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gnu cp 4.1 bug

From: Scott Nelson
Subject: gnu cp 4.1 bug
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 12:25:13 -0700 (PDT)

There appears to be a bug in cp when using --backup in combination
with --suffix

  canopus.llnl.gov% cp.gnu --backup=t --suffix=+ junk1.txt junk2.txt
  canopus.llnl.gov% dir junk2*
  junk2.txt      junk2.txt.~1~

The problem is that in find_backup_file_name, if the
backup_type != simple, then the ~%d~ format is hard coded.
If simple_backup_suffix is provided, then the format should be:

   "%s%d%s", simple_backup_suffix

with additional space in the variable to store the potentially
longer name.

Thanks for your efforts,

Scott Nelson

Scott D. Nelson            B543  Rm2236    3-1250
Accelerator Design and Code Group
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-645    Livermore CA 94550 
email: address@hidden   http://www-eng.llnl.gov/dsed/

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