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[bug-gawk] inside awk script check that -M/--bignum given on command lin

From: Jannick
Subject: [bug-gawk] inside awk script check that -M/--bignum given on command line?
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 23:57:05 +0100


I am running gawk (4.2.0) against an awk script requiring that the --bignum
mode (-M) is effectively switched on. Otherwise no meaningful, but rather
confusing results are produced.

Is there any way (1) to run a check inside the script that the -M/--bignum
flag was provided on the command line (if negative exit my script) or (2) to
switch on/off the bignum mode inside the script (like IGNORECASE=1 or =0; I
wouldn't mind if it could be switched on only)? 

To make sure that the MPR lib is compiled into gawk can be checked iff
PROCINFO["mpfr_version"] is given. However the default values of PREC (=5)
and ROUNDMODE(="N") do not appear to provide any insight if -M was given I

Many thanks for any ideas,

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