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Re: proposed pathchk change, in response to today's POSIX interpretation

From: P
Subject: Re: proposed pathchk change, in response to today's POSIX interpretation
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 09:43:53 +0000
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Paul Eggert wrote:
Here's a proposed patch to pathchk.  It's not urgent, as pathchk
conforms to POSIX now, but it implements a new -P option suggested
in a POSIX interpretation released today.

-  -p, --portability   check for all POSIX systems, not only this one\n\
+  -p                  check for most POSIX systems\n\
+  -P                  check for leading \"-\"\n\
+      --portability   check for all POSIX systems (equivalent to -p -P)\n\

I'm afraid I don't know anything about POSIX standards structure.
You reference the following, which then references other POSIX stuff:

Is the full definition of what patchk deems
portable available publicly?

I attach my findnl util for reference.

Pádraig Brady - http://www.pixelbeat.org
#note if files have names with ascii char 1 in them will have this converted
#to \n, ls will say file not found in this case and hence the real filename
#can be inferred.
#Note expressions are evaluated left to right and as soon as
#one is matched the rest aren't evaluated (makes sense as doing
#or operation not and. Anyway this implies that should check things
#like filename length before actual valid character combinations tests
#Don't need to handle ^~ | ^- etc as always get fully qualified path from find
#Even if -n1 specified for xargs there will be no ls processes run
#to display output until the end as the pipe is line buffered and
#there is only 1 line passed to xargs. This is required so paths
#with linefeeds are supported.
#How do you add expression to only include filenames with @ most
#1 consequtive character (for e.g. :) I was trying: ":{1,1}"
#but the second 1 was ignored? I know grep -Ev ":{2,}" works but
#I need the expression as part of the large expression for obvious
#reasons. For now I'm allowing any filenames with :, but this could
#interoperability problems with NTFS for e.g. which uses this char
#to indicate a seperate stream in the file.
#man ascii was useful when writing this.
#Hmm just noticed the GNU pathchk utility, which
#should probably be integrated in some way?
#Note theoretically the only char UNIX doesn't allow in file/dir names
#is /. This can make things very awkward, especially for future extensions
#like streams etc.

. fslver

Usage() {
        ProgName=`basename "$0"`
        echo "find Name (directory or file) Lint.
Usage: $ProgName [-1] [-2] [-3] [-p] [[-r] [-f] paths(s) ...]

These options are mutually exclusive (i.e. only the last one takes effect).
-1 is least checking, -3 is most. The default is 2.

-p is most stringent and applies POSIX.1 filename portability testing.
I.E. characters are limited to [A-Za-z0-9_.-] and max name length = 14 and
max path length = 255.

If no path(s) specified then the currrent directory is assumed."

#default settings

for arg
        case "$arg" in
                MaxPathLen=4097 ;;
                : ;; #defaults set above
                MaxPathLen=1025 ;;
                MaxPathLen=256 ;;
                Usage ;;
                Version ;;
                argsToPassOn="$argsToPassOn $arg" ;;

#-p = POSIX.1 checking (names <= 14 chars) etc.
expressionsp="(.*/[^/]{$MaxNameLen,}$)"         #name length >= MaxNameLen

#-1 = min checking(most still only require shell quoting, but very bad practice)
expressions1="$expressionsp|( +$)"              #spaces @ end of name
expressions1="$expressions1|(.*/ [^/]*$)"       #spaces @ start of name
expressions1="$expressions1|(.*/[^/]*[ ]{2,}[^/]*$)" #2 or more adjacent spaces
expressions1="$expressions1|(.*/-[^/]*$)"       #- @ start of name
expressions1="$expressions1|(.*/[^/]* -[^/]*$)" #- after space in name

#-2 = default checking (characters requiring shell quoting etc)
expressions2="$expressions1|(.*/[^/]*\{[^/]*,[^/]*\}[^/]*$)" #name with {,} pat
expressions2="$expressions2|(.*/[^/]*\[[^/]+\][^/]*$)"  #name with [.+] pattern
expressions2="$expressions2|(.*/~[^/]*$)"       #~ @ start of name

#-3 = max checking
expressions3="$expressions2|(.*/[^/]*[.]{2,}[^/]*$)" #2 or more adjacent .'s
expressions3="$expressions3|(.+[.]$)" #trailing .(s)

charactersp="[:alnum:]_./" #/ included as can't be in name and simpler exprs
characters2="address@hidden:;'<>%& "
#any other characters are never OK and that includes \t*? etc.
#Note characters ]- are included in expresssions below.

#The following is clever if I say so myself
expressions=`eval echo -n '$'expressions$level`
characters=`eval echo -n '$'characters$level`

set -f #no globbing
. getfpf -f "$argsToPassOn"
#forcing -f as expressions assume / before name
#Note could run through basename after if required?

find $findArgs -printf "$FPF\0" |
tr '\n\0' '\1\n' | #convert \n to \1 so grep works
grep -E "$expressions|(.*/[^/]*[^]$characters-]+[^/]*$)" | #note ] 1st & - last
tr '\n\1' '\0\n' | #convert back from \1 to \n

if [ ! -p /proc/self/fd/1 ]; then
    xargs -r0 ls -b1Ud --color=auto --

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