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Re: [Bug-gnash] Dim Dim Free Software Web Conference and gnash

From: Praveen A
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnash] Dim Dim Free Software Web Conference and gnash
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 16:32:52 -0800

2008/12/9 Praveen A <address@hidden>:
> Right now I have hosted a meeting (I will keep it open for some time -
> room "pravi"). If you don't see it, you can open your own.

If I host the meeting with "Adobe" plugin. I can change the slides and
it reflects in tabs joined with adobe plugin. (I logged in as another
user to host meeting with adobe plugin).

Slide change by host

1. Adobe plugin - works
2. Gnash plugin - works

Reflected on attendees screen
1. joined with adobe plugin - works
2. joined with gnash plugin - does not work

Hope this clarifies.

Even if the meeting is hosted with adobe plugin the slide changes are
not reflected at attendees joined with gnash plugin (same works on
attendees joined with adobe plugin).

If meeting is hosted with gnash - slide changes are not reflected if
you joined with either plugin
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