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Re: ln -fs

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: ln -fs
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 11:32:48 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Thanks for the report.

Joe Catanzaro <address@hidden> [2002-09-08 09:31:06 -0500]:
> Dear ln maintainer,
> I've had some trouble with the link utility ln. For example,
> ln -fs file link
> doesn't force the symbolic link. But,
> ln -sf file link
> works fine.

Both work fine for me.

> My main concern is that ln -fs doesn't output an error letting me
> know that this isn't going to work. Do you have any plans to
> implement the -fs option in your next release of ln or possibly
> displaying an error message?

I cannot recreate your problem here.  Can you submit a small example
that illustrates how we can recreate the problem?  Include any details
such as the 'uname -a' output 'ln --version' output plus the exact
commands needed to recreate the problem.


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