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ESC p is history in *shell*, in bash, C-p

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: ESC p is history in *shell*, in bash, C-p
Date: 08 Jun 2002 02:23:19 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Do you find, after using a *shell* window for half an hour, and then
going back to a usual non-emacs bash session, you carry over the ESC p
history recall habit, for a few accidental commands, even though you
wonder why you don't know better, and should be hitting C-p, being
that you only use a emacs *shell* window 2% of the time.

Does this "indicate" (as they say in medicine) that in non-emacs bash
one should bind ESC p and ESC n to do the same as C-p and C-n?

But wait, why should I let this little punk ESC p dominate the C-p
I've used for years?   The answer must lie in correcting the brain
splitting design flaw that has existed for ~20 years; we must make C-p
somehow behave in *shell* ... hmm, perhaps a vi-like mode switching,
"now I want to be on the command line", "now I want full editing over
the buffer contents".  Throughout this it doesn't seem to make sense
to allow the user to alter the output of previous commands... oh, that
is besides the point.

Anyway, an undeniable brain splitter.  One of my goals in using free
software was that never again would I be "forced" to have my brain

> then rebind the keys, silly.

it's not that simple. 

(Yes emacs also has a terminal emulator with C-p for history... but
then I wouldn't have started that window in emacs in the first
place... mainly for easy copying of output...)
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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