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Headers and templated classes

From: Albert Strasheim
Subject: Headers and templated classes
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 22:59:54 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i


A few questions regarding header files and templated classes in cc++.

Firstly, what are the p[io]* headers for?

Secondly, how does one actually use a header in the template directory 
when building something in the demo directory? You can't exactly 
#include it in the standard way, unless I am mistaken? Seems you 
would have to make install cc++ first -- not always convenient.

IMHO, the reasons given in the README for keeping the templated and 
non-templated code seperate are not entirely valid. It is quite common 
for code that was once "normal" to be extended in future to support 
templating. Should this code then be moved? I think not.



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