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Re: editfiles messing up file permissions?

From: Mark . Burgess
Subject: Re: editfiles messing up file permissions?
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 14:10:06 +0100 (MET)

On  1 Jan, Hanus Adler wrote:
> Hi
> it seems that cfengine (version 1.6.1 on Linux) doesn't preserve file
> permissions when the file is edited with editfiles. I don't think this
> behaviour is correct, at least I didn't expect it to happen. I found
> nothing about it in the documentation.
> I would suggest that instead of removing the original file cfengine
> might just overwrite the file with new contents, that way the
> owner/permissions would remain untouched.
> BTW I also tried to use the following setup with Umask "022" but it says
> "cfengine:dwarf: Unknown action in editing of file /etc/hosts". Am I
> missing something?
> editfiles:
>       any::
>               { /etc/hosts
>                       DefineClasses "RepairPermissions"
>                       Umask "022"
>                       SetLine "      localhost       
> localhost.localdomain"
>                       AppendIfNoLineMatching "^127\.0\.0\.1.*"
>               }
> greetings
> Hanus Adler

This works fine for me - maybe you are not actually using 1.6.1, but
an earlier version which contained a bug. The Umask problem
would tend to confirm this.


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