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[bug-GIFT] Missing include in rgb2hsv_utils.c

From: David Squire
Subject: [bug-GIFT] Missing include in rgb2hsv_utils.c
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 18:47:59 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20041012)

Hi folks,

I have just installed gift-0.1.13 on my new Debian AMD64 system. It installed OK (with some warnings), but when trying to install a collection, gift-extract-features was crashing. I have tracked this down to the fact that a malloc in featureExtraction/rgb2hsv_utils.c was failing due, to a missing header (malloc.h or stdlib.h). This had not been a problem on earlier machines/OSs, but it was here.

Please find attached a fixed version.



Dr. David McG. Squire,  Associate Head, Caulfield Campus
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
CRICOS Provider No. 00008C       http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davids/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ppm.h"

double max3(double v1, double v2, double v3) {

        double max;

        max = (v1 > v2) ? v1 : v2;
        max = (max > v3) ? max : v3;

double min3(double v1, double v2, double v3) {

        double min;

        min = (v1 < v2) ? v1 : v2;
        min = (min < v3) ? min : v3;

void count_to_coords(int *coords, int c, int *r, int d) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {
        coords[i] = c % r[i];
        c = (c - coords[i])/r[i];
int coords_to_count(int *coords, int *r, int d) {
    int i, count;
    count = 0;
    for (i = d - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        count = r[i]*count + coords[i];

/* David Squire 980922 */

void rgb2hsv(double R, double G, double B, double *H, double *S, double *V) {
        double H1, S1, V1, R1, G1, B1;
        double max, min, diff;

        max = max3(R, G, B);
        min = min3(R, G, B);
        diff = max - min;

        if (max == 0)
                H1 = S1 = V1 = 0;
        else {
                V1 = max;
                S1 = diff/max;
                if (S1 == 0)
                        /* H1 is undefined, but give it a value anyway */
                        H1 = 0;
                else {
                        R1 = (max - R)/diff;
                        G1 = (max - G)/diff;
                        B1 = (max - B)/diff;

                        if ((R == max) && (G == min))
                                H1 = 5 + B1;
                        else {
                                if ((R == max) && (G != min))
                                        H1 = 1 - G1;
                                else {
                                        if ((G == max) && (B == min))
                                                H1 = 1 + R1;
                                        else {
                                                if ((G == max) && (B != min))
                                                        H1 = 3 - B1;
                                                else {
                                                        if (R == max)
                                                                H1 = 3 + G1;
                                                                H1 = 5 - R1;

                        H1 *= 60; /* convert to range [0, 360] degrees */
        /* assume Foley & VanDam HSV */
                        if (R == max)
                                H1 = (G - B)/diff;
                        if (G == max)
                                H1 = 2 + (B - R)/diff;
                        if (B == max)
                                H1 = 4 + (R - G)/diff;

                        H1 *= 60; /* convert to range [0, 360] degrees */
                        if (H1 < 0)
                                H1 += 360;
        *H = H1;
        *S = S1;
        *V = V1;

void hsv2rgb(double H, double S, double V, double *R, double *G, double *B) {

        int i;
        double f, p, q, t;

        /* assume Foley & VanDam HSV */

        if ((S == 0) && (H == 0))
                *R = *G = *B = V;

        if (H == 360)
                H = 0;

        H /= 60;
        i = (int)floor(H);
        f = H - i;
        p = V*(1 - S);
        q = V*(1 - S*f);
        t = V*(1 - S*(1 - f));

        switch(i) {
        case 0:
                *R = V, *G = t, *B = p;
        case 1:
                *R = q, *G = V, *B = p;
        case 2:
                *R = p, *G = V, *B = t;
        case 3:
                *R = p, *G = q, *B = V;
        case 4:
                *R = t, *G = p, *B = V;
        case 5:
                *R = V, *G = p, *B = q;



/* Converts a colour PPM image im_rgb, assumed to be in RGB format to
im_hsv in HSV format. It is assumed that space has already been allocated
for im_hsv. */

/* David Squire 980922 */

enum ppm_error rgb2hsv_ppm(PPM *im_rgb, PPM **im_hsv) {
        double R, G, B;
        double H, S, V;
        double max, min, diff;
        long i, num_pixels;
        double max_col;

        if (im_rgb->bytes_per_pixel != 3) {
                fprintf(stderr, "rgb2hsv_ppm: ");

        /* create the hsv image */
    /* make space for an HSV image of the same size as that read */
    (*im_hsv) = new_ppm();
    (*im_hsv)->type = PPM_RAW;
    (*im_hsv)->width = im_rgb->width;
    (*im_hsv)->height = im_rgb->height;
    (*im_hsv)->max_col_comp = im_rgb->max_col_comp;
    (*im_hsv)->bytes_per_pixel = 3;
    if (! ((*im_hsv)->pixel = (byte 
*)malloc(3*(*im_hsv)->width*(*im_hsv)->height*sizeof(byte)))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "rgb2hsv_ppm: Could not allocate space for HSV 

        max_col = (double)im_rgb->max_col_comp;
        num_pixels = im_rgb->width*im_rgb->height;

        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {

                R = (double)im_rgb->pixel[3*i + RED]/max_col;
                G = (double)im_rgb->pixel[3*i + GREEN]/max_col;
                B = (double)im_rgb->pixel[3*i + BLUE]/max_col;

                rgb2hsv(R, G, B, &H, &S, &V);

                /* now convert back to bytes and store in output image */
                (*im_hsv)->pixel[3*i + HUE] = (byte)rint((H/360.0)*max_col);
                (*im_hsv)->pixel[3*i + SATURATION] = (byte)rint(S*max_col);
                (*im_hsv)->pixel[3*i + VALUE] = (byte)rint(V*max_col);

        add_comment((*im_hsv), "# Image converted from RGB to HSV format.\n");


enum ppm_error hsv2rgb_ppm(PPM *im_hsv, PPM **im_rgb) {
        double R, G, B;
        double H, S, V;
        double max, min, diff;
        long i, num_pixels;
        double max_col;

        if (im_hsv->bytes_per_pixel != 3) {
                fprintf(stderr, "hsv2rgb_ppm: ");

        /* create the rgb image */
   /* make space for an HSV image of the same size as that read */
    (*im_rgb) = new_ppm();
    (*im_rgb)->type = PPM_RAW;
    (*im_rgb)->width = im_hsv->width;
    (*im_rgb)->height = im_hsv->height;
    (*im_rgb)->max_col_comp = im_hsv->max_col_comp;
    (*im_rgb)->bytes_per_pixel = 3;
    (*im_rgb)->pixel = (byte 

        max_col = (double)(*im_rgb)->max_col_comp;
        num_pixels = (*im_rgb)->width*(*im_rgb)->height;

        for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {

                /* convert from bytes to doubles in [0, 360], [0, 1], [0, 1] */
                H = 360*(double)im_hsv->pixel[3*i + HUE]/max_col;
                S = (double)im_hsv->pixel[3*i + SATURATION]/max_col;
                V = (double)im_hsv->pixel[3*i + VALUE]/max_col;

                hsv2rgb(H, S, V, &R, &G, &B);

                /* now convert back to bytes and store in output image */
                (*im_rgb)->pixel[3*i + RED] = (byte)rint(R*max_col);
                (*im_rgb)->pixel[3*i + GREEN] = (byte)rint(G*max_col);
                (*im_rgb)->pixel[3*i + BLUE] = (byte)rint(B*max_col);

        add_comment((*im_rgb), "# Image converted from HSV to RGB format.\n");


void polar_to_hsv(double x, double y, int dim, double *H, double *S) {

        double theta, radius;

        theta = atan2(y, x);
        if (y < 0)
                theta += 2*M_PI;
        *H = 180*theta/M_PI;

        radius = hypot(x, y)/((double)dim/2);
        if (radius > 1)
                *H = *S = 0;
                *S = radius;

PPM *hsv_test_pattern(int dim, double V) {
        PPM *im_hsv;
        int i, j;
        double x, y, H, S;

        /* create space for the test pattern */
        im_hsv = new_ppm();
        add_comment(im_hsv, "# HSV test pattern. In HSV format.\n");
        im_hsv->type = PPM_RAW;
        im_hsv->width = im_hsv->height = dim;
        im_hsv->max_col_comp = 255;
        im_hsv->bytes_per_pixel = 3;
        im_hsv->pixel = (byte *)malloc(3*dim*dim*sizeof(byte));

        /* now set the HSV values for each pixel */
        for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {             /* rows */
                y = (dim - i) - dim/2;
                for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {     /* columns */
                        x = j - dim/2;
                        polar_to_hsv(x, y, dim, &H, &S);
                        im_hsv->pixel[3*i*dim + 3*j + HUE] = 
                        im_hsv->pixel[3*i*dim + 3*j + SATURATION] = 
                        im_hsv->pixel[3*i*dim + 3*j + VALUE] = 


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