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RE: Some issues with the codebase

From: Chad Yates
Subject: RE: Some issues with the codebase
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 15:26:45 -0800

> >I also like the "java" style with infix caps except the first word (ie.
> >getMyProperty, setMyProperty, doSomething, isActive...) and then classes
> >using plain infix caps (i.e. Digest, Thread, CRCDigest...)  for the most
> >
> but then how do you differ between class and instance.

this is an interesting point.  in the past I typically have used the naming
convention for methods. first letter lowercase, infix afterwards. but
sometimes underscores.

TCPSession clientSession;
TCPSession client_session;
or (if compactness is key to it's readability and the number of local
    variables are limited), something like:
TCPSession clnt_ses;
or some other type.

Whichever way, I try and specialize the name away from the general class
name, afterall an instance isn't a general class, it's a very specific
object built using the class as a "guide" Car -> playerVehicle/playerCar for
a game, or vector<Car> favoriteCars. :) It's really not as important since
it's not a part of the "public" api. My opinion/style anyway.

> >part the areas I have used in common c++ seem to already be using that
> >style, except for a there are some places that use
> 'doSomething', and others
> >that use 'DoSomething'.  It would be nice to come up with a
> style guide for
> >all new code, and then slowly move the existing code that is out of spec
> >into spec deprecating the old method names, and at some point
> (say a major
> >release) removing them.
> >
> >
> In my opinion there should be a clear difference in between type,
> instance, constant, method (do,get,set), local or privat member member,
> global variable. Did I miss something?

After writing this and then checking out the latest patches/changes, I
discovered there is a Code style written up, it's in the texi documentation
(I still haven't figured out how to view).

If you want to know what I typically use:

1) Types: named like classes since they are in the same family and
   represent an object/primitive of some sort.
2) Instances/Attributes/Variables: named like methods but more lax.
3) Constants: all UPPERCASE, PI, MAX_SIZE, enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE}
4) Methods: as above, typcially verb prefix + (processJob, addElement..)
5) Private: in the private section of the class declaration. no
   distinction from other member variables (hey they may start public,
   but then be moved to private or vice versa.
6) Global: ?? I don't use these except under extreme conditions. but I
   would expect same as Methods and Member variables

> why not simple using comm ?? placeholder for common c++ or
> communication :-)
> I think this is a very esotheric issue and so many different opinions
> around ... so sorry for bugging you ;-)

It's really a can of worms isn't it. or maybe snakes. :)



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