes/tainted-smartmatch - [be88a5c] http://bugs.debian.org/690571 [perl #93590] $tainted ~~ [...] failing DEBPKG:fixes/regexp-matching-starter - [6e634c5] http://bugs.debian.org/690975 [perl #101710] Regression with /i, latin1 chars. DEBPKG:fixes/regexp-matching-fold - [399fb9c] http://bugs.debian.org/690976 regexec.c: Fix "\x{FB01}\x{FB00}" =~ /ff/i DEBPKG:fixes/regexp-matching-opposite-case - [dc91d5a] http://bugs.debian.org/690979 [perl #101970] /[[:lower:]]/i matches upper case DEBPKG:fixes/reading-glob-copy-handle - [fd1564b] http://bugs.debian.org/629363 [perl #92258] <$fh> hangs on a glob copy DEBPKG:fixes/smartmatch-rhs-precedence - http://bugs.debian.org/691102 [011be0b] Enforce Any ~~ Object smartmatch precedence DEBPKG:fixes/perlcheat-update - http://bugs.debian.org/691112 [ab0ae0a] Update PerlCheat to 5.14 DEBPKG:fixes/cgi-cr-escaping - http://bugs.debian.org/693420 CR escaping for P3P and Set-Cookie headers DEBPKG:fixes/maketext-code-execution - [1735f6f] http://bugs.debian.org/695224 Fix misparsing of maketext strings. DEBPKG:fixes/storable-security-warning - [664f237] http://bugs.debian.org/695223 add a note about security concerns in Storable DEBPKG:fixes/digest-sha-doublefree - [rt.cpan.org #82655] http://bugs.debian.org/698172 [a8c6ff7] Fix a double-free bug in Digest::SHA DEBPKG:fixes/64bitint-signedness-wraparound - http://bugs.debian.org/698320 [94e529c] Avoid wraparound when casting unsigned size_t to signed ssize_t. DEBPKG:fixes/stdin-sigchld - http://bugs.debian.org/700171 [perl #116621] [be48bbe] add a couple missing LEAVEs in perlio_async_run() DEBPKG:fixes/hsplit-rehash - [d59e31f] http://bugs.debian.org/702296 Prevent premature hsplit() calls, and only trigger REHASH after hsplit() DEBPKG:fixes/encode-memleak - http://bugs.debian.org/702416 [5814803] Encode: Fixed a memory leak that occurred in the UTF-8 encoding. Built under linux Compiled at Apr 12 2013 09:28:16 @INC: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . + /usr/bin/perl -e 'use TAP::Parser; print $TAP::Parser::VERSION, "\n"' 3.23 + false --version + : + false --help + : + false --version + : + false --help + : + cat /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/config.log This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. It was created by GNU Automake configure 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was $ ./configure ## --------- ## ## Platform. ## ## --------- ## hostname = debian uname -m = i686 uname -r = 3.2.0-4-686-pae uname -s = Linux uname -v = #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1+deb7u1 /usr/bin/uname -p = unknown /bin/uname -X = unknown /bin/arch = unknown /usr/bin/arch -k = unknown /usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown /usr/bin/hostinfo = unknown /bin/machine = unknown /usr/bin/oslevel = unknown /bin/universe = unknown PATH: /usr/local/bin PATH: /usr/bin PATH: /bin PATH: /usr/local/games PATH: /usr/games ## ----------- ## ## Core tests. ## ## ----------- ## configure:2031: checking whether make supports nested variables configure:2048: result: yes configure:2064: checking build system type configure:2078: result: i686-pc-linux-gnu configure:2098: checking host system type configure:2111: result: i686-pc-linux-gnu configure:2164: checking for a BSD-compatible install configure:2232: result: /usr/bin/install -c configure:2243: checking whether build environment is sane configure:2298: result: yes configure:2449: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p configure:2488: result: /bin/mkdir -p configure:2495: checking for gawk configure:2525: result: no configure:2495: checking for mawk configure:2511: found /usr/bin/mawk configure:2522: result: mawk configure:2533: checking whether make sets $(MAKE) configure:2555: result: yes configure:2712: checking whether ln -s works configure:2716: result: yes configure:2726: checking for perl configure:2744: found /usr/bin/perl configure:2756: result: /usr/bin/perl configure:2768: /usr/bin/perl --version This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int (with 80 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail) Copyright 1987-2011, Larry Wall Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit. Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page. configure:2771: $? = 0 configure:2783: checking for tex configure:2813: result: no configure:2821: --version , This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by David J. MacKenzie and Akim Demaille. configure:2941: $? = 0 configure:2949: result: yes configure:2956: checking whether autoconf works configure:2963: cd conftest && autoconf -o /dev/null conftest.ac configure:2966: $? = 0 configure:2975: result: yes configure:2982: checking whether autoconf is recent enough configure:2989: cd conftest && autoconf -o /dev/null conftest.ac configure:2992: $? = 0 configure:3001: result: yes configure:3008: checking whether ln works configure:3028: result: yes configure:3046: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e configure:3104: result: /bin/grep configure:3109: checking for egrep configure:3171: result: /bin/grep -E configure:3176: checking for fgrep configure:3238: result: /bin/grep -F configure:3281: will now look for a sturdy POSIX shell, for our testsuite configure:3317: checking for sh configure:3335: found /bin/sh configure:3347: result: /bin/sh configure:3317: checking for sh5 configure:3350: result: no configure:3317: checking for dash configure:3335: found /bin/dash configure:3347: result: /bin/dash configure:3317: checking for ash configure:3350: result: no configure:3317: checking for bash configure:3335: found /bin/bash configure:3347: result: /bin/bash configure:3317: checking for zsh configure:3350: result: no configure:3317: checking for ksh configure:3350: result: no configure:3317: checking for pdksh configure:3350: result: no configure:3371: checking whether /bin/bash supports $(cmd) configure:3381: result: yes configure:3391: checking whether /bin/bash supports $((expr)) configure:3401: result: yes configure:3411: checking whether /bin/bash supports ${#var} configure:3424: result: yes configure:3434: checking whether /bin/bash supports ${var#glob} and ${var%glob} configure:3448: result: yes configure:3458: checking whether /bin/bash preserves exit traps with "set -e" configure:3468: result: yes configure:3478: checking whether /bin/bash can define exit traps in a shell function configure:3488: result: yes configure:3498: checking whether /bin/bash corrupts stderr with "set -x" configure:3512: result: no configure:3520: checking whether /bin/bash can return early from "dot-sourced" files configure:3530: result: yes configure:3542: checking whether /bin/bash supports alias named like shell builtins configure:3552: result: yes configure:3562: checking whether /bin/bash supports "test -e" configure:3572: result: yes configure:3590: shell /bin/bash is good enough, stop looking configure:3607: will use /bin/bash as the testsuite shell configure:3631: will now look for generic compilers configure:3694: checking for cc configure:3710: found /usr/bin/cc configure:3721: result: cc configure:3754: checking for C compiler version configure:3763: cc --version >&5 cc (Debian 4.7.3-4) 4.7.3 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. configure:3774: $? = 0 configure:3763: cc -v >&5 Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=cc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper Target: i486-linux-gnu Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.3-4' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --with-system-zlib --enable-objc-gc --enable-targets=all --with-cloog --enable-cloog-backend=ppl --disable-cloog-version-check --disable-ppl-version-check --enable-multiarch --with-arch-32=i586 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=i486-linux-gnu --host=i486-linux-gnu --target=i486-linux-gnu Thread model: posix gcc version 4.7.3 (Debian 4.7.3-4) configure:3774: $? = 0 configure:3763: cc -V >&5 cc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V' cc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. configure:3774: $? = 4 configure:3763: cc -qversion >&5 cc: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion' cc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. configure:3774: $? = 4 configure:3794: checking whether the C compiler works configure:3816: cc conftest.c >&5 configure:3820: $? = 0 configure:3870: result: yes configure:3873: checking for C compiler default output file name configure:3875: result: a.out configure:3881: checking for suffix of executables configure:3888: cc -o conftest conftest.c >&5 configure:3892: $? = 0 configure:3916: result: configure:3938: checking whether we are cross compiling configure:3946: cc -o conftest conftest.c >&5 configure:3950: $? = 0 configure:3957: ./conftest configure:3961: $? = 0 configure:3979: result: no configure:3984: checking for suffix of object files configure:4006: cc -c conftest.c >&5 configure:4010: $? = 0 configure:4033: result: o configure:4037: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler configure:4056: cc -c conftest.c >&5 configure:4056: $? = 0 configure:4065: result: yes configure:4074: checking whether cc accepts -g configure:4094: cc -c -g conftest.c >&5 configure:4094: $? = 0 configure:4135: result: yes configure:4152: checking for cc option to accept ISO C89 configure:4215: cc -c -g -O2 conftest.c >&5 configure:4215: $? = 0 configure:4228: result: none needed configure:4253: checking whether cc understands -c and -o together configure:4275: cc -c conftest.c -o conftest2.o configure:4278: $? = 0 configure:4275: cc -c conftest.c -o conftest2.o configure:4278: $? = 0 configure:4290: result: yes configure:4412: checking for aCC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for CC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for FCC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for KCC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for RCC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for xlC_r configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for xlC configure:4442: result: no configure:4412: checking for c++ configure:4428: found /usr/bin/c++ configure:4439: result: c++ configure:4466: checking for C++ compiler version configure:4475: c++ --version >&5 c++ (Debian 4.7.3-4) 4.7.3 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. configure:4486: $? = 0 configure:4475: c++ -v >&5 Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=c++ COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper Target: i486-linux-gnu Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.3-4' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --with-system-zlib --enable-objc-gc --enable-targets=all --with-cloog --enable-cloog-backend=ppl --disable-cloog-version-check --disable-ppl-version-check --enable-multiarch --with-arch-32=i586 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=i486-linux-gnu --host=i486-linux-gnu --target=i486-linux-gnu Thread model: posix gcc version 4.7.3 (Debian 4.7.3-4) configure:4486: $? = 0 configure:4475: c++ -V >&5 c++: error: unrecognized command line option '-V' c++: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. configure:4486: $? = 4 configure:4475: c++ -qversion >&5 c++: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion' c++: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. configure:4486: $? = 4 configure:4506: checking whether the C++ compiler works configure:4528: c++ conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4532: $? = 0 configure:4582: result: yes configure:4585: checking for C++ compiler default output file name configure:4587: result: a.out configure:4593: checking for suffix of executables configure:4600: c++ -o conftest conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4604: $? = 0 configure:4628: result: configure:4650: checking whether we are cross compiling configure:4658: c++ -o conftest conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4662: $? = 0 configure:4669: ./conftest configure:4673: $? = 0 configure:4691: result: no configure:4696: checking for suffix of object files configure:4718: c++ -c conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4722: $? = 0 configure:4745: result: o configure:4749: checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler configure:4768: c++ -c conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4768: $? = 0 configure:4777: result: yes configure:4786: checking whether c++ accepts -g configure:4806: c++ -c -g conftest.cpp >&5 configure:4806: $? = 0 configure:4847: result: yes configure:4958: checking for xlf95 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for f95 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for fort configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for ifort configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for ifc configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for efc configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for pgfortran configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for pgf95 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for lf95 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for ftn configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for nagfor configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for xlf90 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for f90 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for pgf90 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for pghpf configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for epcf90 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for g95 configure:4988: result: no configure:4958: checking for gfortran configure:4988: result: no configure:5011: checking for Fortran compiler version configure:5020: --version >&5 ./configure: line 5022: --version: command not found configure:5031: $? = 127 configure:5020: -v >&5 ./configure: line 5022: -v: command not found configure:5031: $? = 127 configure:5020: -V >&5 ./configure: line 5022: -V: command not found configure:5031: $? = 127 configure:5020: -qversion >&5 ./configure: line 5022: -qversion: command not found configure:5031: $? = 127 configure:5046: checking whether the Fortran compiler works configure:5068: conftest.f >&5 ./configure: line 5070: conftest.f: command not found configure:5072: $? = 127 configure:5110: result: no configure: failed program was: | program main | | end configure:5116: WARNING: Fortran compiler cannot create executables configure:5360: tests requiring the Fortran compiler will be skipped configure:5440: checking for xlf configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for f77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for frt configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for pgf77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for cf77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for fort77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for fl32 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for af77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for g77 configure:5470: result: no configure:5440: checking for gfortran configure:5470: result: no configure:5493: checking for Fortran 77 compiler version configure:5502: --version >&5 ./configure: line 5504: --version: command not found configure:5513: $? = 127 configure:5502: -v >&5 ./configure: line 5504: -v: command not found configure:5513: $? = 127 configure:5502: -V >&5 ./configure: line 5504: -V: command not found configure:5513: $? = 127 configure:5502: -qversion >&5 ./configure: line 5504: -qversion: command not found configure:5513: $? = 127 configure:5528: checking whether the Fortran 77 compiler works configure:5550: conftest.f >&5 ./configure: line 5552: conftest.f: command not found configure:5554: $? = 127 configure:5592: result: no configure: failed program was: | program main | | end configure:5598: WARNING: Fortran 77 compiler cannot create executables configure:5842: tests requiring the Fortran 77 compiler will be skipped configure:5874: will now look for GNU compilers configure:5881: cc is already a GNU C compiler configure:5987: cc --version && cc -v cc (Debian 4.7.3-4) 4.7.3 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=cc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper Target: i486-linux-gnu Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.3-4' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --with-system-zlib --enable-objc-gc --enable-targets=all --with-cloog --enable-cloog-backend=ppl --disable-cloog-version-check --disable-ppl-version-check --enable-multiarch --with-arch-32=i586 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=i486-linux-gnu --host=i486-linux-gnu --target=i486-linux-gnu Thread model: posix gcc version 4.7.3 (Debian 4.7.3-4) configure:5990: $? = 0 configure:6005: c++ is already a GNU C++ compiler configure:6112: c++ --version && c++ -v c++ (Debian 4.7.3-4) 4.7.3 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=c++ COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper Target: i486-linux-gnu Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.3-4' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --with-system-zlib --enable-objc-gc --enable-targets=all --with-cloog --enable-cloog-backend=ppl --disable-cloog-version-check --disable-ppl-version-check --enable-multiarch --with-arch-32=i586 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=i486-linux-gnu --host=i486-linux-gnu --target=i486-linux-gnu Thread model: posix gcc version 4.7.3 (Debian 4.7.3-4) configure:6115: $? = 0 configure:6184: checking for gfortran configure:6214: result: no configure:6309: checking for g77 configure:6339: result: no configure:6309: checking for gfortran configure:6339: result: no configure:6428: checking for gcj configure:6458: result: no configure:6662: checking that generated files are newer than configure configure:6668: result: done configure:6683: creating ./config.status ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status on debian config.status:824: creating Makefile config.status:824: creating t/wrap/aclocal-1.14 config.status:824: creating t/wrap/automake-1.14 ## ---------------- ## ## Cache variables. ## ## ---------------- ## ac_cv_AM_TEST_RUNNER_SHELL=/bin/bash ac_cv_build=i686-pc-linux-gnu ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu=yes ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu=yes ac_cv_env_AM_TEST_RUNNER_SHELL_set= ac_cv_env_AM_TEST_RUNNER_SHELL_value= ac_cv_env_CCC_set= ac_cv_env_CCC_value= ac_cv_env_CC_set= ac_cv_env_CC_value= ac_cv_env_CFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_CFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_CPPFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_CPPFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_CXXFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_CXXFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_CXX_set= ac_cv_env_CXX_value= ac_cv_env_F77_set= ac_cv_env_F77_value= ac_cv_env_FCFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_FCFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_FC_set= ac_cv_env_FC_value= ac_cv_env_FFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_FFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_CC_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_CC_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_CFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_CFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_CXXFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_CXXFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_CXX_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_CXX_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_F77_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_F77_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_FCFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_FCFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_FC_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_FC_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_FFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_FFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_GCJFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_GCJFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_GNU_GCJ_set= ac_cv_env_GNU_GCJ_value= ac_cv_env_LDFLAGS_set= ac_cv_env_LDFLAGS_value= ac_cv_env_LIBS_set= ac_cv_env_LIBS_value= ac_cv_env_build_alias_set= ac_cv_env_build_alias_value= ac_cv_env_host_alias_set= ac_cv_env_host_alias_value= ac_cv_env_target_alias_set= ac_cv_env_target_alias_value= ac_cv_host=i686-pc-linux-gnu ac_cv_path_EGREP='/bin/grep -E' ac_cv_path_FGREP='/bin/grep -F' ac_cv_path_GREP=/bin/grep ac_cv_path_PERL=/usr/bin/perl ac_cv_path_install='/usr/bin/install -c' ac_cv_path_mkdir=/bin/mkdir ac_cv_prog_AWK=mawk ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC=cc ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX=c++ ac_cv_prog_cc_c89= ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=yes ac_cv_prog_make_make_set=yes am_cv_autoconf_installed=yes am_cv_autoconf_version=yes am_cv_autoconf_works=yes am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes am_cv_prog_cc_c_o=yes am_cv_prog_ln=ln ## ----------------- ## ## Output variables. ## ## ----------------- ## ACLOCAL='"/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/aclocal-1.14"' AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}' AM_BACKSLASH='\' AM_DEFAULT_V='$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)' AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY='0' AM_TEST_RUNNER_SHELL='/bin/bash' AM_V='$(V)' APIVERSION='1.14' AUTOCONF='${SHELL} /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing autoconf' AUTOHEADER='${SHELL} /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing autoheader' AUTOMAKE='"/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/automake-1.14"' AWK='mawk' CC='cc' CFLAGS='-g -O2' CPPFLAGS='' CXX='c++' CXXFLAGS='-g -O2' CYGPATH_W='echo' DEFS='-DPACKAGE_NAME=\"GNU\ Automake\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"automake\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.14\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"GNU\ Automake\ 1.14\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"address@hidden" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/\"' ECHO_C='' ECHO_N='-n' ECHO_T='' EGREP='/bin/grep -E' EXEEXT='UNKNOWN' F77='false' FC='false' FCFLAGS='' FFLAGS='' FGREP='/bin/grep -F' GNU_CC='cc' GNU_CFLAGS='-g -O2' GNU_CXX='c++' GNU_CXXFLAGS='-g -O2' GNU_F77='false' GNU_FC='false' GNU_FCFLAGS='' GNU_FFLAGS='' GNU_GCJ='false' GNU_GCJFLAGS='' GREP='/bin/grep' INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644' INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL}' INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL}' INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM='$(install_sh) -c -s' LDFLAGS='' LEX='false' LIBOBJS='' LIBS='' LN='ln' LN_S='ln -s' LTLIBOBJS='' MAKEINFO='${SHELL} /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing makeinfo' MKDIR_P='/bin/mkdir -p' MODIFICATION_DELAY='2' OBJEXT='UNKNOWN' PACKAGE='automake' PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='address@hidden' PACKAGE_NAME='GNU Automake' PACKAGE_STRING='GNU Automake 1.14' PACKAGE_TARNAME='automake' PACKAGE_URL='http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/' PACKAGE_VERSION='1.14' PATH_SEPARATOR=':' PERL='/usr/bin/perl' RELEASE_YEAR='2013' SET_MAKE='' SHELL='/bin/bash' STRIP='' TEX='' VERSION='1.14' YACC='false' ac_ct_CC='cc' ac_ct_CXX='c++' ac_ct_F77='' ac_ct_FC='' ac_ct_GNU_CC='' ac_ct_GNU_CXX='' ac_ct_GNU_F77='' ac_ct_GNU_FC='' ac_ct_GNU_GCJ='' am_AUTOCONF='autoconf' am_AUTOHEADER='autoheader' am_AUTOM4TE='autom4te' am_AUTORECONF='autoreconf' am_AUTOUPDATE='autoupdate' am__EXEEXT_FALSE='#' am__EXEEXT_TRUE='' am__isrc='' am__leading_dot='.' am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"' am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -' am_candidate_sh='' amdir='${pkgvdatadir}/am' automake_acdir='${datadir}/aclocal-1.14' bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' build='i686-pc-linux-gnu' build_alias='' build_cpu='i686' build_os='linux-gnu' build_vendor='pc' datadir='${datarootdir}' datarootdir='${prefix}/share' docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}' dvidir='${docdir}' exec_prefix='${prefix}' host='i686-pc-linux-gnu' host_alias='' host_cpu='i686' host_os='linux-gnu' host_vendor='pc' htmldir='${docdir}' includedir='${prefix}/include' infodir='${datarootdir}/info' install_sh='${SHELL} /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh' libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib' libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec' localedir='${datarootdir}/locale' localstatedir='${prefix}/var' mandir='${datarootdir}/man' mkdir_p='$(MKDIR_P)' oldincludedir='/usr/include' pdfdir='${docdir}' pkgvdatadir='${datadir}/automake-1.14' prefix='/usr/local' program_transform_name='s,x,x,' psdir='${docdir}' required_autoconf_version='2.65' sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' scriptdir='${pkgvdatadir}' sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' system_acdir='${datadir}/aclocal' target_alias='' ## ----------- ## ## confdefs.h. ## ## ----------- ## /* confdefs.h */ #define PACKAGE_NAME "GNU Automake" #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "automake" #define PACKAGE_VERSION "1.14" #define PACKAGE_STRING "GNU Automake 1.14" #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "address@hidden" #define PACKAGE_URL "http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/" configure: exit 0 ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian ## ---------------------- ## ## Running config.status. ## ## ---------------------- ## This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.14, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = CONFIG_HEADERS = CONFIG_LINKS = CONFIG_COMMANDS = $ ./config.status --file=- on debian + cat /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/aclocal-1.14 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # t/wrap/aclocal-1.14. Generated from aclocal.in by configure. # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . BEGIN { use strict; @Aclocal::perl_libdirs = ('/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib'); unshift @Aclocal::perl_libdirs, '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib' if '.' ne '.'; unshift @ARGV, '--automake-acdir=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/m4', '--system-acdir=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/m4/acdir'; } require '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/bin/aclocal'; + cat /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/automake-1.14 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # t/wrap/automake-1.14. Generated from automake.in by configure. # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . BEGIN { use strict; @Automake::perl_libdirs = ('/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib'); unshift @Automake::perl_libdirs, '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib' if '.' ne '.'; unshift @ARGV, '--libdir=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib'; } require '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/bin/automake'; + test 0 -eq 0 + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x get-sysconf: exit 77 XFAIL: t/pm/Cond2 ================= 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x8cf3d4c)' is a reference, expected a string at lib/Automake/Condition.pm line 188 Automake::Condition::new('Automake::Condition', 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x8cf3d4c)') called at ./t/pm/Cond2.pl line 22 XFAIL: t/pm/Cond3 ================= 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x88e9e30)' does not look like a condition at lib/Automake/Condition.pm line 190 Automake::Condition::new('Automake::Condition', 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x88e9e30)') called at ./t/pm/Cond3.pl line 22 XFAIL: t/pm/DisjCon2 ==================== 'Automake::DisjConditions=HASH(0x92cfed0)' isn't an Automake::Condition at lib/Automake/DisjConditions.pm line 151 Automake::DisjConditions::new('Automake::DisjConditions', 'Automake::DisjConditions=HASH(0x92cfed0)') called at ./t/pm/DisjCon2.pl line 24 XFAIL: t/pm/DisjCon3 ==================== 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x9b12e30)' isn't a reference at lib/Automake/DisjConditions.pm line 150 Automake::DisjConditions::new('Automake::DisjConditions', 'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x9b12e30)') called at ./t/pm/DisjCon3.pl line 23 XFAIL: t/pm/Version2 ==================== Version2.pl: error: version is incorrect: Version2.pl: Please contact . at lib/Automake/Channels.pm line 662 Automake::Channels::msg('automake', '', 'version is incorrect: ') called at lib/Automake/ChannelDefs.pm line 212 Automake::ChannelDefs::prog_error('version is incorrect: ') called at lib/Automake/Version.pm line 126 Automake::Version::check('', 1.2.3) called at ./t/pm/Version2.pl line 20 XFAIL: t/pm/Version3 ==================== Version3.pl: error: required version is incorrect: Version3.pl: Please contact . at lib/Automake/Channels.pm line 662 Automake::Channels::msg('automake', '', 'required version is incorrect: ') called at lib/Automake/ChannelDefs.pm line 212 Automake::ChannelDefs::prog_error('required version is incorrect: ') called at lib/Automake/Version.pm line 131 Automake::Version::check(1.2.3, '') called at ./t/pm/Version3.pl line 20 PASS: t/instspc =============== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + all_test_names_list= + builddir_xfails= + destdir_xfails= + bs=$'\b' + cr=$'\r' + ff=$'\f' + ht=' ' + lf=' ' + def=define_problematic_string + define_problematic_string squote ''\''' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=squote + shift + eval 'instspc__squote=$1' ++ instspc__squote=''\''' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote' + define_problematic_string dquote '"' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=dquote + shift + eval 'instspc__dquote=$1' ++ instspc__dquote='"' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote' + define_problematic_string bquote '`' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=bquote + shift + eval 'instspc__bquote=$1' ++ instspc__bquote='`' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote' + define_problematic_string sharp '#' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=sharp + shift + eval 'instspc__sharp=$1' ++ instspc__sharp='#' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp' + define_problematic_string dollar '$' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=dollar + shift + eval 'instspc__dollar=$1' ++ instspc__dollar='$' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar' + define_problematic_string bang '!' + tst=bang + shift + eval 'instspc__bang=$1' ++ instspc__bang='!' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string bslash '\' fail-builddir + tst=bslash + shift + eval 'instspc__bslash=$1' ++ instspc__bslash='\' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string ampersand '&' fail-builddir + tst=ampersand + shift + eval 'instspc__ampersand=$1' ++ instspc__ampersand='&' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string percent % + tst=percent + shift + eval 'instspc__percent=$1' ++ instspc__percent=% + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string leftpar '(' + tst=leftpar + shift + eval 'instspc__leftpar=$1' ++ instspc__leftpar='(' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string rightpar ')' + tst=rightpar + shift + eval 'instspc__rightpar=$1' ++ instspc__rightpar=')' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string pipe '|' + tst=pipe + shift + eval 'instspc__pipe=$1' ++ instspc__pipe='|' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string caret '^' + tst=caret + shift + eval 'instspc__caret=$1' ++ instspc__caret='^' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string tilde '~' + tst=tilde + shift + eval 'instspc__tilde=$1' ++ instspc__tilde='~' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string qmark '?' + tst=qmark + shift + eval 'instspc__qmark=$1' ++ instspc__qmark='?' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string star '*' + tst=star + shift + eval 'instspc__star=$1' ++ instspc__star='*' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string plus + + tst=plus + shift + eval 'instspc__plus=$1' ++ instspc__plus=+ + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string minus - + tst=minus + shift + eval 'instspc__minus=$1' ++ instspc__minus=- + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string comma , + tst=comma + shift + eval 'instspc__comma=$1' ++ instspc__comma=, + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string colon : + tst=colon + shift + eval 'instspc__colon=$1' ++ instspc__colon=: + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string semicol ';' + tst=semicol + shift + eval 'instspc__semicol=$1' ++ instspc__semicol=';' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string equal = + tst=equal + shift + eval 'instspc__equal=$1' ++ instspc__equal== + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string less '<' + tst=less + shift + eval 'instspc__less=$1' ++ instspc__less='<' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string more '>' + tst=more + shift + eval 'instspc__more=$1' ++ instspc__more='>' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string at @ + tst=at + shift + eval 'instspc__at=$1' ++ instspc__at=@ + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string lqbrack '[' + tst=lqbrack + shift + eval 'instspc__lqbrack=$1' ++ instspc__lqbrack='[' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string rqbrack ']' + tst=rqbrack + shift + eval 'instspc__rqbrack=$1' ++ instspc__rqbrack=']' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string lcbrack '{' + tst=lcbrack + shift + eval 'instspc__lcbrack=$1' ++ instspc__lcbrack='{' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string rcbrack '}' + tst=rcbrack + shift + eval 'instspc__rcbrack=$1' ++ instspc__rcbrack='}' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string space ' ' + tst=space + shift + eval 'instspc__space=$1' ++ instspc__space=' ' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string tab ' ' + tst=tab + shift + eval 'instspc__tab=$1' ++ instspc__tab=' ' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string linefeed ' ' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=linefeed + shift + eval 'instspc__linefeed=$1' ++ instspc__linefeed=' ' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed' + define_problematic_string backspace $'\b' + tst=backspace + shift + eval 'instspc__backspace=$1' ++ instspc__backspace=$'\b' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string formfeed $'\f' + tst=formfeed + shift + eval 'instspc__formfeed=$1' ++ instspc__formfeed=$'\f' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string carriageret $'\r' + tst=carriageret + shift + eval 'instspc__carriageret=$1' ++ instspc__carriageret=$'\r' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string quadrigraph0 '@&t@' fail-builddir + tst=quadrigraph0 + shift + eval 'instspc__quadrigraph0=$1' ++ instspc__quadrigraph0='@&t@' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string quadrigraph1 '@<:@' + tst=quadrigraph1 + shift + eval 'instspc__quadrigraph1=$1' ++ instspc__quadrigraph1='@<:@' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string quadrigraph2 '@:>@' + tst=quadrigraph2 + shift + eval 'instspc__quadrigraph2=$1' ++ instspc__quadrigraph2='@:>@' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string quadrigraph3 '@S|@' + tst=quadrigraph3 + shift + eval 'instspc__quadrigraph3=$1' ++ instspc__quadrigraph3='@S|@' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string quadrigraph4 @%:@ + tst=quadrigraph4 + shift + eval 'instspc__quadrigraph4=$1' ++ address@hidden:@ + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string a_b 'a b' + tst=a_b + shift + eval 'instspc__a_b=$1' ++ instspc__a_b='a b' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string a__b 'a b' + tst=a__b + shift + eval 'instspc__a__b=$1' ++ instspc__a__b='a b' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string a_lf_b 'a b' fail-builddir fail-destdir + tst=a_lf_b + shift + eval 'instspc__a_lf_b=$1' ++ instspc__a_lf_b='a b' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b' + is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + builddir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b' + is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + destdir_xfails=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b' + define_problematic_string dotdotdot ... + tst=dotdotdot + shift + eval 'instspc__dotdotdot=$1' ++ instspc__dotdotdot=... + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string dosdrive a: + tst=dosdrive + shift + eval 'instspc__dosdrive=$1' ++ instspc__dosdrive=a: + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string miscglob1 '?[a-z]*' + tst=miscglob1 + shift + eval 'instspc__miscglob1=$1' ++ instspc__miscglob1='?[a-z]*' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + define_problematic_string miscglob2 '.*?[0-9]' + tst=miscglob2 + shift + eval 'instspc__miscglob2=$1' ++ instspc__miscglob2='.*?[0-9]' + shift + all_test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1 miscglob2' + is_in_list fail-builddir + item=fail-builddir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + is_in_list fail-destdir + item=fail-destdir + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + unset def + test 0 -gt 0 + test_names_list=' squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1 miscglob2' + plan_ 94 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x94 = xunknown + test x94 = xlater + test x94 = xlazy + test x94 = xnow + test 94 -ge 0 + planned_=94 + echo 1..94 1..94 ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + create_input_data + mkdir sub + unindent + test x = x ++ printf '%s\n' ' /^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines. x # Get x into pattern space. /^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it. g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space. s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space. } # Now: x in pattern and in hold. G # Build x\n in pattern space, and h # duplicate it into hold space. s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space. s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from . s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading . ' ++ sed -e 's/ *# .*//' + sed_unindent_prog=' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + : + : + : + : + : + : + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a configure.ac:5: installing './ar-lib' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__squote}' ++ test_string=''\''' + test 'x'\''' = x + mkdir './'\''' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./'\''' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote + cd './'\''' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/'\''-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='squote in builddir' + expected_to_fail build squote + case $1 in + is_in_list squote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=squote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'squote in builddir' + set +x not ok 1 - squote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 1 - squote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-squote + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'\''' + mkdir build-squote + cd build-squote + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/'\''-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'\''' + file='./'\''' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-squote' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-squote' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/./'-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' make: ** [test-inst] Erro 1 + r='not ok' + description='squote in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest squote + case $1 in + is_in_list squote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=squote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'squote in destdir' + set +x not ok 2 - squote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 2 - squote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__dquote}' ++ test_string='"' + test 'x"' = x + mkdir './"' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./"' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote + cd './"' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/"-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='dquote in builddir' + expected_to_fail build dquote + case $1 in + is_in_list dquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=dquote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'dquote in builddir' + set +x not ok 3 - dquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 3 - dquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-dquote + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote/"' + mkdir build-dquote + cd build-dquote + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/"-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote/"' + file='./"' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dquote' /bin/bash: -c: line 23: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' /bin/bash: -c: line 26: erro de sintaxe: fim prematuro do arquivo make[1]: ** [install-dist_fooexecSCRIPTS] Erro 1 make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dquote' make: ** [install-am] Erro 2 + r='not ok' + description='dquote in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest dquote + case $1 in + is_in_list dquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=dquote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'dquote in destdir' + set +x not ok 4 - dquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 4 - dquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__bquote}' ++ test_string='`' + test 'x`' = x + mkdir './`' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./`' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote + cd './`' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/`-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='bquote in builddir' + expected_to_fail build bquote + case $1 in + is_in_list bquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=bquote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'bquote in builddir' + set +x not ok 5 - bquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 5 - bquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-bquote + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote/`' + mkdir build-bquote + cd build-bquote + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/`-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote/`' + file='./`' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bquote' /bin/bash: -c: line 23: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' /bin/bash: -c: line 26: erro de sintaxe: fim prematuro do arquivo make[1]: ** [install-dist_fooexecSCRIPTS] Erro 1 make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bquote' make: ** [install-am] Erro 2 + r='not ok' + description='bquote in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest bquote + case $1 in + is_in_list bquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=bquote + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'bquote in destdir' + set +x not ok 6 - bquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 6 - bquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__sharp}' ++ test_string='#' + test x# = x + mkdir ./# + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./# + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp + cd ./# + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /#-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='sharp in builddir' + expected_to_fail build sharp + case $1 in + is_in_list sharp squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=sharp + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'sharp in builddir' + set +x not ok 7 - sharp in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 7 - sharp in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-sharp + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/# + mkdir build-sharp + cd build-sharp + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /#-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/# + file=./# + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-sharp' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-sharp' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#/./#-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' make: ** [test-inst] Erro 1 + r='not ok' + description='sharp in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest sharp + case $1 in + is_in_list sharp squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=sharp + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'sharp in destdir' + set +x not ok 8 - sharp in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 8 - sharp in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__dollar}' ++ test_string='$' + test 'x$' = x + mkdir './$' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./$' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar + cd './$' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/$-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='dollar in builddir' + expected_to_fail build dollar + case $1 in + is_in_list dollar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=dollar + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'dollar in builddir' + set +x not ok 9 - dollar in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 9 - dollar in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-dollar + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$' + mkdir build-dollar + cd build-dollar + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/$-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$' + file='./$' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dollar' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dollar' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' make: ** [test-inst] Erro 1 + r='not ok' + description='dollar in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest dollar + case $1 in + is_in_list dollar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=dollar + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'dollar in destdir' + set +x not ok 10 - dollar in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 10 - dollar in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__bang}' ++ test_string='!' + test 'x!' = x + mkdir './!' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./!' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang + cd './!' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/!-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang + file='./!' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/!' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/!' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='bang in builddir' + expected_to_fail build bang + case $1 in + is_in_list bang squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=bang + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'bang in builddir' + set +x ok 11 - bang in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 11 - bang in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './!' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './!' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-bang + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!' + mkdir build-bang + cd build-bang + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/!-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!' + file='./!' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bang' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bang' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='bang in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest bang + case $1 in + is_in_list bang squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=bang + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'bang in destdir' + set +x ok 12 - bang in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 12 - bang in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-bang '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-bang '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__bslash}' ++ test_string='\' + test 'x\' = x + mkdir './\' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./\' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash + cd './\' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/\-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='bslash in builddir' + expected_to_fail build bslash + case $1 in + is_in_list bslash squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=bslash + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'bslash in builddir' + set +x not ok 13 - bslash in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 13 - bslash in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-bslash + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\' + mkdir build-bslash + cd build-bslash + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/\-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\' + file='./\' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bslash' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-bslash' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='bslash in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest bslash + case $1 in + is_in_list bslash squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=bslash + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'bslash in destdir' + set +x ok 14 - bslash in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 14 - bslash in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-bslash '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-bslash '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__ampersand}' ++ test_string='&' + test 'x&' = x + mkdir './&' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./&' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand + cd './&' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/&-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='ampersand in builddir' + expected_to_fail build ampersand + case $1 in + is_in_list ampersand squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=ampersand + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'ampersand in builddir' + set +x not ok 15 - ampersand in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 15 - ampersand in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-ampersand + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&' + mkdir build-ampersand + cd build-ampersand + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/&-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&' + file='./&' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-ampersand' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-ampersand' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='ampersand in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest ampersand + case $1 in + is_in_list ampersand squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=ampersand + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ampersand in destdir' + set +x ok 16 - ampersand in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 16 - ampersand in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-ampersand '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-ampersand '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__percent}' ++ test_string=% + test x% = x + mkdir ./% + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./% + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent + cd ./% + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /%-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent + file=./% + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/%' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/%' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='percent in builddir' + expected_to_fail build percent + case $1 in + is_in_list percent squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=percent + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'percent in builddir' + set +x ok 17 - percent in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 17 - percent in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./% /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./% /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-percent + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/% + mkdir build-percent + cd build-percent + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /%-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/% + file=./% + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-percent' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-percent' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='percent in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest percent + case $1 in + is_in_list percent squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=percent + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'percent in destdir' + set +x ok 18 - percent in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 18 - percent in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-percent /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/% + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-percent /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/% + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__leftpar}' ++ test_string='(' + test 'x(' = x + mkdir './(' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./(' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar + cd './(' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/(-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar + file='./(' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/(' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/(' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='leftpar in builddir' + expected_to_fail build leftpar + case $1 in + is_in_list leftpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=leftpar + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'leftpar in builddir' + set +x ok 19 - leftpar in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 19 - leftpar in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './(' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './(' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-leftpar + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(' + mkdir build-leftpar + cd build-leftpar + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/(-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(' + file='./(' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-leftpar' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-leftpar' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='leftpar in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest leftpar + case $1 in + is_in_list leftpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=leftpar + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'leftpar in destdir' + set +x ok 20 - leftpar in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 20 - leftpar in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-leftpar '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-leftpar '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__rightpar}' ++ test_string=')' + test 'x)' = x + mkdir './)' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./)' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar + cd './)' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/)-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar + file='./)' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/)' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/)' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rightpar in builddir' + expected_to_fail build rightpar + case $1 in + is_in_list rightpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=rightpar + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rightpar in builddir' + set +x ok 21 - rightpar in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 21 - rightpar in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './)' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './)' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-rightpar + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)' + mkdir build-rightpar + cd build-rightpar + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/)-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)' + file='./)' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rightpar' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rightpar' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rightpar in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest rightpar + case $1 in + is_in_list rightpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=rightpar + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rightpar in destdir' + set +x ok 22 - rightpar in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 22 - rightpar in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-rightpar '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-rightpar '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__pipe}' ++ test_string='|' + test 'x|' = x + mkdir './|' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./|' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe + cd './|' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/|-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe + file='./|' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/|' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/|' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='pipe in builddir' + expected_to_fail build pipe + case $1 in + is_in_list pipe squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=pipe + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'pipe in builddir' + set +x ok 23 - pipe in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 23 - pipe in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './|' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './|' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-pipe + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|' + mkdir build-pipe + cd build-pipe + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/|-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|' + file='./|' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-pipe' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-pipe' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='pipe in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest pipe + case $1 in + is_in_list pipe squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=pipe + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'pipe in destdir' + set +x ok 24 - pipe in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 24 - pipe in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-pipe '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-pipe '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__caret}' ++ test_string='^' + test 'x^' = x + mkdir './^' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./^' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret + cd './^' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/^-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret + file='./^' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/^' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/^' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='caret in builddir' + expected_to_fail build caret + case $1 in + is_in_list caret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=caret + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'caret in builddir' + set +x ok 25 - caret in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 25 - caret in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './^' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './^' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-caret + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^' + mkdir build-caret + cd build-caret + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/^-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^' + file='./^' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-caret' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-caret' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='caret in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest caret + case $1 in + is_in_list caret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=caret + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'caret in destdir' + set +x ok 26 - caret in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 26 - caret in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-caret '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-caret '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__tilde}' ++ test_string='~' + test x~ = x + mkdir ./~ + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./~ + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde + cd ./~ + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /~-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde + file=./~ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/~' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/~' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='tilde in builddir' + expected_to_fail build tilde + case $1 in + is_in_list tilde squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=tilde + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'tilde in builddir' + set +x ok 27 - tilde in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 27 - tilde in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./~ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./~ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-tilde + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~ + mkdir build-tilde + cd build-tilde + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /~-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~ + file=./~ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-tilde' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-tilde' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='tilde in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest tilde + case $1 in + is_in_list tilde squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=tilde + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'tilde in destdir' + set +x ok 28 - tilde in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 28 - tilde in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-tilde /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~ + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-tilde /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~ + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__qmark}' ++ test_string='?' + test 'x?' = x + mkdir './?' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./?' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark + cd './?' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/?-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark + file='./?' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/?' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/?' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='qmark in builddir' + expected_to_fail build qmark + case $1 in + is_in_list qmark squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=qmark + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'qmark in builddir' + set +x ok 29 - qmark in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 29 - qmark in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './?' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './?' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-qmark + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?' + mkdir build-qmark + cd build-qmark + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/?-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?' + file='./?' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-qmark' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-qmark' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='qmark in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest qmark + case $1 in + is_in_list qmark squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=qmark + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'qmark in destdir' + set +x ok 30 - qmark in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 30 - qmark in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-qmark '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-qmark '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__star}' ++ test_string='*' + test 'x*' = x + mkdir './*' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./*' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star + cd './*' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/*-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star + file='./*' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/*' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/*' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='star in builddir' + expected_to_fail build star + case $1 in + is_in_list star squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=star + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'star in builddir' + set +x ok 31 - star in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 31 - star in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './*' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './*' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-star + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*' + mkdir build-star + cd build-star + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/*-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*' + file='./*' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-star' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-star' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='star in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest star + case $1 in + is_in_list star squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=star + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'star in destdir' + set +x ok 32 - star in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 32 - star in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-star '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-star '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__plus}' ++ test_string=+ + test x+ = x + mkdir ./+ + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./+ + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus + cd ./+ + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /+-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus + file=./+ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/+' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/+' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='plus in builddir' + expected_to_fail build plus + case $1 in + is_in_list plus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=plus + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'plus in builddir' + set +x ok 33 - plus in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 33 - plus in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./+ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./+ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-plus + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+ + mkdir build-plus + cd build-plus + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /+-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+ + file=./+ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-plus' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-plus' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='plus in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest plus + case $1 in + is_in_list plus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=plus + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'plus in destdir' + set +x ok 34 - plus in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 34 - plus in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-plus /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+ + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-plus /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+ + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__minus}' ++ test_string=- + test x- = x + mkdir ./- + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./- + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus + cd ./- + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /--prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus + file=./- + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/-' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/-' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='minus in builddir' + expected_to_fail build minus + case $1 in + is_in_list minus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=minus + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'minus in builddir' + set +x ok 35 - minus in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 35 - minus in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./- /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./- /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-minus + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/- + mkdir build-minus + cd build-minus + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /--prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/- + file=./- + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-minus' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-minus' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='minus in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest minus + case $1 in + is_in_list minus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=minus + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'minus in destdir' + set +x ok 36 - minus in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 36 - minus in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-minus /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/- + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-minus /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/- + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__comma}' ++ test_string=, + test x, = x + mkdir ./, + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./, + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma + cd ./, + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /,-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma + file=./, + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/,' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/,' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='comma in builddir' + expected_to_fail build comma + case $1 in + is_in_list comma squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=comma + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'comma in builddir' + set +x ok 37 - comma in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 37 - comma in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./, /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./, /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-comma + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/, + mkdir build-comma + cd build-comma + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /,-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/, + file=./, + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-comma' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-comma' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='comma in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest comma + case $1 in + is_in_list comma squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=comma + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'comma in destdir' + set +x ok 38 - comma in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 38 - comma in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-comma /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/, + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-comma /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/, + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__colon}' ++ test_string=: + test x: = x + mkdir ./: + case $test_string in + cd ./: + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./: + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon + cd ./: + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /:-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon + file=./: + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/:' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/:' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='colon in builddir' + expected_to_fail build colon + case $1 in + is_in_list colon squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=colon + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'colon in builddir' + set +x ok 39 - colon in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 39 - colon in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./: /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./: /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-colon + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/: + mkdir build-colon + cd build-colon + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /:-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/: + file=./: + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-colon' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-colon' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='colon in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest colon + case $1 in + is_in_list colon squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=colon + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'colon in destdir' + set +x ok 40 - colon in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 40 - colon in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-colon /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/: + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-colon /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/: + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__semicol}' ++ test_string=';' + test 'x;' = x + mkdir './;' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./;' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol + cd './;' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/;-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol + file='./;' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/;' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/;' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='semicol in builddir' + expected_to_fail build semicol + case $1 in + is_in_list semicol squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=semicol + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'semicol in builddir' + set +x ok 41 - semicol in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 41 - semicol in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './;' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './;' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-semicol + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;' + mkdir build-semicol + cd build-semicol + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/;-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;' + file='./;' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-semicol' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-semicol' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='semicol in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest semicol + case $1 in + is_in_list semicol squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=semicol + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'semicol in destdir' + set +x ok 42 - semicol in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 42 - semicol in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-semicol '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-semicol '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__equal}' ++ test_string== + test x= = x + mkdir ./= + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./= + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal + cd ./= + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /=-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal + file=./= + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/=' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/=' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='equal in builddir' + expected_to_fail build equal + case $1 in + is_in_list equal squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=equal + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'equal in builddir' + set +x ok 43 - equal in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 43 - equal in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./= /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./= /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-equal + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/= + mkdir build-equal + cd build-equal + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /=-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/= + file=./= + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-equal' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-equal' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='equal in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest equal + case $1 in + is_in_list equal squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=equal + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'equal in destdir' + set +x ok 44 - equal in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 44 - equal in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-equal /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/= + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-equal /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/= + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__less}' ++ test_string='<' + test 'x<' = x + mkdir './<' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./<' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less + cd './<' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/<-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less + file='./<' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/<' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/<' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='less in builddir' + expected_to_fail build less + case $1 in + is_in_list less squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=less + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'less in builddir' + set +x ok 45 - less in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 45 - less in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './<' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './<' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-less + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<' + mkdir build-less + cd build-less + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/<-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<' + file='./<' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-less' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/' + test 'x>' = x + mkdir './>' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./>' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more + cd './>' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/>-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more + file='./>' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/>' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/>' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='more in builddir' + expected_to_fail build more + case $1 in + is_in_list more squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=more + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'more in builddir' + set +x ok 47 - more in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 47 - more in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './>' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './>' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-more + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>' + mkdir build-more + cd build-more + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/>-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>' + file='./>' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-more' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-more' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='more in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest more + case $1 in + is_in_list more squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=more + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'more in destdir' + set +x ok 48 - more in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 48 - more in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-more '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-more '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__at}' ++ test_string=@ + test x@ = x + mkdir ./@ + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./@ + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at + cd ./@ + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /@-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at + file=./@ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='at in builddir' + expected_to_fail build at + case $1 in + is_in_list at squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=at + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'at in builddir' + set +x ok 49 - at in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 49 - at in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./@ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./@ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-at + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@ + mkdir build-at + cd build-at + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /@-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@ + file=./@ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-at' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-at' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='at in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest at + case $1 in + is_in_list at squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=at + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'at in destdir' + set +x ok 50 - at in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 50 - at in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-at /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@ + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-at /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@ + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__lqbrack}' ++ test_string='[' + test 'x[' = x + mkdir './[' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./[' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack + cd './[' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/[-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack + file='./[' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/[' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/[' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='lqbrack in builddir' + expected_to_fail build lqbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list lqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=lqbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'lqbrack in builddir' + set +x ok 51 - lqbrack in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 51 - lqbrack in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './[' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './[' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-lqbrack + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[' + mkdir build-lqbrack + cd build-lqbrack + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/[-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[' + file='./[' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-lqbrack' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-lqbrack' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='lqbrack in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest lqbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list lqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=lqbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'lqbrack in destdir' + set +x ok 52 - lqbrack in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 52 - lqbrack in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-lqbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-lqbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__rqbrack}' ++ test_string=']' + test 'x]' = x + mkdir './]' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./]' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack + cd './]' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/]-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack + file='./]' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/]' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/]' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rqbrack in builddir' + expected_to_fail build rqbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list rqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=rqbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rqbrack in builddir' + set +x ok 53 - rqbrack in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 53 - rqbrack in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './]' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './]' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-rqbrack + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]' + mkdir build-rqbrack + cd build-rqbrack + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/]-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]' + file='./]' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rqbrack' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rqbrack' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rqbrack in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest rqbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list rqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=rqbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rqbrack in destdir' + set +x ok 54 - rqbrack in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 54 - rqbrack in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-rqbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-rqbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__lcbrack}' ++ test_string='{' + test 'x{' = x + mkdir './{' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./{' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack + cd './{' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/{-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack + file='./{' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/{' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/{' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='lcbrack in builddir' + expected_to_fail build lcbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list lcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=lcbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'lcbrack in builddir' + set +x ok 55 - lcbrack in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 55 - lcbrack in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './{' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './{' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-lcbrack + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{' + mkdir build-lcbrack + cd build-lcbrack + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/{-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{' + file='./{' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-lcbrack' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-lcbrack' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='lcbrack in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest lcbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list lcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=lcbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'lcbrack in destdir' + set +x ok 56 - lcbrack in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 56 - lcbrack in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-lcbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-lcbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__rcbrack}' ++ test_string='}' + test 'x}' = x + mkdir './}' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./}' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack + cd './}' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/}-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack + file='./}' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/}' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/}' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rcbrack in builddir' + expected_to_fail build rcbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list rcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=rcbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rcbrack in builddir' + set +x ok 57 - rcbrack in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 57 - rcbrack in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './}' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './}' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-rcbrack + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}' + mkdir build-rcbrack + cd build-rcbrack + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/}-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}' + file='./}' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rcbrack' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-rcbrack' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='rcbrack in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest rcbrack + case $1 in + is_in_list rcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=rcbrack + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'rcbrack in destdir' + set +x ok 58 - rcbrack in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 58 - rcbrack in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-rcbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-rcbrack '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__space}' ++ test_string=' ' + test 'x ' = x + mkdir './ ' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./ ' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space + cd './ ' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space + file='./ ' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='space in builddir' + expected_to_fail build space + case $1 in + is_in_list space squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=space + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'space in builddir' + set +x ok 59 - space in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 59 - space in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './ ' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './ ' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-space + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ ' + mkdir build-space + cd build-space + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ ' + file='./ ' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-space' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-space' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='space in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest space + case $1 in + is_in_list space squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=space + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'space in destdir' + set +x ok 60 - space in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 60 - space in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-space '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ ' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-space '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ ' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__tab}' ++ test_string=' ' + test 'x ' = x + mkdir './ ' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./ ' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab + cd './ ' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab + file='./ ' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='tab in builddir' + expected_to_fail build tab + case $1 in + is_in_list tab squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=tab + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'tab in builddir' + set +x ok 61 - tab in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 61 - tab in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './ ' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './ ' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-tab + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ ' + mkdir build-tab + cd build-tab + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ ' + file='./ ' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-tab' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-tab' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='tab in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest tab + case $1 in + is_in_list tab squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=tab + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'tab in destdir' + set +x ok 62 - tab in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 62 - tab in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-tab '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ ' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-tab '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ ' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__linefeed}' ++ test_string=' ' + test 'x ' = x + mkdir './ ' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./ ' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-linefeed + cd './ ' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' configure: error: pwd does not report name of working directory + r='not ok' + description='linefeed in builddir' + expected_to_fail build linefeed + case $1 in + is_in_list linefeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=linefeed + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'linefeed in builddir' + set +x not ok 63 - linefeed in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 63 - linefeed in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-linefeed + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-linefeed/ ' + mkdir build-linefeed + cd build-linefeed + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/ -prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all Makefile:309: *** faltando o separador. Pare. + r='not ok' + description='linefeed in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest linefeed + case $1 in + is_in_list linefeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=linefeed + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'linefeed in destdir' + set +x not ok 64 - linefeed in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 64 - linefeed in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__backspace}' ++ test_string=$'\b' + test $'x\b' = x + mkdir $'./\b' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=$'./\b' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace + cd $'./\b' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace + file=$'./\b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='backspace in builddir' + expected_to_fail build backspace + case $1 in + is_in_list backspace squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=backspace + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'backspace in builddir' + set +x ok 65 - backspace in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 65 - backspace in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ $'./\b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl $'./\b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-backspace + dest=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/\b' + mkdir build-backspace + cd build-backspace + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/\b' + file=$'./\b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-backspace' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-backspace' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='backspace in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest backspace + case $1 in + is_in_list backspace squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=backspace + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'backspace in destdir' + set +x ok 66 - backspace in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 66 - backspace in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-backspace $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/\b' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-backspace $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/\b' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__formfeed}' ++ test_string=$'\f' + test $'x\f' = x + mkdir $'./\f' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=$'./\f' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed + cd $'./\f' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\f-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed + file=$'./\f' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='formfeed in builddir' + expected_to_fail build formfeed + case $1 in + is_in_list formfeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=formfeed + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'formfeed in builddir' + set +x ok 67 - formfeed in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 67 - formfeed in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ $'./\f' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl $'./\f' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-formfeed + dest=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/\f' + mkdir build-formfeed + cd build-formfeed + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\f-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/\f' + file=$'./\f' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-formfeed' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ / -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-formfeed' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='formfeed in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest formfeed + case $1 in + is_in_list formfeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=formfeed + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'formfeed in destdir' + set +x ok 68 - formfeed in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 68 - formfeed in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-formfeed $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/\f' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-formfeed $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/\f' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__carriageret}' ++ test_string=$'\r' + test $'x\r' = x + mkdir $'./\r' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=$'./\r' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret + cd $'./\r' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\r-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret + file=$'./\r' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/ ' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='carriageret in builddir' + expected_to_fail build carriageret + case $1 in + is_in_list carriageret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=carriageret + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'carriageret in builddir' + set +x ok 69 - carriageret in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 69 - carriageret in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ $'./\r' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl $'./\r' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-carriageret + dest=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/\r' + mkdir build-carriageret + cd build-carriageret + r=ok + ../configure --prefix $'/\r-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=$'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/\r' + file=$'./\r' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-carriageret' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ / -prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-carriageret' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='carriageret in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest carriageret + case $1 in + is_in_list carriageret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=carriageret + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'carriageret in destdir' + set +x ok 70 - carriageret in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 70 - carriageret in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-carriageret $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/\r' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-carriageret $'/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/\r' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph0}' ++ test_string='@&t@' + test 'x@&t@' = x + mkdir './@&t@' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./@&t@' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0 + cd './@&t@' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@&address@hidden' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='quadrigraph0 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build quadrigraph0 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph0 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph0 + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'quadrigraph0 in builddir' + set +x not ok 71 - quadrigraph0 in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 71 - quadrigraph0 in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-quadrigraph0 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@' + mkdir build-quadrigraph0 + cd build-quadrigraph0 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@&address@hidden' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@' + file='./@&t@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph0' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&address@hidden/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph0' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&address@hidden/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph0 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph0 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph0 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph0 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph0 in destdir' + set +x ok 72 - quadrigraph0 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 72 - quadrigraph0 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph0 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-quadrigraph0 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph1}' ++ test_string='@<:@' + test 'x@<:@' = x + mkdir './@<:@' + case $test_string in + cd './@<:@' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./@<:@' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1 + cd './@<:@' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@<:@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1 + file='./@<:@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@<:@' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@<:@' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph1 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build quadrigraph1 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph1 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph1 in builddir' + set +x ok 73 - quadrigraph1 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 73 - quadrigraph1 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './@<:@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './@<:@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-quadrigraph1 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@' + mkdir build-quadrigraph1 + cd build-quadrigraph1 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@<:@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@' + file='./@<:@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph1' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph1' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph1 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph1 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph1 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph1 in destdir' + set +x ok 74 - quadrigraph1 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 74 - quadrigraph1 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph1 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-quadrigraph1 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph2}' ++ test_string='@:>@' + test 'x@:>@' = x + mkdir './@:>@' + case $test_string in + cd './@:>@' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./@:>@' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2 + cd './@:>@' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@:>@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2 + file='./@:>@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@:>@' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@:>@' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph2 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build quadrigraph2 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph2 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph2 in builddir' + set +x ok 75 - quadrigraph2 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 75 - quadrigraph2 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './@:>@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './@:>@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-quadrigraph2 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@' + mkdir build-quadrigraph2 + cd build-quadrigraph2 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@:>@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@' + file='./@:>@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph2' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph2' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph2 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph2 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph2 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph2 in destdir' + set +x ok 76 - quadrigraph2 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 76 - quadrigraph2 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph2 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-quadrigraph2 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph3}' ++ test_string='@S|@' + test 'address@hidden|@' = x + mkdir './@S|@' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./@S|@' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3 + cd './@S|@' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@S|@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3 + file='./@S|@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@S|@' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@S|@' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph3 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build quadrigraph3 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph3 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph3 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph3 in builddir' + set +x ok 77 - quadrigraph3 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 77 - quadrigraph3 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './@S|@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './@S|@' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-quadrigraph3 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@' + mkdir build-quadrigraph3 + cd build-quadrigraph3 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/@S|@-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@' + file='./@S|@' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph3' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph3' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph3 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph3 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph3 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph3 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph3 in destdir' + set +x ok 78 - quadrigraph3 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 78 - quadrigraph3 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph3 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-quadrigraph3 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph4}' ++ address@hidden:@ + test address@hidden:@ = x + mkdir ./@%:@ + case $test_string in + cd ./@%:@ + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./@%:@ + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4 + cd ./@%:@ + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /@%:@-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4 + file=./@%:@ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@%:@' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/@%:@' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph4 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build quadrigraph4 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph4 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph4 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph4 in builddir' + set +x ok 79 - quadrigraph4 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 79 - quadrigraph4 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./@%:@ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./@%:@ /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-quadrigraph4 + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@ + mkdir build-quadrigraph4 + cd build-quadrigraph4 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /@%:@-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@ + file=./@%:@ + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph4' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph4' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='quadrigraph4 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph4 + case $1 in + is_in_list quadrigraph4 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=quadrigraph4 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'quadrigraph4 in destdir' + set +x ok 80 - quadrigraph4 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 80 - quadrigraph4 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@ + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-quadrigraph4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@ + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__a_b}' ++ test_string='a b' + test 'xa b' = x + mkdir './a b' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./a b' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b + cd './a b' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b + file='./a b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a b' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a b' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='a_b in builddir' + expected_to_fail build a_b + case $1 in + is_in_list a_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=a_b + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'a_b in builddir' + set +x ok 81 - a_b in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 81 - a_b in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './a b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './a b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-a_b + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b' + mkdir build-a_b + cd build-a_b + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b' + file='./a b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-a_b' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-a_b' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='a_b in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest a_b + case $1 in + is_in_list a_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=a_b + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'a_b in destdir' + set +x ok 82 - a_b in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 82 - a_b in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-a_b '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-a_b '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__a__b}' ++ test_string='a b' + test 'xa b' = x + mkdir './a b' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./a b' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b + cd './a b' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b + file='./a b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a b' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a b' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='a__b in builddir' + expected_to_fail build a__b + case $1 in + is_in_list a__b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=a__b + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'a__b in builddir' + set +x ok 83 - a__b in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 83 - a__b in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './a b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './a b' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-a__b + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b' + mkdir build-a__b + cd build-a__b + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b' + file='./a b' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-a__b' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-a__b' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='a__b in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest a__b + case $1 in + is_in_list a__b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=a__b + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'a__b in destdir' + set +x ok 84 - a__b in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 84 - a__b in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-a__b '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-a__b '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__a_lf_b}' ++ test_string='a b' + test 'xa b' = x + mkdir './a b' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./a b' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_lf_b + cd './a b' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name + r='not ok' + description='a_lf_b in builddir' + expected_to_fail build a_lf_b + case $1 in + is_in_list a_lf_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=a_lf_b + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'a_lf_b in builddir' + set +x not ok 85 - a_lf_b in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 85 - a_lf_b in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-a_lf_b + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_lf_b/a b' + mkdir build-a_lf_b + cd build-a_lf_b + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/a b-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all Makefile:309: *** faltando o separador. Pare. + r='not ok' + description='a_lf_b in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest a_lf_b + case $1 in + is_in_list a_lf_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=a_lf_b + shift + case " $* " in + return 0 + directive=TODO + reason='long-standing limitation' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'a_lf_b in destdir' + set +x not ok 86 - a_lf_b in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 86 - a_lf_b in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test 'not ok' = ok + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__dotdotdot}' ++ test_string=... + test x... = x + mkdir ./... + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./... + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot + cd ./... + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /...-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot + file=./... + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/...' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/...' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='dotdotdot in builddir' + expected_to_fail build dotdotdot + case $1 in + is_in_list dotdotdot squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=dotdotdot + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dotdotdot in builddir' + set +x ok 87 - dotdotdot in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 87 - dotdotdot in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./... /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./... /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-dotdotdot + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/... + mkdir build-dotdotdot + cd build-dotdotdot + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /...-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/... + file=./... + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dotdotdot' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dotdotdot' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='dotdotdot in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest dotdotdot + case $1 in + is_in_list dotdotdot squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=dotdotdot + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dotdotdot in destdir' + set +x ok 88 - dotdotdot in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 88 - dotdotdot in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-dotdotdot /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/... + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-dotdotdot /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/... + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__dosdrive}' ++ test_string=a: + test xa: = x + mkdir ./a: + case $test_string in + cd ./a: + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=./a: + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive + cd ./a: + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /a:-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive + file=./a: + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a:' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/a:' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='dosdrive in builddir' + expected_to_fail build dosdrive + case $1 in + is_in_list dosdrive squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=dosdrive + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dosdrive in builddir' + set +x ok 89 - dosdrive in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 89 - dosdrive in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ ./a: /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl ./a: /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-dosdrive + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a: + mkdir build-dosdrive + cd build-dosdrive + r=ok + ../configure --prefix /a:-prefix checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a: + file=./a: + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dosdrive' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-dosdrive' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='dosdrive in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest dosdrive + case $1 in + is_in_list dosdrive squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=dosdrive + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dosdrive in destdir' + set +x ok 90 - dosdrive in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 90 - dosdrive in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-dosdrive /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a: + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-dosdrive /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a: + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__miscglob1}' ++ test_string='?[a-z]*' + test 'x?[a-z]*' = x + mkdir './?[a-z]*' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./?[a-z]*' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1 + cd './?[a-z]*' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/?[a-z]*-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1 + file='./?[a-z]*' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/?[a-z]*' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/?[a-z]*' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='miscglob1 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build miscglob1 + case $1 in + is_in_list miscglob1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=miscglob1 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'miscglob1 in builddir' + set +x ok 91 - miscglob1 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 91 - miscglob1 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './?[a-z]*' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './?[a-z]*' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-miscglob1 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*' + mkdir build-miscglob1 + cd build-miscglob1 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/?[a-z]*-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*' + file='./?[a-z]*' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob1' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob1' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='miscglob1 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest miscglob1 + case $1 in + is_in_list miscglob1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=miscglob1 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'miscglob1 in destdir' + set +x ok 92 - miscglob1 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 92 - miscglob1 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-miscglob1 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-miscglob1 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for test_name in '$test_names_list' + eval 'test_string=${instspc__miscglob2}' ++ test_string='.*?[0-9]' + test 'x.*?[0-9]' = x + mkdir './.*?[0-9]' + case $test_string in + for where in build dest + case $where in + build='./.*?[0-9]' + dest=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2 + cd './.*?[0-9]' + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/.*?[0-9]-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2 + file='./.*?[0-9]' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/.*?[0-9]' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/.*?[0-9]' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='miscglob2 in builddir' + expected_to_fail build miscglob2 + case $1 in + is_in_list miscglob2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b + item=miscglob2 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'miscglob2 in builddir' + set +x ok 93 - miscglob2 in builddir PASS: t/instspc.tap 93 - miscglob2 in builddir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ './.*?[0-9]' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2 + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl './.*?[0-9]' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2 + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for where in build dest + case $where in + build=build-miscglob2 + dest='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]' + mkdir build-miscglob2 + cd build-miscglob2 + r=ok + ../configure --prefix '/.*?[0-9]-prefix' checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for ar... ar checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make all gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po rm -f sub/libbase.a ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o ranlib sub/libbase.a rm -f sub/libnobase.a ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o ranlib sub/libnobase.a gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o + DESTDIR='/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]' + file='./.*?[0-9]' + make test-inst make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob2' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' ( cd '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a ) /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' /bin/mkdir -p '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob2' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.h' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.dat' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.sh' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a' test ! -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a' test -f '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libbase.a' + description='miscglob2 in destdir' + expected_to_fail dest miscglob2 + case $1 in + is_in_list miscglob2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b + item=miscglob2 + shift + case " $* " in + return 1 + directive= + reason= + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'miscglob2 in destdir' + set +x ok 94 - miscglob2 in destdir PASS: t/instspc.tap 94 - miscglob2 in destdir + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir + not am_keeping_testdirs + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 1 + test ok = ok + rm_rf_ build-miscglob2 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]' + test 2 -gt 0 + /usr/bin/perl /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/deltree.pl build-miscglob2 '/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]' + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 94 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 77 -eq 94 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x instspc: exit 0 PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir ======================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + plan_ 7 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x7 = xunknown + test x7 = xlater + test x7 = xlazy + test x7 = xnow + test 7 -ge 0 + planned_=7 + echo 1..7 1..7 ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + unset ACLOCAL_PATH + tcount=0 + r=invalid + description= + directive= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored' + shift + tcount=1 + test 1 -gt 0 + mkdir 1.d + cd 1.d + cat + mkdir macro-dir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4]) + autoconf + not /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure + /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure + /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure ::my::foo:: + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored' + set +x ok 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 1.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install' + shift + tcount=2 + test 2 -gt 0 + mkdir 2.d + cd 2.d + cat + mkdir sys-dir the-dir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])' + test '!' -r the-dir/my.m4 + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir aclocal-1.14: installing 'the-dir/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4' + diff sys-dir/my.m4 the-dir/my.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install' + set +x ok 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 2.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR' + test -n '' + r=ok + description=''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR' + directive= + echo ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR' + shift + tcount=3 + test 3 -gt 0 + mkdir 3.d + cd 3.d + cat + mkdir dir1 dir2 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ko::ko::])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ok::ok::])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -I dir2 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/2.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/2.m4]) + not /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/1.m4])' aclocal.m4 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/1.m4])' aclocal.m4 + autoconf + not /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure + /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure + /bin/grep -F ::ok::ok:: configure ::ok::ok:: + test_end + test -z ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR' + set +x ok 3 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 3 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 3.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + shift + tcount=4 + test 4 -gt 0 + mkdir 4.d + cd 4.d + cat + mkdir acdir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_MACRO], [:])' + test '!' -d foo + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./acdir aclocal-1.14: installing 'foo/bar.m4' from 'acdir/bar.m4' + diff acdir/bar.m4 foo/bar.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + set +x ok 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo' PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo' + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 4.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported' + shift + tcount=5 + test 5 -gt 0 + mkdir 5.d + cd 5.d + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-error + cat stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + grep 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''non-existent'\''' stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + test -f aclocal.m4 + rm -rf aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Werror -Wno-unsupported + test -f aclocal.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported' + set +x ok 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 5.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + shift + tcount=6 + test 6 -gt 0 + mkdir 6.d + cd 6.d + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-error + cat stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'not-exist': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado ++ grep -c 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''not-exist'\''' stderr + test 1 -eq 1 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + set +x ok 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 6.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + autoconf -o/dev/null - + echo 'AC_INIT AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' /dev/null:1659: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. + skip_ -r 'autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)' + set +x ok 7 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined) SKIP: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 7 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined) + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 7 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 6 -eq 7 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x aclocal-macrodir: exit 0 PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs ========================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + plan_ 15 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x15 = xunknown + test x15 = xlater + test x15 = xlazy + test x15 = xnow + test 15 -ge 0 + planned_=15 + echo 1..15 1..15 ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + unset ACLOCAL_PATH + tcount=0 + r=invalid + description= + directive= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored' + shift + tcount=1 + test 1 -gt 0 + mkdir 1.d + cd 1.d + cat + mkdir macro-dir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4]) + autoconf + not /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure + /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure + /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure ::my::foo:: + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored' + set +x ok 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 1.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments' + shift + tcount=2 + test 2 -gt 0 + mkdir 2.d + cd 2.d + cat + three_dirs_check + mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/foo.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/zap.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir3/0.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) + autoconf + not /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure ::my::foo:: + /bin/grep -F '!!my!!bar!!' configure !!my!!bar!! + /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure ==my==baz== + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments' + set +x ok 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 2.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls' + shift + tcount=3 + test 3 -gt 0 + mkdir 3.d + cd 3.d + cat + three_dirs_check + mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/foo.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/zap.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir3/0.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) + autoconf + not /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure ::my::foo:: + /bin/grep -F '!!my!!bar!!' configure !!my!!bar!! + /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure ==my==baz== + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls' + set +x ok 3 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 3 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 3.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace' + shift + tcount=4 + test 4 -gt 0 + mkdir 4.d + cd 4.d + bslash='\' + cat + three_dirs_check + mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/foo.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/zap.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir3/0.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) + autoconf + not /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure ::my::foo:: + /bin/grep -F '!!my!!bar!!' configure !!my!!bar!! + /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure ==my==baz== + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace' + set +x ok 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 4.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence' + shift + tcount=5 + test 5 -gt 0 + mkdir 5.d + cd 5.d + cat + mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [OK-Foo])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [KO-Foo])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [OK-Bar])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [KO-Bar])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [OK-Baz])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/b.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/b.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/1.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/1.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir3/x.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir3/x.m4]) ++ /bin/grep -F -c 'm4_include([dir1' aclocal.m4 + test 1 -eq 1 ++ /bin/grep -F -c 'm4_include([dir2' aclocal.m4 + test 1 -eq 1 ++ /bin/grep -F -c 'm4_include([dir3' aclocal.m4 + test 1 -eq 1 + autoconf + not /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -E 'MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ)' configure + /bin/grep -F OK-Foo configure OK-Foo + /bin/grep -F OK-Bar configure OK-Bar + /bin/grep -F OK-Baz configure OK-Baz + not /bin/grep -F KO- configure + /bin/grep -F KO- configure + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence' + set +x ok 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 5.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install' + shift + tcount=6 + test 6 -gt 0 + mkdir 6.d + cd 6.d + cat + mkdir sys-dir the-dir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])' + test '!' -r the-dir/my.m4 + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir aclocal-1.14: installing 'the-dir/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4' + diff sys-dir/my.m4 the-dir/my.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install' + set +x ok 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 6.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install' + directive= + echo 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install' + shift + tcount=7 + test 7 -gt 0 + mkdir 7.d + cd 7.d + cat + two_dirs_install_check + mkdir sys-dir dir1 dir2 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([AX_FOO], [:])' + test '!' -r dir1/my.m4 + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir aclocal-1.14: installing 'dir1/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4' + diff sys-dir/my.m4 dir1/my.m4 + test '!' -e dir2/my.m4 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/my.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/my.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/zap.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) + test_end + test -z 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install' + set +x ok 7 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 7 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 7.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install' + directive= + echo 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install' + shift + tcount=8 + test 8 -gt 0 + mkdir 8.d + cd 8.d + cat + two_dirs_install_check + mkdir sys-dir dir1 dir2 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([AX_FOO], [:])' + test '!' -r dir1/my.m4 + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir aclocal-1.14: installing 'dir1/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4' + diff sys-dir/my.m4 dir1/my.m4 + test '!' -e dir2/my.m4 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/my.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir1/my.m4]) + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/zap.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) + test_end + test -z 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install' + set +x ok 8 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 8 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 8.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' + test -n '' + r=ok + description=''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' + directive= + echo ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' + shift + tcount=9 + test 9 -gt 0 + mkdir 9.d + cd 9.d + cat + mkdir dir1 dir2 + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ko::ko::])' + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ok::ok::])' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -I dir2 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir2/2.m4])' aclocal.m4 m4_include([dir2/2.m4]) + not /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/1.m4])' aclocal.m4 + /bin/grep -F 'm4_include([dir1/1.m4])' aclocal.m4 + autoconf + not /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure + /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure + /bin/grep -F ::ok::ok:: configure ::ok::ok:: + test_end + test -z ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- ''\''-I'\'' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' + set +x ok 9 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 9 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 9.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + shift + tcount=10 + test 10 -gt 0 + mkdir 10.d + cd 10.d + cat + mkdir acdir + echo 'AC_DEFUN([MY_MACRO], [:])' + test '!' -d foo + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./acdir aclocal-1.14: installing 'foo/bar.m4' from 'acdir/bar.m4' + diff acdir/bar.m4 foo/bar.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory '\''foo'\''' + set +x ok 10 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo' PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 10 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo' + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 10.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)' + shift + tcount=11 + test 11 -gt 0 + mkdir 11.d + cd 11.d + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-error + cat stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + grep 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''non-existent'\''' stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + test -f aclocal.m4 + rm -rf aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Werror -Wno-unsupported + test -f aclocal.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)' + set +x ok 11 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1) PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 11 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1) + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 11.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)' + shift + tcount=12 + test 12 -gt 0 + mkdir 12.d + cd 12.d + cat + mkdir dir-ok + not aclocal-1.14 -Werror + cat stderr + aclocal-1.14 -Werror aclocal-1.14: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + grep 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''dir-ko'\''' stderr aclocal-1.14: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + not grep dir-ok stderr + grep dir-ok stderr + test '!' -e aclocal.m4 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)' + set +x ok 12 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2) PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 12 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2) + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 12.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out' + shift + tcount=13 + test 13 -gt 0 + mkdir 13.d + cd 13.d + cat + mkdir dir-ok + not aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wnone --install + cat stderr + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wnone --install aclocal-1.14: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + grep 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''dir-ko'\''' stderr aclocal-1.14: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + test '!' -e dir-ko + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out' + set +x ok 13 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 13 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 13.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + test_begin 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + test -n '' + r=ok + description='AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + directive= + echo 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + shift + tcount=14 + test 14 -gt 0 + mkdir 14.d + cd 14.d + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-error + cat stderr aclocal-1.14: warning: couldn't open directory 'not-exist': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado ++ grep -c 'couldn'\''t open directory '\''not-exist'\''' stderr + test 1 -eq 1 + test_end + test -z 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir + result_ ok -D '' -- 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist' + set +x ok 14 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 14 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist + test -z '' + test ok = ok + rm -rf 14.d + r=invalid + directive= + description= + autoconf -o/dev/null - + echo 'AC_INIT AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS' /dev/null:1659: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. + skip_ -r 'autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)' + set +x ok 15 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined) SKIP: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 15 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined) + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 15 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 14 -eq 15 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x aclocal-macrodirs: exit 0 XFAIL: t/all ============ Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/all.dir + targets='all install-exec install-data uninstall' + sed -e 's/[ :]/-local&/g' + echo 'all install-exec install-data uninstall:' + cat Makefile.am all-local install-exec-local install-data-local uninstall-local: + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + for target in '$targets' + grep all-local Makefile.in all-local install-exec-local install-data-local uninstall-local: + grep 'all-am:.*all-local' Makefile.in + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x all: exit 1 SKIP: t/amhello-cross-compile ============================= amhello-cross-compile: running i586-mingw32msvc-gcc --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ar-lib4 =============== ar-lib4: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ar-lib5a ================ ar-lib5a: running lib -out:defstest.lib /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 873: lib: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ar-lib6a ================ ar-lib6a: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ar-lib6b ================ ar-lib6b: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado FAIL: t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495 ============================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir + cat + mkdir sub + echo SUBDIRS = sub + : + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + autoheader + test -f a.h.in + test '!' -f c.h.in + test '!' -f sub/c.h.in + AUTOMAKE_fails -Wno-error -Wnone + AUTOMAKE_run -e 1 -Wno-error -Wnone + am__desc= + am__exp_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__exp_rc=1 + shift + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + am__got_rc=0 + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -Wno-error -Wnone + am__got_rc=1 + cat stderr configure.ac:4: error: required file 'b.h.in' not found configure.ac:4: error: required file 'sub/c.h.in' not found + cat stdout + test none = none + test 1 -eq 1 + return + grep '^configure\.ac:4:.* required file '\''b.h.in'\'' not found' stderr configure.ac:4: error: required file 'b.h.in' not found + grep '^configure\.ac:4:.* required file '\''sub/c.h.in'\'' not found' stderr configure.ac:4: error: required file 'sub/c.h.in' not found + : + : + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating sub/Makefile config.status: creating a.h config.status: creating b.h config.status: creating sub/c.h + grep '^$(srcdir)/a\.h\.in:' Makefile.in $(srcdir)/a.h.in: $(am__configure_deps) + grep '[bc]\.h\.in.*:' Makefile.in sub/Makefile.in + test -f a.h + test -f b.h + test -f sub/c.h + rm -f a.h.in a.h + make (CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir/missing autoheader) rm -f stamp-h1 touch a.h.in cd . && /bin/bash ./config.status a.h config.status: creating a.h make all-recursive make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir' Making all in sub make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir/sub' make all-am make[3]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir/sub' make[3]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir/sub' make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir/sub' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir' make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir' + test -f a.h.in + test -f a.h ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/autohdr-subdir-pr12495.dir + for x in b c + test b = b + rm -f b.h.in + run_make -E -e FAIL b.h.in + am__make_redirect_stdout=no + am__make_redirect_stderr=no + am__make_redirect_stdall=no + am__make_flags= + am__make_rc_exp=0 + am_make_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__make_redirect_stderr=yes + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__make_rc_exp=FAIL + shift + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + using_gmake + case $am__using_gmake in + make --version -v + grep GNU GNU Make 3.81 + am__using_gmake=yes + return 0 + : + test x '!=' x + : exec make b.h.in + set +x + am_make_rc=2 + test 2 -eq 253 + test no = yes + test no = yes + test yes = yes + cat stderr make: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo `b.h.in'. Pare. + case $am__make_rc_exp in + test 2 -gt 0 + test '!' -f b.h.in + using_gmake + case $am__using_gmake in + return 0 + grep 'No rule to make target [`"'\'']b\.h\.in[`"'\'']' stderr + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x autohdr-subdir-pr12495: exit 1 PASS: t/auxdir-computed ======================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/auxdir-computed.dir + plan_ 3 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x3 = xunknown + test x3 = xlater + test x3 = xlazy + test x3 = xnow + test 3 -ge 0 + planned_=3 + echo 1..3 1..3 + cat + : + command_ok_ aclocal aclocal-1.14 -Werror + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_=aclocal + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- aclocal + set +x ok 1 - aclocal PASS: t/auxdir-computed.tap 1 - aclocal + command_ok_ 'automake -a' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 10 -gt 0 + tap_description_='automake -a' + shift + test 9 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_directive_=TODO + shift + shift + test 7 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_reason_='long-standing limitation' + shift + shift + test 5 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a configure.ac:2: error: required directory ./$foo does not exist configure.ac:3: error: installing '$foo/install-sh'; error while making link: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado configure.ac:3: error: installing '$foo/missing'; error while making link: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado + tap_result_='not ok' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- 'automake -a' + set +x not ok 2 - automake -a # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/auxdir-computed.tap 2 - automake -a # TODO long-standing limitation + command_ok_ automake -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 9 -gt 0 + tap_description_=automake + shift + test 8 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_directive_=TODO + shift + shift + test 6 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_reason_='long-standing limitation' + shift + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall configure.ac:2: error: required directory ./$foo does not exist configure.ac:3: error: required file '$foo/install-sh' not found configure.ac:3: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'install-sh' configure.ac:3: error: required file '$foo/missing' not found configure.ac:3: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'missing' + tap_result_='not ok' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'long-standing limitation' -- automake + set +x not ok 3 - automake # TODO long-standing limitation XFAIL: t/auxdir-computed.tap 3 - automake # TODO long-standing limitation + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 3 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 1 -eq 3 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x auxdir-computed: exit 0 SKIP: t/canon6 ============== canon6: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/canon7 ============== canon7: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ccnoco-lt ================= ccnoco-lt: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/check12 =============== check12: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/color-tests2 ==================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/color-tests2.dir + red='\[0;31m' + grn='\[0;32m' + lgn='\[1;32m' + blu='\[1;34m' + mgn='\[0;35m' + std='\[m' + set +e + expect -c 'exit 77' ./t/color-tests2.sh: line 33: expect: comando não encontrado + test 127 -eq 77 + skip_ 'requires a working expect program' + warn_ 'color-tests2: skipped test: requires a working expect program' + echo 'color-tests2: skipped test: requires a working expect program' + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x color-tests2: exit 77 SKIP: t/compile4 ================ compile4: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/compile5 ================ Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/compile5.dir + get_shell_script compile + test '!' -f compile + rm -f compile + test x = xyes + cp -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/compile . + sed 10q compile #! /bin/sh # Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'. scriptversion=2012-10-14.11; # UTC # Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Written by Tom Tromey . # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + cat + chmod +x ./cl + cat + : + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a configure.ac:4: installing './config.guess' configure.ac:4: installing './config.sub' + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating check_host + . ./check_host ++ case 'linux-gnu' in ++ skip_ 'target OS is not MinGW' ++ warn_ 'compile5: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW' ++ echo 'compile5: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW' ++ _am_exit 77 ++ set +e ++ test 77 = 77 ++ am__test_skipped=yes ++ exit 77 ++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x compile5: exit 77 XFAIL: t/cond17 =============== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cond17.dir + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a Makefile.am: error: object 'foo.$(OBJEXT)' created by 'foo.cc' and 'foo.c' + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x cond17: exit 1 SKIP: t/cond35 ============== PASS: t/cscope ============== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + plan_ 18 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x18 = xunknown + test x18 = xlater + test x18 = xlazy + test x18 = xnow + test 18 -ge 0 + planned_=18 + echo 1..18 1..18 ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + cat + mkdir sub sub/subsub + cat + cat + echo 'int foo_func () { return 0; }' + echo 'int main () { return 0; }' + cat + : + echo 'int main () { return 0; }' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -i -a + cscope -q --version ./t/cscope.tap: line 72: cscope: comando não encontrado + have_cscope=no + using_gmake + case $am__using_gmake in + make --version -v + grep GNU GNU Make 3.81 + am__using_gmake=yes + return 0 + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + pfx='relative VPATH' + mkdir build + cd build + my_configure .. + command_ok_ '[relative VPATH] configure' ../configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='[relative VPATH] configure' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ../configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for emacs... no checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating sub/Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- '[relative VPATH] configure' + set +x ok 1 - [relative VPATH] configure PASS: t/cscope.tap 1 - [relative VPATH] configure + test_cscope + r=ok + make -n cscope rm -f cscope.files fail=; \ if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if test -n ' Makefile' && test -n '0'; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \ failcom='fail=yes'; \ else \ failcom='exit 1'; \ fi; \ dot_seen=no; \ target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \ case "cscopelist-recursive" in \ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \ *) list='sub' ;; \ esac; \ for subdir in $list; do \ echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \ if test "$subdir" = "."; then \ dot_seen=yes; \ local_target="$target-am"; \ else \ local_target="$target"; \ fi; \ (CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \ || eval $failcom; \ done; \ if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ make "$target-am" || exit 1; \ fi; test -z "$fail" Making cscopelist in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build/sub' /bin/mkdir -p subsub echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \ case "../../sub" in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="../../sub" ;; \ *) sdir=sub/../../sub ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "sub/$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ../cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build' list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \ case ".." in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir=".." ;; \ *) sdir=./.. ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "./$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ./cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build' test ! -s cscope.files \ || cscope -b -q -i cscope.files + result_ ok '[relative VPATH] make -n cscope' + set +x ok 2 - [relative VPATH] make -n cscope PASS: t/cscope.tap 2 - [relative VPATH] make -n cscope + test no = no + touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out + skip_row_ 3 -r 'no proper cscope program available' + skip_count_=3 + shift ++ seq_ 3 ++ case $# in ++ seq_first=1 ++ seq_incr=1 ++ seq_last=3 ++ i=1 ++ test 1 -le 3 ++ echo 1 ++ i=2 ++ test 2 -le 3 ++ echo 2 ++ i=3 ++ test 3 -le 3 ++ echo 3 ++ i=4 ++ test 4 -le 3 + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 3 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 3 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 4 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 4 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 5 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 5 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + return 0 + test_cleanup + r=ok + test -f configure + make distcleancheck Making distclean in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build/sub' test -z "bar" || rm -f bar test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c rm -f *. rm -f subsub/*. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = "../../sub" || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f subsub/.dirstamp rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build' test -z "foo" || rm -f foo rm -f foo.elc rm -f *. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = ".." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build' rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile + test '!' -e cscope.files + test '!' -e cscope.out + test '!' -e cscope.in.out + test '!' -e cscope.po.out + result_ ok '[relative VPATH] make distcheck' + set +x ok 6 - [relative VPATH] make distcheck PASS: t/cscope.tap 6 - [relative VPATH] make distcheck + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + pfx='absolute VPATH' + mkdir build2 + cd build2 + my_configure /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + command_ok_ '[absolute VPATH] configure' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='[absolute VPATH] configure' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for emacs... no checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating sub/Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- '[absolute VPATH] configure' + set +x ok 7 - [absolute VPATH] configure PASS: t/cscope.tap 7 - [absolute VPATH] configure + test_cscope + r=ok + make -n cscope rm -f cscope.files fail=; \ if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if test -n ' Makefile' && test -n '0'; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \ failcom='fail=yes'; \ else \ failcom='exit 1'; \ fi; \ dot_seen=no; \ target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \ case "cscopelist-recursive" in \ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \ *) list='sub' ;; \ esac; \ for subdir in $list; do \ echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \ if test "$subdir" = "."; then \ dot_seen=yes; \ local_target="$target-am"; \ else \ local_target="$target"; \ fi; \ (CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \ || eval $failcom; \ done; \ if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ make "$target-am" || exit 1; \ fi; test -z "$fail" Making cscopelist in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub' /bin/mkdir -p subsub echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \ case "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub" in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub" ;; \ *) sdir=sub//home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "sub/$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ../cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2' list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \ case "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir" in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir" ;; \ *) sdir=.//home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "./$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ./cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2' test ! -s cscope.files \ || cscope -b -q -i cscope.files + result_ ok '[absolute VPATH] make -n cscope' + set +x ok 8 - [absolute VPATH] make -n cscope PASS: t/cscope.tap 8 - [absolute VPATH] make -n cscope + test no = no + touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out + skip_row_ 3 -r 'no proper cscope program available' + skip_count_=3 + shift ++ seq_ 3 ++ case $# in ++ seq_first=1 ++ seq_incr=1 ++ seq_last=3 ++ i=1 ++ test 1 -le 3 ++ echo 1 ++ i=2 ++ test 2 -le 3 ++ echo 2 ++ i=3 ++ test 3 -le 3 ++ echo 3 ++ i=4 ++ test 4 -le 3 + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 9 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 9 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 10 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 10 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 11 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 11 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + return 0 + test_cleanup + r=ok + test -f configure + make distcleancheck Making distclean in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub' test -z "bar" || rm -f bar test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c rm -f *. rm -f subsub/*. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub" || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f subsub/.dirstamp rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2' test -z "foo" || rm -f foo rm -f foo.elc rm -f *. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir" || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/build2' rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile + test '!' -e cscope.files + test '!' -e cscope.out + test '!' -e cscope.in.out + test '!' -e cscope.po.out + result_ ok '[absolute VPATH] make distcheck' + set +x ok 12 - [absolute VPATH] make distcheck PASS: t/cscope.tap 12 - [absolute VPATH] make distcheck + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir + pfx='in-tree build' + my_configure . + command_ok_ '[in-tree build] configure' ./configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='[in-tree build] configure' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for emacs... no checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating sub/Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- '[in-tree build] configure' + set +x ok 13 - [in-tree build] configure PASS: t/cscope.tap 13 - [in-tree build] configure + test_cscope + r=ok + make -n cscope rm -f cscope.files fail=; \ if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if test -n ' Makefile' && test -n '0'; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \ failcom='fail=yes'; \ else \ failcom='exit 1'; \ fi; \ dot_seen=no; \ target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \ case "cscopelist-recursive" in \ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \ *) list='sub' ;; \ esac; \ for subdir in $list; do \ echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \ if test "$subdir" = "."; then \ dot_seen=yes; \ local_target="$target-am"; \ else \ local_target="$target"; \ fi; \ (CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \ || eval $failcom; \ done; \ if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ make "$target-am" || exit 1; \ fi; test -z "$fail" Making cscopelist in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub' /bin/mkdir -p subsub echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \ case "." in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="." ;; \ *) sdir=sub/. ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "sub/$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ../cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir' list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \ case "." in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="." ;; \ *) sdir=./. ;; \ esac; \ for i in $list; do \ if test -f "$i"; then \ echo "./$i"; \ else \ echo "$sdir/$i"; \ fi; \ done >> ./cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir' test ! -s cscope.files \ || cscope -b -q -i cscope.files + result_ ok '[in-tree build] make -n cscope' + set +x ok 14 - [in-tree build] make -n cscope PASS: t/cscope.tap 14 - [in-tree build] make -n cscope + test no = no + touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out + skip_row_ 3 -r 'no proper cscope program available' + skip_count_=3 + shift ++ seq_ 3 ++ case $# in ++ seq_first=1 ++ seq_incr=1 ++ seq_last=3 ++ i=1 ++ test 1 -le 3 ++ echo 1 ++ i=2 ++ test 2 -le 3 ++ echo 2 ++ i=3 ++ test 3 -le 3 ++ echo 3 ++ i=4 ++ test 4 -le 3 + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 15 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 15 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 16 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 16 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + for i_ in '$(seq_ $skip_count_)' + skip_ -r 'no proper cscope program available' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'no proper cscope program available' + set +x ok 17 # SKIP no proper cscope program available SKIP: t/cscope.tap 17 # SKIP no proper cscope program available + return 0 + test_cleanup + r=ok + test -f configure + make distclean Making distclean in sub make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub' test -z "bar" || rm -f bar test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c rm -f *. rm -f subsub/*. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = "." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f subsub/.dirstamp rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir/sub' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir' test -z "foo" || rm -f foo rm -f foo.elc rm -f *. rm -f *.tab.c test -z "" || rm -f test . = "." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/cscope.dir' rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile + test '!' -e cscope.files + test '!' -e cscope.out + test '!' -e cscope.in.out + test '!' -e cscope.po.out + result_ ok '[in-tree build] make distcheck' + set +x ok 18 - [in-tree build] make distcheck PASS: t/cscope.tap 18 - [in-tree build] make distcheck + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 18 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 9 -eq 18 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x cscope: exit 0 SKIP: t/cscope3 =============== cscope3: running cscope --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: cscope: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/cxx-lt-demo =================== cxx-lt-demo: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu3 ================ dejagnu3: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu4 ================ dejagnu4: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu5 ================ dejagnu5: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu6 ================ dejagnu6: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu7 ================ dejagnu7: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu-absolute-builddir ================================= dejagnu-absolute-builddir: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu-relative-srcdir =============================== dejagnu-relative-srcdir: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/dejagnu-siteexp-extend ============================== dejagnu-siteexp-extend: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/depcomp8b ================= depcomp8b: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado PASS: t/dist-formats ==================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + plan_ 66 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x66 = xunknown + test x66 = xlater + test x66 = xlazy + test x66 = xnow + test 66 -ge 0 + planned_=66 + echo 1..66 1..66 ++ pwd + ocwd=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + unset TAR + mkdir setup + cd setup + echo 'AC_INIT([x], [0]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + mv aclocal.m4 .. + cd .. + rm -rf setup + for MAKE_j4 in '"$MAKE -j4"' '"$MAKE -j 4"' false + make -j4 -f - + echo all: make: Nada a ser feito para `all'. + break + all_compression_formats='gzip lzip xz bzip2 zip' ++ tr ' ' ' ' ++ for x in '$all_compression_formats' ++ setup_vars_for_compression_format gzip ++ suffix=NONE ++ compressor=NONE ++ case $1 in ++ suffix=tar.gz ++ compressor=gzip ++ echo gzip ++ for x in '$all_compression_formats' ++ setup_vars_for_compression_format lzip ++ suffix=NONE ++ compressor=NONE ++ case $1 in ++ suffix=tar.lz ++ compressor=lzip ++ echo lzip ++ for x in '$all_compression_formats' ++ setup_vars_for_compression_format xz ++ suffix=NONE ++ compressor=NONE ++ case $1 in ++ suffix=tar.xz ++ compressor=xz ++ echo xz ++ for x in '$all_compression_formats' ++ setup_vars_for_compression_format bzip2 ++ suffix=NONE ++ compressor=NONE ++ case $1 in ++ suffix=tar.bz2 ++ compressor=bzip2 ++ echo bzip2 ++ for x in '$all_compression_formats' ++ setup_vars_for_compression_format zip ++ suffix=NONE ++ compressor=NONE ++ case $1 in ++ suffix=zip ++ compressor=zip ++ echo zip + all_compressors='gzip lzip xz bzip2 zip ' + echo All compressors: gzip lzip xz bzip2 zip All compressors: gzip lzip xz bzip2 zip ++ tr ' ' ' ' ++ for c in '$all_compressors' ++ have_compressor gzip ++ test 1 -eq 1 ++ case $1 in ++ return 0 ++ for c in '$all_compressors' ++ have_compressor lzip ++ test 1 -eq 1 ++ case $1 in ++ case $1 in ++ o=--version ++ lzip --version ./t/dist-formats.tap: line 90: lzip: comando não encontrado ++ return 1 ++ echo lzip ++ for c in '$all_compressors' ++ have_compressor xz ++ test 1 -eq 1 ++ case $1 in ++ case $1 in ++ o=--version ++ xz --version xz (XZ Utils) 5.1.0alpha liblzma 5.1.0alpha ++ return 0 ++ for c in '$all_compressors' ++ have_compressor bzip2 ++ test 1 -eq 1 ++ case $1 in ++ case $1 in ++ o=--help ++ bzip2 --help bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010. usage: bzip2 [flags and input files in any order] -h --help print this message -d --decompress force decompression -z --compress force compression -k --keep keep (don't delete) input files -f --force overwrite existing output files -t --test test compressed file integrity -c --stdout output to standard out -q --quiet suppress noncritical error messages -v --verbose be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more) -L --license display software version & license -V --version display software version & license -s --small use less memory (at most 2500k) -1 .. -9 set block size to 100k .. 900k --fast alias for -1 --best alias for -9 If invoked as `bzip2', default action is to compress. as `bunzip2', default action is to decompress. as `bzcat', default action is to decompress to stdout. If no file names are given, bzip2 compresses or decompresses from standard input to standard output. You can combine short flags, so `-v -4' means the same as -v4 or -4v, &c. ++ return 0 ++ for c in '$all_compressors' ++ have_compressor zip ++ test 1 -eq 1 ++ case $1 in ++ case $1 in ++ o=-v ++ zip -v ./t/dist-formats.tap: line 90: zip: comando não encontrado ++ return 1 ++ echo zip + missing_compressors='lzip zip ' + echo Missing compressors: lzip zip Missing compressors: lzip zip + start_subtest defaults + name=defaults + shift + test -n defaults + test 0 -gt 0 ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo + ac_opts= ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts= + mkdir defaults + cd defaults + unindent + test x = x ++ printf '%s\n' ' /^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines. x # Get x into pattern space. /^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it. g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space. s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space. } # Now: x in pattern and in hold. G # Build x\n in pattern space, and h # duplicate it into hold space. s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space. s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from . s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading . ' ++ sed -e 's/ *# .*//' + sed_unindent_prog=' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = ' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + command_ok_ 'default [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='default [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'default [automake]' + set +x ok 1 - default [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 1 - default [automake] + command_ok_ 'default [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='default [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'default [autoconf]' + set +x ok 2 - default [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 2 - default [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'default [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='default [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'default [configure]' + set +x ok 3 - default [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 3 - default [configure] + command_ok_ 'default [make distcheck]' make distcheck + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='default [make distcheck]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make distcheck make dist-gzip am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults' if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >defaults-1.0.tar.gz make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults' if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi case 'defaults-1.0.tar.gz' in \ *.tar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc defaults-1.0.tar.gz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.bz2*) \ bzip2 -dc defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.lz*) \ lzip -dc defaults-1.0.tar.lz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.xz*) \ xz -dc defaults-1.0.tar.xz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.Z*) \ uncompress -c defaults-1.0.tar.Z | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.shar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc defaults-1.0.shar.gz | unshar ;;\ *.zip*) \ unzip defaults-1.0.zip ;;\ esac chmod -R a-w defaults-1.0 chmod u+w defaults-1.0 mkdir defaults-1.0/_build defaults-1.0/_inst chmod a-w defaults-1.0 test -d defaults-1.0/_build || exit 0; \ dc_install_base=`CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd defaults-1.0/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ && dc_destdir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$/" \ && am__cwd=`pwd` \ && CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd defaults-1.0/_build \ && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$dc_install_base" \ \ \ && make \ && make dvi \ && make check \ && make install \ && make installcheck \ && make uninstall \ && make distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_install_base" \ distuninstallcheck \ && chmod -R a-w "$dc_install_base" \ && ({ \ (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$dc_destdir") \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" install \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" uninstall \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" \ distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \ } || { rm -rf "$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \ && rm -rf "$dc_destdir" \ && make dist \ && rm -rf defaults-1.0.tar.gz \ && make distcleancheck \ && cd "$am__cwd" \ || exit 1 checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `all'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `dvi'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `check'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `installcheck'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make dist-gzip am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >defaults-1.0.tar.gz make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' test -z "" || rm -f test . = ".." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/defaults-1.0/_build' if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi ============================================== defaults-1.0 archives ready for distribution: defaults-1.0.tar.gz ============================================== + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'default [make distcheck]' + set +x ok 4 - default [make distcheck] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 4 - default [make distcheck] ++ ls defaults-1.0.tar.gz + command_ok_ ''\''make dist'\'' only builds *.tar.gz by default' test defaults-1.0.tar.gz = defaults-1.0.tar.gz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''make dist'\'' only builds *.tar.gz by default' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + test defaults-1.0.tar.gz = defaults-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''make dist'\'' only builds *.tar.gz by default' + set +x ok 5 - 'make dist' only builds *.tar.gz by default PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 5 - 'make dist' only builds *.tar.gz by default + rm -rf defaults-1.0.tar.gz + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + can_compress defaults gzip + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=defaults + format=gzip + setup_vars_for_compression_format gzip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.gz + compressor=gzip + command_ok_ ''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' make -n dist-gzip + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-gzip if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|defaults-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "defaults-1.0/$file"; then \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >defaults-1.0.tar.gz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 6 - 'dist-gzip' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 6 - 'dist-gzip' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor gzip + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' ++ rm -rf '*defaults*' ++ make dist-gzip if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >defaults-1.0.tar.gz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi ++ test -f defaults-1.0.tar.gz ++ ls -l defaults-1.0.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 50902 Set 1 03:35 defaults-1.0.tar.gz +++ echo defaults-1.0.tar.gz ++ test defaults-1.0.tar.gz = defaults-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 7 - 'make dist-gzip' work by default PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 7 - 'make dist-gzip' work by default + unset suffix compressor format tarname + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + can_compress defaults lzip + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=defaults + format=lzip + setup_vars_for_compression_format lzip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.lz + compressor=lzip + command_ok_ ''\''dist-lzip'\'' target always created' make -n dist-lzip + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-lzip'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-lzip if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|defaults-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "defaults-1.0/$file"; then \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | lzip -c ${LZIP_OPT--9} >defaults-1.0.tar.lz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-lzip'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 8 - 'dist-lzip' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 8 - 'dist-lzip' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-lzip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor lzip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' ''\''make dist-lzip'\'' work by default' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' ''\''make dist-lzip'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 9 - 'make dist-lzip' work by default # SKIP 'lzip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 9 - 'make dist-lzip' work by default # SKIP 'lzip' not available + unset suffix compressor format tarname + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + can_compress defaults xz + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=defaults + format=xz + setup_vars_for_compression_format xz + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.xz + compressor=xz + command_ok_ ''\''dist-xz'\'' target always created' make -n dist-xz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-xz'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-xz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|defaults-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "defaults-1.0/$file"; then \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >defaults-1.0.tar.xz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-xz'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 10 - 'dist-xz' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 10 - 'dist-xz' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-xz'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor xz + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ ''\''make dist-xz'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''make dist-xz'\'' work by default' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' ++ rm -rf defaults-1.0.tar.gz ++ make dist-xz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >defaults-1.0.tar.xz if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi ++ test -f defaults-1.0.tar.xz ++ ls -l defaults-1.0.tar.xz -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 40480 Set 1 03:35 defaults-1.0.tar.xz +++ echo defaults-1.0.tar.xz ++ test defaults-1.0.tar.xz = defaults-1.0.tar.xz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''make dist-xz'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 11 - 'make dist-xz' work by default PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 11 - 'make dist-xz' work by default + unset suffix compressor format tarname + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + can_compress defaults bzip2 + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=defaults + format=bzip2 + setup_vars_for_compression_format bzip2 + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.bz2 + compressor=bzip2 + command_ok_ ''\''dist-bzip2'\'' target always created' make -n dist-bzip2 + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-bzip2'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-bzip2 if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|defaults-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "defaults-1.0/$file"; then \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-bzip2'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 12 - 'dist-bzip2' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 12 - 'dist-bzip2' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-bzip2'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor bzip2 + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ ''\''make dist-bzip2'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''make dist-bzip2'\'' work by default' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' ++ rm -rf defaults-1.0.tar.xz ++ make dist-bzip2 if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" tardir=defaults-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi ++ test -f defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 ++ ls -l defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 42874 Set 1 03:35 defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 +++ echo defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 ++ test defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 = defaults-1.0.tar.bz2 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''make dist-bzip2'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 13 - 'make dist-bzip2' work by default PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 13 - 'make dist-bzip2' work by default + unset suffix compressor format tarname + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + can_compress defaults zip + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=defaults + format=zip + setup_vars_for_compression_format zip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=zip + compressor=zip + command_ok_ ''\''dist-zip'\'' target always created' make -n dist-zip + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-zip'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-zip if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "defaults-1.0" || mkdir "defaults-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|defaults-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "defaults-1.0/$file"; then \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "defaults-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "defaults-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "defaults-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/defaults/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "defaults-1.0" rm -f defaults-1.0.zip zip -rq defaults-1.0.zip defaults-1.0 if test -d "defaults-1.0"; then find "defaults-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "defaults-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "defaults-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-zip'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 14 - 'dist-zip' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 14 - 'dist-zip' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-zip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor zip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' ''\''make dist-zip'\'' work by default' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' ''\''make dist-zip'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 15 - 'make dist-zip' work by default # SKIP 'zip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 15 - 'make dist-zip' work by default # SKIP 'zip' not available + unset suffix compressor format tarname + unset fmt + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + start_subtest am-nogz-only am_opts=no-dist-gzip ac_opts= + name=am-nogz-only + shift + test -n am-nogz-only + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts=no-dist-gzip ac_opts= ++ am_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ ac_opts= ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo + ac_opts= ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo no-dist-gzip + am_opts=no-dist-gzip + mkdir am-nogz-only + cd am-nogz-only + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = no-dist-gzip' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + nogzip_automake_failure am 'Makefile\.am:1' + AUTOMAKE_fails -d 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + AUTOMAKE_run -e 1 -d 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + am__desc= + am__exp_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__exp_rc=1 + shift + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__desc='no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + shift + shift + test 0 -gt 0 + am__got_rc=0 + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + am__got_rc=1 + cat stderr Makefile.am:1: error: no-dist-gzip specified but no dist-* specified, Makefile.am:1: at least one archive format must be enabled + cat stdout + test tap = none + test -z 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + command_ok_ 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' test 1 -eq 1 + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + test 1 -eq 1 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error' + set +x ok 16 - no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 16 - no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats is an error + command_ok_ 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats gives diagnostic' nogzip_stderr 'Makefile\.am:1' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats gives diagnostic' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + nogzip_stderr 'Makefile\.am:1' + grep 'Makefile\.am:1:.*no-dist-gzip' stderr Makefile.am:1: error: no-dist-gzip specified but no dist-* specified, + grep 'Makefile\.am:1:.* at least one archive format must be enabled' stderr Makefile.am:1: at least one archive format must be enabled + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats gives diagnostic' + set +x ok 17 - no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats gives diagnostic PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 17 - no-dist-gzip (am) without other formats gives diagnostic + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + start_subtest ac-nogz-only am_opts= ac_opts=no-dist-gzip + name=ac-nogz-only + shift + test -n ac-nogz-only + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts= ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ am_opts= ++ ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo no-dist-gzip + ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo + am_opts= + mkdir ac-nogz-only + cd ac-nogz-only + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = ' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + nogzip_automake_failure ac 'configure\.ac:2' + AUTOMAKE_fails -d 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + AUTOMAKE_run -e 1 -d 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + am__desc= + am__exp_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__exp_rc=1 + shift + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__desc='no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + shift + shift + test 0 -gt 0 + am__got_rc=0 + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + am__got_rc=1 + cat stderr configure.ac:2: error: no-dist-gzip specified but no dist-* specified, configure.ac:2: at least one archive format must be enabled + cat stdout + test tap = none + test -z 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + command_ok_ 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' test 1 -eq 1 + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + test 1 -eq 1 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error' + set +x ok 18 - no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 18 - no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats is an error + command_ok_ 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats gives diagnostic' nogzip_stderr 'configure\.ac:2' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats gives diagnostic' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + nogzip_stderr 'configure\.ac:2' + grep 'configure\.ac:2:.*no-dist-gzip' stderr configure.ac:2: error: no-dist-gzip specified but no dist-* specified, + grep 'configure\.ac:2:.* at least one archive format must be enabled' stderr configure.ac:2: at least one archive format must be enabled + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats gives diagnostic' + set +x ok 19 - no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats gives diagnostic PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 19 - no-dist-gzip (ac) without other formats gives diagnostic + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + nogzip in am and bzip2 in am + test 6,in,and,in = 6,in,and,in + case $2,$6 in + : + format=bzip2 + where_dist_nogzip=am + where_dist_format=am + shift 6 + am_opts= + ac_opts= + append_to_opt am dist-bzip2 + var=am_opts + val=dist-bzip2 + eval 'am_opts=${am_opts:+"$am_opts,"}$val' ++ am_opts=dist-bzip2 + unset var val + append_to_opt am no-dist-gzip + var=am_opts + val=no-dist-gzip + eval 'am_opts=${am_opts:+"$am_opts,"}$val' ++ am_opts=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip + unset var val + setup_vars_for_compression_format bzip2 + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.bz2 + compressor=bzip2 + desc= + test -n dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip + desc=am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip + test -n '' + start_subtest nogzip-bzip2 am_opts=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip ac_opts= + name=nogzip-bzip2 + shift + test -n nogzip-bzip2 + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip ac_opts= ++ am_opts=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip ++ ac_opts= ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts= ++ echo dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts='dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip' + mkdir nogzip-bzip2 + cd nogzip-bzip2 + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [automake]' + set +x ok 20 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 20 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [automake] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + set +x ok 21 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 21 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [configure]' + set +x ok 22 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 22 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [configure] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' make check-ark-name + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-name test nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 = nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + set +x ok 23 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-name] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 23 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-name] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + have_compressor bzip2 + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make distcheck make dist-bzip2 am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2' if test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; then find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || mkdir "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" tardir=nogzip-bzip2-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2' if test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; then find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; }; else :; fi case 'nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2' in \ *.tar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.gz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.bz2*) \ bzip2 -dc nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.lz*) \ lzip -dc nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.lz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.xz*) \ xz -dc nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.xz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.Z*) \ uncompress -c nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.Z | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.shar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc nogzip-bzip2-1.0.shar.gz | unshar ;;\ *.zip*) \ unzip nogzip-bzip2-1.0.zip ;;\ esac chmod -R a-w nogzip-bzip2-1.0 chmod u+w nogzip-bzip2-1.0 mkdir nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_inst chmod a-w nogzip-bzip2-1.0 test -d nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build || exit 0; \ dc_install_base=`CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ && dc_destdir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$/" \ && am__cwd=`pwd` \ && CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build \ && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$dc_install_base" \ \ \ && make \ && make dvi \ && make check \ && make install \ && make installcheck \ && make uninstall \ && make distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_install_base" \ distuninstallcheck \ && chmod -R a-w "$dc_install_base" \ && ({ \ (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$dc_destdir") \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" install \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" uninstall \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" \ distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \ } || { rm -rf "$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \ && rm -rf "$dc_destdir" \ && make dist \ && rm -rf nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 \ && make distcleancheck \ && cd "$am__cwd" \ || exit 1 checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `all'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `dvi'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `check'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `installcheck'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make dist-bzip2 am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; then find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || mkdir "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" tardir=nogzip-bzip2-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; then find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; }; else :; fi make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' test -z "" || rm -f test . = ".." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-bzip2/nogzip-bzip2-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; then find "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-bzip2-1.0"; }; else :; fi ================================================== nogzip-bzip2-1.0 archives ready for distribution: nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 ================================================== + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + set +x ok 24 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 24 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [distcheck] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + have_compressor bzip2 + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-exists test -f nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.bz2 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + set +x ok 25 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 25 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' make check-no-tar-gz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-no-tar-gz test ! -f nogzip-bzip2-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + set +x ok 26 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 26 - am=dist-bzip2,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] + unset desc + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + nogzip in ac and xz in am + test 6,in,and,in = 6,in,and,in + case $2,$6 in + : + format=xz + where_dist_nogzip=ac + where_dist_format=am + shift 6 + am_opts= + ac_opts= + append_to_opt am dist-xz + var=am_opts + val=dist-xz + eval 'am_opts=${am_opts:+"$am_opts,"}$val' ++ am_opts=dist-xz + unset var val + append_to_opt ac no-dist-gzip + var=ac_opts + val=no-dist-gzip + eval 'ac_opts=${ac_opts:+"$ac_opts,"}$val' ++ ac_opts=no-dist-gzip + unset var val + setup_vars_for_compression_format xz + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.xz + compressor=xz + desc= + test -n dist-xz + desc=am=dist-xz + test -n no-dist-gzip + desc='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip' + start_subtest nogzip-xz am_opts=dist-xz ac_opts=no-dist-gzip + name=nogzip-xz + shift + test -n nogzip-xz + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts=dist-xz ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ am_opts=dist-xz ++ ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ echo no-dist-gzip ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ echo dist-xz ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts=dist-xz + mkdir nogzip-xz + cd nogzip-xz + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-xz' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [automake]' + set +x ok 27 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 27 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [automake] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + set +x ok 28 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 28 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [configure]' + set +x ok 29 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 29 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [configure] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' make check-ark-name + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-name test nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz = nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + set +x ok 30 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-name] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 30 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-name] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + have_compressor xz + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make distcheck make dist-xz am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz' if test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0"; then find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0" || mkdir "nogzip-xz-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "nogzip-xz-1.0" tardir=nogzip-xz-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz' if test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0"; then find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0"; }; else :; fi case 'nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz' in \ *.tar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.gz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.bz2*) \ bzip2 -dc nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.bz2 | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.lz*) \ lzip -dc nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.lz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.xz*) \ xz -dc nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.tar.Z*) \ uncompress -c nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.Z | ${TAR-tar} xf - ;;\ *.shar.gz*) \ GZIP=--best gzip -dc nogzip-xz-1.0.shar.gz | unshar ;;\ *.zip*) \ unzip nogzip-xz-1.0.zip ;;\ esac chmod -R a-w nogzip-xz-1.0 chmod u+w nogzip-xz-1.0 mkdir nogzip-xz-1.0/_build nogzip-xz-1.0/_inst chmod a-w nogzip-xz-1.0 test -d nogzip-xz-1.0/_build || exit 0; \ dc_install_base=`CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd nogzip-xz-1.0/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \ && dc_destdir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$/" \ && am__cwd=`pwd` \ && CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd nogzip-xz-1.0/_build \ && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$dc_install_base" \ \ \ && make \ && make dvi \ && make check \ && make install \ && make installcheck \ && make uninstall \ && make distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_install_base" \ distuninstallcheck \ && chmod -R a-w "$dc_install_base" \ && ({ \ (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$dc_destdir") \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" install \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" uninstall \ && make DESTDIR="$dc_destdir" \ distuninstallcheck_dir="$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \ } || { rm -rf "$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \ && rm -rf "$dc_destdir" \ && make dist \ && rm -rf nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz \ && make distcleancheck \ && cd "$am__cwd" \ || exit 1 checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `all'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `dvi'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `check'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `installcheck'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nada a ser feito para `install-data-am'. make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Nada a ser feito para `uninstall'. make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make dist-xz am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0"; then find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0" || mkdir "nogzip-xz-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "nogzip-xz-1.0" tardir=nogzip-xz-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0"; then find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0"; }; else :; fi make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' test -z "" || rm -f test . = ".." || test -z "" || rm -f rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno rm -f Makefile make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/nogzip-xz/nogzip-xz-1.0/_build' if test -d "nogzip-xz-1.0"; then find "nogzip-xz-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "nogzip-xz-1.0"; }; else :; fi =============================================== nogzip-xz-1.0 archives ready for distribution: nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz =============================================== + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + set +x ok 31 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 31 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [distcheck] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + have_compressor xz + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-exists test -f nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.xz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + set +x ok 32 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 32 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] + command_ok_ 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' make check-no-tar-gz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-no-tar-gz test ! -f nogzip-xz-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + set +x ok 33 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 33 - am=dist-xz ac=no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] + unset desc + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + nogzip in am and lzip in ac + test 6,in,and,in = 6,in,and,in + case $2,$6 in + : + format=lzip + where_dist_nogzip=am + where_dist_format=ac + shift 6 + am_opts= + ac_opts= + append_to_opt ac dist-lzip + var=ac_opts + val=dist-lzip + eval 'ac_opts=${ac_opts:+"$ac_opts,"}$val' ++ ac_opts=dist-lzip + unset var val + append_to_opt am no-dist-gzip + var=am_opts + val=no-dist-gzip + eval 'am_opts=${am_opts:+"$am_opts,"}$val' ++ am_opts=no-dist-gzip + unset var val + setup_vars_for_compression_format lzip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.lz + compressor=lzip + desc= + test -n no-dist-gzip + desc=am=no-dist-gzip + test -n dist-lzip + desc='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip' + start_subtest nogzip-lzip am_opts=no-dist-gzip ac_opts=dist-lzip + name=nogzip-lzip + shift + test -n nogzip-lzip + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts=no-dist-gzip ac_opts=dist-lzip ++ am_opts=no-dist-gzip ++ ac_opts=dist-lzip ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo dist-lzip + ac_opts=dist-lzip ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo no-dist-gzip + am_opts=no-dist-gzip + mkdir nogzip-lzip + cd nogzip-lzip + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = no-dist-gzip' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + command_ok_ 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [automake]' + set +x ok 34 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 34 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [automake] + command_ok_ 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [autoconf]' + set +x ok 35 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 35 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [configure]' + set +x ok 36 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 36 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [configure] + command_ok_ 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-name]' make check-ark-name + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-name]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-name test nogzip-lzip-1.0.tar.lz = nogzip-lzip-1.0.tar.lz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-name]' + set +x ok 37 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-name] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 37 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-name] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + have_compressor lzip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [distcheck]' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [distcheck]' + set +x ok 38 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [distcheck] # SKIP 'lzip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 38 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [distcheck] # SKIP 'lzip' not available + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + have_compressor lzip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-exists]' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''lzip'\'' not available' 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-exists]' + set +x ok 39 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-exists] # SKIP 'lzip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 39 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [ark-exists] # SKIP 'lzip' not available + command_ok_ 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [no .tar.gz]' make check-no-tar-gz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [no .tar.gz]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-no-tar-gz test ! -f nogzip-lzip-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [no .tar.gz]' + set +x ok 40 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [no .tar.gz] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 40 - am=no-dist-gzip ac=dist-lzip [no .tar.gz] + unset desc + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + nogzip in ac and zip in ac + test 6,in,and,in = 6,in,and,in + case $2,$6 in + : + format=zip + where_dist_nogzip=ac + where_dist_format=ac + shift 6 + am_opts= + ac_opts= + append_to_opt ac dist-zip + var=ac_opts + val=dist-zip + eval 'ac_opts=${ac_opts:+"$ac_opts,"}$val' ++ ac_opts=dist-zip + unset var val + append_to_opt ac no-dist-gzip + var=ac_opts + val=no-dist-gzip + eval 'ac_opts=${ac_opts:+"$ac_opts,"}$val' ++ ac_opts=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip + unset var val + setup_vars_for_compression_format zip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=zip + compressor=zip + desc= + test -n '' + test -n dist-zip,no-dist-gzip + desc=ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip + start_subtest nogzip-zip am_opts= ac_opts=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip + name=nogzip-zip + shift + test -n nogzip-zip + test 2 -gt 0 + eval am_opts= ac_opts=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip ++ am_opts= ++ ac_opts=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip ++ echo dist-zip,no-dist-gzip ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts='dist-zip no-dist-gzip' ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts= + mkdir nogzip-zip + cd nogzip-zip + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = ' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + command_ok_ 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [automake]' + set +x ok 41 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 41 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [automake] + command_ok_ 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [autoconf]' + set +x ok 42 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 42 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [configure]' + set +x ok 43 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 43 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [configure] + command_ok_ 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' make check-ark-name + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-ark-name test nogzip-zip-1.0.zip = nogzip-zip-1.0.zip + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-name]' + set +x ok 44 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-name] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 44 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-name] + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' make distcheck + have_compressor zip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]' + set +x ok 45 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck] # SKIP 'zip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 45 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck] # SKIP 'zip' not available + command_ok_if_have_compressor 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' make check-ark-exists + have_compressor zip + case " $missing_compressors " in + false + skip_ -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r ''\''zip'\'' not available' 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists]' + set +x ok 46 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] # SKIP 'zip' not available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 46 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [ark-exists] # SKIP 'zip' not available + command_ok_ 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' make check-no-tar-gz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make check-no-tar-gz test ! -f nogzip-zip-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz]' + set +x ok 47 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 47 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [no .tar.gz] + unset desc + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + start_subtest dist-gzip-persistence am_opts=no-dist-gzip,dist-xz + name=dist-gzip-persistence + shift + test -n dist-gzip-persistence + test 1 -gt 0 + eval am_opts=no-dist-gzip,dist-xz ++ am_opts=no-dist-gzip,dist-xz ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts= ++ tr , ' ' ++ echo no-dist-gzip,dist-xz + am_opts='no-dist-gzip dist-xz' + mkdir dist-gzip-persistence + cd dist-gzip-persistence + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = no-dist-gzip dist-xz' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + command_ok_ 'dist-gzip persistence [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='dist-gzip persistence [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dist-gzip persistence [automake]' + set +x ok 48 - dist-gzip persistence [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 48 - dist-gzip persistence [automake] + command_ok_ 'dist-gzip persistence [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='dist-gzip persistence [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dist-gzip persistence [autoconf]' + set +x ok 49 - dist-gzip persistence [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 49 - dist-gzip persistence [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'dist-gzip persistence [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='dist-gzip persistence [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'dist-gzip persistence [configure]' + set +x ok 50 - dist-gzip persistence [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 50 - dist-gzip persistence [configure] + can_compress dist-gzip-persistence gzip + test 2 -eq 2 + tarname=dist-gzip-persistence + format=gzip + setup_vars_for_compression_format gzip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.gz + compressor=gzip + command_ok_ ''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' make -n dist-gzip + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -n dist-gzip if test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; then find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || mkdir "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" srcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "." | sed 's/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ list='./Makefile.in ./Makefile.am ./configure ./configure.ac ./aclocal.m4 install-sh missing '; \ dist_files=`for file in $list; do echo $file; done | \ sed -e "s|^$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$topsrcdirstrip/|./|;t"`; \ case $dist_files in \ */*) /bin/mkdir -p `echo "$dist_files" | \ sed '/\//!d;s|^|dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/|;s,/[^/]*$,,' | \ sort -u` ;; \ esac; \ for file in $dist_files; do \ if test -f $file || test -d $file; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ if test -d $d/$file; then \ dir=`echo "/$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \ if test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/$file"; then \ find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ if test -d ./$file && test $d != .; then \ cp -fpR ./$file "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \ fi; \ cp -fpR $d/$file "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0$dir" || exit 1; \ else \ test -f "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/$file" \ || cp -p $d/$file "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0/$file" \ || exit 1; \ fi; \ done test -n "" \ || find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/dist-gzip-persistence/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" tardir=dist-gzip-persistence-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz if test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; then find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''dist-gzip'\'' target always created' + set +x ok 51 - 'dist-gzip' target always created PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 51 - 'dist-gzip' target always created + command_ok_if_have_compressor ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + have_compressor gzip + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + command_ok_ ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_=''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + eval ' rm -rf *$tarname* \ && $MAKE dist-$format \ && test -f $tarname-1.0.$suffix \ && ls -l *$tarname* \ && test "$(echo *$tarname*)" = $tarname-1.0.$suffix' ++ rm -rf '*dist-gzip-persistence*' ++ make dist-gzip if test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; then find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || mkdir "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/dist-gzip-persistence/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" tardir=dist-gzip-persistence-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz if test -d "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; then find "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-gzip-persistence-1.0"; }; else :; fi ++ test -f dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz ++ ls -l dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 50944 Set 1 03:36 dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz +++ echo dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz ++ test dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz = dist-gzip-persistence-1.0.tar.gz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- ''\''make dist-gzip'\'' work by default' + set +x ok 52 - 'make dist-gzip' work by default PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 52 - 'make dist-gzip' work by default + unset suffix compressor format tarname + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + start_subtest parallel-compression ac_opts=dist-bzip2 am_opts=dist-xz + name=parallel-compression + shift + test -n parallel-compression + test 2 -gt 0 + eval ac_opts=dist-bzip2 am_opts=dist-xz ++ ac_opts=dist-bzip2 ++ am_opts=dist-xz ++ echo dist-bzip2 ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts=dist-bzip2 ++ echo dist-xz ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts=dist-xz + mkdir parallel-compression + cd parallel-compression + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-xz' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + desc=gzip+bzip2+xz + tarname=parallel-compression-1.0 + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [automake]' + set +x ok 53 - gzip+bzip2+xz [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 53 - gzip+bzip2+xz [automake] + have_compressor xz + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + have_compressor xz + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + have_compressor bzip2 + case " $missing_compressors " in + : + skip_reason= + test 'make -j4' = false + test -n '' + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [autoconf]' + set +x ok 54 - gzip+bzip2+xz [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 54 - gzip+bzip2+xz [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [configure]' + set +x ok 55 - gzip+bzip2+xz [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 55 - gzip+bzip2+xz [configure] + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [make -j4 dist-all]' make -j4 dist + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [make -j4 dist-all]' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -j4 dist make dist-xz dist-bzip2 dist-gzip am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/parallel-compression' if test -d "parallel-compression-1.0"; then find "parallel-compression-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "parallel-compression-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "parallel-compression-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "parallel-compression-1.0" || mkdir "parallel-compression-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "parallel-compression-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/parallel-compression/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "parallel-compression-1.0" tardir=parallel-compression-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz tardir=parallel-compression-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 tardir=parallel-compression-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/parallel-compression' if test -d "parallel-compression-1.0"; then find "parallel-compression-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "parallel-compression-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "parallel-compression-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [make -j4 dist-all]' + set +x ok 56 - gzip+bzip2+xz [make -j4 dist-all] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 56 - gzip+bzip2+xz [make -j4 dist-all] + ls -l total 380 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 drwxr-xr-x 2 weiller weiller 4096 Set 1 03:36 autom4te.cache -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 5336 Set 1 03:36 config.log -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 25737 Set 1 03:36 config.status -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104203 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 108 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 17491 Set 1 03:36 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16490 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 42887 Set 1 03:36 parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 50953 Set 1 03:36 parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 40516 Set 1 03:36 parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.gz tarball]' check_tarball gzip + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.gz tarball]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + check_tarball gzip + format=gzip + setup_vars_for_compression_format gzip + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.gz + compressor=gzip + tarball=parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz + test -f parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz + mkdir check-gzip + cp parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz check-gzip + cd check-gzip + gzip -d parallel-compression-1.0.tar.gz + tar xvf parallel-compression-1.0.tar parallel-compression-1.0/ parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.am parallel-compression-1.0/configure parallel-compression-1.0/missing parallel-compression-1.0/configure.ac parallel-compression-1.0/install-sh parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/aclocal.m4 + diff ../Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in + cd .. + rm -rf check-gzip + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.gz tarball]' + set +x ok 57 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.gz tarball] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 57 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.gz tarball] + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.bz2 tarball]' check_tarball bzip2 + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.bz2 tarball]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + check_tarball bzip2 + format=bzip2 + setup_vars_for_compression_format bzip2 + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.bz2 + compressor=bzip2 + tarball=parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 + test -f parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 + mkdir check-bzip2 + cp parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 check-bzip2 + cd check-bzip2 + bzip2 -d parallel-compression-1.0.tar.bz2 + tar xvf parallel-compression-1.0.tar parallel-compression-1.0/ parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.am parallel-compression-1.0/configure parallel-compression-1.0/missing parallel-compression-1.0/configure.ac parallel-compression-1.0/install-sh parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/aclocal.m4 + diff ../Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in + cd .. + rm -rf check-bzip2 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.bz2 tarball]' + set +x ok 58 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.bz2 tarball] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 58 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.bz2 tarball] + command_ok_ 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.xz tarball]' check_tarball xz + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.xz tarball]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + check_tarball xz + format=xz + setup_vars_for_compression_format xz + suffix=NONE + compressor=NONE + case $1 in + suffix=tar.xz + compressor=xz + tarball=parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz + test -f parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz + mkdir check-xz + cp parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz check-xz + cd check-xz + xz -d parallel-compression-1.0.tar.xz + tar xvf parallel-compression-1.0.tar parallel-compression-1.0/ parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.am parallel-compression-1.0/configure parallel-compression-1.0/missing parallel-compression-1.0/configure.ac parallel-compression-1.0/install-sh parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/aclocal.m4 + diff ../Makefile.in parallel-compression-1.0/Makefile.in + cd .. + rm -rf check-xz + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.xz tarball]' + set +x ok 59 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.xz tarball] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 59 - gzip+bzip2+xz [check .tar.xz tarball] + unset tarname desc skip_reason + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + start_subtest all-together + name=all-together + shift + test -n all-together + test 0 -gt 0 ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + ac_opts= ++ echo ++ tr , ' ' + am_opts= + mkdir all-together + cd all-together + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = ' + cp /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/aclocal.m4 /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/missing /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/install-sh . + desc='all compressors together' + tarname=all-together-1.0 + echo 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([' + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS =' + flip=: + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + test gzip = gzip + continue + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + test lzip = gzip + : + echo ' dist-lzip' + flip=false + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + test xz = gzip + false + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS += dist-xz' + flip=: + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + test bzip2 = gzip + : + echo ' dist-bzip2' + flip=false + for fmt in '$all_compression_formats' + test zip = gzip + false + echo 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS += dist-zip' + flip=: + unset flip fmt + echo '])' + sed 's/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.*/m4_include([am-init.m4])/' configure.ac + mv -f t configure.ac + cat Makefile.am AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS += dist-xz AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS += dist-zip + cat configure.ac AC_INIT([all-together], [1.0]) m4_include([am-init.m4]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT + cat am-init.m4 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([ dist-lzip dist-bzip2 ]) + command_ok_ 'all compressors together [aclocal]' aclocal-1.14 -Werror --force + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together [aclocal]' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + aclocal-1.14 -Werror --force + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together [aclocal]' + set +x ok 60 - all compressors together [aclocal] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 60 - all compressors together [aclocal] + command_ok_ 'all compressors together [automake]' automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together [automake]' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together [automake]' + set +x ok 61 - all compressors together [automake] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 61 - all compressors together [automake] + command_ok_ 'all compressors together [autoconf]' autoconf + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together [autoconf]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + autoconf + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together [autoconf]' + set +x ok 62 - all compressors together [autoconf] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 62 - all compressors together [autoconf] + command_ok_ 'all compressors together [configure]' ./configure + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 2 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together [configure]' + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together [configure]' + set +x ok 63 - all compressors together [configure] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 63 - all compressors together [configure] + have_all_compressors + test -z 'lzip zip ' + skip_ -r 'not all compressors available' 'all compressors together [make distcheck, real]' + result_ ok -D SKIP -r 'not all compressors available' 'all compressors together [make distcheck, real]' + set +x ok 64 - all compressors together [make distcheck, real] # SKIP not all compressors available SKIP: t/dist-formats.tap 64 - all compressors together [make distcheck, real] # SKIP not all compressors available + mkdir bin + cd bin + cat + cat + chmod a+x check-distdir grep-distdir-error + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp check-distdir tar + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp grep-distdir-error gzip + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp grep-distdir-error lzip + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp grep-distdir-error xz + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp grep-distdir-error bzip2 + for prog in tar '$all_compressors' + case $prog in + cp check-distdir zip + unset prog + ls -l total 32 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 42 Set 1 03:36 bzip2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 139 Set 1 03:36 check-distdir -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 42 Set 1 03:36 grep-distdir-error -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 42 Set 1 03:36 gzip -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 42 Set 1 03:36 lzip -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 139 Set 1 03:36 tar -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 42 Set 1 03:36 xz -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 139 Set 1 03:36 zip + cd .. + oPATH=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd + PATH=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together/bin:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games + export PATH + command_ok_ 'all compressors together ['\''make dist-all'\'', stubbed]' make dist-all + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 3 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together ['\''make dist-all'\'', stubbed]' + shift + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make dist-all make dist-lzip dist-xz dist-bzip2 dist-gzip dist-zip am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together' if test -d "all-together-1.0"; then find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "all-together-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "all-together-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "all-together-1.0" || mkdir "all-together-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "all-together-1.0" tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | lzip -c ${LZIP_OPT--9} >all-together-1.0.tar.lz total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >all-together-1.0.tar.xz total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >all-together-1.0.tar.bz2 total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >all-together-1.0.tar.gz total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing rm -f all-together-1.0.zip zip -rq all-together-1.0.zip all-together-1.0 total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together' if test -d "all-together-1.0"; then find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "all-together-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "all-together-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together ['\''make dist-all'\'', stubbed]' + set +x ok 65 - all compressors together ['make dist-all', stubbed] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 65 - all compressors together ['make dist-all', stubbed] + subdesc='all compressors together ['\''make dist -j4'\'', stubbed]' + test 'make -j4' = false + command_ok_ 'all compressors together ['\''make dist -j4'\'', stubbed]' make -j4 dist + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='all compressors together ['\''make dist -j4'\'', stubbed]' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + make -j4 dist make dist-lzip dist-xz dist-bzip2 dist-gzip dist-zip am__post_remove_distdir='@:' make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together' if test -d "all-together-1.0"; then find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "all-together-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "all-together-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "all-together-1.0" || mkdir "all-together-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "all-together-1.0" tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | lzip -c ${LZIP_OPT--9} >all-together-1.0.tar.lz tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | XZ_OPT=${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >all-together-1.0.tar.xz tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >all-together-1.0.tar.bz2 total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing tardir=all-together-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >all-together-1.0.tar.gz total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing rm -f all-together-1.0.zip total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing zip -rq all-together-1.0.zip all-together-1.0 total 188 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 27087 Set 1 03:36 aclocal.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 47 Set 1 03:36 am-init.m4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 104082 Set 1 03:36 configure -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 94 Set 1 03:36 configure.ac -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 13997 Set 1 03:36 install-sh -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 76 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.am -rw-r--r-- 1 weiller weiller 16580 Set 1 03:36 Makefile.in -rwxr-xr-x 1 weiller weiller 6873 Set 1 03:36 missing make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir/all-together' if test -d "all-together-1.0"; then find "all-together-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "all-together-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "all-together-1.0"; }; else :; fi + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'all compressors together ['\''make dist -j4'\'', stubbed]' + set +x ok 66 - all compressors together ['make dist -j4', stubbed] PASS: t/dist-formats.tap 66 - all compressors together ['make dist -j4', stubbed] + unset subdesc + PATH=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games + export PATH + end_subtest + unset name + unset ac_opts + unset am_opts + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-formats.dir + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 66 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 59 -eq 66 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x dist-formats: exit 0 SKIP: t/dist-tarZ ================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-tarZ.dir + compress -c ./t/dist-tarZ.sh: line 31: compress: comando não encontrado + for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + skip_ 'cannot find a working '\''compress'\'' program' + warn_ 'dist-tarZ: skipped test: cannot find a working '\''compress'\'' program' + echo 'dist-tarZ: skipped test: cannot find a working '\''compress'\'' program' + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x dist-tarZ: exit 77 SKIP: t/dist-shar ================= dist-shar: running shar --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: shar: comando não encontrado XFAIL: t/dist-pr109765 ====================== dist-pr109765: running bzip2 --help bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010. usage: bzip2 [flags and input files in any order] -h --help print this message -d --decompress force decompression -z --compress force compression -k --keep keep (don't delete) input files -f --force overwrite existing output files -t --test test compressed file integrity -c --stdout output to standard out -q --quiet suppress noncritical error messages -v --verbose be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more) -L --license display software version & license -V --version display software version & license -s --small use less memory (at most 2500k) -1 .. -9 set block size to 100k .. 900k --fast alias for -1 --best alias for -9 If invoked as `bzip2', default action is to compress. as `bunzip2', default action is to decompress. as `bzcat', default action is to decompress to stdout. If no file names are given, bzip2 compresses or decompresses from standard input to standard output. You can combine short flags, so `-v -4' means the same as -v4 or -4v, &c. Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-pr109765.dir + echo AC_OUTPUT + : + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + make dist-gzip dist-bzip2 if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0" || mkdir "dist-pr109765-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/dist-pr109765.dir/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "dist-pr109765-1.0" tardir=dist-pr109765-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi tardir=dist-pr109765-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.bz2 tar: dist-pr109765-1.0: Não é possível stat: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi + gzip -dc dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz + tar tf - + cat one dist-pr109765-1.0/ dist-pr109765-1.0/Makefile.am dist-pr109765-1.0/configure dist-pr109765-1.0/missing dist-pr109765-1.0/configure.ac dist-pr109765-1.0/install-sh dist-pr109765-1.0/Makefile.in dist-pr109765-1.0/compile dist-pr109765-1.0/depcomp dist-pr109765-1.0/aclocal.m4 + tar tf - + bzip2 -dc dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz bzip2: dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz is not a bzip2 file. tar: Este não parece ser um arquivo-tar tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors + cat two + _am_exit 1 + set +e + test 77 = 1 + exit 1 + exit 1 + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x dist-pr109765: exit 1 SKIP: t/distcheck-override-infodir ================================== distcheck-override-infodir: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/distcheck-pr10470 ========================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/distcheck-pr10470.dir + mkdir foo.d + sleep 1 + sh -c 'cd foo.d && sleep '\''4'\''' + rm -rf foo.d + skip_ 'system is able to remove "in use" directories' + warn_ 'distcheck-pr10470: skipped test: system is able to remove "in use" directories' + echo 'distcheck-pr10470: skipped test: system is able to remove "in use" directories' + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x distcheck-pr10470: exit 77 SKIP: t/extra-deps-lt ===================== extra-deps-lt: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/fort2 ============= SKIP: t/fort4 ============= SKIP: t/fort5 ============= fort5: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/gcj4 ============ SKIP: t/gcj6 ============ XFAIL: t/instdir-cond2 ====================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instdir-cond2.dir + cat + : + : + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + autoconf ++ pwd + ./configure --prefix=/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + make installdirs for dir in "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst/libexec/instdir-cond2" "/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst/share/instdir-cond2"; do \ test -z "$dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$dir"; \ done + test '!' -e inst + find inst inst inst/libexec inst/libexec/instdir-cond2 inst/share inst/share/instdir-cond2 + _am_exit 1 + set +e + test 77 = 1 + exit 1 + exit 1 + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x instdir-cond2: exit 1 SKIP: t/instdir-java ==================== instdir-java: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/instdir-lisp ==================== instdir-lisp: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/instdir-ltlib ===================== instdir-ltlib: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/instdir-texi ==================== instdir-texi: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/instfail-java ===================== instfail-java: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/instfail-libtool ======================== instfail-libtool: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java ============ java: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-check ================== java-check: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-clean ================== java-clean: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-compile-install ============================ java-compile-install: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-compile-run-flat ============================= java-compile-run-flat: running java -version -help java version "1.6.0_27" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.6) (6b27-1.12.6-1~deb7u1) OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode) java-compile-run-flat: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-compile-run-nested =============================== java-compile-run-nested: running java -version -help java version "1.6.0_27" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.6) (6b27-1.12.6-1~deb7u1) OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode) java-compile-run-nested: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-empty-classpath ============================ java-empty-classpath: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-extra ================== java-extra: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-nobase =================== java-nobase: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-noinst =================== java-noinst: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-rebuild ==================== java-rebuild: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/java-uninstall ====================== java-uninstall: running javac -version -help /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 861: javac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ldadd ============= ldadd: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ldflags =============== ldflags: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lex3 ============ SKIP: t/lex5 ============ SKIP: t/lexvpath ================ SKIP: t/lex-subobj-nodep ======================== SKIP: t/lex-header ================== lex-header: running flex --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 966: flex: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lex-lib =============== SKIP: t/lex-lib-external ======================== SKIP: t/lex-libobj ================== SKIP: t/lex-multiple ==================== lex-multiple: running flex --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 966: flex: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lex-noyywrap ==================== lex-noyywrap: running flex --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 966: flex: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lex-clean-cxx ===================== SKIP: t/lex-clean ================= SKIP: t/lex-depend-cxx ====================== SKIP: t/lex-depend ================== SKIP: t/lex-line ================ SKIP: t/lex-nodist ================== SKIP: t/lex-pr204 ================= SKIP: t/libobj13 ================ libobj13: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool =============== libtool: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool2 ================ libtool2: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool3 ================ libtool3: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool5 ================ libtool5: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool6 ================ libtool6: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool7 ================ libtool7: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool8 ================ libtool8: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtool9 ================ libtool9: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtoo10 ================ libtoo10: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/libtoo11 ================ libtoo11: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp3 ============= lisp3: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp4 ============= lisp4: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp5 ============= lisp5: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp6 ============= lisp6: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp8 ============= lisp8: determine whether make is GNU make GNU Make 3.81 lisp8: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp-loadpath ===================== lisp-loadpath: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp-subdir =================== lisp-subdir: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp-subdir2 ==================== lisp-subdir2: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp-subdir-mix ======================= lisp-subdir-mix: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lispdry =============== lispdry: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/lisp-pr11806 ==================== lisp-pr11806: running emacs --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: emacs: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/listval =============== listval: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltcond ============== ltcond: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltcond2 =============== ltcond2: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltconv ============== ltconv: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltdeps ============== ltdeps: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltinit ============== ltinit: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltinstloc ================= ltinstloc: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltlibobjs ================= ltlibobjs: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltlibsrc ================ ltlibsrc: running libtool --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtool: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/ltorder =============== ltorder: running libtoolize --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: libtoolize: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/man6 ============ man6: running help2man --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: help2man: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/nobase-libtool ====================== nobase-libtool: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/objc-minidemo ===================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-minidemo.dir + cat + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + : We have a modern enough autoconf, go ahead. + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + autoheader + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing parallel-tests: installing './test-driver' + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-minidemo.dir': configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objc-minidemo: exit 77 SKIP: t/objc-flags ================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-flags.dir + cat + cat + for i in 2 4 + unindent + test x = x ++ printf '%s\n' ' /^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines. x # Get x into pattern space. /^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it. g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space. s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space. } # Now: x in pattern and in hold. G # Build x\n in pattern space, and h # duplicate it into hold space. s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space. s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from . s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading . ' ++ sed -e 's/ *# .*//' + sed_unindent_prog=' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + for i in 2 4 + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a + /bin/grep -F OBJCFLAGS Makefile.in foo4_LINK = $(OBJCLD) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) \ $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) OBJCLINK = $(OBJCLD) $(AM_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) \ OBJCFLAGS = @OBJCFLAGS@ AM_OBJCFLAGS = -DVALUE=2 -DERROR=1 foo4_OBJCFLAGS = -DVALUE=4 -DERROR=1 @am__fastdepOBJC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJC)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.m' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.m @am__fastdepOBJC_FALSE@ $(address@hidden@)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.m' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.m @am__fastdepOBJC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJC)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.m'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.m'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.m'; fi` @am__fastdepOBJC_FALSE@ $(address@hidden@)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.m'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.m'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.m'; fi` + grep '\$(OBJCFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCFLAGS)' Makefile.in + grep '\$(OBJCFLAGS).*\$(foo.*_OBJCFLAGS)' Makefile.in + grep '\$(foo.*_OBJCFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCFLAGS)' Makefile.in + ./configure OBJCFLAGS=-UERROR checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-flags.dir': configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objc-flags: exit 77 SKIP: t/objc-deps ================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-deps.dir + cat + cat + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing + ./configure --enable-dependency-tracking checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objc-deps.dir': configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objc-deps: exit 77 SKIP: t/objcxx-minidemo ======================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-minidemo.dir + cat + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + autoheader + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing parallel-tests: installing './test-driver' + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for g++... g++ checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-minidemo.dir': configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objcxx-minidemo: exit 77 SKIP: t/objcxx-flags ==================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-flags.dir + cat + cat + for i in 2 4 + unindent + test x = x ++ printf '%s\n' ' /^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines. x # Get x into pattern space. /^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it. g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space. s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space. } # Now: x in pattern and in hold. G # Build x\n in pattern space, and h # duplicate it into hold space. s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space. s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from . s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading . ' ++ sed -e 's/ *# .*//' + sed_unindent_prog=' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + for i in 2 4 + unindent + test 'x /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' = x + sed ' /^$/b x /^$/{ g s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ } G h s/\n.*$// x s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// s/^x.*\n//' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a + /bin/grep -F OBJCXXFLAGS Makefile.in foo4_LINK = $(OBJCXXLD) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) \ $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) OBJCXXLINK = $(OBJCXXLD) $(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) \ OBJCXXFLAGS = @OBJCXXFLAGS@ AM_OBJCXXFLAGS = -DVALUE=2 -DERROR=1 foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS = -DVALUE=4 -DERROR=1 @am__fastdepOBJCXX_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.mm' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.mm @am__fastdepOBJCXX_FALSE@ $(address@hidden@)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.mm' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.mm @am__fastdepOBJCXX_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.mm'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.mm'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.mm'; fi` @am__fastdepOBJCXX_FALSE@ $(address@hidden@)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.mm'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.mm'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.mm'; fi` + grep '\$(OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS)' Makefile.in + grep '\$(OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(foo.*_OBJCXXFLAGS)' Makefile.in + grep '\$(foo.*_OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS)' Makefile.in + ./configure OBJCXXFLAGS=-UERROR checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for g++... g++ checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-flags.dir': configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objcxx-flags: exit 77 SKIP: t/objcxx-deps =================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-deps.dir + cat + cat + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing + ./configure --enable-dependency-tracking checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for g++... g++ checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no configure: error: in `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objcxx-deps.dir': configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objcxx-deps: exit 77 SKIP: t/objc-megademo ===================== objc-megademo: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XFAIL: t/objext-pr10128 ======================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/objext-pr10128.dir + echo AC_OUTPUT + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + autoconf + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + make test is == foo.fasl make: ** [test] Erro 1 + am_exit_trap 2 + exit_status=2 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 2 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x objext-pr10128: exit 2 XFAIL: t/override-conditional-2 =============================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/override-conditional-2.dir + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + AUTOMAKE_fails + AUTOMAKE_run -e 1 + am__desc= + am__exp_rc=0 + test 2 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__exp_rc=1 + shift + shift + test 0 -gt 0 + am__got_rc=0 + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + cat stderr + cat stdout + test none = none + test 0 -eq 1 + _am_exit 1 + set +e + test 77 = 1 + exit 1 + exit 1 + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x override-conditional-2: exit 1 XFAIL: t/override-conditional-pr13940 ===================================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/override-conditional-pr13940.dir + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a automake-1.14: warnings are treated as errors Makefile.am:8: warning: all-local was already defined in condition FOO, which is included in condition TRUE ... Makefile.am:5: ... 'all-local' previously defined here + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x override-conditional-pr13940: exit 1 SKIP: t/posixsubst-ltlibraries ============================== posixsubst-ltlibraries: running libtool --version libtool (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. posixsubst-ltlibraries: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/pr72 ============ pr72: running libtool --version libtool (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/pr211 ============= pr211: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/pr300-ltlib =================== pr300-ltlib: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/pr307 ============= pr307: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/pr401b ============== pr401b: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/python-virtualenv ========================= python-virtualenv: running python -V Python 2.7.3 python-virtualenv: running virtualenv --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 993: virtualenv: comando não encontrado XFAIL: t/remake-am-pr10111 ========================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/remake-am-pr10111.dir + cat + : + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall automake-1.14: warnings are treated as errors Makefile.am:2: warning: user target '$(srcdir)/foobar.am' defined here ... /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/am/configure.am: ... overrides Automake target '$(srcdir)/foobar.am' defined here + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x remake-am-pr10111: exit 1 XFAIL: t/remake-m4-pr10111 ========================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/remake-m4-pr10111.dir + cat + : + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + make distdir if test -d "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"; then find "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"; }; else :; fi test -d "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" || mkdir "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" test -n "" \ || find "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \ -exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \ ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/remake-m4-pr10111.dir/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \ || chmod -R a+r "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" + cd remake-m4-pr10111-1.0 + mkdir build + cd build + ../configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + rm -f ../foobar.m4 + make make: Nada a ser feito para `all'. + grep ': foobar was here :' ../configure + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x remake-m4-pr10111: exit 1 XFAIL: t/remake-timing-bug-pr8365 ================================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/remake-timing-bug-pr8365.dir + stat /dev/null File: "/dev/null" Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 arquivo especial de caractere Device: 5h/5d Inode: 1027 Links: 1 Device type: 1,3 Access: (0666/crw-rw-rw-) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2013-08-31 09:37:52.296271868 -0300 Modify: 2013-08-31 09:37:52.296271868 -0300 Change: 2013-08-31 09:37:52.296271868 -0300 Birth: - + stat=stat + cat + : + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + autoconf + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + make Makefile make: `Makefile' está atualizado. + /bin/grep -E 'FOOBAR|zardoz' Makefile + echo 'AC_SUBST([FOOBAR])' + stat config.status Makefile configure.ac File: "config.status" Size: 25714 Blocks: 56 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390300 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.634327493 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.630327494 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.630327494 -0300 Birth: - File: "Makefile" Size: 17384 Blocks: 40 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390304 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.766327489 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.726327490 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.730327490 -0300 Birth: - File: "configure.ac" Size: 131 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390287 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:52.478327567 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.770327489 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:54.770327489 -0300 Birth: - + sleep 2 + touch config.status + touch -r config.status config.status Makefile configure.ac + stat config.status Makefile configure.ac File: "config.status" Size: 25714 Blocks: 56 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390300 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.782327418 -0300 Birth: - File: "Makefile" Size: 17384 Blocks: 40 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390304 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.782327418 -0300 Birth: - File: "configure.ac" Size: 131 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390287 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.782327418 -0300 Birth: - + cat + cat + cat + chmod a+x aclocal-wrap automake-wrap autoconf-wrap + run_make Makefile ACLOCAL=./aclocal-wrap AUTOMAKE=./automake-wrap AUTOCONF=./autoconf-wrap + am__make_redirect_stdout=no + am__make_redirect_stderr=no + am__make_redirect_stdall=no + am__make_flags= + am__make_rc_exp=0 + am_make_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + using_gmake + case $am__using_gmake in + grep GNU + make --version -v GNU Make 3.81 + am__using_gmake=yes + return 0 + : + test x '!=' x + : exec make Makefile ACLOCAL=./aclocal-wrap AUTOMAKE=./automake-wrap AUTOCONF=./autoconf-wrap + set +x CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && ./aclocal-wrap + AUTOCONF=autoconf + export AUTOCONF + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + touch -r config.status aclocal.m4 + stat aclocal.m4 File: "aclocal.m4" Size: 27087 Blocks: 56 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390291 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:57.242327403 -0300 Birth: - cd . && ./automake-wrap --foreign + AUTOCONF=autoconf + export AUTOCONF + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall --foreign + touch -r config.status Makefile.in + stat Makefile.in File: "Makefile.in" Size: 16443 Blocks: 40 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390294 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:57.782327384 -0300 Birth: - CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && ./autoconf-wrap + autoconf + touch -r config.status configure + stat configure File: "configure" Size: 104273 Blocks: 208 IO Block: 4096 arquivo comum Device: 815h/2069d Inode: 8390295 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ weiller) Gid: ( 1000/ weiller) Access: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Modify: 2013-09-01 04:13:56.774327418 -0300 Change: 2013-09-01 04:13:58.082327373 -0300 Birth: - make: `Makefile' está atualizado. + test 0 -eq 253 + test no = yes + test no = yes + test no = yes + case $am__make_rc_exp in + test 0 -ge 0 + test 0 -le 255 + test 0 -eq 0 + grep '^FOOBAR =' Makefile.in FOOBAR = @FOOBAR@ + grep '^FOOBAR *= *zardoz *$' Makefile + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x remake-timing-bug-pr8365: exit 1 SKIP: t/reqd2 ============= reqd2: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/silent-lt ================= silent-lt: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/silent-f77 ================== SKIP: t/silent-f90 ================== SKIP: t/silent-many-languages ============================= SKIP: t/silent-texi =================== silent-texi: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/silent-lex ================== SKIP: t/silent-yacc =================== SKIP: t/silent-yacc-headers =========================== SKIP: t/stdlib2 =============== stdlib2: running libtool --version libtool (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/strip3 ============== strip3: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. strip3: running strip --version GNU strip (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.22 Copyright 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. SKIP: t/subobj9 =============== subobj9: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/subobj-clean-lt-pr10697 =============================== subobj-clean-lt-pr10697: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XFAIL: t/subobj-indir-pr13928 ============================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/subobj-indir-pr13928.dir + cat + cat + mkdir s + echo 'int main(void) { return 0; }' + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... cc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether cc accepts -g... yes checking for cc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether cc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of cc... gcc3 checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: executing depfiles commands + make Makefile:359: s/.deps/foo.Po: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado make: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo `s/.deps/foo.Po'. Pare. + am_exit_trap 2 + exit_status=2 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 2 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x subobj-indir-pr13928: exit 2 XFAIL: t/subobj-vpath-pr13928 ============================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/subobj-vpath-pr13928.dir + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a + /bin/grep -E 'test\.|DEPDIR|dirstamp|srcdir' Makefile.in VPATH = @srcdir@ DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ $(top_srcdir)/configure $(am__configure_deps) depcomp compile \ ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__dirstamp = $(am__leading_dot)dirstamp am_test_OBJECTS = $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT) depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@ abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@ srcdir = @srcdir@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ test_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/test.c $(srcdir)/Makefile.in: $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) echo ' cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign'; \ $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign \ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign Makefile'; \ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \ Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status $(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) $(top_srcdir)/configure: $(am__configure_deps) $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF) $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(ACLOCAL) $(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS) $(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp): @$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir) @: > $(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp) $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp): @$(MKDIR_P) $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR) @: > $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp) $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT): $(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp) \ $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp) -rm -f $(srcdir)/*.$(OBJEXT) @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @address@hidden(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/address@hidden@ @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.o$$||'`;\ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.obj$$||'`;\ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \ case "$(srcdir)" in \ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \ *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \ && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \ @if test '$(srcdir)' = . ; then \ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES) -test -z "$(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)" || rm -f $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp) -test -z "$(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp)" || rm -f $(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp) -rm -rf $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR) -rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache -rm -rf $(srcdir)/$(DEPDIR) test ! -f $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT) test -f test.$(OBJEXT) + /bin/grep -E '\$.srcdir./test\.[o$]' Makefile.in am_test_OBJECTS = $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT) $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT): $(srcdir)/$(am__dirstamp) \ test ! -f $(srcdir)/test.$(OBJEXT) + _am_exit 1 + set +e + test 77 = 1 + exit 1 + exit 1 + am_exit_trap 1 + exit_status=1 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 1 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x subobj-vpath-pr13928: exit 1 SKIP: t/subpkg-yacc =================== SKIP: t/suffix2 =============== suffix2: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/suffix5 =============== suffix5: running libtool --version libtool (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/suffix8 =============== suffix8: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/suffix8.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/suffix10 ================ suffix10: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP yacc not found or disabled SKIP: t/suffix10.tap - yacc not found or disabled SKIP: t/tap-realtime ==================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-realtime.dir + cat + expect -f expect-check ./t/tap-realtime.sh: line 31: expect: comando não encontrado + echo 'tap-realtime: failed to find a working expect program' tap-realtime: failed to find a working expect program + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x tap-realtime: exit 77 PASS: t/tap-bad-prog ==================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: tap PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir + fetch_tap_driver + case $am_tap_implementation in + AM_TAP_AWK=mawk + export AM_TAP_AWK + sed '1s|#!.*|#! /bin/bash|' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/tap-driver.sh + chmod a+x tap-driver + sed 10q tap-driver #! /bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + plan_ 6 + test 1 -eq 0 + test 1 -ge 2 + test xnone '!=' xnone + test x6 = xunknown + test x6 = xlater + test x6 = xlazy + test x6 = xnow + test 6 -ge 0 + planned_=6 + echo 1..6 1..6 + cat + cat + cat + cp noexec.test noread.test + chmod a-r noread.test + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + autoconf + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile + command_ok_ '"make check" returns non-zero exit status' run_make -O -e FAIL check + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 6 -gt 0 + tap_description_='"make check" returns non-zero exit status' + shift + test 5 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + run_make -O -e FAIL check + am__make_redirect_stdout=no + am__make_redirect_stderr=no + am__make_redirect_stdall=no + am__make_flags= + am__make_rc_exp=0 + am_make_rc=0 + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__make_redirect_stdout=yes + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + am__make_rc_exp=FAIL + shift + shift + test 1 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + using_gmake + case $am__using_gmake in + make --version -v + grep GNU GNU Make 3.81 + am__using_gmake=yes + return 0 + : + test x '!=' x + : exec make check + set +x make[2]: ** [test-suite.log] Erro 1 make[1]: ** [check-TESTS] Erro 2 make: ** [check-am] Erro 2 + am_make_rc=2 + test 2 -eq 253 + test no = yes + test yes = yes + cat stdout make check-TESTS make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' make[2]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' ERROR: none.test - missing test plan ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?) ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126 ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126 make[3]: Entrando no diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' make[3]: Nada a ser feito para `all'. make[3]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for tap-bad-prog 1.0 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 6 # PASS: 0 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 6 ============================================================================ See ./test-suite.log ============================================================================ make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-bad-prog.dir' + test no = yes + case $am__make_rc_exp in + test 2 -gt 0 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- '"make check" returns non-zero exit status' + set +x ok 1 - "make check" returns non-zero exit status PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 1 - "make check" returns non-zero exit status + command_ok_ 'non-existent test is reported' grep '^ERROR: none\.test' stdout + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 4 -gt 0 + tap_description_='non-existent test is reported' + shift + test 3 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + grep '^ERROR: none\.test' stdout ERROR: none.test - missing test plan ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?) + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'non-existent test is reported' + set +x ok 2 - non-existent test is reported PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 2 - non-existent test is reported + desc='non-executable test is reported' + ./noexec.test ./t/tap-bad-prog.tap: line 62: ./noexec.test: Permissão negada + command_ok_ 'non-executable test is reported' -- grep '^ERROR: noexec\.test' stdout + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='non-executable test is reported' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + shift + break + tap_result_=ok + grep '^ERROR: noexec\.test' stdout ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'non-executable test is reported' + set +x ok 3 - non-executable test is reported PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 3 - non-executable test is reported + desc='non-readable test is reported' + test -r noread.test + command_ok_ 'non-readable test is reported' -- grep '^ERROR: noread\.test' stdout + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 5 -gt 0 + tap_description_='non-readable test is reported' + shift + test 4 -gt 0 + case $1 in + shift + break + tap_result_=ok + grep '^ERROR: noread\.test' stdout ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126 + result_ ok -D '' -r '' -- 'non-readable test is reported' + set +x ok 4 - non-readable test is reported PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 4 - non-readable test is reported + directive= + test shell = shell + directive=TODO + command_ok_ 'no spurious "missing plan" message' -D TODO -- not grep 'missing.* plan' stdout + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 8 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no spurious "missing plan" message' + shift + test 7 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_directive_=TODO + shift + shift + test 5 -gt 0 + case $1 in + shift + break + tap_result_=ok + not grep 'missing.* plan' stdout + grep 'missing.* plan' stdout ERROR: none.test - missing test plan ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan + tap_result_='not ok' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r '' -- 'no spurious "missing plan" message' + set +x not ok 5 - no spurious "missing plan" message # TODO XFAIL: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 5 - no spurious "missing plan" message # TODO + command_ok_ 'no spurious results' -D TODO -r 'still get "missing plan"' count_test_results total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3 + tap_directive_= + tap_reason_= + test 13 -gt 0 + tap_description_='no spurious results' + shift + test 12 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_directive_=TODO + shift + shift + test 10 -gt 0 + case $1 in + tap_reason_='still get "missing plan"' + shift + shift + test 8 -gt 0 + case $1 in + break + tap_result_=ok + count_test_results total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3 + total=ERR + pass=ERR + fail=ERR + xpass=ERR + xfail=ERR + skip=ERR + error=ERR + eval total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3 ++ total=3 ++ pass=0 ++ fail=0 ++ xpass=0 ++ xfail=0 ++ skip=0 ++ error=3 + /bin/grep -E -i '(total|x?pass|x?fail|skip|error)' stdout ERROR: none.test - missing test plan ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?) ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126 ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126 # TOTAL: 6 # PASS: 0 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 6 + rc=0 + set +e ++ grep -c '^PASS:' stdout + test 0 -eq 0 ++ grep -c '^XFAIL:' stdout + test 0 -eq 0 ++ grep -c '^SKIP:' stdout + test 0 -eq 0 ++ grep -c '^FAIL:' stdout + test 0 -eq 0 ++ grep -c '^XPASS:' stdout + test 0 -eq 0 ++ grep -c '^ERROR:' stdout + test 6 -eq 3 + rc=1 + grep '^# TOTAL: *3$' stdout + rc=1 + grep '^# PASS: *0$' stdout # PASS: 0 + grep '^# XFAIL: *0$' stdout # XFAIL: 0 + grep '^# SKIP: *0$' stdout # SKIP: 0 + grep '^# FAIL: *0$' stdout # FAIL: 0 + grep '^# XPASS: *0$' stdout # XPASS: 0 + grep '^# ERROR: *3$' stdout + rc=1 + test 1 -eq 0 + tap_result_='not ok' + result_ 'not ok' -D TODO -r 'still get "missing plan"' -- 'no spurious results' + set +x not ok 6 - no spurious results # TODO still get "missing plan" XFAIL: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 6 - no spurious results # TODO still get "missing plan" + : + am_exit_trap 0 + exit_status=0 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test tap = tap + test 6 = later + test 0 -eq 0 + test 4 -eq 6 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x tap-bad-prog: exit 0 SKIP: t/tagsub ============== tagsub: running etags --version -o /dev/null /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 799: etags: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/tags-pr12372 ==================== tags-pr12372: running etags --version -o /dev/null /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 799: etags: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/txinfo-builddir ======================= txinfo-builddir: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-clean ==================== txinfo-clean: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-info-in-srcdir ============================= txinfo-info-in-srcdir: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-include ====================== txinfo-include: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-many-output-formats ================================== txinfo-many-output-formats: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-many-output-formats-vpath ======================================== txinfo-many-output-formats-vpath: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-no-clutter ========================= txinfo-no-clutter: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-override-texinfo-tex =================================== txinfo-override-texinfo-tex: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-subdir-pr343 =========================== txinfo-subdir-pr343: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-vtexi4 ===================== txinfo-vtexi4: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo-without-info-suffix ================================== txinfo-without-info-suffix: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo23 ================ txinfo23: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo24 ================ txinfo24: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo25 ================ txinfo25: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/txinfo28 ================ txinfo28: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/upc =========== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/upc.dir + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + autoconf + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for upcc... no checking for upc... no configure: error: no Unified Parallel C compiler was found + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x upc: exit 77 SKIP: t/upc3 ============ Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/upc3.dir + cat + cat + cat + cat + cat + aclocal-1.14 -Werror + automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall + autoconf + ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking for style of include used by make... GNU checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 checking for upcc... no checking for upc... no configure: error: no Unified Parallel C compiler was found + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x upc3: exit 77 SKIP: t/vala-headers ==================== vala-headers: running pkg-config --version 0.26 vala-headers: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-libs ================= vala-libs: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-mix ================ vala-mix: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-mix2 ================= vala-mix2: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-non-recursive-setup ================================ vala-non-recursive-setup: running pkg-config --version 0.26 vala-non-recursive-setup: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-parallel ===================== vala-parallel: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-per-target-flags ============================= vala-per-target-flags: running pkg-config --version 0.26 vala-per-target-flags: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-recursive-setup ============================ vala-recursive-setup: running pkg-config --version 0.26 vala-recursive-setup: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-vapi ================= vala-vapi: running pkg-config --version 0.26 vala-vapi: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vala-vpath ================== vala-vpath: running valac --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 975: valac: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/vartypo2 ================ vartypo2: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SKIP: t/version7 ================ version7: running makeinfo --version makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.13 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SKIP: t/yacc-misc ================= SKIP: t/yacc-dry ================ SKIP: t/yacc-vpath ================== SKIP: t/yacc-basic ================== SKIP: t/yacc-cxx ================ SKIP: t/yacc-bison-skeleton-cxx =============================== yacc-bison-skeleton-cxx: running bison --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 971: bison: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/yacc-bison-skeleton =========================== yacc-bison-skeleton: running bison --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 971: bison: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/yacc-clean ================== SKIP: t/yacc-clean-cxx ====================== SKIP: t/yacc-d-basic ==================== SKIP: t/yacc-d-cxx ================== SKIP: t/yacc-d-vpath ==================== SKIP: t/yacc-deleted-headers ============================ SKIP: t/yacc-depend =================== SKIP: t/yacc-depend2 ==================== SKIP: t/yacc-dist-nobuild-subdir ================================ SKIP: t/yacc-dist-nobuild ========================= SKIP: t/yacc-headers-and-dist-pr47 ================================== SKIP: t/yacc-line ================= SKIP: t/yacc-mix-c-cxx ====================== SKIP: t/yacc-nodist =================== SKIP: t/yacc-pr204 ================== SKIP: t/yacc-subdir =================== SKIP: t/yflags-cmdline-override =============================== SKIP: t/yflags-force-override ============================= SKIP: t/libtool-macros ====================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/libtool-macros.dir + echo '# Automatically generated by libtool-macros.' + echo : + echo ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 + libtoolize --copy --install ./t/libtool-macros.sh: line 29: libtoolize: comando não encontrado + rm -rf m4 + mkdir m4 + echo AC_PROG_LIBTOOL + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-syntax -I m4 --install + test -f m4/libtool.m4 + echo 'skip_all_ "couldn'\''t find or get libtool macros"' + . ./get.sh ++ : ++ skip_all_ 'couldn'\''t find or get libtool macros' ++ skip_ 'couldn'\''t find or get libtool macros' ++ warn_ 'libtool-macros: skipped test: couldn'\''t find or get libtool macros' ++ echo 'libtool-macros: skipped test: couldn'\''t find or get libtool macros' ++ _am_exit 77 ++ set +e ++ test 77 = 77 ++ am__test_skipped=yes ++ exit 77 ++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x libtool-macros: exit 77 SKIP: t/pkg-config-macros ========================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/pkg-config-macros.dir + echo '# Automatically generated by pkg-config-macros.' + echo : ++ pkg-config --version + ver=0.26 + test -n 0.26 + echo 'printf '\''pkg-config version: %s\n'\'' '\''0.26'\''' + cat + have_pkg_config_macros + autoconf + /bin/grep -F PKG_CHECK_MODULES configure PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GOBJECT, gobject-2.0 >= 2.4) + XT_ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/local/share/aclocal:/usr/share/aclocal + oIFS=' ' + dir= + IFS=: + for d in '$PATH' + IFS=' ' + test -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/pkg-config + test -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap/pkg-config.exe + for d in '$PATH' + IFS=' ' + test -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/pkg-config + test -f /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/pkg-config.exe + for d in '$PATH' + IFS=' ' + test -f /usr/local/bin/pkg-config + test -f /usr/local/bin/pkg-config.exe + for d in '$PATH' + IFS=' ' + test -f /usr/bin/pkg-config + dir=/usr/bin + break + IFS=' ' + test -n /usr/bin + XT_ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal:/usr/local/share/aclocal:/usr/share/aclocal + XT_ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal:/usr/local/share/aclocal:/usr/share/aclocal + mkdir m4 + ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal:/usr/local/share/aclocal:/usr/share/aclocal + aclocal-1.14 -Werror -Wno-syntax --install -I m4 aclocal-1.14: installing 'm4/pkg.m4' from '/usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4' + test -f m4/pkg.m4 + have_pkg_config_macros + autoconf + /bin/grep -F PKG_CHECK_MODULES configure PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GOBJECT, gobject-2.0 >= 2.4) + echo 'skip_all_ "pkg-config m4 macros not found"' + unset ACLOCAL_PATH + . ./get.sh ++ : ++ printf 'pkg-config version: %s\n' 0.26 pkg-config version: 0.26 ++ skip_all_ 'pkg-config m4 macros not found' ++ skip_ 'pkg-config m4 macros not found' ++ warn_ 'pkg-config-macros: skipped test: pkg-config m4 macros not found' ++ echo 'pkg-config-macros: skipped test: pkg-config m4 macros not found' ++ _am_exit 77 ++ set +e ++ test 77 = 77 ++ am__test_skipped=yes ++ exit 77 ++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x pkg-config-macros: exit 77 SKIP: t/compile5-w ================== ./t/compile5-w.sh: will source ./t/compile5.sh Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games +++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/compile5-w.dir ++ get_shell_script compile ++ test '!' -f compile ++ rm -f compile ++ test xyes = xyes ++ sed '1s|#!.*|#! /bin/bash|' /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/lib/compile ++ chmod a+x compile ++ sed 10q compile #! /bin/bash # Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'. scriptversion=2012-10-14.11; # UTC # Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Written by Tom Tromey . # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ++ cat ++ chmod +x ./cl ++ cat ++ : ++ cat ++ aclocal-1.14 -Werror ++ autoconf ++ automake-1.14 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a configure.ac:4: installing './config.guess' configure.ac:4: installing './config.sub' ++ ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... no checking for mawk... mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating check_host ++ . ./check_host +++ case 'linux-gnu' in +++ skip_ 'target OS is not MinGW' +++ warn_ 'compile5-w: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW' +++ echo 'compile5-w: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW' +++ _am_exit 77 +++ set +e +++ test 77 = 77 +++ am__test_skipped=yes +++ exit 77 +++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x compile5-w: exit 77 SKIP: t/color-tests2-w ====================== ./t/color-tests2-w.sh: will source ./t/color-tests2.sh Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games +++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/color-tests2-w.dir ++ red='\[0;31m' ++ grn='\[0;32m' ++ lgn='\[1;32m' ++ blu='\[1;34m' ++ mgn='\[0;35m' ++ std='\[m' ++ set +e ++ expect -c 'exit 77' ./t/color-tests2.sh: line 33: expect: comando não encontrado ++ test 127 -eq 77 ++ skip_ 'requires a working expect program' ++ warn_ 'color-tests2-w: skipped test: requires a working expect program' ++ echo 'color-tests2-w: skipped test: requires a working expect program' ++ _am_exit 77 ++ set +e ++ test 77 = 77 ++ am__test_skipped=yes ++ exit 77 ++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x color-tests2-w: exit 77 SKIP: t/check12-w ================= ./t/check12-w.sh: will source ./t/check12.sh check12-w: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 945: runtest: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/compile4-w ================== ./t/compile4-w.sh: will source ./t/compile4.sh compile4-w: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado SKIP: t/tap-realtime-w ====================== ./t/tap-realtime-w.sh: will source ./t/tap-realtime.sh Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games +++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/tap-realtime-w.dir ++ cat ++ expect -f expect-check ./t/tap-realtime.sh: line 31: expect: comando não encontrado ++ echo 'tap-realtime-w: failed to find a working expect program' tap-realtime-w: failed to find a working expect program ++ _am_exit 77 ++ set +e ++ test 77 = 77 ++ am__test_skipped=yes ++ exit 77 ++ exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x tap-realtime-w: exit 77 SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-disabled =========================== depcomp-lt-disabled: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-disabled.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-makedepend ============================= depcomp-lt-makedepend: running makedepend -f- /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 878: makedepend: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP required program 'makedepend' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-makedepend.tap - required program 'makedepend' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-dashmstdout ============================== depcomp-lt-dashmstdout: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-dashmstdout.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvcmsys =========================== depcomp-lt-msvcmsys: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvcmsys.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-auto ======================= depcomp-lt-auto: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-auto.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp ============================== depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-cpp ====================== depcomp-lt-cpp: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-cpp.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-gcc ====================== depcomp-lt-gcc: running libtoolize --version libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1..0 # SKIP couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-gcc.tap - couldn't find or get libtool macros SKIP: t/depcomp-makedepend ========================== depcomp-makedepend: running makedepend -f- /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 878: makedepend: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP required program 'makedepend' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-makedepend.tap - required program 'makedepend' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-msvcmsys ======================== depcomp-msvcmsys: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-msvcmsys.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-msvisualcpp =========================== depcomp-msvisualcpp: running cl -? /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax/am-test-lib.sh: line 791: cl: comando não encontrado 1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: t/depcomp-msvisualcpp.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available SKIP: contrib/t/parallel-tests-html =================================== Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/contrib/t/parallel-tests-html.dir + : + for r2h in '$RST2HTML' rst2html rst2html.py + echo 'parallel-tests-html: running rst2html --version' parallel-tests-html: running rst2html --version + rst2html --version ./contrib/t/parallel-tests-html.sh: line 27: rst2html: comando não encontrado + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for r2h in '$RST2HTML' rst2html rst2html.py + echo 'parallel-tests-html: running rst2html.py --version' parallel-tests-html: running rst2html.py --version + rst2html.py --version ./contrib/t/parallel-tests-html.sh: line 27: rst2html.py: comando não encontrado + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + skip_all_ 'no proper rst2html program found' + skip_ 'no proper rst2html program found' + warn_ 'parallel-tests-html: skipped test: no proper rst2html program found' + echo 'parallel-tests-html: skipped test: no proper rst2html program found' + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x parallel-tests-html: exit 77 SKIP: contrib/t/parallel-tests-html-recursive ============================================= Running from installcheck: no Test Protocol: none PATH = /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/wrap:/home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/t/ax:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games ++ pwd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14/contrib/t/parallel-tests-html-recursive.dir + : + for r2h in '$RST2HTML' rst2html rst2html.py + echo 'parallel-tests-html-recursive: running rst2html --version' parallel-tests-html-recursive: running rst2html --version + rst2html --version ./contrib/t/parallel-tests-html-recursive.sh: line 25: rst2html: comando não encontrado + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + for r2h in '$RST2HTML' rst2html rst2html.py + echo 'parallel-tests-html-recursive: running rst2html.py --version' parallel-tests-html-recursive: running rst2html.py --version + rst2html.py --version ./contrib/t/parallel-tests-html-recursive.sh: line 25: rst2html.py: comando não encontrado + : For shells with busted 'set -e.' + skip_all_ 'no proper rst2html program found' + skip_ 'no proper rst2html program found' + warn_ 'parallel-tests-html-recursive: skipped test: no proper rst2html program found' + echo 'parallel-tests-html-recursive: skipped test: no proper rst2html program found' + _am_exit 77 + set +e + test 77 = 77 + am__test_skipped=yes + exit 77 + exit 77 + am_exit_trap 77 + exit_status=77 + set +e + cd /home/weiller/Downloads/automake-1.14 + test none = tap + case $am_explicit_skips in + test 77 -eq 0 + keep_testdirs=yes + am_keeping_testdirs + case $keep_testdirs in + return 0 + set +x parallel-tests-html-recursive: exit 77