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I: AUTHORS file is out of date

From: Dmitry V. Levin
Subject: I: AUTHORS file is out of date
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 17:30:40 +0400


The AUTHORS file is out of date:

$ comm -3 \
> <(fgrep : AUTHORS |iconv -c -f utf8 |sed -e 's/,\? and /, /' |sort) \
> <(for f in src/*.c; do n="${f##*/}"; n="${n%.c}"; cat "$f" |sed -e :a -e 
> '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' -ne 
> 's/^#define[[:space:]]\+AUTHORS[[:space:]]\+\(.\+\)/'"$n: "'\1/p' -e 's/,\? 
> and /, /' |tr -d \"; done |sort)
chgrp: David MacKenzie
        chgrp: David MacKenzie, Jim Meyering
chmod: David MacKenzie
        chmod: David MacKenzie, Jim Meyering
chown: David MacKenzie
        chown: David MacKenzie, Jim Meyering
df: Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Larry McVoy, Paul Eggert
        df: Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert
du: Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Larry McVoy, Paul Eggert
        du: Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, Jim Meyering
false: no one
head: David MacKenzie
        head: David MacKenzie, Jim Meyering
        nohup: Jim Meyering
        ptx: _(F. Pinard)
ptx: Franois Pinard
        readlink: Dmitry V. Levin
        setuidgid: Jim Meyering
test: FIXME: ksb, mjb
        test: Kevin Braunsdorf, Matthew Bradburn
        true: Jim Meyering
true: no one

I think that all entries except ptx(1) where we have translation issue
should be synced with sources.


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