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ljet4 bug new in GS 855

From: Pablo Funes
Subject: ljet4 bug new in GS 855
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 14:31:30 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

Hi! I've been using the ljet4 driver with gnu ghostscript for four
years now. When I upgraded my linux from FC3 to FC6 I found out that 
my Duplex jobs were coming out one sided. 

I downloaded, locally compiled and installed on the same FC6 machine two
versions of GNU Ghostscript, 7.07 and 8.55. The PCL produced by ljet4
on 7.07 prints on both sides of the paper but the one produced by
ljet4 on 8.55 comes out single-sided. 

These are the commands used to generate & print a test file:

/path/to/gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=tmp.pcl -q -r600 -dBATCH 
echo "@PJL SET DUPLEX=ON"   > /tmp/prefix
cat /tmp/prefix tmp.pcl > /dev/tcp/my.hplj2200nd.port/9100

Attached files: 

newfile1.ps             Test postscript file
newfile1-707.pcl        Ghostscript 7.07 ljet4 output file
newfile1-855.pcl        Ghostscript 8.55 ljet4 output file
newfile1.tex            Latex source file

Best regards, 

Pablo Funes

Pablo Funes, PhD
Research Director
Icosystem Corporation
10 Fawcett St.
Cambridge MA 02138 USA

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